No Nonsense Conference Thursday 2nd February 2017 | Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre, L22 1RR | 9:30 - 15:30

Conference Overview Key Reasons to Attend Without doubt, the expectations of grammar knowledge Hear from nationally renowned primary literacy and understanding in the National Curriculum are experts presenting schools with enormous challenges. Secure, Expand your subject knowledge about a key confident teacher subject knowledge needs to underpin aspect of the curriculum high expectations of children’s understanding resulting in: Learn how to get the best out of No Nonsense “Grammar teaching that draws attention to the linguistic Grammar possibilities available to children, and has at its heart the creative shaping of text.” Reflect on current practice Myhill et al (2016) Grammar for Creative Teachers Develop ideas for the classroom and for developing grammar in school Hear nationally renowned expert Debra Myhill outline how grammar is a key tool in exploring how texts work, both the texts children read and the texts they write. Followed Who should attend? by two sessions with Rebecca Cosgrave, co-author of No Nonsense Grammar. Rebecca will highlight the importance Primary Teachers and Literacy Coordinators of teachers’ grammatical subject knowledge and detail how No Nonsense Grammar can support outstanding teaching and learning.

In association with: © Babcock International Group PLC Our Speakers About No Nonsense Grammar

Debra Myhill, Pro-Vice-Chancellor: College of Social Sciences and International Studies Debra Myhill’s interests are in the teaching and research of language and literacy. Debra is Director of the Centre for Research in and her commitment is to the bringing together of teaching, teacher education and research so that children and young people’s experience of learning to be literate enables them to be confident, articulate citizens of the future, able to use language and literature for personal fulfilment and economic well-being. Debra’s most recent research has looked at the role of grammar in the teaching and learning of writing, Covers Years 1 – 6 with a focus on functionally-oriented grammar making Grammar is taught in context and PDFs of exemplar links between language and , and children‘s texts are supplied on a USB stick metalinguistic understanding of writing. She is also very interested in composing processes in writing, A whole section devoted to grammar knowledge for and have explored both children, young people and further support in delivering the requirements of the adults‘understanding and management of the writing New Curriculum process. Includes a Toolkit for Teachers, helping to Rebecca Cosgrave, Co-author of No make learning grammar a multi-sensory experience Nonsense Grammar and Lead Literacy Progressive and diagnostic assessment links assessment Adviser, Babcock LDP objectives to the new performance descriptors Rebecca Cosgrave has extensive Covers all strands of the new Grammar Curriculum. experience as a teacher and adviser in London and Devon. She currently leads Each box includes: the Babcock LDP Primary English team who work with schools to support school improvement 6 teacher books (2 copies of each book for KS1, Lower and deliver a wide range of training. Rebecca and the KS2 and Upper KS2) team produce many high quality resources for schools USB stick containing all the teacher resource content, 2 which are available on their highly regarded website. They CPD videos plus 22 full pdf eBooks (plus 4 extracts) for have also been involved in many publications including use as exemplar text most recently, ‘No Nonsense Spelling’ (Raintree 2015) and No Nonsense Grammar (Raintree 2016). Babcock’s unique Sentence Toolkit – a hands-on approach to learning the building blocks of grammar. For more information on speakers and workshops please visit the Babcock LDP website: RRP £250 – Order yours at the conference and get 15% discount!


Book your place today via CPD: Web: Call: 01392 287224 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @BabcockConf use the hashtag #BabcockNNG

‘Brought to you from the Authors of the Award Conference price: £155+VAT Winning No Nonsense Spelling’

Training and Conferences Team, Babcock LDP, Second Floor, Milford House, Pynes Hill, Exeter, EX2 5TH www.babcock–