The Kibbitzer OCTOBER 2015 Temple Am Shalom TISHREI—CHESHVAN 5776 Mentor, Ohio

Shemini Azteret Oct 4—Simchat Torah Oct 5 Inside this issue: LEADERSHIP COLUMN Youth Group October 11 2 Youth Group October 25 2

Excavating is under way on the out- Galilee Diary—Free to Be You 2/3 side of the building, first on the kitchen and Me * ello friends, sides, and then on the south side. Fol- Galilee Diary—Nothing to Fear lowing the outside work, the basement 3 HIt was such a wonderful But... * will be sanitized due to the mold and Holy Days, sharing these special mildew down there. Eventually, the Torah Portions for October 4 days with all of you. I love this holi- kitchen will be remodeled. I will keep day season. There is so much go- you updated. Please keep those do- Vayeira, Genesis 18:1-22:24 Hospitality: Can We Do Better? * 4 ing on with, not only the services nations coming in. Thank you to all of which were awesome, but with the you who already have done that. Israel Connections –Glimpsing building and decorating of the Suk- the Jerusalem above * 5 kah for Sukkot along with the tem- The Toronto trip is quickly approach- ple youth group BBQ. The Hebrew ing. Thanks to Ron Rose for all of his Healing Prayers/Letter to Editor/ 5 school had dinner in the Sukkah as hard work making all of the arrange- Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah well as having a chance to shake ments, while the profits made from it the Lulav and Etrog. The next holi- go directly to the Temple. Your efforts Donations/Birthday & Anniversary 6 do not go unnoticed. day to come is Simchat Torah Yahrzeit List 6 which we will celebrate on Fri- Thanks, also, to Elise Aitken for all day, October 9th at 7:00 p.m. her work and dedication in making the Fundraising—how we‘re doing 6 Please join us as we celebrate the High holy Days flow like clockwork. Calendar 7 Torah. She is definitely an asset to the tem- I want to give a warm welcome to ple and I so appreciate all that she * Related articles above Sarah Kammens, who has come does. aboard to help me at Sunday Enjoy the onset of the fall season. It is school. She has an impressive re- so beautiful to see the trees ablaze SISTERHOOD— sumé, including a Masters in Jew- with colors. Another gift from God. Meeting for breakfast SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 ish Education and has taught at See you soon, many Jewish institutions in the 10:00 am Cleveland area. Welcome, Morah B’ahava, at Manhattan Deli, Mentor. Sarah. Renée ¤ Let’s schmooz.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Shabbat Services Men’s Fellowship Group Youth Group Friday, OCT 9 8:00am Sunday, OCT 18, at Mentor Family NOON SUNDAY OCT 11 7:00pm Family Simchat Torah service Restaurant. Contact Lee Hawthorne at (440) “Courage and Chutzpah” Leadership Friday, OCT 23 725-6852 or at [email protected] seminar—details on page 2 6:30pm Children’s Service / 7:30pm Adult service Sisterhood NOON SUNDAY, OCT 25 Sunday School 10:00am SATURDAY, OCT 10 at “The Role of Faith in Today’s World” October 4, 11, 18, 25 9:15-11:30am Manhattan Deli, Mentor Contact Rita Rose Leadership Seminar *As we will be watch- Preschool at (440) 867-2268 or [email protected] ing a movie, this seminar will run longer October 4 & 18 10:45-11:45am Board Meeting than usual—plan on approximately 2 hours. Hebrew School 7:30pm Wed OCTOBER 7 Oct 9-10th, 16-17th, 23-24th— October 7, 21, 28 3:30- 5:00pm Congregants, get involved! Friday/Saturday Nights: Haunted No Hebrew School on the 14th Hayrides. See ASYG bulletin board at the Temple or call Elise for more information Page 2 THE KIBBITZER

Ever wonder where we Jews found the courage and chutzpah to defy: If you could witness one event from the Torah, what would The Romans? you want to have seen? The Nazis? The 1946 Arab World? Do you need scientific proof of our history,or is your faith Various rulers of countries and city states? enough to believe what you’ve been taught all thse years in What relevance does this have to my life or to Judaism? Sunday School? What does this have to do with music? A little of both? (Come to the Leadership Seminar and find out!) ASYG Leadership Seminar Courage and Chutzpah: “The Role of Faith in Today’s World” Electric Guitar and Drums Sunday, October 25th th Sunday, October 11 12:00 noon Temple 12:00 noon Temple Am Shalom *This seminar will run longer than usual, as we will be watching a video

