Volume 37 Issue 1 www.torontopotters.com e-mail:
[email protected] September 2017 2017-18 Executive As of September 2017 Toronto Potters meetings will be moving to Interim President , vacant the Gardiner Museum, main floor auditorium. The Museum has gra- Vice President vacant ciously agreed to host us, at no cost, on our Tuesday meeting dates Past President Gerri Orwin Treasurer Yolande Brown Conran when there are programmes going on in the Museum. Our meeting Secretary Rhonda Uppington time will change to 6:45 pm rather than 7:00 pm and will end at 8:45 (Brenda Ellenwood, Archivist) rather than 9:00 pm to avoid security charges. Programme Susan Card: (Karen Rushforth/ The occasional Tuesday when there are no Gardiner Museum program- Mary Clark,Emily Lim, Librarians; Celia mes running, Toronto Potters will be responsible for the cost of secu- Brandao, Mary Clark, Yolande Brown Conran, Raffle) rity at $120 per hour. We are grateful to the Museum for offering Social Linda Cherney Kelly this support to us. MembershipDeborah Johnston ,
[email protected] Toronto Potters at TOAE (Paul Peddle, e-mailing) This year at the Toronto Out- Exhibition vacant Sale Shaun Kelly (assistants: Yolande Brown door Art Exhibition July 14- Conran, Susan Card, Deborah Johnston, 16, Toronto Potters was Natalie Waddell, Betty Walter, Janny Wong) given the opportunity to show- Publicity Annika Hoefs case its association and the (website: Brenda Ellenwood, Susan Card) work of some of its members Newsletter Joan Spears, in a shared Community Booth, e-mail:
[email protected]: an outreach programme of (assistants, Brenda Ellenwood, Gerri Orwin, TOAE.