Diary May 2015

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Diary May 2015 THE LONG ITCHINGTON DIARY May 2015 - July 2015 Housing update Commentingonplanning Followingtheacceptanceof150houses proposals (Rosconn)ontheStocktonRoadnexttothe Published school,wehavejustheardthatCemexare Itisimportant,ifyouhaveviewsabout bi-monthlybythe appealingagainstthedecisiontorefusethe potentialhousingdevelopments,thatyou LongItchington buildingof85furtherdwellingsontheother sendcommentsthroughtotheSDC ParishCouncil sideoftheStocktonRoad. planningdepartment.Theyareallreadand Clerk:LizBonney takenintoaccount. Ifyouwishtobekeptinformedofallfurther (Phone:~815216) developmentsyoucanreceiveupdatesfrom Ifyouhavenotalreadydonesoyoumay [email protected] wishtocommentonthehousing developmentatMartonRoadFarm– INSIDE 14/03065/FULasthisisbeingconsidered AffordableHousing now.Thedeadlineis12thMay,but Calendarof commentsmaybereadafterthisdate. Residentswantingaffordablehousinginthe Events............p2 parishmaybeinterestedtoknowthat35% SimilarlytheCollinghamLanedevelopment ______________ oftheRosconn150dwellingswillbe referenceis15/00562/OUT.Ifyouneedhelp ‘affordable’,approximately50homes,and contactLizBonneyon:~815216. Churchand forpeoplewithalocalconnection. ChapelNews...p3 InordertoqualifyyouMUSTregisterwith Long Itchington ______________ HomeChoicePlus,byfillinginan applicationformwhichyougetbycontacting Carnival 2015 Other theCouncil'sHousingAdviceTeam(by ThenextCarnivalwilltakeplaceonMonday Community telephoning01789260861/2/4,byemail 25thMay.Floatsshouldassemblebythe News..............p4 to:housingadviceteam@stratford- Harvesterat12noon. dc.gov.ukorbyfaxing:01789260895) Afterthejudging,theprocessionwillsetoff Moreinformationfrom: aroundthevillageat1.00pmandthe DiaryDates www.stratford.gov.uk/housing/community- CarnivalQueenwillopentheeventatthe 2087.cfm.Lengthoftimeonthislistwillbea CommunityCentreat2.00pm. The next LI Diary will factorinwhoischosen,soregisterASAP. run from: Someroadswillbeclosedforashortperiod duringtheprocession. Sunday July 19th – New housing at Allen Ford Site Ifyouwouldliketohelpinanywayplease Saturday September Apublicexhibitionforaproposedbrownfield th callLoraineon:07710271596orJameson: 19 housingdevelopmentof44newdwellings ~811613. offMartonRoadinLongItchingtonwillbe Please send any heldonSaturday30thMay,1.30pm– contributions by: 4.30pmintheCommunityCentre.Weare News round-up toldthatletterswillbedeliveredtoall th Monday 29 June households. Securitymarking to the Editorial Team: Therewillbeadedicatedphonenumberand Thesecuritymarkinginitiativeatthe allotmentswaswellsupported.Ifweget onlineexhibitionforthoseunabletoattend. enoughinterestinthefuturewewilltryto Barbara Atkins: [email protected]. ParishCouncilelectionand arrangeanotherevent.AllanCharlesalso co.uk DistrictCouncilelection hassomemarkingpensifanyonerequires one.Pleasephone:~812751. Anne Fessi: TherearenineplacesontheLongItchington [email protected] ParishCouncilandjustnineprospective NeighbourhoodPlan candidateshaveallbeensuccessful. TheParishCouncilhasstartedthe mammothtaskoforganisingour Liz Bonney: Theseare(inalphabeticalorder):Barbara liparishcouncil@btconnect. NeighbourhoodPlan.Ifyouwouldliketobe