Aces Many Hurdles

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Aces Many Hurdles I NILESand I-;; , MORTONGROVE dvO,.d wrvE,L____ Rhó \ - . BuikRate U.S. Postage P A J J) BugJc News 50 CENTS PER CÒPY . 7JOO VAUKEGAN RB, NILES, IL 60114 THURSDAY. OCTOBER IL.43, NO.18 FEB00 I 05 hILft PUtLIC LIltofy Problems Lake Côunty Ci £960 QAKTON 01. hon ,iilt'-' From th for Mies hILft IL 607l4 .-,.Library's roof Left yLa-Ashkeaz Croke' - The Niles Pablib Library,Dis-'' . Hand. Inlet's board of Irnslees was ia- - osemont casino . formed at last-Tuesday's meeting, -tht lhe:sew library roof-was aal anderwarranty--------------,, Halloween iiithe1930's The troublesfrms from Ihr li- aces manyhurdles wa5atbest a modÑlaffajr. brary's recast exlricalixu from \Ve'd march in cóstumes ta Broadway Construction. As re- by Rosemsu-y Tirio . school h theafte9noon nndaf- purled hem in Angall, the library The sew casino proposed fur Emerald appealed the rnlisg, Coanty group cueleuds that the .terschôòjw&d do a bit of ap- charges thaI the company failed Rusemont is by no means a done but the Lake Cunnly graupquick- provisian ofthe new law stipnlat- . pie dunking. The morn coura- to complete post ennslraclios deal yet y stepped in andapplied fur the ing that the licensee must not geous HattoWeeners would work; the matter has bees in the A Lake Coanty gaming ronp oveted license. TheLake Cnntioned no Page 40 ran in nndoutofliat!ways allarneys'handsforseveral Lake County Riverboat LP. lang . .plácingpinsinduorbells.. months. desirous of bringing one of the Jehs Gulas uf Prye t3illan state's gambltgg boats to Pox -.-.- , - 'DesPlaiñòsrnän 'p'-' iéáds:i lo the curly forlies cur early Moltnaro Architects, Ltd. said Lake, has argued that the slate's self-defense in attack on wife teen years were a hit mare that Carlisle Constrxclinn,the recently passed Riverboat Gam- rambunctious.We'd . march Continued no Page 40 bltng Act is ancasstilutional br- i ,ie Chicago atlorucy for 45-iiOestigatr the-report ofa distnr- . canse itflagrantly favorsIke down la usI Stied and filch M1 year-aId Lire11 Bryant-accused ofbance. - - ' 1es o ice eggs from the bmkels in front backers of the Emerald Casino, atiempiing tomurderhis53-year- Anita Rivkin-Carothers said Inc. 1f small grocery stures which department awarded . old wife Oct 20,, l998, said herMonday thai Bryant was teslified displayed them eulside. We'd sa fe y grant Emerald has beets eyetng client, who claimed srlf-dtfensd,is his own defense Wednesday, lhs lob Ilse eggs across Ihe., Rosemont as asuitable relecattea and béas thc attempted marder -Rivkin-Carathers said her client IC. Iracics at the kids on the The Ntles Police Department site fer its Silver Eagle riverboat chcrgehnt was found guilty ofag-told Ihejary afthe many instanc- sonlh side aftheslreel. If Ihere has Just bees awarded a highway formerly docked in East Du gravatrd battery es whea he was struck, humiliaI- baque, IlL Competites from the - : were more uf- them than as safely grant in Ihn amonnt of fivelyn Bryant was found lyinged-and degraded by his wife dür- $32,732 from the Illinois De Iowa gaming ho Is look its InlI on . they'd charge across Ihn Iracks- face down in a peel of bleeding the' eight yeads they ware and_chase os iserlh1f Ihey partmret ofTransporlalion. the Stiver Eagle s profitability, whrspolicearrivedutthemarriedbeforethe l9lllineident. caaghl as We get whacked a The grant is specifically dr- and when its gaming license eh- cenple's apartment- is the 1400 Bryant was nctnall9 treated for . fer law enforcement pired July 31, l997 the Gaining bil and we wouldrelnrn Ha!lu. veloped block'nfEast Ashland Avenue to -' Contidned an Page 35 wccn' greetings Ihe next year agencies ta address traffic safety Board did nntrenew it. when we sought revenge-The axarchisls among 5s would T -" ' -placa a garbage can on the- hwedba:k Maine Township -, . -lrackh and lighl a fire inside forcement campaIgns aunag. tue - . 'Ihe ein as Ihn train stood in the one veur iranl:Deried which,ba- officials ':'aIiingtoù, D.C. - ', ' Cnntinnnd nfl Puge 40 Órl,1999. : - .- L' - , , The program will include live -. foar-week campaigns that will . 'Par1Dist$ct,to - Cnnhinnnd on Puge 35 -' - . coútròi snow-"-Ç . - removal negotationsMorton Grove to it' byL.saAsbkeoaz Croke hold Joint u-"I t - -. the' .iutergevcrn- Updates in , , o,_' ,.-- - mèntal,' agreement' negotiations - - , - between the Village ofNiles and - by Cbristine Caplinger- ¿ '--', '' - the Niles Park'Dislnict werd dis- - The Morton Grove Village / s'i ' cnssed at Tudnday itighl's Board - Beard of Trastees voted , this. ,- nfParkCammissintiernmeeliltg Monday, October-- 25. 