SIX MONTHS LATER… Without access to family planning, many Girls who stay in school longer are less Ayebare, you are too When I went to the young women in Kabale District experience likely to become pregnant early. young. I will not give clinic, the staff told Improve Youth-Friendly you family planning. What do I do now? my parents! Oh no! I’m pregnant. unplanned pregnancies. Health care providers who TEENAGE GIRLS WHO HAVE BEGUN CHILDBEARING Health Services receive youth-friendly

35% service training treat 29% young people with respect and support their needs. 16% 17% Young people become of women 11% more comfortable seeking ages 15-19 services and more likely to have begun access family planning. childbearing. No education Primary Secondary More than school school secondary schooling IF PROVIDERS WERE TRAINED... DECISIONMAKERS SHOULD: DECISIONMAKERS SHOULD: DECISIONMAKERS SHOULD: With greater access to Let me tell you about family planning, more Decisionmakers the different family young people in Kabale SOURCES planning methods. District can avoid have a Prioritize funding for Population Reference Bureau and the International unplanned pregnancies, responsibility public-sector health Include youth-friendly Educate communities Youth Alliance for Family Planning, “Empowering stay in school longer, Evidence-Driven Advocacy Among Youth Ages 15 and contribute more to to ensure that all care providers’ training services training in health on the importance of to 24 in , Kabale, and Mayuge Districts,” the economy as adults. health services on youth-friendly care providers’ existing making health facilities unpublished research, October-November 2018. in Kabale services in the 2020- refresher trainings. youth-friendly. Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) and ICF, Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016 District are 2021 district budget. (Kampala, Uganda and Rockville, MD: UBOS and youth-friendly. ICF, 2018).

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