Question Time 8 March 2009


1. Who told Harriet Harman that 'this was her chance' to seize the Labour leadership?

( ) ( )

( )Gordon Brown ( )

2. Gordon Brown met which international leader in the USA?

( )Barack Obama ( )George W Bush

( )Nicholas Sakozy ( )Ian Paisley

3. Which minister accused the ONS of "playing politics" with population figures?

( )Lord Jones ( )Harriet Harman

( )David Miliband ( )Phil Woolas

4. Which high ranking Conservative was asked to pay back £9,600 of claimed Commons expenses?

( )George Osborne ( )Ed Vaizey

( )Caroline Spelman ( )David Davis

5. MPs said that which government department lacks the skills to do its job?

( )The Department for Communities ( )The Foreign Office and Local Government

( )The Home Office ( )HMRC 6. Sadly, which party leader had to attend a funeral last week?

( )Ian Paisley ( )Alistair Darling

( ) ( )

7. It was revealed that the Government would prop up firms building schools under which scheme?

( )Private Finance Initiative ( )Private Funding Intelligence

( )Popular Finance Initiative ( )Proper Funding Initiative

8. The Scottish Parliament announced plans to tackle what last week?

( )Salmon poaching ( )Gun crime

( )Rodent infestation ( )Alcohol abuse

9. Which, now infamous, figure was revealed as having a pension amounting to £703,000?

( )Sir Alan Sugar ( )Sir Alan Thompson

( )Sir Fred Goodwin ( )Sir Fred Astaire

10. How did environmental campaigner Leila Deen hit the headlines last week?

( )She hit Lord Mandelson with some ( )She lay down on Heathrow's main green custard runway

( )She chained herself to David ( )She hacked into 's new Cameron's bike blog Answers

1 William Hague

2 Barack Obama

3 Phil Woolas

4 Caroline Spelman

5 The Department for Communities and Local Government

6 David Cameron

7 Private Finance Initiative

8 Alcohol abuse

9 Sir Fred Goodwin

10 She hit Lord Mandelson with some green custard