1999 ta . - Theagi'eemeptcnllS forthe vil- adopt an ordinance that will des-' lage tu handle the park distnicl s ignale the area roughlyboandeci - snow remava1 needs(after a two- - by Dempster Street Main StranI,' ', inch áccumnlatian), inexchange FereisAvenuenndthePore5tPte-. forthe parkdistr cl lowenng cales veas aRcdevelnpmeotPrOiecl te Ndes residenE hyingnatside and a Tax Increment Fi naneing (TIF) disleicl Theardi thr Niles Park DinE cl boundar Marne Township officials at the recent National Asaocialion of Townsand Townships Confnrnnce in ¡es These residentscorrectly pay nance calls for a Joint Review the largest contingency (230 Board lobefnrteed and farpnblic Washinglon D C where the State oflihnots was the host state illinois had nus resdential rates fur use of reception hold at the Ray hearings lobegin on theProJect people) in allendance of the 22 states represented Pictured al a tegislaltve Nile s park and recreulional fari! Highway Commissioner Robert ties/programs The Joint Review Baurd is lo burn Offike Building on Capitol Hill are (loft to idght) Maine Township of ese enpresenlative Henry Hyde and Çlnrk Gary Approval for Ihn agreement nnsist p(e,ppo Trustee Bill Bell Supvispr Mark T/sompson Congressman nicyg t g n s lnlfnÚrdonPage* I,9t4 Jgil i10P iggiriItBftll99pqh'0ih k'ssMsrrt fl PAGE 2 TRE BUGLE, ThURSDAY, OCTOB 999 TIIEBUbILE, TIIIJRSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1999 PAGE 3 . Reopened Wards starts I-b . i Oakton faculty members revitalization at Village Crossing Gitiseppe Garibaldi disse,"Abbiamo fatto reco!.nized for teaching excellence ----hyRunemary Tirlu Despite filing a Chaptert t tor complex. gli italiani." bankruptcy petition, the Mont- A representativeofMid- l'Italia addesso dobbiamo fare gomery Ward store in the Village America Asset Management said School for Boys in Hiles, bow- together in order lu share ideas,'hove heenwerkiog together ever em cides in Italy. They will bu Crossing shopping center willre- thefirm, which manages the Thereisaoosaly defined immersed in the uimilar, yet cal- open in expanded space, compo- connection between Ganibaldis ever; it met its martyrdom. Its implement those ideas and pro- since Onavarietyof fand- Hiles portion of Village Cross- rebirth took place in November duce with those idean. -We orga- raisers. bratty diverse regions. The sta- uy officials hune announced. ing, enpects too percent ecco- quote and the Notre Dame High dents will nel only experience Under provisions of Chapter Schools Italian Club. The Ital. of the t998/99 school year, Its nize a narici)' of fund-raisers and Our canent endeavor is oar puncy by Jonuary, despite the fact members ace current students of with the proceeds cas the cost ofCoakbcokfund-raiser,which -the ligaistie and cultural eon- t I , the store was allowed time to that ihr Factery Card Outlet next joe club members are genuinely trusts betsdenn the United StoIca reorganize in Ou effort to pay off interested in Italia; They bave a Notre Dame. There are over 20 oar Visit. wiltbe sellingatIhr Notre io the Jewel/Osco store moved students/members who have en- We began oar fund-raising of- Dame's Arts and Craft show on and Italy, bat also that within ilsdebts. Now it wilt not only eco- out lavi spriog leaving a large va- true and sincere want (voglia). A pen in its present location, but it want to experience Italy and its ertod effort und interest in the forts last year in hopes uf earn- November 6th and 7th. We are Italy itself. Cant store to be filled und Office Italian Clnh and its visit lo Italy. ing enough fonds for our Italian asking businesses in Ihn area if will take over the adjoining space Mau is expected to vacate move landscapes, language and cal- The Ituliau Club's p;iemino is to the west recently vacated by tares. A Want In experience 'gli The Italian Club is open to any visit planned for the summer ofthey one interested in supporting to expose interested sIiudenls lo to the Skokie side of the moti in 2000. Our first fund-miser tookthe Italian Club through spun- Loomcraft. italiani'. or all students interested in expe- Italy's essence-- its notoraI beau- According tu a Montgomery November or December. Van The Italian club begun many riencing the immersion of 'ital- placo lust year at Notre Dame's sorship nr donations. la return, ty, its artistic beauty, itri liguistic Heusen's, u men's and women's io'. We work together. We work Arts and Craft show and we the Italian Club will print on ad- Words official, the Village Cross- clothing store,is expected to years ugo at Notre Dome High and its cultural beauty.The lIaI- ing store was ohIo to renegotiate vertisemeat for their business io ian club members urn nIat just in- Open by Christmas, according to im lease. A total of 21 prototype its cookbook. We are also plan- aspokespernonforHamilton leresled, but also willieg to give stores wilt hr opening this month. ning a Battle of the Bands and a Eh un cf- Partners, the owner efthe Skokie New- Resume/Profile Form offered at M.E. ap their timo and put fu After estensivo rcmodetieg ihn Seniors and jnniots, don't leso Lust tlsisirfor the first timei The len minalos or, so juniorsBanquet Dinner for our fund- fort in earning Ihier e;tperience side of the center.
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