Can You Prevent Prostate Cancer? INSIDE Consumer Education: a High-Fat, Western This Year More Than Move to the U.S
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Can You Prevent Prostate Cancer? INSIDE Consumer Education: A high-fat, Western This year more than move to the U.S. and Food News You Can Use 67 230,000 men in the adopt a more Western- diet, rich in animal U.S. will be diagnosed style lifestyle. This Recipes: with prostate cancer means that genetic fac- Fast Weekday Meals 68 products may not and more than 30,000 tors are unlikely to ex- will likely die from it. plain the very low rates Handout: only be promoting Holiday Substitutions This makes it the most of prostate cancer mor- 69 atherosclerosis, but common cancer in men, tality in Asian and Handout: as well as the number African countries. Cholesterol Quiz may also be promot- one cause of cancer 70 death in non-smoking Lowering Cholesterol ing the growth and men. The death rate Levels Reduces For Professionals: Cancer Risk Educators’ Idea File: from prostate cancer in Hot Topics spread of prostate the U.S. is 5 to 10 times Back in the 1970s, a 71 higher than it is in study in Hawaii found cancer and likely Dr. Jay’s Review: many developing coun- that smokers with high- Pain Killers and HTN er serum cholesterol 72 other cancers as well. tries in Asia or Africa. Even in Japan, the levels had a much high- Supplement: death rate from prostate er risk of developing Online Password cancer remains far low- lung cancer. In May Subscriber Benefits er than in the U.S., al- 2005, a study of nearly Back Issue Highlights though it is rising as a half million U.S. vet- they adopt a more erans was presented at NEXT ISSUE: Western-style lifestyle. the American Society of Recipes: Food Gifts However, African- Clinical Oncology. The Holidays with MyPyramid Americans in the U.S. results showed that the More Hot Topics have the highest death development of lung, rate from prostate can- prostate, pancreatic and cer, and Asian-Ameri- esophageal cancers was cans appear to quickly cut by about 50% in lose their resistance to those taking statin the disease when they drugs to lower their Continued on page 66 SEPTEMBER 2005 Continued from front page minutes a day, 6 days a inclusion of small prostate and other can- week and underwent stress amounts of fish and ani- cers in people consuming cholesterol levels. This management techniques. mal protein but without diets high in saturated fat data suggests a high-fat, The control subjects supplements. In this and cholesterol. Western diet rich in ani- were instructed to follow study, the serum of the mal products may not standard medical advice. participants before they Bottom Line: only be promoting ather- PSA levels fell mod- started the study served Very-low-fat, near-vege- osclerosis, but may also estly after one year in the as the control. The exper- tarian diets markedly be promoting the growth experimental group but iment serum was after lower serum cholesterol and spread of prostate rose modestly in the con- they had been on the pro- levels and appear to cancer and likely other trol subjects. This same gram for a few weeks.2 regress atherosclerotic le- cancers as well. study, conducted by Dr. Serum cholesterol fell sions in most people. Ornish and others, also 20-30% on both the Or- Since most men who de- Lifestyle Shown to reported that the growth nish and Pritikin diets. velop prostate cancer ac- Slow Progression of of a line of prostate can- It appears that a very- tually die from athero- Prostate Cancer cer cells (LNCaP) was low-fat, near-vegetarian sclerotic disease, it seems In the September issue of markedly inhibited in diet is likely to slow the reasonable to encourage the Journal of Urology, a those in the experimental progression of prostate men with early prostate study of men with early group, compared to those cancer, at least in part be- cancer to adopt a very- prostate cancer proven who received conven- cause it lowers serum low-fat, near-vegetarian by biopsy and PSA tional medical treatment.1 cholesterol levels. Grow- diet. They should also be scores (ranging from 4- In 2001, a study at the ing evidence suggests encouraged to get a little 10ng/ml) were randomly Pritikin Longevity Center that higher cholesterol sunshine several days a assigned to one of two reported similar marked levels in cell membranes week, as low levels of vi- groups. inhibition of the growth can interfere with chemi- tamin D also appear to The experimental, inten- of prostate cancer cells cal signals for abnormal promote prostate cancer. sive lifestyle change group grown in the serum of cells to self-destruct. By James J. Kenney, was placed on a very-low- people who had followed This may promote the PhD, RD, FACN. fat vegan diet supplement- the Pritikin program for growth and spread of ed with fish oil, vitamin E, just a few weeks. The cancer cells in the body References: selenium and vitamin C. In diet was similar to Or- and help explain the 1 J Urol. 2005;174:1065 addition, they walked 30 nish study except for the much higher rate of 2 J Urol. 2001;166:1185 How do I avoid getting cancer? 