Parish Mission Statement March 12, 2017 Dear Parishioners, The Peace of Christ calls us to create a Christian Community where God is found If everyone just walked by you going out of church as you were in the beauty and joy of our worship; in the coming in , then you forgot to “spring forward” at 2:00 A.M. this breadth of our outreach; and in our love for morning to Daylight Saving Time. Today is also the Full “Worm” one another. Moon (watch where you step!) at 10:54 A.M. Unfortunately, it won’t rise around here until after 8:00 P.M. tonight. It’s also Girl Scout Sunday, and although we blessed all our Scouts, Boys and Girls, last Rev. Robert J. Schrader, Pastor month, you’ll find some special Girl Scout activity in the parish this Rev. Timothy T. Brown, Parochial Vicar coming Saturday (see below). Our Combined Choir practices at St. Rev. Carlos M. Sánchez, Parochial Vicar today at 1:00 P.M., our Web Site Committee meets this evening at 6:00 P.M. in the parish office, and our Junior High Youth Weekend Liturgy Schedule Saturday 4:30 p.m. St. James Group will gather at 6:30 P.M. at St. James. Sunday 8:00 a.m. St. James Monday, come pray the Rosary at 7:00 P.M. in the chapel at St. Sunday 9:00 a.m. St. John Ambrose. Sunday 9:45 a.m. St. Ambrose Tuesday, the Bell Choir practices at 6:00 P.M. at St. Ambrose, Sunday 11:00 a.m. St. John and when you happen to be outside while the Moon is up, note it be- Sunday 5:00 p.m. St. Ambrose ing in a triangular formation with the planet Jupiter and the star Spica. Weekday Liturgy Schedule Wednesday is the Ides of March. Oh, how I remember that from Monday 7:45 a.m. St. James Latin Class some 54 years ago! This is also the quasquicentennial Tuesday 9:15 a.m. St. Ambrose (125th anniversary) of the first escalator being patented by Jesse W. Wednesday 7:45 a.m. St. James Reno. He brought a lot of ups and downs to many peoples’ lives! 12:10 p.m. St. John Thursday 7:00 a.m. St. John Around the parish, Family Faith gathers at St. James at 5:30 P.M., the 9:15 a.m. St. Ambrose Sacred Conversations Social is at 6:30 P.M. in the Conference Room/ Friday 12:15 p.m. St. Ambrose Dining Room at the parish office, the Rosary will be prayed at 7:00 P.M. at St. on Humboldt Street, and our weekly Holy Day Liturgy Schedule Community Coffee Hour will take place in St. James Hall from 7:00 Please check the bulletin the week of the Holy Day. to 9:00 P.M. (stop down for a few minutes or the full two hours for a cup of coffee, a snack, a board game, conversation, or just to say hel- Confessions lo). Saturday: 3:45 - 4:15 p.m. St. James Thursday, the K of C Ladies Auxiliary will meet at 7:00 P.M. in Sunday: 8:15 - 8:45 a.m. St. John St. John’s Hall. 4:15 - 4:45 p.m. St. Ambrose Friday is St. Patrick’s Day. Bishop Matano has extended a dis- Or by appointment. pensation to everyone in the Diocese since it falls this year on a Len- ten Friday, so, yes, you may have that corned beef and cabbage. By Parish office for all three worship sites: the way, it was on this day in 1862 that the first paper money became St. Ambrose, St. James and legal tender in the U.S.: the $5, $10, and $20 bills. St. John the Evangelist (585) 288 -5000 Saturday, if you’re hungering for those Girl Scout Cookies, just See page 8 for staff extension numbers and drive by our St. John Neumann School’s front door on Empire Boule- other church and school information. vard between 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon and you can buy all the cookies your heart desires. In the evening, the Girl Scouts will be To reach a priest in an emergency active once again, this time over at St. John’s, as they engage in their call the Rectory (585) 482 -4280 Priest mailing address: annual Powder Puff Derby. Meanwhile, we’ll have our annual St. 549 Humboldt St., Patrick’s Dinner at St. James at 6:00 P.M. following the 4:30 P.M. Rochester, NY 14610 -1221 Mass. Next Sunday is Daffodil Sunday. Thanks for supporting this Peace of Christ Web Site: cause. Also, our catechumens will receive their First Scrutiny in preparation for their Sacraments of Initiation at the approaching East- - St. John Neumann School er Vigil. And our Parish 2017 3 day Lenten Retreat will begin at 7:00 Web Site: P.M. as Dr. Kelly (my former Scripture prof at the seminary) will give the opening talk in St. Ambrose. Check inside for further (585)288 -0580 info. Oh, and St. Joseph’s Day moves to Monday this year. Hosanna! —Father Schrader Second Sunday of Lent Page Two

Mass Intentions Date Intention/Church Monday, March 13 7:45 Gerda Abbatiello by Laurie & Larry Maier JA

Tuesday, March 14 9:15 Month’s Mind — Barbara Madigan AM

Wednesday, March 15 7:45 Month’s Mind — Toni Vitale JA 12:10 Month’s Mind — Grace DiPinto JO

