True Stories Pointing to Jesus COLONEL RANKIN’S 04 • 25 • 20 WILD RIDE TOO TONGUE-TIED That Awkward Conversation TO ATTEND THE CHRISTY WAS FUNERAL DIDN’T FEELRIGHT DIDN’T story continued A new Home Alone SOMETHING Holding an Angel’s To order, call 1.800.447.7377 Guide phone: 208.465.2500 Hand Fax: 208.465.2531 t was the last day of my mother’s life. Email: [email protected] Cancer had stolen so much of her Unsolicited manuscripts welcome Istrength that she couldn’t even move her head, but I knew she was passing the time by imagining what it would be like to open her eyes and see Jesus’ face. As I sat by her bed, I noticed something unusual: her arm was propped straight up, and her hand was cupped. EDITOR Lori Futcher “I think she’s holding her angel’s MANAGING EDITOR hand,” I whispered to my dad. Laura Sámano That night I was awakened with the DESIGNER news. She was gone. As I washed our Brandon Reese breakfast dishes before a day of funeral COPY EDITOR planning, I realized that, for the first Rhonda Christiano time, I understood the phrase “peace that CLERICAL SUPPORT passeth understanding” (see Philippians Gricelda Blanco 4:7, KJV). SUBSCRIBER SERVICES Yes, I was sad. Yes, I miss her to this Rebecca Hilde day. But the overwhelming feeling I WEBMASTER associate with my mom’s death is peace. Kim Peckham How grateful I am to have a heavenly CUSTOMER SERVICE Marianne Daugharthy hope so that I may grieve with peace.

APRIL 25, 2020 • VOLUME 68 • NUMBER 17

Guide® (ISSN 0017-5226) is a Christian story magazine primarily for readers ages 10-14. It is provided by Seventh-day Adventists and is published weekly Lori Futcher, Editor by Pacific Press® Publishing Association, 1350 N. Kings Road, Nampa, ID 83687-3193. Periodicals postage paid at Nampa, Idaho. Copyright © 2020 by Pacific Press® Publishing Association. Printed in U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Order through your church’s School secretary, or call toll-free 1.800.447.7377. Yearly subscription: $61.58. ADDRESS CHANGES: Supply old and new addresses eight weeks in advance to P.O. Box 5353, Nampa, ID 83653-5353. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Guide Circulation, P.O. Box 5353, Nampa, ID 83653-5353. Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in this issue are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Unless otherwise noted, all prominent photos © 2020

2 | GUIDE | Colonel Rankin’s Wild Ride By Kim Peckham

arine pilot William Rankin saw the giant thundercloud in front of him and thought, No problem. He pulled back on the control M stick of his F-8 Crusader jet fighter and climbed through 46,000 feet. He would just go over this bad weather—or so he thought. He heard a loud bump and a rumble from the engine. A fire warning light came on. His flight was over. He pulled the ejection handle and was blown into the thin, cold air of 47,000 feet. Decompression caused blood to flow from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. In seconds he had frostbite from the -58 degrees Fahrenheit temperature. He fell into the thundercloud he had been trying to avoid. “I saw that I was in an angry ocean of boiling clouds, blacks, and grays, and whites,” he remembered in his book The Man Who Rode the Thunder. When his parachute came out, he thought his ride was over, but it was just begin- ning. Air currents in the cloud yanked him up, down, and sideways. He saw lightning, which he described as “blue blades several feet thick.” “Sometimes I was falling through heavy water—I’d take a breath and breathe in a mouthful of water. Sometimes I had the sensation I was looping the chute. I was blown up and down as much as 6,000 feet at a time.” At one point he was thrown up into the parachute, and he felt it drape over him like a sheet. At times he was pelted by hailstones that were big enough to leave welts. The battering by the wind, rain, and hail continued for 40 minutes; then he drifted out of the clouds down to a forest of evergreen trees. Colonel Rankin had what may have been the scariest parachute ride ever, but he survived. Maybe you’re going through scary times at home or school. You may feel anxious or depressed. But these times will pass. You have a God who loves you and will be with you through the storm and help you land on your feet.

April 25, 2020 | GUIDE | 3 By Christine Collier NAME THAT STORM

“But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his under- standing. When he thunders, the waters in the heavens roar; he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses” (Jeremiah 10:12, 13, NIV).

