THEMAGAzlNEoFTHEclTRoENcLASSlcoWNERScLUBoFAUSTRALlAlNc.@ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : i : : : : : : : . : : : : : : : :.r.:.:.;.t::.:.: I tll$iii.l iu; ,s ','',,ii:,i,,'i,:.:.:.i:.ii:.:'ji: : : : :j : , g tE.:li:,,ill..,l i.I.|.i.i':;i;: i;:;|'I'i i': i'i1i'I ;i'i'i') CITROEN CLASSIC OWN ERS CLU B OF AUSTRALIA INC i DE Well here we are at the end of another year. we cover it's launch. Leigh Miles has written An might I say a very successful year too. a great afticle on taking of delivery of his Front Drive has grown and developed Visa Cabriolet in Europe recently. throughout the year and is now looking We have published a wonderful article by better than ever. Alan Brown - thank you very much Alan. We have reprinted the obituary for Andre This issue is actually a bonus issue. lt is Citrodn which gives you an insight into number 7 for the year. Normally we the man who started all this. publish 6 per year. We have also reprinted, with updates, ? This issue is packed with stuff - lots of it, much requested article on four cylinder (for those interested over 16,000 words of traction gearbox rebuilds. stuff) - that is Iike writing a small thesis every 2 months. Scarey. Classifieds are alive and well again - three early 2CV's for sale. The Europeans must Citrodn Australia has released the Iurbo be jealous. Diesel onto the market in Australia and So read on and enjoy. CCOCA MEMBERSHIP CITROEN CLASSIC OWNERS CLUB Annua! Membership $SO OF AUSTRALIA INC. Overseas Postage Add $g The Club's and Front Drive's postal CCOCA MEETINGS address is P.O.
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