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TJ. SUGAR-- 96 Degree 3. WEATHE2 EUESAU, MAY 30. Last 24 hours' rainfall, trace. Test Centrifugals, 3.45c.; Ter Ton, $63.00. 8S Temperature, Max. 82; Min. 73. Weather, fair. , Analysis Beets, 7s lQd; Per Ton, $73.60. ESTABLISHED JULV ?. 1356, VOL. XLIII., NO. 7429. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MEMORY OF UGAR R4 I PLANTERS BRAVE ftIE : !C VV - ;.V OF PORTO RICO Jft.;. --- ..nwV'v :x.i;'; vv . ) FACE V BIG STRIK DEAD ' m f Decoration Day Fittingly Several Cane Fields Are Burned, and the Situ- Observed by People ation Is Grave Because the American of Honolulu. Federation of Labor Aids the Strikers. - i" ftt-t- . fit i Veterans of the Civil "War. comrades Jr. r.? iA t tr' tSii George Y. i)e Long Post No. 45, (Associated Press Cablegrams.) Department of California anl Nevada, 1 ! .t-s- -I , Ik V I showing rank wearing badges their SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, May 31. Strikes of field workers are ind former army corps, gathered in l . having a sencus effect upon the sugar plantations, the situation be the little G. A. E. burial plot in Xuu-nt- i ing the more grave because the American Federation of Labor is Cemetery yesterday afternoon and i openly aiding the strikers. !id honor to the memory of their com- Several cane fields have been burned. rades turned under the little flower and ? " flag-bedeck- mounds. At the foot of I - is not Hawaii alone- - Wa?: - ? I It that has trouble with plantation laborers, but in the flagstaff", from which hung the rA these islands at least there has been no interference of the mainland labor organizations in troubles and Strines at half-mas- t, an old the that have arisen between the planters and their ritars iaborers.. Strikes are few I.ere, and have so not one plan- cannon mounted on a wooden far extended from T fashioned tation to another. carriage was covered with ilima leis Throughout Porto Rico the average wage paid in the cane fields is con- find maile, its muzzle was filled with siderably below the standard for lal in the United States, ranging, accord- i:he lilies of peace. ;r 9 ing to the-- World's Work, from 30 cents to $1.20 a day. The working day A great' concourse of people turned m consists of from 10 to 12 hours, although the productiveness of labor is not out in honor of the day when the veter- is) as great a it is with shorter hoars on the mainland. ans of the Civil War lay flowers on The native population is two-fift- h negro in number and up to a year ago 4he graves of their dead comrades and there had .lxejw serious trouble between labor and capital. The American listen to the 2'triotic address which , . ? Federati or extended its jurisdiction to the island in 1001. tells them that the deeds they per- The ave been, as a rule, law abiding and appreciative of formed in smoke and flame have pass- the efforts made to improve their condition by the United States government. ed into glorious history. The procession formed at the corner f Emma street and Beretania ave- ena op battenberg, who will bs qcjeelvi of spain today, and iizl futtjse IN nue. At'the head of the column was Husband, alfonso xiii. ' REBELS GUATEMALA Marshal Charles T. Wilder, son of a deceased veteran, and his aide, Frank STILL VERY ACTIVE Andrade. Next came a platoon of mounted police commanded by Captain KING OF SPAIN Leslie. After these guardians of the KOREANS ity came the St. Louis College .AID TAPACHULA..CHAPAS, Mexico, May 31. General Toledo is band, and then two companies of the preparing to invade Central Guatemala and give battle to President lith United States Infantry from TO WED TODAY Cabrera at the gates of the capital. Cabrera's statement that the Camp MeKinley, in khaki uniforms. revolt has been crushed is ridiculed among Guatemalans.' Pour companies of the Hawaiian Na- CARLSMITH tional Guard, commanded rby Col. Zieg-le- r, SENTIMENT FOR BARILLAS. followed and then a detaehment (Associated Press Cablegrams.) There is a very strong sentiment favoring Barillas of marines from the Naval Station and MADRID, May 31. Today the Princess Ena of Battenberg be for the Presidency of Guatemala. TJ. S. S. Bar Association Calls sailors from the Iroquois, the comes the wife of the King of Spain. The royal wedding will be Tvamehameha School cadets in uni- Evidently Mexico is not doing a great deal to prevent the invasion of tho forms of gray. The veterans of the Hilo Attorney celebrated with all the pomp that attends such ceremonies in the the neighboring republic