The at La Hougue Bie La Hougue Bie is the longest one found in Europe and the mound of earth covering it makes it very unusual. How it works: Find the item in the 1 photograph, using the location clue for help.

Answer the 2 questions. Take your completed sheet DETECTIVE 3 and passport to the front CHALLENGE desk to get it stamped.

CLUE: Head to the Archaeology Gallery

What do the quern stones turn grain into? CLUE: Go to the Passage Grave ......

How many large stones were used to make the entrance? The Neolithic people were the first farmers and first group of people to ...... build permanent homes and grow

grains. They built La Hougue Bie

around 6,000 years ago CASE FILE #2017 FILE CASE CASE FILE #2017

CLUE: CLUE: Head to the Archaeology Gallery We know from the evidence found at that Mammoths and Woolly Rhinoceros’ roamed during the Ice Age.

CLUE: It’s in the Archaeology Gallery Jadeite axes are very rare and extremely precious. They were found in Jersey but the stone comes from somewhere else so they are valuable evidence of How old is the rhino skull which was found at La Cotte de St Brelade? Neolithic people moving around the continent and being able to travel across the sea to Jersey......

The Celtic people from Northern Gaul were actually lots Where do we think the Jadeite axes originally come from? of different tribes. It is believed that Jersey belonged to the Coriosolite tribe because of how many of that ...... tribes’s coins were found in Jersey.

CLUE: Find the Head to the front Coin Hoard desk to collect your passport stamp What type of animal do you usually find on a Coriosolite coin? Well Done Detective!

...... CASE FILE #2017 FILE CASE Detective Bones