Congressional Record—House H1023
March 3, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1023 is reckless and dangerous for our po- Turner Wagner Wenstrup Messrs. SCHNEIDER, SHERMAN, Upton Walorski Westerman lice. Valadao Waltz Williams (TX) GARAMENDI, O’HALLERAN, and Mr. Speaker, because of H.R. 1, which Van Drew Weber (TX) Wilson (SC) MORELLE changed their vote from is a federalization of our elections, I Van Duyne Webster (FL) Zeldin ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ also, today, will make a motion to ad- NAYS—222 Mrs. BOEBERT and Mr. LAMALFA journ so that Democrats can think a Adams Gottheimer O’Halleran changed their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to little bit harder. Aguilar Granger Ocasio-Cortez ‘‘yea.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- Allred Green, Al (TX) Omar So the motion to adjourn was re- bers are reminded to address their re- Amodei Grijalva Pallone jected. Auchincloss Haaland Panetta The result of the vote was announced marks to the Chair. Axne Harder (CA) Pappas Bacon Hastings as above recorded. f Pascrell Banks Hayes Payne Stated against: Bass Higgins (NY) Perlmutter Mr. CRIST. Mr. Speaker, due to an unfore- MOTION TO ADJOURN Beatty Himes Peters seen recorded vote, I was unable to leave a Bera Horsford Phillips Mrs. GREENE of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Beyer Houlahan previously scheduled engagement. Had I been er, I move that the House do now ad- Pingree Bishop (GA) Hoyer Pocan present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall journ. Blumenauer Huffman Porter No. 56. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Blunt Rochester Issa Pressley Bonamici Jackson Lee Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on Price (NC) question is on the motion to adjourn Bourdeaux Jacobs (CA) Wednesday, March 3, 2021, I was not able to Quigley offered by the gentlewoman from Geor- Bowman Jayapal Raskin make the recorded vote below.
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