from points within its borders. The first cablegram con- Civil War, members of George W. De Spanish court. taining information of the rebellion against the authority of Cabrera indicated Long Post No. 45, G. A. R., were in to Account. PLOT TO KILL ALFONSO. that Mexican territory was being used as a base by the filibusters, and now carryalls, each veteran wearing the LONDON, May 30. It is reported that a plot to assassinate news of a second iavasion come directly from a town in Mexico. That, however, Hack G. A. K. slouch hat with gold-cor- d. Carl's. Smith, the Hilo attorney and police. is usual LatinrAmeriean manner. ' King Alfonso of Spain, has been discovered by the secret the a member of last Legislature, is called The cablegram from Tapachula makes it clear, that President Cabrera The orator of the day, Principal Of course it is possible that a plot to assassinate the King of Spain on the upon by the Hawaiian Bar Association is not going to crush bis foes with a proclamation. Perley Home of Kamehameha Schools, eve of his wedding has been discovered. The party of violence in Europe rode in a carriage with General Hart-wel- l, to defend his professional conduct with likes to do spectacular things, and to slay Alfonso NIII on his wedding day who commanded a regiment dur- relation to the case of the five Koreans would be spectacular enough to satisfy the most exacting. Following came GREAT FLOODS SWEEP ing the war. invited lately condemned to death for murder. If the plot has been found, of course it will be frustrated, and it may guests in carriages. It was a fine Two of the men were saved from the be expected that nothing will be permitted to mar the royal ceremony to turnout. an English DOWN WALLA WALLA gallows at the eleventh hour partly in occur at Madrid today. And so, for the second time in history, At the cemetery the guests of honor, Princess will contract a Spanish marriage, which it is to be hoped will be of day, Gen-or- al spite of Mr. Smith, although he was the including the orator the hore happy than was the wedding of Philip and Mary, The match, however, Hartwell, Col. Soper and Major counsel assigned by the court for the course has been most distasteful to the masses of the English nation, largely of WALLA WALLA, Washington, May 31. A swift rise in the Reilly, the latter two being members accused of defense of the six Koreans on the religious side. flooded city, and many houses are of the Governor's staff, occupied seats the crime. Walla Walla river has this t in an enclosure overlooking the little is exactly Mr. mere i ' It not for Smith's G. A. E. plot. Mrs. L. L. McCandless, opposition to the movement for com- Outside the city, conditions are even more serious. People in in exercises BRITISH SHIP WRECKED I j. who was a participant the mutation that he is brought to book, the lowlands are fleeing to the hills, railway tracks are undermined, k was also given a seat of honor. The but for his having exposed in writing' 1 ' and many bridges are gone. veterans occupied chairs facing the the confidences of his unfortunate AND MANY DROWNED V- losses in this city alone will amount to a quarter graves. Kaahunianu school girls under clients. A resolution passed by the Bar It is said the - I,- k their principal, Miss Felker and Mrs. Association, at a meeting held yester- of a million dollars. - . 1 Tmkpr wfr froimel behind the flajr- day morning, 'in its preamble referred CONCEPCION, Chile, May The ship Lismore, from Mel-- on staff jmd in rear of them was Company to a letter purporting to have been 31. Walla Walla, a thriving town in southeastern Washington the Walla Twenty- - same name. It on H, N.1 G. H., commanded by Captain sisrned by C. S. Smith, a member of bourne to Coronel, has been wrecked near Santa Maria. Walla river, is the county seat of the county of the is the Sam Johnson. the Association, in reply to a letter by two of he- - crew wtre drGwned. line of the l.nion Pacific railway, and has a population of probably ten The program was as follows: F. W. Milverton, Deputy Attorney Decoration Day ....School Children General, to him, and submitted both The Li?more was a British ship of 159S tons, commanded by Capt. Cowell, Directed by Madame Annie B. Tucker letters as exhibits. The resolution it- and' sailed from Melbourne for Coronel on April 20. Santa Maria, where she Music St. Loui3 College Band been is a rocky islet in the mouth of Arauco Bay, not very far from Eitual' self follows: has lost, BATTLESHIP MONTAGU ;Rcbert Nelson, Post Commander "Resolved.