download android 6.0 Android 6.0 vs Android 5.1 Lollipop: What’s New in Marshmallow. In October of 2015 officially released Android 6.0 Marshmallow. And while most users are now waiting for Android 7.0 Nougat updates, some will never get the latest version of Android. As a result, many will want to know everything Marshmallow has to offer. This is a comparison of Android 5.1 Lollipop vs Android 6.0 Marshmallow on the and . With Android 6.0 the focus was on polishing the experience and improving battery life, not changing the entire look and feel of our devices. As a, result it looks the same as earlier versions while having a slew of new features. Some of those new features are fingerprint support, improved permission controls, , and multiple battery saving measures. There are lots of new features in , but Marshmallow still has plenty to offer. Whether you just bought a phone that runs Android 6.0 Marshmallow or realized you’ll never get an update to Nougat or Android O, this is a good place to start. Android 6.0 Marshmallow is a free software update for all eligible Android and tablets, starting with Google’s own Nexus lineup. Most brands cover stock Android with their own interface, like Samsung, although many of the changes mentioned below are still included. Just like with Android L in 2014, Google unveiled Android M in May of 2015 and released a developer preview for users to try on select Nexus devices. This allowed for months of testing before the October release date. And now, most Android devices have received the update. Users will notice some visual changes to animations and effects, the lockscreen, homescreen, and the notification pulldown bar. Not to mention new volume and permission controls, a revamped application launcher and Google Now, which is now the Google . However, it’s behind the scenes where things really took off. Permission and security controls, fingerprint support, Doze battery improvements, automatic app and data backups, and so much more. With Android 5.0 Lollipop Google completely changed the look and feel of Android. Above is a quick comparison showing users what changed in 2014-15, and below is a big slideshow detailing exactly what to expect from Android 6.0 Marshmallow. To begin Android 6.0 Marshmallow rolled out to the Nexus 5, Nexus 6, 2013 , and the . Then eventually others like Samsung, Motorola, LG, HTC, and more. The video below is a quick look at some of the many features in Marshmallow. Some of the features, like the dark theme, were removed by Google before releasing the software to the public. That said, everything else is available on our phones or tablets. Below is an extensive slideshow comparing Android 6.0 Marshmallow to Android 5.1 Lollipop. This will show you what’s new, what to look for, and what to expect as you enjoy your device. You can click on any of the images below to instantly jump to that part of the slideshow. The older Android 5.1 Lollipop is on the left (if applicable), while Android 6.0 Marshmallow is on the right. If you have a Nexus and tablet, you’re likely already running Android 7.0 Nougat. This shows Google’s slow and steady progression and improvements to its . While you’re here, take a look at what’s coming in 2017 with Android O. Android 5.1 vs Android 6.0: Lockscreen. Every slide will have Android 5.1 on the left (if available) and the newer Android 6.0 Marshmallow on the right. Google changed the lockscreen in Android 5.0 to make things easier and simple. It's very clean and plain, with some quick swipe icons to instantly launch voice controls, unlock the phone, or launch the camera. In Android 5.1 the far right was a quick launch to the phone app, but not Google wants us using Google Now voice commands instead. It's a small change, and one some might not like considering a swipe would unlock right into making a call, but not it's into Google Now and voice commands. On the bottom of the lockscreen are three icons. The middle unlocks into the phone, the right side unlocks right to the camera for quick access to instantly take photos, and on the left, we have a microphone. This doesn't unlock your phone and instead fires up Google Now voice controls. This can be used to make a call, ask for directions, "go to" and any other voice command. Some of this won't be on devices from Samsung, LG, HTC and others. You can still use this to make calls, just say, "Call Mom" rather than going into the dialer and finding her. Download Google GApps For Marshmallow Android 6.0 / 6.0.1. Two years ago Google released Android 6.0 /6.0.1 open source for Android device. At this time Android Marshmallow is a most distributed android version from Google. So many users till want GApps for Marshmallow Android 6.0 /6.0.1 device. Here we share a direct link to download Google GApps for Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow. You can get Full, Mini, Pico Packs of GApps from here. Google GApps For Marshmallow Android 6.0 6.0.1. Download Official Open GApps For Marshmallow 6.0.1 / 6.0: Most of the custom ROMs comes without GApps so need to flash file one by one. Also if you import device from China then you faced the same problem, chines variant device come without GApps if you use Marshmallow then need to flash marshmallow Gapps. Google has launched its latest GApps