Test your knowledge of the following weather events by matching the correct answer with the definition. Tornado Hurricane Volcano Tidal Wave Asteroid Comet Earthquake Tsunami Avalanche

1. A violent rotating column of air 2. Places where lava, ash, or gases escape to the surface at the present or have escaped to the surface in the past 3. Frozen gasses, rocks, and dust that heats up and spews its contents when it gets close to the sun


4. Chunks of rocks or fragments of planetlike material of different sizes that orbit the sun 5. Shallow water changes caused by the imbalanced gravitational influences of the moon, sun, and planets 6. Series of catastrophic ocean waves generated under the water caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides beneath the ocean 7. Trembling and shaking of the earth’s surface. Most are minor tremors. Larger ones take the form of violent shocks and end in lessening forces called aftershocks. 8. A deadly force of snow, sometimes called White Death, descending with lightning speed down a mountainside 9. A very powerful, often violent storm with strong, high winds and heavy rain

Answers on p. 27

April 25, 2020 | GUIDE | 5 That awkward conversation By Christy Heitger-Ewing 0 Illustrated by Chris Danger

Christy wanted to comfort her friend, but she didn’t know what to say.

zzzz. My heart dropped into the pit I looked at my phone of my stomach. B just as a horrifying text How could this be? I had just seen popped onto the screen. her. She was so happy, so alive. “Did you hear about Erica?” it How could she be gone? said. “She died in a car crash last “Are you going to the funeral?” night.” my friend asked.

6 | GUIDE | That awkward conversation

I thought about Steph, Erica’s what was there to say, really? sister and my good friend. “Sorry” didn’t exactly cut it. Still, “ Yeah,” I texted. “I’ll be there.” I wanted to go to support Steph. But honestly I dreaded it. Filled with sad music and somber faces, hursday afternoon I funeral homes creeped me out. combed through my closet People would hug and cry, but T looking for a suitable out-

April 25, 2020 | GUIDE | 7 fit. I slipped into khaki slacks and I breathed. I fidgeted. I cleared a dressy shirt with a scarf. During my throat. And the longer I stayed the drive to the funeral home, in the car, the more my courage my mind swirled with reasons waned. I should ask Mom to turn back I checked the time again: 5:35. around. I thought about homework and Steph will probably be busy talk- other stuff I needed to get done. ing to other people. “Let’s just go,” I said. It might make Steph uncomfort- “ What? You’re not going in?” able for me to see her so sad. Mom asked. “Honey, why not? I’m Let’s face it: I look ridiculous in sure Steph would love to see you.” this scarf. “I don’t know what to say,” I When we finally pulled into whispered as tears sprang to my the parking lot, my eyes stayed eyes. focused on the door of the funeral “Then don’t say anything. Just home. Two girls and a guy were give her a hug.” standing outside. A family with “I can’t,” I said, my voice trem- young children stepped inside. An bling. “Can we please go?” older couple came out. I glanced Mom could see that I was a down at my phone. It was 5:15 mess, and I sensed she didn’t p.m., visitation time. want to push it. I unbuckled my seat belt, and “Sure, sweetie.” my heart started thumping. “Thanks, Mom! I love you,” I I opened the car door and said. felt the sharp wind hit my face. “I love you, too, Christy,” Mom I quickly pulled the door shut said, reaching over to put her again. hand on top of mine. “Always.” “ What is it, honey?” Mom Throughout the entire drive asked. home, I felt like a coward. I could feel my heartbeat in my How could I chicken out of some- throat. I swallowed hard and took thing so important? What kind of a deep breath. friend was I? “Come on,” Mom urged. “I’ll go I tried to reason with myself to in with you. Unless you’d rather I ease the guilt. wait for you in the car. Either way, OK, I messed up, I thought. I’ll you can take as much time as you call next week to check on her. need.” A week passed. I didn’t call. It was as if a hundred-pound Well, I’ll ask how she’s doing next weight were sitting on my lap. I time I see her at class. couldn’t budge. Only Steph stopped coming to