Atkins,IanBriggs,WendyCharles,Linda com involvedpleaseringtheParishClerkon:~ Clark,RichardJackson,RosieReeve,Sally 815216. Shillitoe,RussWheatleyandJonVenn. Or phone: 814921/815216 ThefirstmeetingwillbeonMay19that7.45pm. SolarFarm,Bascote Wehavenotreceivedanymorenewsabout DaveRicheswasreturnedastheDistrict thispotentialventure.Whenwedowewill CouncillorfortheenlargedareaofLong informresidents. Itchington,UftonandStockton. www.longitchington.org.uk – CricketClubFixtures CALENDAROFEVENTS May–July2015 MAY th Mon 18 WIGroupMeeting,NaptonVillageHall SATURDAY1STXI Tue 19th ParishCouncilMeeting,CommunityCentre,7.45pm th PREMIERDIVISIONCOTSWOLD Wed 20 WImeeting,PriorsHall,ShuckboroughRd,PriorsMarston HILLSLEAGUE Mon 25th CarnivalProcessionfromTheSquareat1.00pmandFeteatthe CommunityCentreat2.00pm Date Opposition Venue Sat 30th HousingExhibition,1.30–4.30pm,CommunityCentre 23MayAlcester&Ragley Away 30MayWellesbourne Away JUNE 06JuneEarlswood HOME rd Wed 3 ParishCouncilMeeting,CommunityCentre,7.30pm 13JuneLeamingtonIII Away Thu 4th NFWIAnnualMeeting,RoyalAlbertHall,London th 20JuneShipstononStour HOME Wed 10 WednesdayClub,CommunityCentre,2.30pm 27JuneExhall&Wixford Away HistoryGroup,speakerTBC,CommunityCentre,7.30pm 04JulyExhall&Wixford HOME Sun 14th 100Clubdraw,TheDuckonthePond th 11JulyBroadway Away Wed 17 WImeeting,CommunityCentre,7.30pm 18JulyBretforton HOME Sat 20th BrowniesTeas,HolyTrinityChurch,2.00pm–4.00pm th 25JulyBidfordonAvon Away Sat 27 SummerShow,CommunityCentre,2.00pm Sun 28th CricketClub–NewPavilionOpenDay Allfixturesstartat1.30pm www.cotswold-hills-league.org JULY Wed 1st ParishCouncilMeeting,CommunityCentre,7.30pm th SATURDAY2NDXI Sat 4 Barbeque,HolyTrinityChurch, th DIVISION3COTSWOLDHILLS Tues 7 CharityClayPigeonShootinaidofGalanosHouse th LEAGUE Wed 8 WednesdayClub,CommunityCentre,2.30pm HistoryGroup,speakerTBC,CommunityCentre,7.30pm DateOpposition Venue Wed 15th WImeeting,theCommunityCentre,7.30pm 23MayCookhill HOME 30MayEarlswoodII HOME Regularevents: LongItchingtonYoungFarmers–everyWednesday,theGreenManat8.00pm 06JuneWoodbourne Away ZumbaFitness–everyTuesdayatthePrimarySchoolat7.30pm 13JuneAshorne HOME Yoga–everyMondayatthePrimarySchoolat7.30pm 20JuneShipstononStourII Away Pilates–everyWednesdayatthePrimarySchoolat7.30pm 27JuneExhall&WixfordII HOME 04JulyExhall&WixfordII Away YouthClub–everyMonday(termtime),7.30pm-9.00pm,CommunityCentre 11JulyLapworth HOME 18JulyTanworth&CampHillIIAway 25JulyBadsey HOME HOLDTHEDATE…. Allfixturesstartat1.30pm OCTOBER CricketClubPresentationEvening–dateTBC www.cotswold-hills-league.org NOVEMBER CricketClubRummageSale–dateTBC DECEMBER LongItchingtonTennis Dec18th CricketClubChristmasQuizattheCommunityCentre Summer'snearlyhereandthetennis seasonisinfullswing. ChurchandChapelevents Regularfriendlysessions–new playersalwayswelcome. RegulareventsattheChurch 1stSunday HolyCommunion,HolyTrinity,9:30am Membershipworksoutatlessthan 2ndSunday FamilyService,HolyTrinity,9:30am £1/weekforadults(or£15/yearfor 3rdSunday HolyCommunion,HolyTrinity,9:30am juniors),whichincludesaccesstoplay 4thSunday MorningWorship,HolyTrinity,9:30am