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TIi~ Inside: Senate Budget Page S Senate Minutes /' Br yant College Smithfield, R.I. 02917 Vol. XXXVIII No. 25 • Friday, April 27, 1973 Sports Page 8 WTEV-TV DiOPS EffORT TO BLOCK BRYANT RADIO • by Richard C. Dujardin WTE V television , in a In all the cases, WTEV had their television sets to cut down failed to do anything about it. not automa ti ally eto the compromise agreement that filed letters of protest with the interference. project, this is in fact what FCC, contending that the new The traps, the cost of which The FCC invited comments hap pe ns a ccord ing to other co ul d e v ntua lly affect 11 from Channel 6 and FM radio educational institutions in the stations would cause would be borne by the TV set sources. Mr. Hackman said t he objectionable Interference wi th owners, could cost anywhere tations in 1006 and two years FCC has "no fi xed policy" an New England area, agreed this the TV signal being received by from 25 cents to $25, depending ago asked some consu lting rules on each case inctividually , week to withdraw its opposition people in the immediate area on t he st r e ngth o f the engineers to come up with a depending ou circumstances. around the proposed stat ions. interference. Mr. Murphy said solution. No solution has been The FCC engineer ruled out to a request by the Wal pole Some of those requests have been offered thus far. public school sy tern to operate that sim ply installing an antenna moving educatlonal stations to pending for as long as a year. wire cut to a certain length on an educational FM radio station. Edward · Hack man, who some other point on the FM Donald H. Murphy, Director the back of the teleVision sel pro esses appl.ications at the band, asserting that the band is of Student Activities at Wal pole could solve the problem, while already overloaded. He also ruled Am ong the schools that FCC's broa dcast b ureau in HIgh Scho o l, said that the others say a comm~cially-pro. could be affected by the out doing away with hannel 6, substance of the agreement with duced trap costing about $12 Washington, said "no one reany om promise is Bryant College in co mmenting that there is no WTEV is a pI dge by school may be more suitable. has an answ r for it." tber place to put the stations officials to notify fa milies within Vance Eokersley. manager of Smithfield, which like Walpole, He said he has a pile of since other channels are already 1.65 miles of the transmitter site statio n WTEV-TV , said the had been blocked by the New applications going back for at "saturated. " that the new FM tation could a gree ment worked out with. least two years which have been Mr . Hackman said the Bedford television station from degrade the quality of their Walpo le «might well be the sitting on his desk and are problem stems from faulty TV securing a construction permit to Channel 6 TV reception . The pattern that will be followed by unlikely to get any FCC appro\ra) rece i vers . and that the build a radio station from the school would offer assistan e to the other sohools" in reaching a because of Chan el 6 commission should have set up Federal Communications people experiencing interference solution Lo Lhe problem of interfe.rence. standards years ago that would to install ·'traps" on the back of television interference. ommission. Though Mr. Hackman said an have shielded the sets from FM WTEV's objections to objection by a TV station does interferenc . educaLional radio stations is grounded in a problem aHecting Jacobs Elected To Rhode all Channel G television stations arollnd the country. Channel 6 stations operate A Changing Curriculum on a signal between 82 and 88 n f megahtrtz. The FM educational ba n d is between 88 and 92 The Curriculum Committee their effects on organizational megahertz. Because tunen on and Ule Student Ad viso ry dyna m ics. P a r ticularly televlsi n sets, partieularly older urriculum Committee has been r e c om m e n ded for m odels, are n otoriously working to promote and pas non-management majors. unselective, the ~ will pick up the changes in the curri culum of all MG 455 IN'l'ERNATION L nr radio signals, thereby creating departments 0 Bryant College. MAN AGEME T SEMIN AR a herringbone or " han;h" effect h is ear 0 lit committee is T his seminar is based on on the picture tube. initiating a biweekly column in direct obser ation and analysis of William