Reading: Mythology – A cooperative Learning Unit & Family 1. Why were Zeus and his wife Hera constantly at war?

2. Who were Zeus’ three children?

3. Why was Eris known as the goddess of discord?

4. What did Athena’s mother change into to get away from Zeus?

5. What caused Zeus to have a headache?

6. What was the Oracle at ?

7. What was Hera’s warning and advice to Zeus about Aphrodite?

8. Why was Aphrodite happy about her husband’s inability to walk?

9. What did teach humans to do? Hera, Zeus, and 10. Why did Zeus turn Io into a calf?

11. After Hera took the calf, who did she give it to?

12. Why was he an ideal guard?

13. How did Io reveal herself to her father?

14. What advice does Zeus give to Hermes about beating Argus?

15. How did Hermes get Argus to close all of his eyes?

16. What did Hera do with Argus’ eyes?

17. What did Hera do to get revenge on Io?

18. How did Zeus come to Io’s aid? Prometheus and Pandora 19. How was Prometheus unlike the other Titans? 20. What did Zeus have do to people on earth? 21. How did Prometheus get fire to earth? 22. In what ways could mortals now use fire? 23. Who sculpted Pandora and who was his model? 24. What 2 things did Zeus give to Pandora before she left for earth? 25. Who did Pandora marry? 26. What were the 5 evils spirits that Pandora let out of the box? 27. What was the only thing left in the box? 28. What was Zeus’ punishment for Prometheus? 29. Why was Prometheus punished? Hercules (Greek hero: Heracles) 30. Who were Hercules’ parents? 31. What did Hercules learn from the 5 gods who were part of his fine education? 32. What happened when Hera sent snakes to kill Hercules? 33. What happened after Hera cursed Hercules with madness? 34. How did Athena help Hercules? 35. What did the Oracle at Delphi (priest) tell Hercules he must do to redeem himself? 36. What was Hercules 1st task & how did he win? 37. How did Hercules beat the Hydra? 38. What were Hercules’ 3rd and 4th tasks? 39. How did Hercules clean the stables? 40. What was Hercules’ 6th task & how did he defeat them? 41. What was Hercules’ 7th task & how did he capture the bull? 42. What was Hercules’ 8th task & how did he win? 43. How did Hercules get the Amazon Queen’s girdle? 44. How did Hercules defeat Geryon? 45. What was his 11th task? 46. How did Athena and Hermes help Hercules with his 12th task? and 1. What does the oracle tell King Acrisius about his daughter?

2. What does Zeus name Danae’s son?

3. How does King Acrisius plan to kill his daughter & her son?

4. How did King get rid of Perseus?

5. What was Athena’s punishment for Medusa?

6. What does Hermes give to Perseus to help him on his quest?

7. What does Athena give to Perseus & how is he supposed to use it? Perseus and Atlas 8. What was the chief pride of Atlas?

9. Why did Perseus hold up Medusa’s head to Atlas? The Sea Monster 10. Why did the Sea-Nymphs send a sea monster?

11. What did the priest tell the king to do to appease the anger of the Sea-Nymphs?

12. What does Perseus ask for in exchange for rescuing ?

The Wedding Feast 13. How did Perseus stop the fighting at the wedding?

14. What does Perseus tell Phineus will happen to him? Theseus 15. Who were Theseus’ parents?

16. What instructions does his father give to Theseus’ mother before he leaves for Athens?

17. Why was Procrustes called “The Stretcher?”

18. What does Medea tell Aegeus about the “young man” who wants to see him?

19. Why does she say it would be unwise for Aegeus to listen to his words?

20. What stops Theseus from drinking the poisoned potion?

21. What was the yearly bloody tribute that Athens paid to King ?

22. What did Theseus promise to his father when he returned?

23. What 2 things did Ariadne give to Theseus?

24. What did Theseus do to Ariadne at Naxos?

25. Why did Theseus do this?

26. What happened to Theseus’ father when he didn’t see the white sail? Pygmalion 27. Why did Pygmalion hate women?

28. What gifts did Pygmalion give to his statue?

29. What did Pygmalion ask the gods to give him?

30. What does Aphrodite do for Pygmalion? Echo and Narcissus 31. What was Echo’s one fault?

32. Why does Echo plan to distract Hera?

33. What is Hera’s punishment for Echo?

34. What finally became of Echo’s body?

35. Why did Narcissus fall in love with himself?

36. How did Narcissus die?

37. What did the nymphs find in place of Narcissus’ body?