“The Incredible Discovery of Noah’s Ark” *Keyboards, electric guitars, drums will all be provided— however feel free to bring your personal stories of chutzpah, Plan on 2 to 2½ hours for this session. personal heroism, etc. Participants are encouraged to bring lunch as limited munchies will be provided. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

The following article is excerpted from Ten Minutes of Torah— Israel tures are so very different, and everyone has historical bag- Connections from on July 29, 2015. Rabbi Marc Rosenstein gage as well as a bundle of fears both rational and irrational. is presently the director of the Israeli Rabbinical Program of HUC-JIR, Then we drove to a much small Bedouin community—just a in Jerusalem. dozen families—Hamdun, adjacent to Kibbutz Lotem. We Galilee Diary met with M., a charming and articulate Bedouin man of about 35, who speaks unaccented, colloquial Hebrew. Dressed in Free to Be You and Me jeans and a polo shirt, he showed us around the village, By Rabbi Marc Rosenstein proudly pointing out all the fruit trees he has planted, and Rabbi Huna in the name of Bar Kappara said that Israel deserved to discussing his building plans. Even though the villagers had somehow received building permits years ago, so they live in be redeemed from Egypt for four reasons: They never changed their houses (not tents or shanties), they were unrecognized as a names, they never changed their language, they never engaged in community, meaning they were ―off the grid‖ for water, elec- gossip, and they never engaged in sexual immorality. tricity, and roads until the mid-1990s. By then, many families —Midrash Song of Songs Rabbah 4:12 had left for nearby large Arab villages. But M.‘s family and some others refused to trade in their rural independence, Recently I went on a tour sponsored by the local Hebrew- leading to, among other hardships, a long trek to school eve- Arabic webzine Dugrinet, to visit examples of Bedouin and ry day. Though initially, when the kibbutz was established in Jewish communities living in close proximity. We first visited the ‗80s, it was fenced in (and the village fenced out), even- Kamaneh, a large Bedouin village, and Kamun, a rural Jew- tually relations developed, and M. was taken under the wing ish community of a few hundred families. The two, which of a kibbutznik who apparently recognized his talents. The share a mountaintop east of Karmiel, have been struggling to kibbutz employed him, and encouraged him to pursue his find a modus vivendi (compromise) for years, and both sides education. Today he commutes to his job as manager of the have invested much effort. On the whole the project has been industrial poultry farm on a much larger kibbutz. And the aid successful, but there are still issues and incidents, as the cul- (Free to Be Continued on page 3) Page 3 OCTOBER 2015 discrimination. Israel Connection—Galilee Diary Here at Shorashim, which has a history of membrs‘ activism The following article is excerpted from Ten Minutes of Torah— Israel on behalf of Jewish-Arab cooperation, and a number of families who sent their children to the bilingual ―Hand in Connections from on August 5, 2015. Rabbi Marc Rosenstein Hand‖ school, the issue never came up...until a few months is presently the director of the Israeli Rabbinical Program of HUC-JIR, ago, when out of the blue (it seemed) the executive as well as the director of Makom ba-Galil, a seminar center that engages committee proposed an amendment to our constitution in programming to foster pluralism and coexistence. requiring members to be ―observant of the Jewish tradition.‖ Galilee Diary There were two public meetings to discuss the amendment, and the supporters made it clear that its only purpose was to Nothing to Fear But . . . provide a tool for justifying rejection of potential Arab By Marc Rosenstein candidates. Do not follow a majority to do evil. Some of us argued that such restrictions have no place in a —Exodus 23:2 democracy, contradicting a basic human freedom (the Israeli For decades, it was taken for granted that rural communities supreme court decision includes a long disquisition on the based on some form of economic communalism (like the support of the Jewish tradition for equality); that Jews if kibbutz or moshav) were justified in vetting new members, anyone should be sensitive to this (remember ―restricted usually involving a vote, a year of probation, and another vote. deeds‖ and ―Anglo Saxons only‖?). The more radical of us After all, the commitment of and to the community was lifelong even suggested that separation only contributed to fear, and economically significant—and the community was weakening the overall social fabric and sustainability of the generally relatively small and isolated. state. The responses included: This custom of selection committees, probation, and votes  I don‘t hate Arabs or anything, but I would be afraid for was carried over to the looser model called ―yishuv my children. kehilati,‖ (community settlement) that has now become  Look what‘s happening in France...and ISIS popular: basically a village (suburban or exurban), with no economic independence. Over the past two decades, the  We‘re sitting on a time bomb selectivity of these villages has been challenged in court, both  Don‘t think that these are individual families; they are by Arab families who perceived that they were being rejected fronts for organizations that have a well-funded agenda, on ethnic grounds, and by Jewish families who felt their to take over our communities and then the whole country. rejection on ―social‖ grounds was unjust.  Would they let us live in their communities? The courts repeatedly ruled against the selection committees. In response, the Knesset passed an amendment to the As usual in such conversations, the ―left‖ was armed only with community governance law, which while explicitly prohibiting ideals while the ―right‖ spoke from absolute certainty of the racial, ethnic, gender, or religious discrimination, does allow a truth of the assumption underlying their fears. community (of fewer than 400 households) to define itself as By law, amending a communal constitution requires a 75% ―religious,‖ thus allowing it to reject candidates who do not majority. The amendment attained 75% by a few votes, but accept its religious behavioral norms. As soon as the law was there were technical problems, requiring a revote. So maybe passed, a number of community settlements around the it will pass and maybe it won‘t. Either way, after 25 happy country changed their constitution to include a clause requiring years here, suddenly we realize sadly, that we no longer live ―observance of the Jewish religion [or tradition]‖ as a criterion where we thought we did. And sadder still, as pluralistic, for membership, usually with no relation to the actual lifestyle liberal, educated Shorashim goes, so goes the nation. ¤ of the current membership, but purely as a legal ―cover‖ for