B. Weakley, a radio the Archway to inform students business and managerial practices engineer for Jansky and Bail ey of Curriculum changes. abroad. D is ussions with Telecommunications, which does These proposals have been members of overseas business consulting work for WTEV·TV, submitted but not yet passed: firms and institutions will b e said in Alexandria, Virginia that Accounting Proposal III . accompanied b a continuing eve n low power 10·watt FM Require me nt for Accounting seminar to provide a comparative stations can play havoc with Majors framework for development of Channel 6 television reception, AN A LYSIS AND integ r ated ma nag e m e nt depending on such factors as the INTER P RE T ATION OF philosophies and practices from distance between the transmitting ACCOUNTING DATA the internationai viewpoint. A antennas and the location and As strange as it may seem, . major r port is r equir ed. quality of the TV sets themselves. the material to be covered as Prerequisite MG 355, Enrollment A3 a result o f studies indicated in the title cannot now limited. Additional fee for t ravel provided by the firm, WTEV has be adequately covered by the end a n d living expenses. ' Offered filed objections to requests to the o f the sophomore year. This during Intersessions. FCC from Bryant Coll ege in co urse wo uld be for those Th is proposal has been Smithfield; Dean Aca demy and students who desire a course that passed recently : J unior Coll ege in Franklin, will strengthen their accounting ACCOU TING PROPOSAL Mas sa c h u setts; Br i stol base and better prepare them for I - ACCO UNTING 101 and 102 Co mmunity Oollege; Rivers the Advanced ccounting courses The change from six to three Country Day School in W ston; to follow. hours per week implemented two lhe R ock la nd p ublic school Ac count ing Proposal II ye al"S ago has produced very s y st e m; ou tbeast e rn (Income Tax Elective) unsatisfactory results. It has been Massachusetts Universit_; Clark A 8 5 3 . INCOME TAX fo und to be impossible to U n i vers it y i n Wo rcest er, PRACTICE 8 hours de ve io p the very minimum • De igned for Accounting fou ndation needed b y ur Massa chusett s; WHSR·FM in Su d bury , Massachusetts; and Majors desiroUS of developing a students on which they can build WTVS -F M in Ca m brid ge, working proficiency in Federal their following business courses. Massachusetts. The latter is an inco me taxes. Th e cou rse, The department strongl y believes ex isting stat ion seeking to throu gh p rob l e ms a n d additionai contact hours must be inclease its power. interpretation of t ax law, restored in the area. ( hours) • Mr. Weakley said the case examines the business unit and its Dr. E . Gardner Jacobs in vol vi ng the Bryant College inter·relationship with 0 the r tax station might easily be resolved. entities. Prerequisite A 343 " As I look at the frequency and Ma na ge me n t Ele c ti ve Dr. E. Gardner Jacobs, The eighth award dinner will Pr si de n t E meritus a nd l o cation, there may be some Proposals be held at the Civic Center in problem, but it doesn't appear to MG 153 INTRODUCTION ChanceUor of Bryant College, has Providence on May 24, 1973. been elected to membership in be extensive," he commented. TO MODERN BUSINESS There are now 104 outstanding "The transmitter seems to be on This is a fundamental course Thete will be an important the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of inctividuals enrolled. This year, F a me fo r his outsta nd ing the countryside. I'm inclined to in the operations of business, its meeting of the Student Patrol Dr. Jacobs and five o thers will be con t ributionl> in the field of believe that if they follow the re la t ionships to society and today at 3:00 p.m . in Room ind ucted along with tw lve line of the Walpole schools, it government within the context of C-3 51 (located off the game education. d ceased nominees. T he Ha ll of F a me was won't cost that much." the American free enterptise room). This is the first year the Hall established in 1965 to honor At least part of the blame for system. Major emphasis is placed At this time, the appointed of Fame has bad a home. It will persons whose contributions have the problem rests with the FCC, on the in .er-relationships of Security Director will be be adde d signifi cantly to the in the n wand beautiful Civic which has been aware or the marketing, production, researcb intr oduced by.