8 | GUIDE | class. Several weeks went In an instant, my world by. I considered sending a text. But it felt strange was turned upside down. to do it now, after so much time had passed. died tragically and suddenly. In Maybe she had moved on, and a an instant, my world was turned reminder from me about Erica upside down. For months the would be like ripping open a jaws of grief gripped me tight wound. and wouldn’t let go. Crippled by Another week went by. Then loneliness, hurt, and confusion, another. It’s not that I stopped I wished someone would find a thinking about Steph and Erica; way to comfort me. it’s just that the greater the gap Months went by, and no one between Erica’s death and my said or did anything remotely commenting on it, the stranger comforting. In fact, most of my it felt. Before I knew it, three friends abandoned me the same months had passed. Now things way I had abandoned Steph. felt really uncomfortable. It was Then one day I got a text from bad enough before, not knowing someone who understood. what to say to console my friend, “I just heard about your mom. but now I looked like an uncar- Christy, I’m so sorry. I wish I ing jerk who had ignored my could take away your pain. But friend’s pain. the truth is that the level of pain Soon thereafter Steph moved you’re feeling represents the out of state. On the one hand, it level of love you had for your was a bit of a relief not to have mom. Your hurt equals your love. to worry about running into her I promise you’ll be OK, but it and the awkward encounter that will be awhile. A long while. In would surely follow. On the other the meantime, I’m here for you. hand, I missed my friend. Much love, Steph.” Though I couldn’t comprehend It was a lesson in “been there, how Steph felt following her felt that.” Steph could empathize sister’s death, the truth is that I with me, and now I with her. didn’t really try to find out. I let “Thanks for your message, my discomfort trump my friend’s Steph,” I wrote. “I appreciate it. I grief. love you.” “I love you, too. Always. xo” hen on April Fool’s Day, I For the first time since Mom experienced life’s cruel- died, a sense of peace settled T est joke when my mom over my soul.

April 25, 2020 | GUIDE | 9 NatureBy Melissa Riddles Yeagle

When we look around nature, we see God’s handiwork. “How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teem- ing with creatures beyond number—living things both large and small” (Psalm 104:24, 25, NIV). Below are five riddles about nature. Can you solve them?

1. My shape never changes, but the way I am seen changes. There are many names for how I am seen, including waxing, full, and waning. What am I?

2. Be careful. Don’t frighten me, because the consequences will really stink. What am I?

3. I am a bird, but I cannot fly. I can run up to 43 miles per hour. My eggs weigh about three pounds. What am I?

4. I am completely surrounded by water. There are many of me, including Mackinac, Cuba, Hawaii, and even Japan. What am I?

5. My color changes with my mood or in response to the temperature or my environment. What am I?

Bonus challenge: create your own sixth riddle, and challenge a friend.


Answers on p. 27

10 | GUIDE | The eighteenth book in the best-selling Guide series, Guide’s Greatest Friendship Stories will help kids learn that friends can be found all around. When we learn to recognize them, we’ll discover that friends come in different shapes and sizes—and sometimes they have fur!

Lori Peckham, editor For eBooks, go to! ISBN 978-0-8163-6144-1

©2018 Pacific Press® Publishing Association Please contact your ABC for pricing in Canada 1855902545 By Andrew McChesney 0 Illustrated by Marcus Mashburn

Eduardo was chosen for an unholy mission.

Part 1 of 6: The Sorcerers’ Destiny

duardo!” Mother called. Eduardo’s body was twisting and “Come in for lunch.” squirming. A low, distorted voice E The 11-year-old picked came from his mouth. “Don’t up the skateboard and trudged worry about your son,” the voice to the front door. Perspiring said. “Give him to us, or we will and panting, he headed straight kill him.” Mother began to cry. for the kitchen, ignoring the The stranger from the living stranger he passed in the living room came up behind Mother. room. Mother ran a beauty salon “Don’t worry,” she said. “ Your offering manicures and haircuts. son has been chosen to be part The stranger was waiting for her of our group.” nails to be painted. “ What do you mean?” Mother Before Eduardo reached the demanded. kitchen, he was stopped by his “I am a Candomblé leader,” 12-year-old sister. “Sit down and the stranger said. Our religion catch your breath,” she ordered. teaches that people can be pos- As Eduardo plopped down onto sessed by the spirits of gods. a hallway chair, an unholy shriek The spirits, however, aren’t escaped from his lips and his gods—they are demons. Eduardo body began to convulse. Turning had been possessed by a demon, pale, his sister ran to Mother, who spoke again through Edu- shouting, “Something’s hap- ardo’s lips. pened to Eduardo!” “ We have chosen your son Mother rushed to the hallway. to serve us,” the demon said.