1. Get enough vitamin D from sunshine or skim milk; this means 5-10 minutes of strong sun several times a week or 4 servings of skim milk plus two servings of fatty fish each week. (CFFH 05/01) 2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. 3. Consume more whole grains, like whole wheat pasta, brown rice, high-fiber cereal, oats, barley, etc. 4. Choose fat-free or low-fat dairy products. 5. Cut down on meat consumption; add fish, beans and nuts to your diet. 6. Drink alcohol only in moderation. 7. If you smoke, you should quit. 8. Exercise on a regular basis, about 60 minutes a day, most days of the week. 9. Lower the amount of sodium in your diet by consuming more fresh foods. ? 10. Maintain a healthy body weight. If people in the U.S. would follow better diet strategies, they could cut the number of cancer deaths even more than by eliminating smoking alone. If they followed all of these strategies, the death rate from cancer would likely fall 70-80% during the next 2 decades! – J.K. 66 Communicating Food for Health September 2005 Food News You Can Use Chocolate news ters, an ingredient de- A study published by rived from natural plant the American Heart As- sources, proven to sig- sociation showed that nificantly reduce cho- people who ate a spe- lesterol levels. cial flavonoid-enriched Ingredients: Sugar, dark chocolate had a Corn Syrup, Plant small transient decrease Stanol Esters, Nonfat in blood pressure. Of Milk, Cocoa Powder, course this has prompt- Less than 2% of Salt, Fast food doesn’t a plain hamburgers ed a media statement Soy Lecithin, Mono- have to be junk food are usually small and that chocolate lowers and Diglycerides, Invert Here are some recent inexpensive. While blood pressure. By far, Sugar and Flavors. “better finds” from they are not always most Americans need to Per 1 chew: 20 calo- popular fast food low in sodium they be more concerned with ries, 4 g carbohydrate, 3 restaurants. are usually lower in lowering the salt in g sugars, 15 mg sodium, • McDonald’s is offer- calories than adult- their diets and with in- .85 g plant stanol esters. ing Apple Dippers. sized meals and sand- creasing their consump- Consuming 4 serv- We recently tried wiches. tion of fruits, vegeta- ings per day of Benecol them and found them bles, whole grains and Products will provide to be a good fast treat. Light juice not 100% low-fat dairy products the 3.4 grams of plant They are a much bet- juice than with eating choco- stanol esters (2.0 grams ter choice than French Light orange juice and late. Salt in most peo- Plant Stanols) recom- fries and come in a other juices that are ple’s diets comes from mended by the National handy bag. touted as light or lower processed foods and Cholesterol Education • McDonald’s also of- in calories are often restaurant meals. Program. fers yogurt and fruit lower in real juice, too. Chocolate is very high Benecol Spreads without granola (130 We recently took a look in fat and calories. have been reformulated calories), fruit and at these products, which Consider that most so that one tablespoon walnut salad (310 are sold with the orange chocolate candy bars contains 0.85 grams of calories), side salad juice in the grocery are well over 250 calo- plant stanol esters (15 calories) and a re- store. For example, ries for a very small which is the same duced-fat vanilla ice Minute Maid Light Or- portion. amount contained in cream cone (150 calo- ange Juice Beverage one Benecol Smart ries) for calorie con- contains 50 calories and Benecol candy and Chew (the amount was scious diners. 10 grams of sugar per 8 spread news formerly 1.7 grams per • Salad without dress- fl. oz. serving (vs. 110 Benecol Smart Chews, tablespoon). This facili- ing or with dressing calories and 24 grams a new candy from the tates the 4-a-day cam- on the side is usually of sugar per 8 fl. oz. maker of Benecol paign from Benecol. a good choice. Just serving of 100% orange spread, are available in Benecol is trans fat beware of fried chick- juice) but it is only creamy caramel and free. en and cheese addi- 42% juice.