Thursday, March 16 7:00 Harold Weather by Ron Passero & Jim Byrnes JO 9:15 Emilio Vetusto by Wife AM

Friday, March 17 12:15 Andrew Francati by Karen & Andrew AM St. Patrick

Saturday, March 18 4:30 For All Parishioners Living and Deceased JA

Sunday, March 19 8:00 Joseph Conologue by Pat & Denny Malinowski JA Third Sunday of Lent 9:00 Anthony Costello by & Joanna Grosodonia JO 9:45 Mel Vetusto by Geri DelMonache AM 11:00 Henry Sheldon by Kay Manno JO 5:00 Grace E. Esposito by Pat Brown AM

LENTEN RETREAT The Sanctuary Lamp at St. James Church will burn this week in memory of Be STILL and KNOW that I am GOD Dr. Joseph Kelly Robert P. Kelly Faculty Emeritus, Department of Religious Studies at Nazareth College

Three Night Presentation —St. Ambrose Church

These Lenten Reflections are planned to help you to slow down and consider ways in which you might deepen your relationship with God. Each evening there will be a different talk based on passages from the Scriptures, discussion and quiet time. Give yourself a Lenten gift and set Please continue to pray for aside the time to be with us for these special presentations.

Nicole Blair Michael Clarke Michael Leuci Sunday, March 19 th —7:00 -8:30 pm Be STILL … Kyle Schlitter How can we learn to quiet our hearts in this busy world, and take time to listen to God? as they continue on their faith journey! Monday, March 20th —5:30 -6:45 pm Lenten Soup Supper in Dailey Hall

Monday, March 20 th —7:00 -8:30 pm and KNOW …. READINGS FOR March 19 How is it possible to really experience God in a meaningful Third Sunday of Lent way?

Tuesday, March 21st —7:00 -8:30 pm that I am GOD … - How can we benefit more deeply from the richness of First Reading: Ex. 17:3 7 believing in a Triune God?

Second Reading: Rom. 5:1 -2, 5 -8 One Day Presentation Tuesday, March 21st — 12:00 Gospel: John 4:5 -42, or 4:5 -15, Luncheon in Narthex of St. Ambrose Church 19b -26, 39a, 40 -42 Tuesday, March 21st — 1:00 Presentation Year A Not able to attend in the evening? Then you are invited to come to hear a talk which will summarize the three talks that will be given in the evening presentations listed above. Second Sunday of Lent Page Three

St. John Neumann School 31 Empire Blvd. at Culver Rd. Preschool through Grade 5

U.S. BǙǣǘǟǠǣ’ CǘǑǙǢǝǑǞ OǞ IǞǤǕǢǢǕǜǙǗǙǟǥǣ AǖǖǑǙǢǣ RǕǣǠǟǞǔǣ Tǟ RǕǓǕǞǤ RǙǣǕ IǞ AǞǤǙ -SǕǝǙǤǙǓ AǓǤǙǟǞǣ AǓǢǟǣǣ U.S. Preschool programs for 3 and 4 year olds - February 24, 2017 Full Day Kindergarten - New York State Certified Faculty In response to the recent rise in anti Semitic actions that Faith -Based Activities and Community Service have taken place across the U.S., the Most Reverend Mitch- Character Education ell T. Rozanski, Bishop of Springfield and Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, Before and After School Care has issued the following statement expressing solidarity and Academic Enrichment Programs support for our Jewish brothers and sisters, while also calling Hot Lunch Program for the rejection of these hateful actions: On behalf of the Bishops and people of the Catholic Registration Packets Available Church, as the Chairman of the Bishops' Committee for Ecu- 585 -288 -0580 menical and Interreligious Affairs, I want to express our deep sympathy, solidarity, and support to our Jewish brothers and sisters who have experienced once again a surge of anti - We invite you to contact our office Semitic actions in the United States. I wish to offer our deep- to arrange your personal tour. est concern, as well as our unequivocal rejection of these hateful actions. The stands in love with the Jewish community in the current face of anti -Semitism. As Francis recently said, "The grave danger is to disown our neighbors. When we do so…we deny the most Thank you for continuing important Commandments of Jesus. Herein lies the danger, dehumanization. But here we also find an opportunity: that to save your Box Tops for the light of the love of neighbor may illuminate the Earth with Education! We will continue its stunning brightness like a lightning bolt in the dark; that it to collect them from all three may wake us up and let true humanity burst through with worship sites. authentic resistance, resilience and persistence."

I encourage everyone to remember their neighbor, to Thank you for all your contributions! find the opportunities to be lights of resistance, resilience, and persistence during these contentious times, especially with all our brothers and sisters of faith.