12 | GUIDE | April 25, 2020 | GUIDE | 13 Mother shook with fright. hen Eduardo turned “Don’t be afraid,” the stranger 18, he became a priest assured Mother. “They will treat W in charge of making your son well.” sacrifices to demons. His older When the demon left, and sister, who had once been so Eduardo returned to normal, frightened to see him possessed, he didn’t remember anything became his temple assistant and about the incident. But Mother regularly saw demons take over couldn’t forget. She took the boy his body. Mother, not wanting any to the Candomblé temple, where harm to come to Eduardo, also the temple priests welcomed worshipped in the temple. Eduardo like a king. Eduardo’s main job was to de- “ What an honor,” one priest stroy families. He earned money said. “ You have been hand- by placing curses on his clients’ picked by a spirit.” enemies. When he pronounced “ We will prepare you to a curse, bad things happened to become a high priest,” said an- those people and their families. other. “Let’s start the initiation But he couldn’t curse everyone. ritual.” The demons forbade Eduardo The priests made sacrifices from placing curses on Seventh- and cut Eduardo’s back with day Adventists and other Protes- knives. But the boy, who was tant Christians. now possessed again, didn’t feel “Don’t even try to curse them, any pain. As Eduardo bled, the because they are protected,” the priests anointed his head with demons said. “If you try, you will blood and gave him a glass of lose your powers. Send away cli- blood to drink. Then the priests ents who want to curse them.” led Eduardo to a private room. As the years rolled by, Eduardo “ You have to stay here for 21 rose in prominence and became days,” one said. “In this room high priest of his own temple. you will die to your old life.” He found a common-law wife, During the next few years, Sidilene. Though Christian, Eduardo spent much time at Sidilene didn’t attend her church’s the temple learning how to be a Sunday services very much. priest. Demons spoke directly to Together they had a son, Edu- him and through him. “The most ardo Junior. important lesson,” the demons told him, “is never to leave a job Find the emoji that undone. If you start a task, you shows how Eduardo’s ? must finish it.” sister felt when she first saw him possessed.

14 | GUIDE | ife was peaceful for 15 years. Then L Sidilene learned Junior was being bullied at school, so she talked to another mother. “My son doesn’t have any good friends,” Junior’s mother told Dilma. Dilma looked thoughtful. “Good “At our gamers club, we friends are important,” she agreed. play sports video games A few days later and talk about Jesus.” Junior excitedly an- nounced that Dilma’s of the time was spent singing son, Clifferson, had invited him songs and talking about the Bible. over to a gamers club at his Then one day Clifferson’s mother house. invited Junior to join the family at At Clifferson’s house Junior church the next Sabbath. She of- found several boys playing a fered to pick him up at 10:00 a.m. sports video game in the liv- and take him home afterward. ing room. After a few minutes Junior was happy to spend Clifferson turned off the game more time with Clifferson and to and invited the boys to sing a hear more about Jesus. He didn’t song about Jesus. Then the boys tell his mother he was visiting opened Bibles and talked about Alpha Seventh-day Adventist what Jesus meant to them. Community Church. He only said Junior was surprised. He hadn’t he was going out with Clifferson. expected this. But when Mother noticed that “Are you Christians?” he asked Junior was eager to leave the the boys. house on Saturday mornings, she “ Yes,” Clifferson said. “At our asked what he was doing. gamers club, we play sports video “I’m going to church,” Junior games and talk about Jesus.” said happily. “Everything is new Junior didn’t miss any of the for me there. I like it a lot.” gamers meetings over the next Junior opened YouTube on few weeks. They didn’t actually the family computer and found play video games very often. Most the channel where the Adventist Continued on p. 27

April 25, 2020 | GUIDE | 15

The Prayed-for Zamira’s new family wanted to give her a new life, Sister but there were many obstacles they’d need to pray their way through first.

