Installing and Running FreeBSD and NetBSD on Small x86-based Systems Dr. Adrian Steinmann <
[email protected]> Asia BSD Conference in Tokyo, Japan Thursday, March 12th, 2009 10:00-12:30, 14:00-16:30 1 Installing and Running FreeBSD and NetBSD on Small x86-based Systems Dr. Adrian Steinmann <
[email protected]> Asia BSD Conference in Tokyo, Japan Thursday, March 12th, 2009 10:00-12:30, 14:00-16:30 2 Introduction Who am I? • Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics (long time ago) • Webgroup Consulting AG (now) • IT Consulting Open Source, Security, Perl • FreeBSD since version 1.0 (1993) • NetBSD since version 3.0 (2005) • Traveling, Sculpting, Go AsiaBSDCon Tutorial March 12, 2009, Tokyo, Japan “Installing and Running FreeBSD and NetBSD on Small x86-based Systems” Dr. Adrian Steinmann <
[email protected]> 3 Introductions Who are you? • Name and where you come from • Your (favorite) work and play • Why you’re here today • Do you have small x86 system experience? • If so, which one and what OS did you use? AsiaBSDCon Tutorial March 12, 2009, Tokyo, Japan “Installing and Running FreeBSD and NetBSD on Small x86-based Systems” Dr. Adrian Steinmann <
[email protected]> 4 Schedule for the day 1. Overview SW and HW for small systems 2. Secrets about Compact Flash (CF) Installations 3. The Maintenance RAMdisk in Action (Demos) 4. You install and use a Maintenance RAMdisk on your own systems AsiaBSDCon Tutorial March 12, 2009, Tokyo, Japan “Installing and Running FreeBSD and NetBSD on Small x86-based Systems” Dr. Adrian Steinmann <
[email protected]> 5 FreeBSD for Small HW Many choices! – Too many? • PicoBSD • miniBSD • m0n0wall • pfSense • Freesbie Live CD • NanoBSD • STYX.