Connecting Small Firms for Innovation : Roles of Trade Associations and the Dutch Rijksnijverheidsdienst 1900-1940
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Connecting small firms for innovation : roles of trade associations and the Dutch Rijksnijverheidsdienst 1900-1940 Citation for published version (APA): Tjong Tjin Tai, S. E. (2015). Connecting small firms for innovation : roles of trade associations and the Dutch Rijksnijverheidsdienst 1900-1940. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Document status and date: Published: 11/11/2015 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. 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Oct. 2021 Connecting Small Firms for Innovation Roles of Trade Associations and the Dutch Rijksnijverheidsdienst, 1900-1940 Sue-Yen Tjong Tjin Tai Connecting Small Firms for Innovation Roles of Trade Associations and the Dutch Rijksnijverheidsdienst, 1900-1940 Sue-Yen Tjong Tjin Tai Foundation for the History of Technology Eindhoven 2015 This publication is made possible by: - Ministerie van Economische Zaken - Kamer van Koophandel (Syntens Innovation Centre) - Eindhoven University of Technology - School of Innovation Sciences - Foundation for the History of Technology © Sue-Yen Tjong Tjin Tai and Foundation for the History of Technology Eindhoven 2015 Publisher: Foundation for the History of Technology, Eindhoven Design and typesetting: Kade05, Eindhoven Printing: Puntscherp, Eindhoven Chapter 3 - Reprinted by permission of Manchester University Press, publisher of The Journal of Transport History, Volume 36, Issue 2, 2015, “Building Carriage, Wagon and Motor Vehicle Bodies in the Netherlands: The 1900- 1940 Transition”, ISSN 0022-5266. © Manchester University Press, 2015 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For more information visit ISBN 978-90-73192-43-0 NUR 686 Connecting Small Firms for Innovation Roles of Trade Associations and the Dutch Rijksnijverheidsdienst, 1900-1940 PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, op gezag van de rector magnificus F.P.T. Baaijens, voor een commissie aangewezen door het College voor Promoties, in het openbaar te verdedigen op woensdag 11 november 2015 om 16:00 uur door Sue-Yen Elise Tjong Tjin Tai geboren te Nijmegen Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotoren en de samenstelling van de promotiecommissie is als volgt: voorzitter: I.E.J. Heynderickx 1e promotor: H.W. Lintsen 2e promotor: prof.dr. R. Oldenziel copromotor: dr. M. Davids leden: prof.dr. J.L. van Zanden (UU) prof.dr. K.E. Sluyterman (UU) prof.dr. E.J. Nijssen adviseur: M. van der Veen (Kamer van Koophandel) To Johan de Knijff Contents Acknowledgements. 9 1 Introduction ......................................................................... 13 1.1 Innovation in SMEs and Intermediary Organisations ............................... 13 1.2 Studying the History of Innovation using Contemporary Literature ................ 14 1.3 Research Approach ................................................................... 16 1.4 Historiography: How SMEs Responded to Industrialisation ........................ 17 1.5 Historiography: Trade Associations, RND and their Roles in Innovation for SMEs .. 28 1.6 Contemporary Literature: Intermediary Organisations ............................. 32 1.7 Research Question ................................................................... 43 1.8 Methodology and Data Collection ................................................... 45 1.9 Context ................................................................................ 50 1.10 Reader’s Guide ........................................................................ 57 2 How Dutch Bread Bakers Modernised, 1900-1930 ........................... 61 2.1 Introduction. 61 2.2 Research on the Modernisation and Mechanisation of Bakeries ................... 62 2.3 Trade Associations and the Transfer of Knowledge ................................. 64 2.4 Bakeries in 1900 ..................................................................... 65 2.5 Three Areas of Tension ............................................................... 67 2.6 The Bakers Association ............................................................... 68 2.7 Mechanisation of the Bakery Sector ................................................. 70 2.8 The Institute for Milling and Baking ................................................. 72 2.9 Bakery School ......................................................................... 74 2.10 Conclusion ............................................................................ 76 3 Building Carriage, Wagon and Motor Vehicle Bodies in the Netherlands: The 1900-1940 Transition ........................................ 81 3.1 Introduction. 81 3.2 The Start of Motorisation, 1900-1920 .............................................. 83 3.3 Utilitarian Motor Vehicles, 1920-1940 ............................................. 88 3.4 Conclusion ............................................................................ 98 4 How the Netherlands Became a Bicycle Nation: Users, Firms and Intermediaries, 1860-1940 .................................................. 103 4.1 Introduction. 103 4.2 Starting Up, 1860-1880 ............................................................. 106 4.3 Organising and Maturing, 1880-1900 .............................................. 108 4.4 The Dutch Bicycle Sector Changes Character, 1900-1920 ......................... 116 4.5 A Cartelised and Dutch Bicycle Market, 1920-1940 ............................... 125 4.6 Conclusion ............................................................................ 134 5 Roles of Intermediary Organisations in Three Sectors ....................... 139 5.1 Roles and Activities of Trade Associations and RND in Three Sectors ............. 139 5.2 To a Categorisation of Intermediary Organisations’ Roles .......................... 145 5.3 Reflection and Conclusion ........................................................... 147 6 Evolving Roles and Dynamic Capabilities of an Innovation Agency: The Dutch Rijksnijverheidsdienst, 1910-1940 ....................... 153 6.1 Introduction. 153 6.2 Background: Definition and Research Focus ........................................ 154 6.3 Analytical Approach .................................................................. 157 6.4 Methodology .......................................................................... 157 6.5 Analysis of RND’s Advice Activities .................................................. 158 6.6 Establishing Rijksnijverheidsdienst .................................................... 160 6.7 Evolving Roles of Rijksnijverheidsdienst .............................................. 162 6.8 Discussion and Conclusions ......................................................... 168 7 Conclusion ........................................................................... 173 7.1 Research Results ..................................................................... 173 7.2 Reflections on the Theoretical Contributions of this Research ..................... 192 7.3 Recommendations for Policy and Research ......................................... 199 Notes .................................................................................. 205 Appendix 1 ............................................................................ 225 Illustration Credits and Sources ...................................................... 226 Quotation Sources .................................................................... 227 List of Abbreviations .................................................................. 228 Bibliography. 229 Summary .............................................................................. 237 Samenvatting. 239 Curriculum