As told to Lucinda J. Rollings 0 Illustrated by Anna Bron

ere she is—finally!” Andy called, swinging the door open. I hobbled hesitantly through the doorway with my adopted mom Hand dad. Four more children came bouncing into the room. “Hi, Zamira,* I’m Andy,” the boy hold- ing the door said. “I’m your new brother.” I gave him a shy smile. A girl amazement. knelt down “ Yes,” everybody chorused at on her knees and once, happiness shining on their looked into my eyes, faces. a grin lighting up her Tears trickled down my cheeks face. She reached slowly as I mumbled. “Until recently I . . . and took my hands. “Hi, I mostly lived in a s-stinky, dirty Zamira, I’m Bethany.” A little room like a p-place animals stay.” girl about my size peeked out My new mom handed me a from behind Bethany. “And this is tissue. “Many, many people have Sara. She’s 6.” been praying for you,” she said. “Hi,” Sara said softly. “God is so good! We’re going to A big, hairy animal came bound- love having you as part of our ing toward me. “Nooooooo,” I family.” shrieked, and rushed behind my new dad. uring the next few days, Dad stooped down and hugged my new brothers and me. “He won’t hurt you, Zamira. Dsisters peppered me with That’s our dog, Shaggy.” Shaggy lots of questions about my life plopped himself down at our feet, in Uzbekistan. “ When we heard cocked his head, and considered you were coming, I looked up me with dark-brown eyes while I some things about Uzbekistan,” tried to control my shaking. His Andy said, sharing his findings. “I tail wagged back and forth, thump, learned it is just north of thump, thumping against the floor. Afghanistan in central Asia, and “He might bite?” I questioned. the people are very, very poor.” “He might give you a good “ Very poor is true,” I agreed. licking,” Andy laughed, as Shaggy “ Where were you born? What nosed his way closer and I shuf- about your first mom and dad?” fled backward. Bethany asked. “I’m Daniel, and this is David,” “I never knew my parents,” I another boy said, elbowing some- answered. “And I am told I was one that looked just like him. born in a prison. Because I was “ We’re twins, and we’re 11, just born with a problem with my like you. You sure are small for 11. spine, they had to do surgery Are you really 11?” when I was 3 days old.” I nodded. Looking around, my “A gap in her spinal column was eyes widened at the most beauti- repaired,” Mom explained. “And ful room I had ever seen. “This in the future she will have to have is really my home?” I asked in more surgeries on her feet.”

18 | GUIDE | “It’s a shame, but few children in Uzbekistan are kept by their parents if they have disabilities, Traditional Greetings even if the children recover from The traditional way to greet an them,” Dad added, “so Zamira Uzbek woman is by bowing to her was placed in an orphanage for with your right hand placed over children with mental and physical your heart. — disabilities.” “Until about age 9.” I bright- ened. “The orphanage director Daniel chimed in. saw that I was smart and could “And prayed!” David added. learn. They allowed a Dutch fam- “And trusted in God, who ily working as humanitarian aides promises to supply all our needs,” to care for me. With good food to Mom said with a big smile. eat, I finally began to grow. I got “The day before your immi- smarter too. But the Dutch fam- gration application was due, we ily had to move, and they began received money owed to us,” Dad seeking a permanent home for said. me. They asked some visiting mis- “And the kids in our church sion workers from America if they raised $500 to help,” Daniel could find a family who would be added. willing to adopt me.” “And others paid for Mom and “Those people were from Dad’s tickets to travel to Russia,” our church,” Bethany excitedly David chimed in. picked up the story. “They told us I was beginning to notice that about you. Everyone had tears in Daniel and David did almost their eyes. At home we had a fam- everything together. And now ily meeting, and Mom and Dad they were including me. How decided to start proceedings for wonderful to have these broth- your adoption.” ers and sisters. As we sat on the “There were lots of obstacles,” couch, Sara snuggled close. “I Dad added. “ You wouldn’t believe prayed too,” she said softly. “And the tons of rules and regula- I gave my birthday money.” tions immigration applications Dad continued. “Uzbekistan’s have—the miles of red tape. And postal system is unreliable. We it was very expensive. We got so were afraid the documents would discouraged. There were times we not make it in time. God miracu- wondered how we would ever get lously intervened again! We heard you here.” about a humanitarian aide on his “But we all prayed and prayed,” way to Uzbekistan who was going

April 25, 2020 | GUIDE | 19 to be in Chicago during a one- ever prayed so much in my life!” hour layover. With God’s help we “I thank God for answering were able to get the documents to all those prayers,” I replied as I him, and he hand-carried them to looked around at my new family, the right authorities. “and for all of you.” I gave Sara a “ When it was finally time to little squeeze. “Finally a family of pick you up, it took us 11 days out my own.” of the country trying to finalize “There’s a saying,” Mom said, the adoption. Then we missed “A family that prays together stays our plane in Moscow! Amazingly, together. This family not only four seats on another plane, the prayed together—we prayed that very last flight, suddenly became we could be together with you!” available. It had to be God at work Today my Russian-accented again!” English is getting better. My fami- “Of course the Uzbekistan offi- ly is homeschooling me and help- cials waited until the last possible ing me to adjust to my new life—a moment to approve the adop- life brought through answered tion.” Mom heaved a heavy sigh, prayers and praying people who reliving those moments. “It was never gave up. as close as it could get, but God came through! I don’t think I’ve *Name has been changed.

