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Convenient for You Convenient For Convenient for you Tourist Attractions Markets and Shopping Centers B5 Sungnam Jungang Underground B5 Shinheung Market B5 Emart (Seongnam) 031-8023-1234 B5 Jungang Market B5 Hyundai Market B6 Geumgwang Market B6 Dandae Mart C4 Moran 5-day Market C6 Sangdaewon Market B6 Sungnam Namhansanseong Market B6 Eunhaeng Market C5 Hadaewon Market E4 AK Plaza 031-779-3300 Tourist Map of Seongnam City E4 Keumho Market E4 Dolgorae Market E4 Dongshin Market 031-789-2500 E4 Lotte Mart 031-738-2500 E4 Lotte Department Store F4 Migeum Hyundai Venture Ville Market E5 Mirae Town General Market 1 E5 Mirae Town General Market 2 E5 Beomhan Plaza Market E5 Bundang Woosung Market F4 Bundang General Market D4 Yatap Ace Core Market 031-710-1234 Tourist Information F4 Emart (Bundang) Seongnam-si Call Center 1577-3100 E4 Kokkiri Shoping Center Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism 044)203-2000 E4 Coco Plaza Market 031-5170-2233 Korea Tourism Organization Customer Center 1330 E4 Hyundai Department Store PANGYO & Tourism Complaint Report Center E4 Hyundai Market Train Booking (KORAIL) and Customer Center 1544-7788 E4 Hyundai Plaza Market 031-705-2080 Tour Information Center 1588-8692 D4 Home Plus (Yatap) 031-718-7493 G4 Home Plus (Ori) Traffic Information Seongnam Bus Terminal 1644-2689 Cultural Properties and Rural Remains Korea Expressway Corp 1588-2504 D2 Mr. Nam Gong-cheol's Grave (Seongnam-si Rural Remain No.4) C3 Clan Deoksu Yi's Uijeonggong sect Graves (Seongnam-si Rural Remain No.10) Hotel Information B5 Manggyeongam Seated Rock-carved Buddha (Gyeonggi-do Tangible Cultural Property No.102) B5 Bongguksa (temple) Daegwangmyeongjeon (Gyeonggi-do Tangible Cultural Property No. 101) E4 Regency Hotel 031-706-7400 D2 Jeongildang Kang's Grave (Seongnam-si Rural Remain No. 1) E4 Hotel Gallery 031-702-8200 C2 Cheollimsam Bongsuji (Gyeonggi-do Monument No. 179) Clan Gwangju Yi's Grave (Seongnam-si Rural Remain No.7) E4 Hotel S.R. 031-702-6565 C5 C6 Grave of Scholar Doonchon Yi Jip (Gyeonggi-do Monument No. 219) C5 Vine Hotel 031-721-3350 C5 Mr. Jo Gyeon's Grave (Seongnam-si Rural Remain No.3) E4 Mate Hotel 1644-5501 E5 Mr. Je Mong-jeong's Grave (Seongnam-si Rural Remain No.5) Courtyard Marriott Seoul Pangyo E4 Sunae-dong House (Gyeonggi-do Cultural Property Data No. 78) D4 031-8060-2000 E1 Mr. Yi Hyo-baek's Grave (Seongnam-si Rural Remain No.8) C5 Hotel Louis 031-753-5058 D3 Mr. Yi Gon's Grave monument (Seongnam-si Rural Remain No.6) E1 Mr. Yi Gyeong-seok's Grave (Gyeonggi-do Monument No. 84) A5 Militopia Hotel 031-727-9300 E3 Mr. Yi Su's Grave (Gyeonggi-do Monument No. 54) A5 Hotel Yaja Wirye 031-759-0508 F4 Clan Jeonju Yi's Taeangun sect Grave (Gyeonggi-do Monument No. 118) Clan Cheongju Han's Munjeonggong sect Monument (Gyeonggi-do Cultural Property Data No. 84) G4 Ruby Hotel 031-711-5211 E5 E5 Clan Cheongju Han's Cheongyeongong sect Graves (Seongnam-si Rural Remain No.9) E4 JS Hotel Bundang 1877-8006 D3 Pangyo Baekje-Goguryeo Tombs (Seongnam-si Rural Remain No.11) E4 Kynd Hotel 031-781-0009 D3 Pangyo Remains of Life from Baekje to Joseon Dynasty (Seongnam-si Rural Remain No.13) E4 Pangyo Unified Silla-Goryeo Tombs (Seongnam-si Rural Remain No.12) E3 Mr. Yi Jongrin's Grave (Gyeonggi-do Cultural Property Data No. 137) E4 Clan Hansan Yi's Grave (Gyeonggi-do Monument No. 116) Experience Centers and Museums Convenient D3 KOICA Global Village 031-740-0114 for you C3 