PEACE OF CHRIST PARISH Stewardship Means Sharing

Collections for week ending March 5

WEEKLY OFFERTORY AVERAGE WEEKLY BUDGETED Income Income Regular* $ 19,513 $ 14,440 Other** $ 3,166 $ 1,260

Y-T-D Offertory Income Year to Date Budgeted Income Variance $609,058 $598,360 $10,698

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! (Our fiscal year is 07/01/16- 06/30/17)

* Regular Collections — regular Sunday, EFT, Holy Days ** Other Collections — Fuel, School Support, Maintenance Page Four Second Sunday of Lent CHILDREN, FAMILY, LITURGY SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION The grace of silence, the FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNITIES blessing of quiet CCC Prayer , Fasting , Almsgiving —we know well that OOO these three traditional practices together map our RRR journey from somber Ash Wednesday to the glory NNN of Easter. But each of these has a silent partner… that is to say: SILENCE adds special grace to EEE

each of these essential Lenten activities. RRR Sunday, March 12 — Youth Group 6:30 —8:00 Jr. High —Youth Room at St. James Recall Jesus’ teaching about doing these things quietly :

— In the Gospel passage for Ash Wednesday he advises Wednesday, March 15 5:30 7:00 pm us to pray in “your inner room;” to let your almsgiving Family Faith Program Pre K — Grade 5 in St. James School “be secret;” and to fast so that you “do not appear to be fasting.” (Mt 6:4,6,18) Showy religiosity seems to call for Sunday, March 26 — Youth Group social approval while inhibiting the deep change of heart 6:30 —8:00 Jr. High —Youth Room at St. James that is Lent’s hoped -for result.

All four Gospels record that Jesus often stepped away from teaching and healing to seek a quiet place. His prayerfulness was rooted in his human nature, his need to connect with the Father. No less do we need to step Sunday, March 26 First Eucharist aside from the drone of nonstop news, political crossfire, Family Workshop workaday stresses and all the loud confusion of life. 11 AM — Noon Church Hall at St. James So —as signs at the entrances of our churches remind us —give yourself and others (just during these few If you have any questions, please contact Melissa weeks) the gift of a few moments of silence before Mass Mang at 288 -5000 ext. 121 or [email protected]. begins as one small discipline for Lent. To find and savor a peaceful presence —in our noisy world —is a special grace…and seems harder and harder to

achieve, even at home! Be more aware, too, of the silences during the liturgy. Allow them to create a space within you for a brief respite where God dwells, heals and guides your soul.

Another way to give silence a chance: On the First On Friday, March 17, 2017, we celebrate the Com- memoration of St. Patrick’s Day. In accordance with Friday of every month, devote any length of time 87, §1 of the Code of Canon Law and noting the between 9 AM and Noon (next on April 7) to adoration many celebrations that will occur on that day, I hereby of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Ambrose Church grant a dispensation from abstinence to all the faithful of (ending with Benediction at 12). Just by being in the the Diocese of Rochester. presence of the Sacrament, you are certain to feel graced. While granting this dispensation, I encourage the faithful to observe the abstinence from meat on another Masses on weekdays also offer a quiet opportunity for day during that week. Also, attending Holy Mass on St. prayer and celebration of the Eucharist. Peace of Christ Patrick’s Day truly would honor the memory and work of Parish is specially blessed to offer Masses Monday this great apostolic of the Church. through Friday at one of our three churches (twice on Wednesday and Thursday). Mass schedules at nearby parishes are included in each week’s bulletin during

Lent. Consider, too, coming for the quietly meditative, scripturally -based Stations of the Cross, prayed on the The Most Reverend Salvatore R. Matano Bishop of Rochester Fridays of Lent in St. Ambrose Church following the regular 12:15 PM Mass.

Remember: silence is not the pure absence of sound, ROSARY but inner repose and blessed quiet that lets you feel Mondays at 7:00 PM —St. Ambrose Daily Mass Chapel how close God is! Wednesdays at 7:00 pm -St. John’s Chapel (on days the choir rehearses) STATIONS OF THE CROSS Stations of the Cross will be held after the Fri- day, 12:15 pm Liturgy at St. Ambrose Church. Please travel the journey that Jesus made to Calvary with us. Second Sunday of Lent Page Five

Refrigerator Céad Mile Fáilte St. Patrick’s Dinner (Adults only) Parish Calendar WHEN: Saturday March 18, 2017 SUNDAY, MARCH 12 Start the evening with the 4:30 Mass at St. James 9:00 Coffee Hour in Church Hall JA Dinner served at 6:00PM 9:00 Children’s Liturgy of the Word in Church JO WHERE: St. James Church Hall 9:45 Children’s Liturgy of the Word in Church AM DINNER: Corned Beef & Cabbage (catered by Lorraine’s), dessert and beverages. 10:00 & 12:00 Coffee Hours in Church Hall JO 10:30 Brighton Manor Nursing Home Eucharistic Music, Irish Dancers Service Irish Basket Raffle 10:45 Coffee Hour in Dailey Hall SJN Wine and Beer 1:00 POC Combined Choir in Church AM TICKETS: Tickets $20 each 6:00 Website Meeting in Conf. Rm. PO Sold after the weekend Masses on March 11/12 at 6:30 Jr. High Youth Group in Youth Rm. JA all three churches.