By Randy Fishell

When the parking garage next to the Big City Seventh-day Adventist Church came up for sale, the congrega- tion bought it. The parking lot has numbered spaces. Can you tell the correct number of the parking space in which the car is parked?

Answer on p. 27

20| GUIDE | Vision in the Storm Rachel Whitaker Cabose Did you know that the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church were young people? They had families and friends. They had parents and children. Most of all, they had amazing faith to follow just what God wanted them to do! ISBN 978-0-8163-6421-3

eBooks are available at!

3 WAYS TO ORDER: 1– Adventist Book Center® 2– 1-800-765-6955 3– © 2018 Pacific Press® Publishing Association • 1855902550 • Price subject to change • Please contact your ABC for pricing in Canada rriving home after school, Devin punched in the code to open the garage door and left it open for his mom, who would be A coming home from work soon. Inside the house all was dark and quiet. Devin didn’t like being home alone. He recited one of his memory verses out loud as he went up the stairs. “ ‘Be strong and of good courage,’ Devin,” he told himself. “ ‘Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go’ ” (Joshua 1:9). Devin’s desk was near a window in the room over the garage. Sit- ting down, he opened his math book. He was working on the first problem when he heard a vehicle pull into the driveway. Oh, good! Mom must be home, he thought. As he started working on the second math problem, he wondered, What’s taking her so long to come inside? Something didn’t feel right. Looking out the window, he saw a faded red pickup truck in the driveway. That’s strange, he thought. As he watched, a man put his dad’s weed trimmer in the back of the truck. Then the man put a bike in the back of the truck. What’s he doing with my bike? Devin won- dered. Then it dawned on him. That guy is stealing our stuff! Heart pounding, Devin squeezed his eyes shut. Don’t be afraid, he reminded himself. The Lord your God is with you. Devin whispered a quick prayer for courage. Then, taking a deep

22 | GUIDE | HomeBy Jill Nogales Alone Devin could think of doing only one thing.

breath, he knew what he had to do. He picked up the phone and dialed 9-1-1. “ What is the nature of your emergency?” the 9-1-1 operator asked. “I’m home alone,” Devin said, “and some guy is stealing our stuff out of the garage!” “Stay inside and find a place to hide,” the operator instructed. “I’m sending an officer to your house.” Still holding the phone, Devin crawled under his desk and waited quietly. A moment later he heard the truck drive away. Soon he could hear sirens. “Police officers are at your house,” the operator informed him. Devin stood up and looked out the window. “ Yes, I can see police cars out front,” he said. “Thanks for your help.” He ended the call and ran downstairs. Just as he opened the door for the officer, his mom arrived home. Was she ever surprised! After all of the police officers had left, Devin’s mom gave him a hug. “ You did the right thing,” she said.” I’m so glad you’re OK. You are so much more valuable than anything we had in the garage.” “I was pretty scared at first, that’s for sure,” Devin admitted. “But then I remembered that God was right here with me.” Feeling braver than ever, Devin went back upstairs to finish his homework.

April 25, 2020 | GUIDE | 23 REAL-TIME FAITH STORY

Hang On! When the hut caught fire, the castaway nearly gave up hope.

ong ago, in the days of sailing ships, a terrible with grief and despair, he fell into a deep depression and storm arose, and a ship was lost in a deserted spent a nearly sleepless night wondering what was to L area. Only one crewman survived, washed up become of him and questioning whether life itself was on a small uninhabited island. In his desperation the even worth the effort. castaway daily prayed to God for help and deliverance The next morning he arose early and went down to from his lonely existence. Each day he looked for a the sea. There, to his amazement, he saw a ship lying passing ship and saw nothing. Eventually he managed to offshore and a small boat rowing toward him. When build a crude hut, in which he stored a few things he had the once-marooned man met the ship’s captain, he recovered from the wreck and those things he had made. asked him how he had known to send help. The captain One day, as the sailor was returning from his daily replied, “Why, we saw your smoke signal yesterday, but search for food, he saw a column of smoke. As he ran by the time we drew close, the tide was against us. So to it, he saw his hut in flames. All was lost. Now not we had to wait until now to come and get you.” only was he alone, but he had nothing to help him in —Michael Green, 1500 Illustrations for Biblical Preaching his struggle for survival. Stunned and nearly overcome (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1989), pp. 381, 382.

