1,1999 Criiida Found Giiilty of Driving Und^R Influence : a Avestlaad Jury
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m*^*^^* Varicose veins are an unsightly problem, 84 JtaielcMtv lOMMl.Sil !ATII«HH Nt^W(lf<C •.'*'-""-' "",' "•"•••• • ./ » i ..,,..,-.1..,-., Putting you in touch Sunday ., with your Work!: August 1/1999 Serving the Westland Co^ .» VOLUME 35 NUMBER 17 WESTLAND, MICHIGAN • 70 PAGES • http://observcr-eccentric.com SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS O tMt>HM»«Ta«rn Co»«nitA*c*llottJ N«twortt, Inc. THE WEEK Michigan Pest Control Association wooden sheds, crab apple trees, rail seemed hopeful that rat problems will, AHEAD road ties and other rodent-harboring begin to subside in the area of Stein says they wilt be&rt placing poison down burrows Where rats are living -objects. • hauer, Hiveley, Birchwdod andShotka. "I'm happy that I'm seeing a lot of Michigan Pest Control Association TODAY and breeding. Residents are urged to efforts being made by the city and the representatives Bob England and Jerry „• d6 their part to eliminate rodents. citizens to handle the problem," Carol Hatch announced a plan to start plac ;Culture:\A summer con • Michigan Pest- Control Association Black, who lives on Steinhauer, said. ing rat-killing chemicals in burrow's on cert at the outdoor pavil BY DARRELL GtEM experts Tuesday will start placing rat Ah emergency rat-ridding plan Tuesday. .' STAFF WRITER poison in burrows. unfolded Wednesday as 72 residents "We'fe going to put stress on them/. ion behind the Westland '[email protected] . * Homeowners are tearing down rat- joined city officials and pest-control England said, adding that some ra'ts Public Libraiy will fea Pest>c6ntrbl.'.experts, rat-weary resi harboring sheds, removing yard rub experts for a two-hour community will die and "some-are going to move* * ture the Phil Grain dents'and image-conscious city officials bish and eliminating outdoor food meeting at Elliott Elementary School England'warned that surviving rats have declared war against a fat colony sources that lure.rodents. Police Chief Emery Price led much.of won't leave the neighborhood unless Combo at 6 p.m.The rain thriving in a residential neighborhood • City workers are hauling away the meeting. Mayor Robert Thomas residents remove their food sources site is the Bailey Recre southeast of Merriman and Cherry curbside debris;, launching rat-fighting, was out of town and missed it. and destroy places that shelter them.* ; Hill. education efforts, picking up dead rats Residents, worried about-possible ation Center on FordRd, The battle plan:, and offering to help residents remove diseases and declining property values, .' v-;; Please see RAT$, A4 ['-' "•ti'J&S?'". !'i-'"^ <VIV-'^ 'SW&'W.'-l^'.a? ••T'-'-V -" •'" — '.'?• MONDAY ^¾¾. ^-^¾¾^^.^ ". • rW'ig Meeting: The Westland "?>%S •- v". ' " '' " .*- - City Council will meet at *.**& 7p.m. tonight on the.sec ond, floor of city hail. Fol lowing the regularly **"v ;<rii' *. .'• • ••- scheduled council meeting a study session will be held to discuss the pend ing 18th District Court expansion. The public is welcome. STATF PHOTOS BY TOM IIAWUV TUESDAY Business: The Westland Planning Commission will meet at 7:30p.m. on tatgetsays the secorid floor ofCity BY KLMBERLY A. MORTSON Hall, located on Ford STAFF WRITER Road between Newbtirgh [email protected] andWayneroads; fireplace from the 1920s, concrete manhole cavers tghd downspouts made of WEDNESDAY wood are among some of the dated, attributes construction workers and architects have Fun: The Westland DARE tiiscuveiu.tl while remodeling Doggie Day event will and updating schools through out Wayne-Westland, Detail work: Painter Nick take place at Lincoln Ele The massive undertaking is Alia puts the finishing mentary School on Grand nothing short of a logistics mir touches on the window Traverse. Fi*ee hot dogs acle as buildings are demol trim of the main office at ished/ erected and updated Roosevelt-McGrath Ele will be available and offi with the $108.3 million dollar cers will be on hand for bond that was approved by vot mentary. - *; ers in 1998. ions. ^Progress of the district-wide the project but 'it's something project was surveyed by mem you liavo to see,* said Baracy bers of the board of education, before boarding a new school school administrators,: repre bus — one of several purchased SATURDAY with the $108.3 million bond sentatives from the.construc- u 4t»n-^^p>mydMcS/EVJ&pd the. money. Qnce all of the: projects -architectural^jin;oi.,T|in51]ivis'' ^aje^oJnipJetev_>'Ou'll'be able to see-1.he gojacTne'sS TTve-bo"nd gplftowmatnent will be * past week.. •; ;.; •• " • :•—:•; brought to the districtin' ."•'.""'.' hasted.