(Free to Be Continued from page 2) years this practice was actually a requirement for anyone wishing to join the diplomatic corps. Indeed, in today‘s cultur- that Kibbutz Lotem gave to the village over the years has now al climate, changing one‘s name seems trivial compared to moved to a new phase, as plans are underway for the village the more radical changes in identity that we almost take for to be annexed into the master plan of the kibbutz. granted; for example: gender, ethnicity, even race. About 10 years ago, as he was studying, and advancing in So, is M. ―passing as Jewish?‖ He is definitely proud of his his effort to become integrated into Israeli society, M. became Bedouin heritage, and not interested in full assimilation. Is he frustrated by the responses he got when giving his name. tricking the bureaucrats and service providers he calls? Or is Therefore, he legally changed it from a very obviously Arab- he simply gaming a racist system? Is he denying part of his sounding name (first and last) to a name that sounds quintes- heritage? Or is he helping to reduce the oppressive division sentially Jewish-Israeli, the kind that evokes the image of a of Israeli society along lines of ethnic identity? fighter pilot in the Israeli army. This revelation left many of us a bit nonplussed. But then, why not? Many in my grandpar- M.‘s biography casts into sharp relief the great challenge ents‘ and parents‘ generations in the United States changed facing us here: to build the nation-state of the Jewish Peo- their Eastern European ―Jewish-sounding‖ names to try to ple that is at the same time a state that treats all of its citi- escape anti-Semitism or just to fit in. Many immigrants to Isra- zens with fairness and dignity. ¤ el Hebraized their European or North African names; for Page 4 THE KIBBITZER