SABBATH Read this week’s Real-Time Faith story above. Memory Text: “And God will wipe away every tear from their is now involved in a great controversy between Christ and Satan eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There regarding the character of God, His law, and His sovereignty over the shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away” universe. . . . To assist His people in this controversy, Christ sends the (Revelation 21:4). Holy Spirit and the loyal angels to guide, protect, and sustain them in the way of salvation.” Our Beliefs, no. 8, The Great Controversy: “All humanity Read Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, pp. 104, 105.

24 | GUIDE | EARLITEEN SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON May 2, 2020 Lesson study for April 25-May 1

LESSON 5: HANGING ON IN GOD’S APPARENT ABSENCE SUNDAY Read John 16:33. Dominic came home from his mother’s funeral today. His that his mother’s death must have been part of God’s will. While mother was only 34 and had died suddenly of a rare virus. Sitting there were many compassionate words spoken, these statements in his room amid all the pain and loss he feels, he is troubled by troubled him. How could this work for good? How could this be some of the things people said to him at the funeral. One person God’s will? Dominic is confused by the things he heard. What quoted Romans 8:28 to him, saying that “in all things God works would you say to him if you could write him a letter as he sits for the good of those who love him” (NIV). Another mentioned in his room?

MONDAY Read Genesis 3:15; Hebrews 1:14; 1 Peter 5:8-10. For 6,000 years the great conflict between good and evil has been going on between God and Satan. Even though we are sin- ners, God is with us. Every day He helps us fight our battles over selfishness and helps us to put the needs of others before our own. Satan brought sin and ruin to our planet. But when we accept God’s gift of grace, He covers us with the righteousness of Jesus. It is important that we prepare ourselves in this controversy so we may overcome temptation and remain faithful children of God. What steps are you taking to make sure you remain faithful to God? ______

Chose one of the activities below and complete it: 1. Get some paper and draw a series of pictures to illustrate Romans 5:18, 19: “Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righ- teous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.” 2. Rewrite Romans 5:18, 19 in your own words. ______

TUESDAY Read Romans 8:28. We could make a list of all the things we know about God. understand when bad things happen to us. We know it is because He is the Creator. He loves us. He created us with free will. He of sin in the world, yet we might still wonder, Why me? hears and answers all prayers. Sometimes we receive what we Are you allowing something you don’t understand to keep you prayed for. Other times God knows what we prayed for isn’t for from believing and following God? Do you know exactly how the our best, and He says no. And there are times we just must wait. Internet works? Does the lack of understanding how something He lived and died for you and me. He is preparing a place for us works keep you from using it? in heaven. He is coming again, and we will be with Him forever. We shouldn’t let what we don’t know confuse what we do Heaven will be perfect. We will finally understand how evil and know. Think about how Joseph must have felt when he was sold sin (rebellion against God) brought disastrous consequences into into slavery! Genesis 39:1, 2, 20, 21 says that when Joseph’s our world. We will hate evil and sin so much that we will never life hit rock bottom again and again, the Lord was with him. Do choose to sin again. you remember how God used him to save the Egyptians and the And there are many things we don’t know. It’s difficult to Israelites? The same God promises to be with you.

Real-Time Faith® is prepared by the Sabbath School Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. .

April 25, 2020 | GUIDE | 25 WEDNESDAY Read the texts and match each one with a description. Look up the Bible references below and choose the correct match. All the Bible texts are from the New International Version of the Bible.

Matthew 5:43-45 James 1:2-4 Job 42:1-5 John 16:33 Romans 8:28 Job 34:10-12 1 Corinthians 10:13

1. “All things God works for the good of those who love him.” 2. “Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” 3. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.” 4. “In this world you will have trouble.” 5. “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.” 6. “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.” 7. “So listen to me, you men of understanding.”

