ALBERTA CRAFT CULTURE IN THE MAKING PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE ALBERTA CRAFT COUNCIL > SUMMER 2013 ISSUE ALBERTA CRAFT MAGAZINE The Alberta Craft Council Magazine is published quarterly. Submission Deadline for the Fall 2013 Issue: August 25, 2013 The Alberta Craft Magazine makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein, but assumes no liability in cases of error or changing conditions. Any business relations or other activities undertaken as a result of the information contained in the Alberta Craft Magazine, or arising there from, are the responsibility of the parties involved and not of the Alberta Craft Council. ALBERTA CRAFT COUNCIL Offices, Gallery & Shop: 10186-106th Street Edmonton, AB Canada T5J 1H4 Office Information: Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm Tel: (780) 488-6611 OR 1-800-DO CRAFT (1-800-362-7238) Fax: (780) 488-8855 E-Mail:
[email protected] Website: Alberta Craft Gallery and Shop: Hours: Monday – Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm Open until 6 pm on Thursdays (780) 488-5900 Staff: Executive Director: Tom McFall, ext. 228 Administration Manager: Nancy St. Hilaire, ext. 234 Gallery Coordinators/ Membership: Joanne Hamel, ext. 221 Communications: Laura O’Connor, ext. 231 Events: Annette Aslund, ext. 221 Retail Gallery Coordinator: Linda Frena, ext. 232 Craft Shop Staff: Elaine Emerson, ext. 232 Board of Directors: Chair: Tara Owen, Calgary Past Chair: James Lavoie, Edmonton Directors: Xanthe Isbister, Medicine Hat Mary-Beth Laviolette, Canmore Heather Forbes, Grande Prairie Victor Steel, Fort McMurray Kari Woo, Canmore Patti Hartnagel, Edmonton Dawn Detarando, Red Deer Jennifer Salahub, Calgary Meghan Wagg, Edmonton Kai Georg Scholefield, Calgary Magazine Editor: Nancy St.