Anatomical Position
IntroductionIntroduction inin humanhuman anatomyanatomy Anatomy • Definition - anatome = up (ana) + cutting (tome) • Disciplines of anatomy – Macroscopic – Microscopic – Developmental – Neuroanatomy • Approach to study of gross anatomy Upper extremity Back Head and neck Thorax Abdomen Pelvis and perineum Lower extremity Basis for Terminology • Terms informative • Nomina anatomica • Use of eponyms Use correct terminology on exams; avoid nonspecific, general terms, like “front,” “up,” and “behind.” DisciplinesDisciplines ofof AnatomyAnatomy •• Gross Gross Anatomy:Anatomy: structuresstructures studiedstudied withwith thethe nakednaked eye.eye. –– Systematic Systematic anatomy:anatomy: organizedorganized byby systems,systems, e.g.,e.g., digestive,digestive, nervous,nervous, endocrine,endocrine, etc.etc. –– Regional Regional anatomy:anatomy: studystudy ofof allall structuresstructures inin anan areaarea ofof thethe body,body, e.g.,e.g., upperupper extremityextremity bones,bones, muscles,muscles, bloodblood vessels,vessels, etc.etc. •• Microscopic Microscopic anatomyanatomy (histology)(histology) •• Cell Cell biologybiology •• Developmental Developmental anatomyanatomy (embryology)(embryology) •• Pathological Pathological anatomyanatomy •• Radiologic Radiologic anatomyanatomy (x-ray,(x-ray, CT,CT, MRI)MRI) •• Other Other areas?areas? (surgery)(surgery) LevelsLevels ofof StructuralStructural OrganizationOrganization •• Biochemical Biochemical (atoms,(atoms, molecules)molecules) •Cellular•Cellular •• Tissue Tissue •Organ•Organ •Organ•Organ systemsystem
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