Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2005 Arrant Beggars: Staging the Atlantic Lumpenproletariat, 1777 to 1852 Peter Patrick Reed Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact
[email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES ARRANT BEGGARS: STAGING THE ATLANTIC LUMPENPROLETARIAT, 1777 TO 1852 By PETER PATRICK REED A Dissertation submitted to the Department of English in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Degree Awarded: Summer Semester, 2005 Copyright © 2005 Peter Patrick Reed All Rights Reserved The members of the Committee approve the Dissertation of Peter Patrick Reed defended on 20 April, 2005. ____________________________ W. T. Lhamon, Jr. Professor Directing Dissertation ____________________________ Karen A. Bearor Outside Committee Member ____________________________ Leigh H. Edwards Committee Member ____________________________ Barry J. Faulk Committee Member The Office of Graduate Studies has verified and approved the above named committee members. ii To my parents, Robert and Linda, and to Rip, who believed in me from the beginning. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS While any shortcomings are entirely my own, this project owes an incredible amount to numerous people and institutions who lent me valuable time, money, and advice during the course of its gestation. For financial support, I am grateful to a University Dissertation Research grant, FSU Congress of Graduate Students conference funding, and a University Fellowship for respectively keeping me in the archives, sharing my work, and eating actual food. During the course of my research, I compiled massive debts of time and effort to the collective staffs of Florida State University’s Strozier Library, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the British Library, and most of all the Houghton Library and the Harvard Theatre Collection, where resides much of the remarkable and hidden archival material I discuss.