for 6.0.1 Marshmallow. All version Marshmallow GApps download from here. If you want to use Google apps like , Google+, Play Store and other Google applications then need to install GApps for Android 6.0. Nowadays Nougat and OREO both released for Android device but Marshmallow is most using Android OS. Also if you want to use any Android 6.0/ 6.0.1 Custom ROM like Lineage, resurrection remix, AOSP and others then you need to install GApps for android 6.0.1. Here we share all direct link to Download Google GApps For Marshmallow Android 6.0 /6.0.1. Android 6.0/6.0.1 Official GApps download: We share all GApps direct link from Open GApps. Here you can find Pico, Mini and Full variant Gapps. Pico Package: In this package, you will get minimum GApps installation. Like Google System Library, Google Android Sharing Service, Store, Sync, Dialer Framework Google Package Installer, . Mini Package: This package is designed for users who use limited Google applications or prefer to install their own applications. In this package, you can find Core Google System Basics, Google Android Sharing Services, Offline Voice , Google Play Store, Google Exchange Services, face detection for media, face unlocking, dialling framework and some Google Apps. Full Package: In this package, you can find core Google system basics, offline voice files, Google Play Store, Google Exchange services, face detection for media, face unlock, and the following Play Store apps Clock Replaces Stock/AOSP Clock, Google+, Google Calendar, Google Now Launcher, Google NFC Tag, Google Play Services, , Google Text-to-Speech, Gmail, Hangouts, Maps, Photos, YouTube. It is almost the same as Google stock package. Guide to install GApps for Android 6.0 / 6.0.1: Download what size GApps you need. Copy Gapps zip to Internal or External drive. Then turn your phone to Recovery Mode Now click on Install, Navigate to Gapps zip. Swipe to Install. Clear Cache. Reboot. If you have any problem do comment below. Also, for more updates on stuff like ROM, wallpapers, themes etc like our Facebook page. How to Install Android 6.0 Marshmallow on Your Windows PC. Do you fancy having Android 6.0 Marshmallow on your Windows PC? Well, if you have ever wanted to have Marshmallow on Windows, it's not impossible and in fact, is quite easy to get. Here is the complete guide to help you install Android 6 on Windows PC. Install Android 6.0 on a Windows computer: The procedure to install Android 6 on Windows PC involves a few third-party programs that let you install the mobile operating system alongside your desktop OS. In for some fun? Here are all the steps. Required files: Steps to install Android 6 on Windows: Format your USB drive to FAT32. In the Start menu, search for "partition" and open Create and format hard drive partitions . Right click the drive you want to put Android Marshmallow onto and click Shrink Volume. Choose the size of the drive in MBs and click Shrink . Once you have created a partition, run UNetbootin. Choose Disk image , click on ( . ) and locate the gparted -live-0 xx x x i686.iso file you downloaded earlier. Choose your USB drive and click OK . Press yes to confirm on the next pop-up. Enter into boot menu: Restart the computer. Repeatedly press F12 until a menu appears. Use the arrow keys to navigate the menus, and select the device you want to boot into. Press the Enter key. Using the arrow keys, select your flash drive and press Enter to click it. After seeing some text, the menu should appear. Hit Enter when GParted Live is selected. If anything else pops up, keep pressing enter until you see a window open. GParted should open up in a pop-up window. Run UNetbootin. Choose Disk image, click ( . ) and navigate to the .iso file you downloaded titled android-x86-6.0-20151202.iso . Choose your USB drive and click OK . Once again, go into the boot menu and select the flash drive. The Android-x86 menu will now appear. Select Installation with your arrow keys and press enter. First, choose the partition. Press Do not format . Confirm the process in the next screens, and ta da! You now have the choice of running Android 6.0 Marshmallow on your Windows desktop. The guide was shared by FitzWeekly where you can go for detailed steps and screenshots to help you out with the installation of Android 6.0 Marshmallow on a Windows computer. The process is a lengthy one, but if you do install Android 6 on Windows, don't forget to let us know how it went and if you actually had some fun. Android 6.0 Marshmallow Review and Download Link for Android 6.0 Firmware. This year, the company has already shown the 6th version of its Android mobile operating system to the public. The new update is called Marshmallow, which is exactly what the letter “M” (the subject of many fan speculations) was meant to represent. Despite the fact that this is not a 5.2, but a completely new 6.0 update, there are much fewer new features and noticeable updates than there were in 5. That’s not really surprising, as version 5 set a new direction for the system, while 6 simply reinforces the course of improvement. So, what’s new in the new Marshmallow update? Google Now on Tap. This is probably the biggest feature that the creators bragged about and the fans were waiting for. It analyzes the contents of your screen at