Eliezer (24:31-33) which leads to the further development OCTOBER Torah Portion of the line of patriarchs and matriarchs and the ongoing The following article is excerpted from Ten Minutes of Torah — sustenance of their relationship with God. In the Book of Reform Voices of Torah from on October 23, 2010. Rabbi Judges (13:15), Manoah‘s welcome of an angel leads to the birth of his son , whose immense strength Aaron D. Panken, (at the time of this writing), teaches Rabbinic and defeats the Philistines almost single-handedly. Hospitality Second Temple literature at Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of has its rewards it seems, with substantial and long-term Religion in New York.. Rabbi Leah R. Berkowitz, (at the time of this benefits for those who practice it. writing), is an assistant rabbi at Judea Reform Congregation in In a personal, instructive story: many years ago I spent Durham, North Carolina. Shabbat as a speaker in a small, rural synagogue. I arrived D’VAR TORAH early, and as the service began on Erev Shabbat, I took my seat toward the back of the little sanctuary, singing along Vayeira: Genesis 18:1-22:24 with the music and mentally preparing for my talk later in Hospitality: Can We Do Better? the service. What struck me that night was something I had Aaron D. Panken never before encountered in a synagogue: from the moment I entered the building, not one person aside from Biblical stories often form prototypical frameworks that define the rabbi spoke to me, welcomed me, or even went so far and shape later Jewish behaviors. The hospitality of Abraham as to acknowledge my presence. Only after I spoke did and Sarah in Parashat Vayeira, for example, becomes for later commentators the quintessential moment that defines anyone even notice me or approach me to wish me how Jews ought to welcome their guests. The moving scene Shabbat Shalom. After such an experience, would I ever of their hospitality to three messengers (really, angels sent by join that shul if I were a member of the local community? God) who visit during their sojourn in Mamre contains all the It‘s unlikely. But it did teach me an important lesson: from key elements of the best hospitality even today. Abraham and that evening, I learned that the way we welcome the Sarah offer their guests a friendly response on arrival, proffer anonymous other defines who we are and how others view for them some delicious food, refer to them respectfully, and our community. And, so often, we can do better. ¤ keep one eye directed toward their guests‘ comfort at all times. D’VAR ACHER As they receive this hospitality, the angels serve their own salutary purpose: they promptly share the good news of The Truth about Cats and Dogs the coming of the next generation in the family of our Leah R. Berkowitz patriarch and matriarch. A congregant once told me, ―Congregations are like cats or Not long after this benign scene, a related individual rolls like dogs. A ―cat‖ observes you from afar, trying to decide if out the red carpet for two of these angels, but in a starkly you are worth knowing. A ―dog‖ runs right up to you, eager to different setting. Lot, Abraham‘s nephew, welcomes these make friends.‖ same angels to less-than-idyllic Sodom (19:1-3) by Abraham exemplifies the latter category. The legend is that entreating them to wash their feet, inviting them to stay in Abraham‘s tent was open on all sides, so that travelers his home overnight, and generally looking out for their coming from every direction could easily find an entrance. welfare in what one might consider to be a pretty rough Abraham‘s radical hospitality doesn't always come naturally to neighborhood. Despite Lot‘s considerable efforts to protect us. Some of us like to keep our tents closed. We learned as his guests, the other inhabitants of the town have different, children to lock the door and not to talk to strangers. We are far less-worthy goals in mind, and their very lack of cautious, guarded, appearing unfriendly to others. Perhaps we hospitality (read: hostility) is enough to confirm their evil still feel like strangers in our own synagogues, hoping character. Because of his hospitality, Lot and his family someone will welcome us first. (sans his wife, who meets her famously salty end) escape What was it that made Abraham, Lot, Laban and Manoah so the highly destructive leveling of two cities that results, and welcoming? In three of their stories, the welcomed stranger the hospitable once again survive and thrive. turns out to be an angel of God delivering news of good fortune or salvation, to their hosts. Even a human messenger This is simply one of many examples of the fine hospitality brings about a happy consequence for Laban‘s family: the to human and angelic characters that inform our tradition marriage of his sister Rebecca. In sum, our ancestors and the excellent rewards given those who offer it. Later in believed that even the most humble guest could be a the Book of Genesis, we read of Laban‘s kindness in messenger of the Most High. welcoming both Jacob (29:13) and Abraham‘s servant Today we have lost the sense that a guest might be a prophet or a visiting angel or a herald of the messianic age, but we can still create a culture of welcoming out of our Jewish Torah Portions for OCTOBER values. OCT 3 — Chol Hamoed We can see each stranger not as a threat, but as a person OCT 10 — Breishiet Genesis 1:1 - 6:8 brought into our lives to teach us Torah. And we can be open OCT 17 — Noah Genesis 6:9 - 11:42 to the possibility that each new person we greet has the potential to bring holiness into our lives. ¤ OCT 24 — Lech-Lecha Genesis 12:1 - 17:27 OCT 31 — Vayera Genesis 18:1 - 22:24 Page 5


