February 2010

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February 2010 Since 1911 February, 2010 Volume 30, Issue 1 Sigdalslag Saga Serving Norwegian-Americans of Sigdal, Eggedal & Krødsherad ancestry Inside this issue: Sigdal’s Main Church Sigdal’s Main Church 1 Article from Sigdal og Eggedal vol. 1 by Thormod Skatvedt, translated by Rosella Goettelman Norwegian Parish 4 This old church was, no doubt, built very early in the Catholic time, maybe the 12th or 13th Registers century. As far as we know, there is no sure information about this, but, in any case, it News from Norway 5 must have been built before 1331. Bishop Jens Nilsson writes about this old church in the report about his visitation in Sigdal Enger-Nyhus family of 6 in 1591 as follows: North Dakota “On the 6th of July, third Sunday after Trinity, the bishop visited the main church in Sig- Lund-Frisach family of 8 dal, which is called Holmen Church, which is only a little log church with a walkway Sigdal around it (stave church). They have begun to improve the churchyard with new wood fencing. At that time, he preached the Gospel of our Lord, Luke 15. At the same place, 2010 Stevne Update 11 after the sermon, the bishop had his admonition to the common people, which he usually does, and thereafter, the bishop examined and catechized the youths and also the adults.” The church was later built in the shape of a cross, with the tower in the middle, with 4 col- umns, about 40 cm in diameter, set in a square centered underneath. The side wings and sacristy appear to have been added at later times. In each wing and lowest in the nave, there was a chancel furnished with benches. The church was built of painted pine logs with 10-11 inch beams, painted inside with water color. The outside was sided with 9-10 Velkommen, nye inch tarred boards. In the tower there were two quite good bells, about 60 cm in diameter lag medlemmer! in the lower part. They could be rung from the floor of the church below with the help of a long rope. After the bells were rung, the lower end of the rope was hung on the pillars. JOHN O. GLESNE The “Klokker” (sexton) did the ringing himself. No doubt, the name derives from this Fort Dodge, Iowa (klokke = bell). KRISTI CULLEN Garland, Utah On the altar there were VICTORIA BREVIG South St. Paul, Minnesota several decaying figures, which no doubt should KRISTINE BLOMGREN Cottage Grove, Minnesota depict the apostles, and in the middle, a little altar THOMAS OVNAN Kristiansand, Norway piece about 2 feet tall and 18 inches wide. On each DALE BUISMAN North Branch, Minnesota side of the chancel door there were large carved BOB FRYDENLUND New Richmond, Wisconsin figures – Moses with a law tablet in each hand and Aaron as high priest. (Continued on page 3) Pa ge 2 S igda lsla g S a ga 2010 Sigdalslag V olume 30, I ssue 1 Officers Fra Presidenten: JUDY SOSTED President 1118 Lia Court Northfield, MN [email protected] EARL O. KNUTSON VP 1/Membership 722 Second Street SW Willmar, MN 56201 Dear Cousins, (320) 222 -1613 eoknut@en While we may not share DNA, we all share an ancestral -tel.net "home" and as our beautiful banner, a gift from the kommuner of DONNA KULENKAMP Eggedal, Krødsherad, and Sigdal, proclaims: "Unity makes 1292 Dunberry Lane VP 2 Strength." Over the years our members found strength in asso- Eagan, MN 55123 ciation, coming together for friendship, family and fun. We [email protected] continue this today. Your Board has just completed the January meeting, and a dedicated, hardy group they are. We all drove to KAREN OLSON Secretary Amy Michelsen's home in Anoka, despite the weather P.O. Box 225 VP 3 forecast of sleet, freezing rain, and snow. Fortunately all we d one of our Northome, MN 56661 got was rain. I know … January in Minnesota. We ha largest groups, which was fortuitous, since we were able to have [email protected] a great discussion regarding the 2011 Stevne for which we are l as our 100th Anniversary). Donna Kulenkamp JANICE JOHNSON responsible (as we l Treasurer is Chair of the Stevne and Marilyn Moen Chair of the Anniver- 8451 Nicollet Avenue South sary. Many ideas were forthcoming, but we would like to hear Bloomington, MN 55420 from you and would especially like to have volunteers for some [email protected] of the committees. We are all volunteers with a variety of in- terests, if not expertise, so don't hesitate to join us. There AMY MICHELSEN is need for input re: Entertainment, Class/lecturers, and Deco- Secretary rations, as well a program for our Lag meeting on Sunday, July 18730 Roanoke St. NW Anoka, MN 17, 2011. Karen Olson has agreed to chair this committee. We 55303 also need to put out some brochures so that if any of you have (763 -8971 ) 753-5484 interest/talent with graphics we would love to hear from you. [email protected] To expedite this process, please contact me at [email protected] or phone (507) 645-0499. GARTH ULRICH 3099 Dunn Drive Genealogist I am also in need of a companion to attend the Annual Prince Albert, SK Fellesraad meeting at Mindekirken Saturday morning, May 1st, S6V 6Y6 CANADA about 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Minneapolis. There will be an arrival coffee, a business meeting, usually some entertainment [email protected] and a very nice luncheon. Your registration will be paid by the a repre- DIANNE SNELL Lag. Again, contact me if you are willing to attend as sentative of Sigdalslag. 