Sea-Level Rise
Sea-Level Rise A Transportation Vulnerability Assessment of the Wilmington, Delaware Region July 2011 The preparation of this document was financed in part by the Federal Government, including the Federal Transit Administration and the Federal Highways Administration of the United States Department of Transportation. Sea-level Rise A Transportation Vulnerability Assessment of the Wilmington, Delaware Region Prepared by the staff of the Wilmington Area Planning Council Project Manager William Swiatek, Senior Planner Project Team David Ames, University of Delaware Michael Kirkpatrick, DelDOT Dave Carter, DNREC/DCP Susan Love, DNREC/DCP Silvana Croope, DelDOT Weifeng Mao, University of Delaware Dwayne Day, DelDOT/TMC Michelle Oswald, WILMAPCO Tony Di Giacomo, CC, OPZ Bob Scarborough, DNREC/DCP Mark Glaze, DelDOT Peggy Schultz, League of Women Voters Tamika Graham, WILMAPCO Gwen Shaughnessy, MD DNR John Janowski, NCC, Dept. of Land Use Mike Sheffer, MD SHA Brian Kelly, DNREC Drexel Siok, DNREC Pat Todd, League of Women Voters July 2011 Wilmington Area Planning Council 850 Library Avenue, Suite 100 Newark, Delaware 19711 Phone: 302-737-6205 Fax: 302-737-9584 Cover photographs from Peter Cook (2003), WS DOT (2007), (2008), Peggy Schultz (2010), Bo Gordy-Stith (2007) and (2011). Sea-level Rise Vulnerability Assessment Table of Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………………........v Executive Summary…………………………………………………………...…………… Chapter 1: Background……………………………………………………………………….1 What is Climate Change?……………………………………………………………..1
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