MONDAY, MARCH 13 No tickets sold at the door. 7:00 Rosary in Daily Mass Chapel AM Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #15638 and the Ladies Auxiliary. TUESDAY, MARCH 14 9:00 GRCC Spirituality Team in Conf. Rm. PO 10:15 Reflection Group in Dining Rm. PO 6:00 Bell Choir in Church AM Retreat Soup Makers Needed! WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 5:30 —7:00 Family Faith Formation for PreK —Gr. 5 in School JA Adult Faith Formation, Liturgy and Social Ministry 6:30 Sacred Conversations in Conf. Rm. PO Committees are seeking our parishioners’ help. Dur- 7:00 St. Ambrose & St. James Choirs in Church AM ing the upcoming retreat with Joseph Kelly, Faculty 7:00 Community Coffee Hour in Church Hall JA Emeritus – Nazareth College, we are sponsoring a 7:00 St. John’s Choirs in Church JO Soup Supper at Dailey Hall on Monday, March 20 at 7:00 Rosary in Chapel JO 5:30. We will need many pots of soup! Please sign up at any of our church sites. THURSDAY, MARCH 16 7:00 Ladies Auxiliary in Church Hall JO Sign -up for Retreat Luncheon! FRIDAY, MARCH 17 12:45 Stations of the Cross in Church AM On Tuesday, March 21, there will be a luncheon at 12:00 in the narthex at St. Ambrose preceding the — SATURDAY, MARCH 18 Daffodil Days presentation. It is imperative that, if you are planning 9:00 —Noon Girl Scout Cookie Sale on Empire Blvd. on attending, you sign up since the sub trays 6:00 St. Patrick’s Day Dinner in Church Hall JA - (Tickets bought in advance —not at door) need to be ordered. Sign up sheets are at all three church sites. Thank you and we hope to see you at SUNDAY, MARCH 19 —Daffodil Days the retreat! If you have any questions, please call 9:00 Coffee Hour in Church Hall JA Peggie Clark at 347 -4819. 9:00 Children’s Liturgy of the Word in Church JO 9:45 Children’s Liturgy of the Word in Church AM 10:30 Brighton Manor Nursing Home Eucharistic DAFFODIL DAYS Service The first flowers of spring, daffodils, are 10:45 Coffee Hour in Dailey Hall SJN a symbol of hope. Let’s get an early start 7:00 —8:30 Retreat Presentation in Church AM on Spring 2017 and together help the Amer- ican Cancer Society raise funds for re- AM=St. Ambrose, JA=St. James, JO=St. John the Evangelist, search, patient services and advocacy. PO=Parish Office, SJN=St. John Neumann School The Peace of Christ Daffodil sale will again be sponsored by Team Joy of the Webster Relay for Life (Saturday, June 3) which is captained by parishioner Barbara Figura. All proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society. Daffodils will be on sale March 18 & 19 after all Masses at all 3 churches. The cost is $4 for a bunch of 3 daffodil stems or $5 for a limited number of 4” pots of miniature ”Tete -a-tete” daffodils. Page Six Second Sunday of Lent

Each month this page appears in the bulletin to thank all those who have given to this year’s Catholic Ministries Ap- peal. Names are added to the page as we receive pledges at the parish office or as we receive notice from the diocese that pledges have been received there. This Roster of Appreciation lists all donors throughout the campaign with each month’s new pledges being appended to them in bold print. Names appear alphabetically (note: if you wish not to be listed, please indicate so on your card and we will include your gift under “Anonymous”). No individual pledge amounts are shown, just the average gift given thus far in the campaign. If you made a pledge and still do not see your name, please let us know so that we can veri- fy with the CMA Office at the Diocese that your pledge was credited to Peace of Christ Parish. Every now and then a pledge is miscoded and gets applied to some other parish’s goal until we discover the error —another reason for this list. The campaign ends May 31, 2017, and though we have already reached our goal in pledges, we are truly hoping to have over 50% of our parish be contributors to this appeal which supports ministries and services for us all. Just drop your completed pledge card (as received in the mail or obtained in the church vestibule) into the Sunday collection or into the mail. Thanks so very much! Now, gifts which have helped us so greatly and been received thus far include the following:

Mrs. Barbara Abel, M/M Francis Abel, Ms. Lena H. , M/M Thomas P. Agliata, M/M Charles Agnello, M/M Robert Alaimo, Mrs. Matilda Alfieri, Eileen Aman, Mrs. Ann Amico, Mrs. Shirley Amico, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Mrs. Kathleen Archibald, M/M Asposto, Miss Mary Austin, M/M August Avangelista, Kathy Babij, Suzanne Bach, Ms. Margaret Balconi, Dina Balzano, Mrs. Grace Barlette, Peter Barnum, Lizabeth A. Barrett, James & Patty Bartlow, M/M Michael Bartnicki, Mrs. Mary Bates, M/M Donald Bates, Raymond Battaglia, M/M George W. Bauer, Robert W. Bauman, Colleen Bayer, Sharon Bayer, Elaine Becker, M/M J. Edward Bell, Stephen Bellomo Jr., M/M Charles Benincasa, Mary Ann Benincasa, Ronald W. Bess, M/M Chris Bestram, M/M Gerry Bianchi, M/M Dominic Bianchi, M/M Martin D. Bianchi, Ms. Debra Bishop, Mrs. Mary Bliss, M/M John S. Bohrer, Peter & Mary Ann Borrelli, Joseph M. Bovenzi, Ms. Judith V. Boyd, M/M Herbert T. Boyd, William & Katherine Boyle, Mrs. Anne Brennan, M/M Al Brown, Jr. Rev. Timothy T. Brown, M/M Ralph Bruinsma, Ms. Mary Elizabeth Bruno, M/M Richard Buck, Mrs. Diane Buckley, M/M Peter A. Burke, Angie Buscetto, M/M Thomas Cahill, M/M Angelo Cali, M/M Patrick Callahan, Ms. Colleen Calnan, M/M Anthony Cammarano, Mrs. Adeline Campanaro, M/M Daniel Canavan, Mrs. Geraldine Cardwell, M/ M Timothy M. Cargill, M/M Joseph Carney, Mrs. Debbie Carpenter, M/M Earl Carrigan, Ms. Patricia Carroll, M/M Jeremy Case, Mrs. Mary Casey, M/M Daniel Casey, M/M Chester Cavagnero, Bruce Cavallaro, Joseph Cavallaro, Raymond S. Cavallaro, M/M Robert Cerame, Rich- ard & Katherine Chapman, M/M Warren Chatfield, M/M Charles Childs, Anthony M. Ciaccia, Philip Cichanowicz, Mr. Terrance Clar and Ms. Mary Miskell, Ms. Annette Coffas, Mrs. Carol Coffas, Ms. Joan Cole, Mrs. Jean Collette, M/M Michael Compisi, M/M James Compitello, Mrs. Carolyn Conrow, Ms. Mary Ellen Cook, M/M Steve Cook, M/M Richard Cookinham, Mrs. Marikay Cooper, M/M Gary Cosentino, Karen Costel- lo, M/M John Costello, M/M Thomas R. Coughlin, Ms. Kathleen Covley, M/M Robert Crego, Charles F. Crimi Jr., M/M Joseph Crimi, Daniel Cromie, M/M John C. Curran, Ms. Jean Marie Curtis, M/M Angelo Cutaia, M/M Peter Cutulle, Peter D’Agnola, Nazareno D’Ercole, M/M Brett Daly, M/M John Dank, M/M Brian Davis, Ms. Lynn Davis, M/M Thomas J. Davis, M/M Donald Deiure, M/M John Deiure, M/M Albert De Sanc- tis, M/M Bruno DeLuca, Ms. Anne DeMare, Patricia DelRegno, James & Linda Dengal, M/M Anthony DeSalvo, M/M Anthony DeSanctis, M/M Lawrence Desso, Andrew Dick, M/M Alan Dickinson, M/M John DiGiovanni, Joseph Dilal, Ms. Phyllis DiLiberto, Louis DiMartino, Di- Nardo, M/M John DiProsa, M/M Cuong M. Do, Mrs. Annette Dooher, Edward J. Doty, M/M John Driscoll, M/M Barry Drogan, M/M Robert Dugan, Derek Duncan, M/M Daniel F. Dwyer, M/M James A. Egan, M/M Larry Eksten, Rick Eisenman & Mary Ann Brophy, Miss Susan Er- bland, Mrs. Dolores Ewanow, Mrs. Florence Ewart, M/M Kevin Fahy, Ms. Lisa Fahy, M/M Philip Fauzio, M/M William Fekete, Ms. Lillian Ferra- rone, M/M Mark Figura, Ms. Michele Finn, Joseph A. Fischette, Jr., M/M John J. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Ethel Flannery, Richard T. Flynn, Richard Foglia, Mrs. Mary Ellen Forte, Karen M. Francati, M/M John D. Frawley, Joan Frazier, M/M Larry Freitas, M/M Donald N. Friedler, M/M Vito Fustaneo, Mrs. Irene Galante, Vincent R. Gallo, M/M Douglas Gates, Mary Jo Geglia, M/M Robert Genthner, Ms. Cherie Gerych,Mrs. Cinderine Giancaterin, Mrs. Jennie Gigliotti, M/M David Giovine, Andrea Giuffre, Joseph Giuffre,M/M Scott Goldstone, Mrs. Dorothy Gordon, Mrs. Elaine Gorney, Ms. Mary Ellen Gotham, M/M Mark Greisberger, M/M John R. Griffith, Jr. Michael & Joanna Grosodonia, Ms. Debra Guarino, M/M