-by the Municipal .. Interested parties were given a firsthand look at the status of Unexpected surprises Golf Coulee located at H\n liiri'drrffl.rTUig by way of a ilCjh boy," said newly elected 50p,S~ Merrimdn.For school bus tour that incluoTe school board member" Skip information call (734) stops at five elementary schools Monit as the Wayne-Westland and Adams" Middle School bus came to a stop on Grand 721-6660. New construction: Students -at Taft-Galloway will be able to eye the new According to Superintendent Traverse in front, of Lincoln addition to their school when classes begin; m September. The building Greg Baracy, the intention of' Elementary School. Monit's (above) will have classrooms on two floors with handicap access, (Top ' the bus tour was to "show the. reaction came after hearing progress thus far" while illus workers discovered the trusses right) Superintendent Greg Baracy points but where the new entrance of trating the ^intricate details' of INDEX Adams Middle School will be located and the significant progress con-' of the roof were covered with the project that could only be pressed board rather than ply struetion workers have made With underground electrical, water and seen by visiting the construc : wood overlaying the rough car • Obituaries A4 sewer updates. Baracy ton red six district const ru ction sites by school bus tion sites. pentry. "We hope you'll gain a good ft Taste::-j ;V; ' '.'• Bi: With board of'education members, administrators and representatives of th&architectural and^constructions firms overseeing the projects. understanding of the depth of Please see CONSTRUCTION, A2 • Crossword E8 • ClassifiedIndex Autos V 116 Home& Service H5 nrl nli csiirno rji Qnfo CouDle find body in lake Jobs ni lA/iA/ XJUVI/i 1 li I V\u BY MATT JACHMAN ': Rentals E8 STAFF, WRITER-; • Malls/Mainstreets C0 ;. Authorities are • Sports Di investigating the death of a woman' • Entertainment CI BYDARRKU/CLKM county road crews whose body was • Real Estate/New Homes El STAtT WHITER installing a traffic found in New- [email protected] light to make the burgh Lake, out intersection safe.r, side Livonia's An intersection considered danger but GiUids said it Lakepointe Yacht HOW TO REACH US ous near John Glenn High School is isn't clear when that Club, Friday expected to receive long-awaited will'occur. • ' afternoon. • ",.;v Newsroom734-953-210 4 improvements this month, officials "We'll bo working The woman, ftew&oomFax. 734-591-7279 'said.- •"••/• ';• .'.'-,; •''. with the county to preliminarily . Glc»in\s sveo.u'iniiiOoL <'rive->vay on fi-mnij: bjacnmantoeton^omhi.net. expedite things,'' he identified a,s a GiU«t»4)ine disc6yc|y:7^/?/2 Brown points to Marquette will be •moved farther west Glltle* NighUln$/Spoii$ 734-953-2104 said, Westland resi the location where he and his fiancee, Carta Parents lodged dent, in her fids, Reader Comment Line734953-204 2 Liberatoof Livonia saw the body floating. coinplaintH about the Carlson-Mar ."was spatted by a Classified Advertising,734591-090 6 • ROAD WORK quette area years ago, laying it places couple exercising . "Not. the kind of think you expect ' Dispfdy Advertising;734-591-230 0 students at risk because 6f jm/aidovis a dog in the water about 2;30 p in. -to line up with Carlson, creating a to find in the middle of an average Home Delivery,734-591050 0 traffic patterns. Keith Brown said he was walking day,'' said Brown's fiaiuee, ('aria jour-wny intersection. Motorists driving so\itli on Carlson toward his black Labrador retriever, That .portion'of-the' project is sched Liberato of Livonia, who was'-stand* are required to stop where the road which was on its way back to the ing nearby when H''r.owiv.,saw the uled to start Aug. 16 and be finished dead-r>nds at /Marquette, but parents banks after retrieving'a-ball in the ^before students reUtrnto school this; woman. •'•:'• • say peak morning and afternoon traffic •water, when he looked to his left and fnllj West la rid I)e j'nity A^l a y'o v (J eorge hours become worse due to Glenn ti'af- saw the.body. , G*iilies waitf. l'»lv<Tsro"«co BOOY, A3 As n'c ond p h a MO W I 11 fol low, w i th -r-~-—-~~ - Hen so s^r TfrAfflC7A^ *+ . *'T^*^** ™i,"fe*"t*»-V ^ MMi MM mmm mt A*<W) the Oh**rvrr <£ lEvcejiirivl Sl'MJAV A« i.l si 1, 199S> ,.B1 J M"l ••*»•< Construction from page A1 C on vers at Ion piece: (Left) A fireplace from the 1920s fea turing "The Go.w Jumped Over the Room to grow: Board of education members (l-r) Math- Moon" liiirseiy ew McCysker and Skip Monit speak with Construction rhyme wilt be pre Manager Bill McCarthy in one of the classrooms locat served and become ed irvtheneiu addition of Roqsevejt-McGrath Elemen thefdcalpomtofa tarySchool: The carpeting and'cabinetry'are colored sitting area outside coordinated in blues arid reds, (Right) Tour partici- . the ma in office of pantsstand inanotherneivclassroom below extensive Walker-Wiiiter Ele air conditioning duct work that will tie controlled indi mentary School.