The following article is excerpted from Ten Minutes of Torah — Israel in the lobby, no doubt summoned by Assem. He knew Connections from on September 16, 2015. Aaron Hirt- exactly where to go, and waited for us in the hospital parking Manheimer is the Union for Reform Judaism editor-at-large. lot. Inside, Dr. Islam Al-Hashash made us feel at ease as he gently performed a procedure on Judy‘s eyelid. He then Israel Connections prescribed the necessary medicine and recommended a Glimpsing the Jerusalem Above nearby pharmacy, which happened to be owned by Aaron Hirt-Manheimer Muhammed‘s uncle. When in Jerusalem, I try to tap into both its earthly and Had we not needed a doctor in Jerusalem on Shabbat, we ethereal realms—the Jerusalem below (Yerushalayim might never have known that the Mount Zion Hotel was the Iamata) and the Jerusalem above (Yerushalayim lamala). original location of St. John Eye Hospital! The Jerusalem below is a noisy modern metropolis where six The Order of St. John, a British charitable organization days a week, people rush about in pursuit of parnasah dating back to the Crusades in the 11th century, built the eye (making a living). Ancient and modern walls and fortifications hospital in 1882. the Turks used it as an ammunition depot attest to the competing cultures that have battled over the during World War I and blew it up when invading British centuries to control this strategic city at the intersection of forces entered the city. The hospital reopened in 1919. three continents. During Israel‘s War of Independence in 1948, it provided Jewish fighters in the Old City with a lifeline—a cable car The Jerusalem above embodies the values inherent in its (now a museum site near the hotel) linking Mt. Zion with the Hebrew name Yerushalayim, which contains the words hospital, ferrying vital supplies to the Jewish defenders and shalom (peace) and shalem (whole). What makes this city evacuating the wounded under the cover of night. heavenly is its promise of a time when people everywhere will live in peace as one. Severely damaged in the 1948 war, the hospital was relocated and eventually reopened in 1960 at its current A modern Jerusalem story: location. In recent years, the hospital has participated in a Last month, as guests of the Israel Ministry of Tourism, my program called Peace in Sight, supported by the Peres wife Judy and I spent several days at the Mount Zion Hotel, Center for Peace and the U.S. State Department, which overlooking the Old City. On the third night, Judy‘s left eyelid enables Palestinian doctors to study at the Hadassah became seriously inflamed. It couldn‘t have happened at a Medical Center for the Israeli Board of Ophtalmology exam. worse time—on the Shabbat before Tishah B‘Av, the day Relations between Israeli Jews and Arabs were severely when Jews mourn the destruction of the first and second strained after last summer‘s Gaza war. We could feel the Temples. We couldn‘t wait two days for doctors‘ offices and reverberations in subtle ways in the interactions of Arabs and pharmacies to reopen for business. Jews in the Old City. In such a bitter atmosphere, every act We explained the situation to Assem Hassouneh, the man at of human kindness and caring matters. The ground upon the hotel reception desk who told us about the St. John Eye which Jerusalem stands is holy. Hospital in the Arab neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. We Having glimpsed Yerushalayim lamala, Judy and I left the asked him to phone the hospital and, speaking in Arabic, he city with our sense of wonder heightened and our hope for arranged for a doctor to meet us at the hospital entrance. At shalom/shalem restored. ¤ that very moment, a cab driver named Muhammed appeared

