PREP FOOTBALL Minden Crimson Tide crushes Southwood PAGE 6 MINDEN RESS ERALD P -H September 7, 2015 | 50 Cents MONDAY INSIDE MINDEN CRIME today Man arrested, charged with battery MICHELLE BATES bidden, disturbing the Marshall Merritt respond- He reportedly grabbed her phone away from her and
[email protected] peace by intoxication, sim- ed to a call by the neck and pushed threw it, causing damage ple criminal damage to regarding a her head against a wall at to the telephone. Rosen- property and warrants for domestic their residence and the baum was asked to leave A Heflin man is in trou- no seatbelt and driving dispute argument continued after the casino and not return. ble with the law after he under suspension. Rosen- between she got to work, police say. Minutes later, she tells reportedly assaulted his baum also informed Rosenbaum When he drove her to police, he returned and girlfriend. authorities he was on pro- and his girl- work, he reportedly got began arguing with her Joshua D. Rosenbaum, bation, according to the friend at into an argument with one again. 26, of the 500 block of police report. Bond was set their home of her co-workers, and “Mr. Rosenbaum was Sawmill Road, was charged at $67,260. and Chasin’ ROSENBAUM Rosenbaum’s girlfriend apparently pretty intoxi- Play the with domestic abuse bat- Webster Parish sheriff’s Aces Casino, went inside to call authori- tery, remaining after for- deputies John Lewis Jr. and her place of employment. ties. He allegedly took the S e eARREST, Page 3 Football Contest DOWNTOWN INSIDE PG.12 A DAYJINDAL CALLS FOR OF PRAYER A herd of Mustangs were only a Nancy’s Kitchen: small portion of the 2014 Show & Rotel Shine car and bike show, spon- Potatoes FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT sored by Vintage Car Club of Min- den and Minden Main Street.