anytime. Professionalcoachingisavailable. See:www.thefeldongroup.org.uk/longitchingtonformoreChurchevents. Seewww.litca.co.ukfordetails,orcall RegulareventsattheChapel Christineon~811143. EveningWorship–6.15pmeverySunday Women’sHour–2.30pmon19thMay,16thJune, Pilots–6.15pmon20thMay,3rd,10th,17thJune,1st,8th,15thJuly LIWomen’sInstitute CaféChurch–10.00am24thMay,14thJune,28thJune,12thJuly New4Uandcoffeedrop-in–4thJuneand2ndJuly meetings Ifyouareinterestedinfindingoutmore nd Tuesday2 June–Women’sHourmealout abouttheWImeetingslistedinthis th Sunday5 July3.30pm–ChurchAnniversary month’sLIDiary,thenvisittheir websiteat: See:www.longitchingtoncongregationalchurch.org.ukformoreChapelevents. www.longitchingtonwi.weebly.com. CHAPELNEWSRevd.MarionHartwell CHURCH NEWS & VIEWS Apparentlymanypeopledon’tknowwheretheChapelis. www.thefeldongroup.org.uk YoucanfindusonthecornerofChurchRoadandOrchard Way.Weareasmall,friendlychurchwithregularservices MessyChurch andactivities. WehavejusthadanothermemorableMessyChurch.Look nd th outfordetailsofthenextoneinthesummer. Onthe2 and4 Sundayofeachmonthat10.00amwe haveanall-ageCafe-styleServiceandeachSunday ThursdayTeas eveningat6.15pmwehaveEveningWorship. TheweeklyThursdayTeashavestartedagain,afterthe th TheoneexceptiontothosetimeswillbeonSundayJuly5 wintermonthlyversion.CallinanyThursdaybetween whenwewillcelebrateour188thAnniversarywiththe 2.00pmand4.00pm. WindmillSingersandDavidHudsonasthespeaker th beginningat3.30pm.Theservicewillbefollowedbya Pentecost24 May specialChapelTea.Allareinvited. PentecostwasanimportantJewishfestival,markingthe Ourotherregulareventsareinthediary,butpleasenote endofthecerealharvest.Atsuchacelebrationin thattheWomen’sHourandPilotsmeetingsdonottake Jerusalem,shortlyafterJesus’ascension(AscensionDay th placeduringtheschoolholiday. thisyear14 May),theHolySpiritcameuponthedisciples. TheHolySpiritcomesintoadamagedworldtoshareand GetintouchwithMarionformoreinformationbycalling:~ bearthepainwithus,enablingandguidingus.Pentecost, 425999;mobile:07812804924;orbyemailing: then,isafestivalofhope,adayofpraisetoGodforour [email protected] receivingoftheHolySpirit. WeddingsandBaptisms CommunityCentre ThefirstpointofcontactisnowLouiseGreenon:07955 DeputyCaretakervacancy 184495. TrinitySunday31stMay Wehaveavacancyforthedeputycaretakerofthe CommunityCentre. Thisyear,forourpatronalfestival,wewillhaveashort serviceat9.30am,toenableustogettoMartonfor Thedeputywillhelptofulfilthecaretaker’sduties,which 10.30amforthejointFeldonGroupservicewithTeam includeopeningandclosingtheCommunityCentrefor MozambiqueandthePilgrimPuppets. eventsatthetimesagreedwiththeeventorganiser;and ensuringtheCommunityCentreandtheareasshared withtheschoolarecleanbeforeandafteranevent. Youth Club Hoursarebyagreement;thepayshouldbenotlessthan Thislong-standingclubalwayswelcomesnewmembers £136permonthinreturnforoccasionalduties. aged9andover.WemeeteveryMondayduringterm-time PleasecontactthechairmanJeffRoundon:~817734or from7.30pmto9.00pm.Entryis£1andtherearelotsof email:[email protected] gamesandactivitiesonoffer. interestedinfillingthisvacancy. WearecurrentlymakingpreparationsforourCarnival entry.Comeandgiveitago…RingNickyon:~815988for moreinformation. New Pond Warden
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