Shemini Atzeret/ Simchat Torah Healing Prayers The holiday of Sukkot is followed by the independent holi- day called Shemini Atzeret. In Israel, this is a one-day holi- Doug Aitken Leonard Cohen day, in the Diaspora it is a two day holiday, and the second Elliana Echle Arlene Everly day is known as Simchat Torah. This is a joyous holiday Richard Hughes peaking on Simchat Torah, when we celebrate the conclu- Alice Planavsky sion —and restart—of the annual Torah-reading cycle. Rita Rose Nadine Sherman Shemini Atzeret features a prayer for rain, officially com- Betty Stein Marc Steindler memorating the start of the Mediterranean (i.e. Israeli)

rainy season, and the Yizkor prayer (supplicating G-d to remember the souls of the departed.) A Letter to the Editor The highlight of the second day, Simchat Torah (―The Joy of the Torah‖), is the hakafot, held on both the eve and the To Temple Am Shalom, morning of Simchat Torah, in which we march and dance with the Torah scrolls around the reading table in the syna- On September 6, 2015, I went to Classic Park to represent gogue. On this joyous day when we conclude the Torah, us at the Jewish Heritage night. I had a few of my friends we immediately begin a new cycle from the beginning of there also. I had the honor to throw the first ball out, right Genesis (from a second Torah scroll), this time to discover over the plate. It was great to do it. new and loftier interpretations. ¤ Maybe next year somebody else might get to throw the ball staff out. ...By the way, the Captains won: Cubs 0 Captains 3. Jerry Blane Page 6


Thank you for your Donation Yahrzeits Towards the kitchen fund Light Yahrzeit candles the evening before the date. Ronnie and Milt Abrams These names will be read during services in the month of September: Peter Alscher Jerry Blane Name Date of Hebrew Date Yizkor Marnie DeGuire Death corresponds to: Date Obsrvd

Michael Kades 10/1 (Tishrei 2, 5799 — Sep 15, 2015) Towards the Flower Fund Sam Rosen 10/2 (Tishrei 1, 5739 — Sept 14, 2015) The Aitken Family Anne Wolfson 10/3 (Tishrei 22, 5749 — Oct 5, 2015 The Bezoski Family Sam Sisler 10/5 (Tishrei 20, 5754 — Oct 3, 2015) Sarah R. Schwartz 10/6 (Tishrei 3, 5766 — Sept 16, 2015) Jane Rosenberg Zlahta Miller 10/6 (Cheshvan 1,5717 — Oct 14, 2015) Edward Wolfson 10/8 (Cheshvan 2, 5763 — Oct15, 2015) Donations are most welcome. Rose Abrams 10/9 (Tishrei 10, 5761 — Sept 23, 2015) Possible areas for donation: Operating Expenses; Oneg Expenses Millie Russert 10/10 (Tishrei 18, 5767 — Oct 1, 2015) Abraham Kaplan 10/11 (Tishrei 9, 572 — Sept 22, 2015) Sam Louis Fisher 10/12 (Tishrei 14, 5742 — Sept 27, 2015) Sadie Sobol 10/15 (Tishrei 19, 5764 — Oct 2, 2015) Kitchen Fund Deanna Wylen 10/15 (Cheshvan 9, 5763— Oct 22, 2015) Phase 1: Benjamin Sachs 10/16 (Cheshvan 10,5725— Oct 29, 2015) Dig the Trench Fund Jean Fisher 10/19 (Cheshvan 12, 5744—Oct 25, 2015) Back & Kitchen side $8,700 Leo Bilsky 10/22 (Cheshvan 2, 5759 — Oct 15, 2015) Includes excavating, repair of drainage Lauren K. Weinberg 10/23 (Cheshvan 8, 5754 — Oct 21, 2015) problems (drains & 4 new window wells) Jeannette Sachs 10/26 (Cheshvan 14, 5768—Oct 27, 2015) asphalt replacement & 2 sump pumps Christy Calvert 10/30 (Cheshvan 14, 5773—Oct 27, 2015) Phase 2: Dig the Trench Fund Exact year, month and/or day not given Excavating south side $9,400 Nathan Chapnick 10/8/? Dr. Philip Levin Remove a/c units in order $780 Estelle Lynn 10/1/? Arthur Loeb to excavate & then reconnect them Leonard Hamburg Jenny Miller Phase 3: Manuel B. Heiser Sara Millman mold removal & removal of Irving Krause Ella May Moore kitchen flooring & paneling Emil Levin Rose Goldstein Ratner in kitchen and classrooms $3,300 Lillian Levin Judie Ann Simon Phase 4: Repair walls/floors $5,000 If you are following the civil calendar, then you will light the Kitchen and classrooms candle the evening before the civil date; if you are following the Hebrew calendar, then you will light the candle the evening be- Phase 5: fore the observed yizkor date. Kitchen Renovation $3,000 Cabinets & Floors Help us update our records. Any corrections and/or infor- Goal for Phase 1 & 2 mation on the names listed would be appreciated. Phase 2 $10,180 (Regarding the alphabetical names: Are you a relative or do you $18,880.00 ($9,400 + know the relatives? Do you know the dates of death? Please tell us.) $780)