Jack Guetti, M/M Stephen Gullo, Mrs. Carol Haefner, M/M James Haldeman, Thomas Hanley, M/M Nicholas J. Harris, M/M William Hartman, M/M Joseph Hartman, Bernard Hasenauer, Ms. Sue A. Hauser, M/M Gary Heinsler, Ms. Patricia Hogan, Mrs. Jade Holland, Ann Holstrom, Mrs. Donna M. Hooker, Mrs. Ruth Hubner, Shirley Hunt, Ms. Carolyn Iachetta, Victoria Iannettone, M/M William M. Iman, M/M John Indovino, Bob & Joanne Insull, Ms. C. Suzanne Jakubowski, M/M Douglas Johnson, Mrs. Helen Johnson, Mrs. Mary E. Johnson, Mrs. Anne M. Kamm, Ms. Eileen Kay, Wayne Keim, M/M Thomas Keller, M/M Robert L. Kelley, Mrs. Anne M. Kelly, Joseph P. Kelly, Miss Paula Kirchgessner, M/ M Kenneth Klamm, Mrs. Deborah M. Klein, Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Klein, M/M Paul Klem, Mrs. Josephine Knapp, M/M Donald Kozlowski, Ms. Kathleen P. Krauss, Donald Kreinsen, M/M Bodo Kretchsman, Ms. Sally C. Krowl, Mrs. Elizabeth Kuehne, M/M Ivo Kulic, Ann E. Kurz, Rich- ard & Catherine Kurz, M/M Donald Kwarta, Mrs. Faye Labarr, M/M Salvatore LaBella, M/M Leonard L. Lacara, Mrs. Joanne Lachiusa & George Rondash, Mrs. Mary LaClair, M/M Brett Lagoe, Mrs. Rosemary Lamphron -Smith, Ms. Mary Ellen Lansing, Kevin & Karen Larkin, Brian LaRocques, M/M James Lash, Mr. John Lathron & Mrs. Carol Platania, Ms. Marion Laudenslayer, Ms. Patricia A. Lawlor, Mrs. Barbara Leath- ersich, Janet Lee, Mrs. Leone, M/M James M. Leone, M/M Frank Liberti, Mrs. Jennie Lima, Donald Lipani, Louis Litzenberger, Jo- seph M. Lobozzo II, Mrs. Mary Agnes Lochner, Mrs. Dolores Logar, Miss Barbara Lohmaier, M/M Jeffrey A. Lohmaier, M/M Franklin Loiacano, Jeanne Loysen, M/M Andrew J. Lukus, M/M Michael J. Lynch, Lisa Lyons, Mrs. Thomas Lyons, M/M Chung Ma, M/M Michael Madigan, M/M Rodney C. Magee, , Richard & Barbara Mahoney, M/M Thomas Mahoney, M/M Dustin Maier, M/M Larry Maier, Mrs. Gloria Malaggese, Mrs. Christina Malerk, M/M Patrick M. Malgieri, M/M Dennis Malinowski, M/M Kenneth Malta, Eric & Susan Maltzan, M/M Patrick Manfreda, M/M James Marino, Mrs. Jennie Marcoux, M/M Donald Marlett, Mrs. Patricia Martell, M/M Christopher B. Martin, M/M Samuel Mastrosimone, Bar- bara Mattle & H. Edwin Maier, M/M Arthur Mauer, Michael May, Jean M. McClure, M/M Brandon McComber, Mrs. Jane E. McCormick, M/M Patrick M. McCormick, Mrs. Olive McDonald, Jane McGrath Briggs, Patrick McGarry, M/M Paul McGee, Mrs. Nancy McLaughlin, Mrs. Cathe- rine McMahon, Mrs. Janet McNally, M/M Edward McNamara, M/M John R. McQueen, John F. Meadows, M/M Robert Meisenzahl, M/M Da- vid T. Memmel, M/M Gerald Menz, M/M Gary E. Merz, Mrs. Virginia Migliore, Mrs. Fernande Miller, Mrs. Madeline Miller, M/M Richard B. Mil- ler, Ralph Minchella, Mrs. Victoria Mirabella, Mrs. Jacqueline Moffett, Mrs. Mary Mohan, Mrs. Julie Morelle, Susan Morrison, Mr. Martin Moyni- han & Deborah Leckinger, Mrs. Geraldine P. Muoio, M/M Arthur W. Mustico, M/M Thomas Myers, M/M Anthony J. Nardone, M/M Michael Nasello, Mrs. Nancy Nastasi, Mrs. Aminata Ndobi, Marwode G. Neracker, Jr. Wai Meng Ng, M/M Michael Nicodemi, Mrs. Lorraine Niger, Ms. Paula Niger and Ken Curry, Raymond Nolan, Douglas Nordquist, Mrs. Linda Northcote, Anthony & Stella Nozzi, M/M Greg O’Brien, Matthew J. O’Brien Jr, M/M Terrance O’Brien, M/M Roy O’Connell, M/M Joseph O’Connor, Mrs. Rita Ohara, Ms. Elizabeth O’Keefe, M/M David O’Keefe, M/M Dennis J. O’Keefe III, Patrick O’Keefe, M/M Eugene Oliver, Ms. Ellen M. O’Neill, Mrs. Althea Orlick, Erik Oswald, M/M Richard D. Otto, M/ M Georgio Pagan, M/M Michael , Stephen & Maria Palermo, M/M Gary M. Palmeri, M/M Walter T. Parkes, Ms. Lisa Passero, M/M Ronald J. Passero, M/M Richard Pavone, Mrs. Emma Paul, James Payne, Mrs. Anna J. Pease, Laura Peer, Second Sunday of Lent Page Seven