particular moments and offers interesting possibilities: when you're watching the latest movie news in the app, Now on Tap can introduce you to a list of upcoming movie releases; when you’re listening to music, you can get comprehensive information about the artist; if you are talking about a specific restaurant in a text messenger, you can immediately book a table or call the establishment. This means that Google now knows more about you, but uses this information only to your personal benefit. New Standards and Tech Support. Two features are worth mentioning here ؘ – fingerprint sensors brought to the market by Apple and USB Type-, which everyone has been talking about for a long time now. Fingerprint sensors have already been implemented in various devices by several manufacturers including Samsung, but they used their own tech for this. Now that the function is native any manufacturer can add the sensor to their smartphone without the need to create special software. USB Type-C is the new connection standard that will finally fix the problem of inverted USB cables, as the cable can now be connected in any way to save time. The technology will be used much more widely in less than a year, but Google’s desire to implement it now says a lot about the tech. App Permissions Settings. Surely, many users have wondered why a particular app has so much access to personal data or specific features of a smartphone. If the access to the camera by a photo app can be easily explained, the permission to view SMS content by a game looks much more incomprehensive. Now, all users can control what permissions are amiable to each application installed on the device. Doze - A New Step Towards Efficient Energy Saving. The new battery-saving mode efficiently manages your battery life. The phone detects when you are not currently using it and disables background processes as much as possible. The battery charge is thus saved up due to less app activity. Built-in Chrome. This feature will appeal to both developers and fans of the Chrome browser. Application devs that need to be able to open web pages don’t have to embed links or create third-party solutions, as this can now be done by Google’s own browser. In addition, it will be integrated to the system extremely efficiently, so that users won’t even notice when they browse a web page or the contents of an app. New Memory Card Management. Just like Apple, Google have been struggling with memory cards, but at some point they stopped and now any device running Android 6 Marshmallow can use memory cards as system storage. This is a useful feature for devices without much internal memory. Android Pay, enhanced text editing tools, themes, and more. Android 6 marks the launch of the Android Pay payment system. Users that often copy, cut and paste text will be happy to know that the developers simplified this process a bit by adding a context menu with commands displayed directly above the selected text. Users can now choose a dark or light theme for the OS. Marshmallow-based smartphones can now work as chargers for other devices. Finally, users can now back up the system without using third-party applications. Marshmallow is an obviously significant update for the Android operating system which improves the user experience, but does not introduce completely new features. Given that the global update took place only a year ago, this is a correct approach. Installing Android 6.0 Marshmallow Firmware. Now updating and installing the operating system on your smartphone or tablet has become even easier. Just download Android 6.0 from our website, follow the instructions, download and install the application on your smartphone or tablet operating on the Android system to install the new firmware. To download the firmware for your mobile device, you need to select your device from the list below or by clicking the link: Download Android 6.0 Marshmallow Gapps ZIP (Google Apps) Google Apps, often called simply Gapps are an important part of every Android phone. As the name says, Gapps are all applications made by Google designed for your Android. When you flash a stock custom ROM, in this case an Android 6.0 Marshmallow ROM, you need to flash Google Apps as well to get the most of your phone’s services, such as Play Store, YouTube, Google Framework Services, Chrome, Clock, Google Now Launcher, and much more. When you flash a stock custom ROM, you won’t be getting any of the applications mentioned above. In the past we have talked about older versions of Google Apps for Android 5.0 and 5.1.1 Lollipop, and now we have working Gapps for Android 6.0 Marshmallow ROMs. This is certainly useful when installing AOSP ROMs such as CyanogenMod. Google Apps come in different packages. There are five types of Google Apps that you can install. There is ‘Full Gapps’ which includes the entire list of Google Apps, and then other types which have less apps, including only the most important ones. Download Android 6.0 Marshmallow Gapps. Slim Mini Gapps | | Download BokROM Gapps | aosp-6.0-20151007-bokrom- | Download Benzo Gapps | | Download BaNkS Gapps | | Download Open Gapps | Download. Download your preferred Android Marshmallow Gapps zip file, move it to your phone and flash it. Enjoy all Google Apps on your Marshmallow Android.