1-1 Today's National Airspace System (NAS)
Today’s National Airspace System (NAS) consists of a • Approximately 13,000 instrument flight proce- complex collection of facilities, systems, equipment, dures, including over 1,000 Instrument Landing procedures, and airports operated by thousands of peo- System (ILS) procedures, over 1,700 nondirec- ple to provide a safe and efficient flying environment. tional beacon (NDB) procedures, over 2,700 VHF The NAS includes: omnidirectional range (VOR) procedures, and over 3,500 global positioning system/area naviga- • More than 750 air traffic control (ATC) facilities tion procedures (GPS/RNAV). with associated systems and equipment to provide • Procedures such as microwave landing system radar and communication service. (MLS), localizer (LOC), localizer type directional aid (LDA), simplified directional facility (SDF), • Volumes of procedural and safety information nec- charted visual flight procedures, departure proce- essary for users to operate in the system and for dures (DPs), and standard terminal arrivals FAA employees to effectively provide essential (STARs). services. • Approximately 2,153,326 instrument approaches • More than 18,000 airports capable of accommo- annually, of which 36 percent are air carrier, 27 dating an array of aircraft operations, many of percent air taxi, 33 percent general aviation, and 4 which support instrument flight rules (IFR) depar- percent military. tures and arrivals. • Approximately 49,409,000 instrument operations logged by FAA towers annually. • Approximately 4,500 air navigation facilities. America’s aviation industry is projecting continued • Approximately 48,000 FAA employees who pro- increases in business, recreation, and personal travel. vide air traffic control, flight service, security, Airlines in the United States (U.S.) expect to carry twice field maintenance, certification, systems acquisi- as many passengers by the year 2015 as they do today.
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