Peter & Doreen Pellittieri, Patricia Penna, M/M Michael Perrotta, Mrs. Theresa Perticone, Mrs. Madeline Petix, M/M Dale A. Phelps, M/M Frank E. Phillips, Francois Piché, Mrs. Jeanne Picone, M/M Richard Pierce, M/M Kenneth Pink, Mrs. Louise Pisaro, Mrs. Florence Polino, Robert Post, Philip Powderly, Patrick Pudetti, Todd Rath, Joyce Raymond, Mrs. Catherine Reagan, M/M Charles Reagan, Mrs. Linda Reagan, M/M Guy Kevin Reed, Marissa Reed & Kyle Schlitter, Germaine Reinhardt, M/M Donald W. Rhoads, Margaret Richter, Richard Richter, Larry & Marion Ritz, Michael Ritz, Mrs. Mary Kay Rizzo -Brown, Mrs. Goldie Rogers, Mrs. Marilyn Rogers, Mrs. Rose Ann Rosica, Ms. Maria Rosica, Anthony & Anne Ross, Robert Ross, Mr. John Rosenberry, Mrs. Carmen Ruggeri, William Rund, Joseph Ryan, Dr. & Mrs. Robert Ryan, Mrs. Nora Ryder, M/M Walter J. Sargent, Italo Savella, Theodore R. Scardino, M/M John Schallmo, M/M Dennis Schaut, M/M Steven Schiller, M/M John Schmidt, M/M Leo F. Schmitt, Rev. Robert J. Schrader, M/M James Schug, M/M Steven Schuller, M/M Ed- ward Schwenzer, Mrs. Eleanor Sciscioli, Jane F. Scura, Mr. David Seconi & Mrs. Bridget Shumway -Seconi, M/M John Shaffer, M/M Joseph Sheedy, M/M Raymond E. Sherbinski, M/M Justin C. Sherrill, M/M Eugene W. Short, Woodrow Simpson, M/M David Silva, M/M Richard Sinaguglia, Sisters of St. Joseph at St. Ambrose , M/M Kevin Skerrett, M/M Donald Smith, Ms. Mary B. Smith, M/M Gregory Smith, M/M Gary E. Smith Jr., M/M Roger L. Smithgall, Mrs. Helen Smyda, M/M Eric Socha, Lorie Sparacino, Terry Speck, Ms. Suzanne M. Stack, M/M Charles Steele, Mrs. Lois Stephany, M/M Michael D. Stoll, M/M David Stuhler, M/M David Sturtz, Mr. John Szybist and Ms. Joan Aiello, M/M Charles Taber, Jr. M/M Paul Tandlmayer, Paul Taylor, Mrs. Susan Taylor, M/M Vincenzo Teresi, Mrs. Natalie Termito, Mrs. Frances Terranova, M/M John Terranova, Ms. Jean Ticen, M/M Frank Teremy, Ellen Tomasso, M/M Peter Turchyn, Mrs. Mary Turner, Mr. Francis Tse & Ms. Mabel Leung, Ms. Angela Tucker, Mrs. Myrtle Vallone, Mrs. Carole VanCurran, Ms. Christine Vandervoort, Mrs. Barbara VanMor- relgem, Mike Vasapolli, M/M Paul Venniro, M/M Emilio Vetusto, Sister Marlene Vigna, M/M Filippo Vigneri, M/M David Volkmuth, M/M An- drew Volpe, M/M Christopher Wagner, M/M George J. Wallace, M/M Daniel Walsh, M/M Robert M. Wansea, M/M David Warth, M/M Joseph F. Watro, Jr. Ms. JoAnn Wawrzaszek, M/M Paul R. Way, M/M Michael Welch, M/M Robert J. Welch, William S. Wetmore, M/M K. David White, Mrs. Nancy Whiting, Ms. Rita J. Widner, Mrs. Theresa Wigmore, M/M Jeffrey D. Williams, M/M Steven Wilson, Mrs. Cecelia Wisniew- ski, Ms. Catherine Witner, Ms. Debbie Witner, M/M Albert Witner, Mrs. Diane Woodhams, M/M William Yandow, Susan Yanus, William E. Yoerger, Theresa Young, M/M Joseph Zanche, Mrs. Karen Zajac, Mrs. Rose M. Zazzara, M/M John Zeitvogel, Mrs. Barbara Zenkel, Dr. & Mrs. Peter A. Ziarnowski, M/M Marc Zicari, Mrs. Sue Zientara, M/M Andrew Zona

