Pn S0016.7O37(O2 -7 the Lab Iron-Meteorite Complex: a Group
• / ] _caJ21_gcW211702/2_/9/02 14:24 Art: At'dole Input-lst disk, 2nd CW-trm] i i Oeoc/aumica ¢t Colimo¢/= 'mi¢l _ Vol. 66. No. I 7, pp. 000, _0012 Copynpt O 2002Br,ev_¢ Sclmm Lid ..,y Pergamon _16-7o37_o_$22.00 ÷ .o0 Primed|n_ USA. All ngh_ Pn s0016.7o37(o2_-7 The lAB iron-meteorite complex: A group, five subgroups, numerous grouplets, closely related, mainly formed by crystal segregation in rapidly cooling melts J T. W^_ _*_ and G. W. K_a_.M_VN Institute of Gee,physics mid planetary I'hy_lcr_.Univcl"slty of CalU'OITItlLLos Angeles. CA 90095-1567. USA _Ot,_ _ (Recetve,I A,_as_ 7. 2001; a_cepted mrev, sed form January 21. 2002) A__A_WL present new data tt_r mm meteorites that are members of group lAB or are closely related to this lar'[lxe g'r_up._and we have aiNt_ reevaluated some ot our earlier data for these irons. At.'_c':=_ LS_..c,-'.,.z _. __a_t_o d_stln_u_:,n lAB and IIICD irons on the basts of their positions on element-Ni diagrams._we tiadhthat plotting the new and rcvl_d data yields six sets of compact fields on element-Au diagrams, each set corresponding t,_ a _.omposmonal group. The largest set includes the majority (,,.,70) of irons previously designated IA: v,c christened this _t the lAB maan group. The _maining live sets we designate "subgroups" w_thtn the iAB complex Three of these subgroups have Au contents similar to the main group, and form parallel trcntl_ on most elcment-Ni diagrams.
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