NAT Doc 007 NORTH ATLANTIC OPERATIONS AND AIRSPACE MANUAL V.2017-1 Prepared by the ICAO European and North Atlantic Office on behalf of the North Atlantic Systems Planning Group (NAT SPG) ii NORTH ATLANTIC OPERATIONS AND AIRSPACE MANUAL ii EUROPEAN AND NORTH ATLANTIC OFFICE OF ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office 3 bis, Villa Emile Bergerat 92522, Neuilly-sur-Seine CEDEX FRANCE e-mail :
[email protected] Tel : +33 1 46 41 85 85 Fax : +33 1 46 41 85 00 Web : NAT Doc 007 V.2017-1 iii NORTH ATLANTIC OPERATIONS AND AIRSPACE MANUAL iii Figure 1 – The North Atlantic High Level Airspace (NAT HLA) (Prior to February 2016 designated as “NAT MNPS Airspace”) NAT Doc 007 V.2017-1 iv NORTH ATLANTIC OPERATIONS AND AIRSPACE MANUAL iv EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY A printed or electronic copy of this Manual, plus any associated documentation, is provided to the recipient as is and without any warranties as to its description, condition, quality, fitness for purpose or functionality and for use by the recipient solely for guidance only. Any implied conditions terms or warranties as to the description, condition, quality, fitness for purpose or functionality of the software and associated documentation are hereby excluded. The information published by ICAO in this document is made available without warranty of any kind; the Organization accepts no responsibility or liability whether direct or indirect, as to the currency, accuracy or quality of the information, nor for any consequence of its use.