National Archives of Korea 031-750-2300 Seongnam-si Information Phones B5 Minoo Media Art Museum 031-754-9696 and Medical institution C3 Shingu College Botanical Garden 031-724-1600 B6 Brain Health Experience Museum 031-739-3031~2 B6 Seongnam Folkcraft Exhibition Hall 031-749-7976 D5 Senior-Friendly Total Experience Center 1644-0891 Public Office Phones E4 The Micro Science Museum 031-711-0154 E6 Saemaeul History Museum 031-780-7800 C4 Seongnam City Hall 1577-3100 E5 Book Theme Park 031-708-3588 C4 Seongnam City Council 031-729-2521 D3 Pangyo Museum 031-729-4535~7 B5 Sujeing-gu Office 031-729-5114 D4 Pangyo Eco Park 031-8016-0100 C5 Jungwon-gu Office 031-729-6114 E4 Korea Job World 1644-1333 E4 Bundang-gu Office 031-729-7114 D2 The Academy of Korean Studies 031-709-8111 F4 National Institute for International Education 02-3668-1300 E4 Hyundai Museum of kids’ books & art 031-5170-3700 Medical institution in cooperatiion with medical tourism Restaurant Districts and Food Streets F4 Seoul National University Bundang Hospital 1588-3369 D4 Bundang Cha Hospital 031-780-5000 B6 Namhansanseong Chicken Porridge Village E4 Bundang Jaeseng Hospital 031-779-0000 B4 Bokjeong-dong Campus Town Street F3 Bobath Memorial Hospital 1877-5661 B5 General Market Food Street E4 Philip Medical Center 031-789-5800 C2 Cheonggyesan Yetgol Food Village D4 Medipia Medipium Clinic 1899-0050 C5 Moran Food & Culture Street B6 Nubebe Oriental Medicine 1877-0036 F4 Kkachi Village Food & Culture Street C5 T Plus Dental Clinic 1544-9022 E4 Baekhyun-dong Café Street C5 Chung Hospital 031-750-6000 E4 Baekhyun Village Food Street F4 Lijian Eye Clinic 1588-4574 E5 Seohyeon-dong Food Street C4 Raonheal Convalescent Hospital 031-709-9119 D5 Yatap Food Street D4 Rejuvenation & Lift Up Aesthetic Clinic 031-701-0970 G4 Ori Food Street E4 Medicube Clinic 031-778-6277 E5 Yuldong Food Park F4 Modeline Clinic 031-712-5569 9LHZ Namhansansung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angyo Museum ' Baekhyeon-dong ( Korea Job World ( 7KH)LUVW3XEOLF0XVHXPLQ6HRQJQDPVL Cafe Street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oran 5-day Market RSHUDWHGDVWKHVSDFHIRUKLVWRULFDODQGFXOWXUDO H[RWLFLVP7KLVFDIHVWUHHWKDVDVQXJDQG IRURFFXSDWLRQ7KH&HQWHULVHTXLSSHGZLWKMRE H[SHULHQFHVWKURXJKWKHUHOLFVH[FDYDWHGWRJHWKHU OX[XULRXVDLUVRRQHZKRHQMR\VEUXQFKKHUHZRXOG ZRUOGKDOOWHHQDJHUV H[SHULHQFHKDOOFKLOGUHQ V Bongguksa (temple), /LYHO\GD\0DUNHWLQGRZQWRZQ ZLWKWKHUHPDLQVDQGRIIHUVFUHDWLYHH[SHULHQFH UHPLQGRIDVHFOXGHVSRWLQ(XURSH H[SHULHQFHKDOODQGFRXUVHSODQQLQJKDOODQGGLYHUVH DFWLYLWLHVWKURXJKDWDVWHRIWUDGLWLRQDOFXOWXUHWR H[KLELWLRQDQGH[SHULHQFHIDFLOLWLHVDQGLWRIIHUVD % 7KHQDPHRI0RUDQZDVGHULYHGIURPFXOWLYDWLQJWKHZDVWHODQG VWXGHQWVDQGWKHLUSDUHQWV %HRQJLO3DQJ\R\HRNUR%XQGDQJJX YDULHW\RISOD\VDQGPXVLFDOSHUIRUPDQFHVHWF Daegwangmyeongjeon LQ6HRQJQDPDUHDLQVZKHUHWKHKLVWRU\RI $6SHFLDO7HPSOHLQGRZQWRZQ 0RUDQGD\0DUNHWEHJDQ 3DQJ\RUR%XQGDQJJX %XQGDQJVXVHRUR%XQGDQJJX 7KH0RUDQGD\0DUNHWLVRSHQHGLQGRZQWRZQDWWKHIRXUWK a %RQJJXNVD WHPSOH *\HRQJJLGR7DQJLEOH&XOWXUDO3URSHUW\1RZDVUHEXLOWLQ RUQLQWKGD\RIHDFKPRQWKDQGLWSUHVHQWVXQXVXDOH[SHULHQFHLQWKHFLW\ ZZZSDQJ\RPXVHXPJRNU ZZZNRUHDMREZRUOGRUNU E\.LQJ+HRQMRQJIRUWKHUHSRVHRIKLVHDUO\GHDGWZRSULQFHVVHV 2SHQLQJKRXUVa &ORVHGRQ0RQGD\$GPLVVLRQ)UHH &ORVHGRQ0RQGD\ 7KLVWHPSOHZDVRULJLQDOO\EXLOWIRU9DLURFDQD%XGGKDEXWLWLVFXUUHQWO\GHGLFDWHG 'XQFKRQGDHUR-XQJZRQJX WR$PLWDEKD%XGGKGD7KH'DHJZDQJP\HRQJMHRQLVDWHPSOHEXLOGLQJWKDWKDVSUHVHUYHG %XQGDQJ/LQH6XQDH6WDWLRQ 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