Field Notes by Stan Harris 27 October-30 November 2002
Field Notes by Stan Harris 27 October-30 November 2002 Only one (count them) rain storm, 7-9 Nov, but generally weather continued unseasonably dry, HBNWR has virtually no water, and No Name Pond was dry the first half of the period as were most swales in the bottomlands. Abbreviations used: AB= Arcata Bottoms; AMP = Arcata Marsh Project; AOP = Arcata Oxidation Pond; BSLP = Butcher Slough Log Pond; EM = Expected Migrant; ERWA = Eel River Wildlife Area; FR = Few Records; HBNWR = Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge; ID = Interesting Date; IIT = Interesting, if true; IL = Interesting Location; IN= Interesting Numbers; MKSP = MacKerricher State Park; MRWA = Mad River Wildlife Area; mo = Many Observers; MS = Monitored Species; NC = Not confirmed by a second party; ND = No Details; SD = Storm Driven; SRB = Smith River Bottoms; SWWR = Sea Watch from Wedding Rock. HIGHLIGHTS: ARCTIC LOON (IIT, NC): 1 reported, partial phone description, SWWR, 13 Nov (KI): BULLER‟S SHEARWATER (ID): 1, SWWR, 17-18 Nov (KI): SHORT-TAILED SHEARWATER (IL; NC): 1 reported, partial phone description, SWWR, 17 Nov (KI): AMERICAN BITTERN (FR): 1, BSLP, 5, 28 Nov (SH, BC); 1, MRWA, 18 Nov (KR); 1, AMP, 24 Nov (C&AC): GREAT EGRET (IL, IN): 6, So. Fork, Eel River, Meyers Flat, 30 Oct (JG); 5, Hettenshaw Valley, 30 Oct (TL): CATTLE EGRET (FR): 1, AB, 11 Nov (KR); 1, AB, 28 Nov (PS): SNOW GOOSE (FR): 2, Hookton Slough, 17 Nov (MN); 1-3, AB, AMP, 21-30 Nov (SH, PS, et al.): WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (FR): 1-5, AB, 7-8 Nov (KR); 1, Hookton Slough, 16 Nov (DW, RC); 1 known shot by
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