31646 110th Pl. SE Historian Auburn, WA 98092 Stevne 2010 will be held Wed. through Saturday, July 14-17, at Winona State University. Information/registration will be 253-351-0926 dssnell2 forthcoming in our Spring "Saga" and you may check our website, @comcast.net www.sigdalslag.org., as it will be updated. SCOTT BRUNNER in r in health and con- Saga Editor My wish is that you may weather w te 555 Hilltop Drive . Green Bay, WI 54301 tentment [email protected] Until we meet again. Judy ED ESPE Webmaster [email protected] Sigdalslag Saga Volume 30, Issue 1 Pa ge 3 (Continued from page 1) Some of these old carved figures and others lay a long time in the attic of the new church. When the township board received an offer to buy the artifacts from a private citizen in 1896, they were offered as a gift to the university’s an- tiques collection. The university could not accept them because of lack of space. They were then presented to the Norwegian Folk Museum. The pulpit and baptismal font were both beautifully carved and bore the year 1720. The baptismal bowl was of brass, embossed work, which depicts the fall of man from grace. It was altogether later moved to the new church. A silk flag embroidered by Rebekka Griis in 1693, was acquired in 1909 and hung up in the new church. It now is hanging directly over the main entrance. In the 1840s, they began to think about building a new of the area. The closing hymn was written by the then resi- church, since the old one was much too small and cramped. dent chaplain to Sigdal, later bishop, Jørgen Moe. On July 1, 1846, the township board decided to build a new church similar to the main church in Bamle, but with the The organ was purchased in the fall of 1858. It was built by tower in the west end. organ builder Brantzeg in Christiania. The money for the organ purchase was provided by the bank and the remaining At first, on June 2, 1847, they decided that it should be came from private contributions. The organ was used for the built on the old church grounds, but more than two years first time at a bishop’s visitation on September 26 the same later, on October 23, 1849, the building place was changed year. P. O. Skatvedt was hired as organist, with a salary of 2 to the palce where it now stands. No doubt, it was espe- skillings from each communicant until the savings bank un- cially to obtain a more solid foundation. dertook to pay the salary of 25 speciedallers yearly. In the summer of 1850, the foundation wall was built by Nothing from the altar from the old church was used. A stonemason Kittil Halvorsen Solumsmoen for 143 spe- large slab of white painted wood was put up behind the altar ciedalers. (All the material for the building of the church table with a high wooden cross above the altar. That altar was procured by the kommune.) was very unimpressive. A rich man from the community (K. The majority of the timber was taken from Mjøseng H., who probably wanted to be nameless), gave the altar pic- woods, which the kommune owns. The church was built ture, Jesus on the cross, painted by Aksel Ænder in 1880. and brought under roof by building contractor Kristian The new altar was said to cost 2000 kroner. The inscription, Hanson from Drammen for 460 spd. which was given by the then presiding chaplain G. Rømcke is as follows: “It is finished (John 19, 30). The punishment The carpentry work was done by P. Tandberg, Lars Hor- lay upon him that we should have peace, and we have been gesæter and Helge O. Skatvedt for 580 spd. healed by his wounds (Isaiah 53, 5)”. The interior painting was done by master painter C.
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    GUIDE DRAMMEN GUIDE Drammen Turistinformasjon / Tourist Information Drammen Engene 1, 3015 Drammen (+47) 32 04 04 04 [email protected] www.drammen.kommune.no Ny storkommune 1. januar 2020 gikk kommunene Svelvik, Nedre Eiker og Drammen sammen og dannet «Nye Drammen kommune». Kommunen, som nå heter Drammen, er Norges syvende største med over 100 000 innbyggere og ligger i Viken fylke. Hovedsetet for storkommunen ligger i Drammen by. I denne brosjyren finner du nyttig turistinformasjon om det meste i den nye storkommunen. Brosjyren er tredelt; en del for Drammen by med omegn, en for Svelvik med omegn og en for Mjøndalen og Krokstadelva med omegn. Vi ønsker alle velkommen til vår nye storkommune! On January 1, 2020, the municipalities of Svelvik, Nedre Eiker and Drammen merged to form «The New Drammen Municipality». The new municipality, which is now called Drammen, is located in Viken County and is Norway’s seventh largest with over 100,000 residents. The main seat of the Greater Municipality is located in the city of Drammen. In this brochure, you will find useful information about the municipality. The brochure is divided into three parts; one for the city of Drammen and surrounding area, one for Svelvik and surrounding area and one for Mjøndalen and Krokstadelva with surrounding areas. We welcome you to our new municipality! 3 1. Drammen Drammen 2. Elvebyens stoltheter The prides of the River City 3. Gode opplevelser Eventful experiences 4. Natur og trening Nature and workout 5. Overnatting Accommodation 6. Spisesteder og uteliv Restaurants and night life 7. Shopping Shopping 8. Verdt å vite Worth knowing 4 Drammen by Drammen city 5 Velkommen til Elvebyen Drammen! Av vann er den kommet, ved vann vil den bli.
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