$7434 Phase 1 Happy Happy $8,700 $4500 left Birthdays Beth Helene Long 10/5 Michael Bezoski 10/21 Rachel Ann Abbey 10/13 Steven Sobol 10/24 Marcie Patterson 10/14 Traci Bisarra 10/25 Sidney Rosen 10/14 Jennifer Magid 10/27 Maxwell Aitken 10/18 (10) Phase 1, at the time of printing is half paid for and the work Anniversaries was just starting on the kitchen side of the building with the Alan & Nadine Sherman Oct 2 (39) excavating. Jan & Abbie Echle Oct 8 (43) Brian & Michele Zinner Oct 8 (20) Phase 2, to correct the water problems that caused mold Martha Lannoch Oct 10 (29) and mildew to permeate the wood causing dangerous toxins Ronald & Sonia Chapnick Oct 20 (54) and stench in the basement. We should have about $2,900 towards this part of the project. Page 7



7:35pm 7:24pm

7:14 pm 7:06 pm







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At Manhattan Deli Manhattan At


CholSukkot Hamoed

Haunted Hayrides at Hayrides Haunted at Hayrides Haunted

Halunted Hayrides at Halunted

6:48pm 6:37pm 6:15pm


6:05 pm

Cheshvan 5776 Cheshvan







Shabbat Service ShabbatService

7:00 family service 7:00family

7:30p Adult Service 7:30pService Adult

CholSukkot Hamoed

Simchat Torah Service Torah Simchat Service

6:30pChildren’s Servc





22 29


CholSukkot Hamoed


5:00pm 5:00pm


- -

14 21



Cheshvan 1 Cheshvan

3:30 3:30

3:30 Rosh Chodesh Rosh

Hebrew School Hebrew School Hebrew

Hebrew School Hebrew

No Hebrew Hebrew School No

Board Meeting 7:30pm BoardMeeting

Temple Am Shalom Shalom TempleAm





Havdalah or Endof Holiday orHavdalah


Tishrei 30 Tishrei

Rosh Chodesh Rosh

Simchat Torah Simchat


12 19



Shmini Atzeret

Candle Lighting time CandleLighting

noon noon













11 -








ASYG Seminar noonSeminar ASYG in “TheFaith of Role


SunSchl 9:15

Men’s Fellowship Men’s 8:00a

Sun9:15 Schll

“Courage & Chutzpah” “Courage &

SunSchl 9:15

Mentor Family Mentor Restrnt




33 Omer33 Renée Blau, Spiritual Director & Cantorial Soloist PLAN AHEAD NOVEMBER Elise Aitken, Asst. Spiritual Dir. & Cantorial Soloist The Temple Board YOUTH GROUP Sunday Nov 8: Doughnut Sale 9:00a.m.; Leadership President Steven Blau Seminar 12:00 noon at the Temple Vice President Jason Sobol Sunday Nov 22: Leadership Seminar 12:00 noon Temple Secretary Pene Obenour Acting Treasurer Ronald Rose Youth Group Elise Aitken Please kibbitz with us by contributing to our Education Director Renée Blau newsletter! Facilities Maintenance Jerry Kozack Address your news, articles, suggestions or … correc- Members at Large : tions to Rita Rose at [email protected] (be sure to in- clude an identifying Subject line in your email); or send Lee Hawthorne, Erik Nehamkin, Rita Rose, Bob mail to her at the temple (by the 21st of the month prior Sobol to the issue you want your information to appear): P.O. Box 1507, Mentor, Ohio 44061-1507. Thank you! Check us out at

Temple Am Shalom P.O. Box 1507 Mentor, OH 44061–1507 (440) 255-1544