The average gift thus far is $248.79 , and we're at 121.52% of our goal, guaranteeing half back to the parish of all that will yet be received. The above names represent 30.8% of our parishioners (WE'D LIKE TO GET THIS UP AT LEAST TO 50%, SO IF YOU HAVEN'T YET PARTICIPATED IN THIS YEAR'S APPEAL, PLEASE DO SO SOME TIME THIS WEEK. THANKS!) God's blessings, all! Raised in Christ is this year’s theme. I thank you for being so timely in sending in your support for this year’s Ap- peal! One -half of all gifts given from this point onward will be able to remain right here in the parish for our local ministerial needs. May well over 50% of all our parishioners be Raised in Christ in supporting the work of the Church!

Father Bob Schrader

SAVE THE DATE NEIGHBORING CHURCHES Community DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Outreach Day Monday through Friday 6:30 am Christ the King (Mon., Tues., Fri.) Saturday, April 29, 2017 - Suggested projects are needed for our annual 8:00 am St. (M F) 8:15 am St. Rita’s in Webster (M -F) Community Outreach Day - 8:15 am Annunciation (M F) 8:30 am Our Lady of Lourdes (M -F) Possibilities are yardwork, cleaning, handyman work, 8:30 am St. Cecilia (W, Th, F, Sat) organizing and painting. 9:00 am Holy Spirit (M -F) 11:30 am St. Margaret Mary (M -Th) Think of parishioner and non -parishioner neighbors that could use some helping Monday through Thursday hands with special projects. 8:15 am St. Paul’s in Webster Friday 8:30 am Communion Service Please submit your suggestions to Ruth Tanner at [email protected] or text her at 363 -0024.

Sign -up sheets for volunteers will start to be available A Reflection on the Stations of the Cross at the Welcome Table one month before the event . Join us on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 for a Day Re- treat at Notre Dame Retreat House (5151 Foster Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424). The Day schedule is:

The Peace of Christ Parish Bulletin is provided 9:00 am Registration along with coffee and pastries; for our parish through the generosity of the 9:30 am Conference begins advertisers on the back pages of the bulletin. 12:00 pm Lunch, Reconciliation and Mass; Please support their businesses. 3:00 pm Day ends

Please call 585 -394 -5700 to register. A fee of $25.00 payable at registration. Fr. Frank Jones, C.Ss.R. will facilitate the day. Page Eight


Stress in Your Marriage?

Retrouvaille (pronounced retro -vi, meaning rediscovery) is a program for married couples who feel disillusioned, frustrated or angry in their marriage. This world -wide Catholic program has helped tens of MAY 29 - JUNE 10, 2017 thousands of couples experiencing difficulties in their COST: $4,300 Contact: [email protected] - (585)288 -5000 ext. 111 marriage. For confidential information about or to register for the Spring program beginning with a weekend at Notre Dame Retreat House on April 7 -9, 2017 , please call 585 -293 - 1552 or visit the web site at

FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED There is a need for Foster Parents at The Hillside Fos- ter Parenting Children’s Center. If there are couples from our parish interested in learning more about this opportunity, please call Anne Siconolfi at 654 -4407 or 654 -4444 for more information.

Peace of Christ Parish Office 25 Empire Blvd., 14609 -4335 (585) 288 -5000, Fax: (585) 654 -7658 St. Ambrose Church Web Site: Located at Email: [email protected] 25 Empire Blvd. Rochester, NY 14609 Office Hours: Mon. through Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 and 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. Tues. and Wed. 5 -8 p.m., Sun. 10:45 - 12:45

St. John Neumann School Mrs. Jackie Senecal, Principal 31 Empire Blvd., 14609 -4335 St. James Church (585) 288 -0580 Located at 130 Brett Rd. Rochester, NY 14609

PARISH STAFF Rev. Robert J. Schrader, Pastor , Ext. 104 Rev. Timothy T. Brown, Parochial Vicar , Ext. 105 Rev. Carlos M. Sánchez , Parochial Vicar, Ext. 111 Drew Desmarais, St. Ambrose Pastoral Associate, Ext. 103 August Misiurewicz, St. John the Evangelist Pastoral Minister, Ext. 120 Sr. Marlene Vigna, RSM, St. James Pastoral Associate, Ext. 123 Melissa Mang, Director of Catechetical Programs/Y outh Ministry, Ext. 121 St. John the Evangelist Patty Macera, Finance Director, Ext. 117 Church Laurie Brown, Accountant, Ext. 118 Colleen Griffith, Secretary, Ext. 102 Located at Vicki Iannettone, Secretary, Ext. 119 553 Humboldt St. Janet Andrychuk -Tedesco, St. Ambrose/St. James 8:00 AM Rochester, NY 14610 Dir. of Music Ministry/Organist, Ext. 110 Terrance Keach, St. John the Evangelist/St. James 4:30 PM Music Director/Organist Ext. 122 Sheila Tumminelli, Wedding Coordinator, Ext. 107 Ann Holstrom, Pastoral Council Chairperson

Our Peace of Christ Parish Community staff mission is to deepen the presence of Jesus, in ourselves and among all in our parish, by loving, empowering and serving others in their need today.