THURSDAY Read 1 Corinthians 10:13. Being prepared for what may come is very important. When or understand how we are being delivered, but we can know for things are going well and are peaceful is the time to prepare for sure that God is helping us (see Psalm 91:15). Just remember trying times. How do we prepare for difficulties? By studying, that no matter what is happening, hold on to God—don’t let go. praying, and memorizing Scripture so that when the difficult days Jesus Himself cried, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken come, you will have a tight hold on God! It’s like having a smooth Me?” He heard no answer. But there was an answer. It came rope and tying knots in the rope so you have good handholds in three days later, when God the Father called His Son out of the your rope. Trouble comes to all of us at some time. You want to be tomb. Jesus will be with you through your trial. Even if you don’t sure that when it comes to you, you won’t lose your hold on God. feel as though He is there, He is. And you will be stronger, sing And in your moments of pain, anger, frustration, and confusion, louder, believe more fully, and know that your Father will never let know that God will be right beside you. God has promised to be go of you. It is your choice—will you hold on to God no matter with us in trouble and to deliver us. Sometimes we might not see what is happening in your life?

FRIDAY Read James 1:2-4. Write on the numbered lines what you know to be true about God. Find and choose five Bible texts that encourage you when you face trials and hardships. Write the references beside the knots on the rope. And when hard times come, use these Bible verses to help you trust in God.






26| GUIDE | “Possessed,” from p. 15 church livestreamed its wor- “He will perish in ship services. Mother began to watch YouTube every Sabbath the lake of fire.” morning. She especially enjoyed The next time Mother saw the singing during Sabbath Clifferson’s mother, she praised School at 9:00 a.m., but she the Christmas program. noticed that Junior didn’t leave “Dilma, I don’t know why I the house until 10:00 a.m. That cried,” she said. “But I loved bothered her. the program. This was my first “ You’re missing the best visit to a Seventh-day Adventist part,” Mother told Junior. church, and now I want to go “ You’re missing the singing. I’ll every Saturday!” take you, so you can go ear- The next Sabbath Mother lier. I’ll also pick you up when attended Sabbath School. She church ends.” joined an adult class and lis- Several later Junior tened carefully as the teacher pulled out his cell phone during spoke from the Adult Sabbath the ride home and showed pho- School Bible Study Guide. Some- tos from a church play about one gave Mother a Bible, and Noah’s ark, in which he had she looked up the verses that played the role of a fuzzy white the teacher was reading from rabbit. Revelation. Mother was dreadfully disap- A chill ran down her spine pointed that she had missed the when she turned to Revelation play. 21:8 and read, “But the cow- “If only I had known,” she ardly, unbelieving, abominable, complained. “I would have murderers, sexually immoral, gone to church with you to sorcerers, idolaters, and all watch.” liars shall have their part in the p. 4: 1. Tornado 2. Volcano 3. Comet 4. Asteroid 5. Tidal Wave 6. Tsunami 7. Earthquake 8. Avalanche 9. Hurricane. 7. Earthquake 8. Avalanche 6. Tsunami 5. Tidal Wave 3. Comet 4. Asteroid 2. Volcano p. 4: 1. Tornado When Junior announced a lake which burns with fire and few weeks later that he would brimstone, which is the second appear in a Christmas play, death.” Mother made sure to get a good That’s the destiny of my hus- seat in the church. She was band, Mother thought. He will pleased to watch Junior play perish in the lake of fire. p. 20: 87. (To see why, turn the Try This! page upside down.) turn the Try see why, This!, p. 20: 87. (To Riddles, p. 10: 1. moon 2. skunk 3. ostrich 4. an island 5. chameleon. Try Nature Answers: Name That Storm, the part of Jesus’ father, Joseph, From that day she began in the story of Jesus’ birth. She praying for Father. wept when the church choir sang. She wished she could sing Read part 2 next week: like them. Father abandons the family.

April 25, 2020 | GUIDE | 27 power points® story

Strangers Among Us Let’s imagine what Luke might have heard from a person who served Paul.

couldn’t understand why the city gate. they were arguing. I thought When Paul told them the reason I anyone could accept and fol- for our visit, everyone agreed that low Jesus. Paul’s servant explained a special meeting needed to be that the Jews thought that the new called. They set the time for several converts had to become Jews first days later. and follow their customs. I was surprised at how many I strained to hear the conversa- people had come to hear Paul and tion. It sounded as if they were Barnabas. But I also knew that there finally agreeing on something. were lots of people with their own “I think Paul and Barnabas ideas about Gentiles accepting should go to Jerusalem and talk to Christ. They would all want to have the apostles there,” someone said. their own say during the meeting. “Let’s find out what their opinion is Paul and Barnabas opened the about this.” meeting by telling of their first “That’s a good idea, but some missionary journey. They told about local elders should go as well,” some of the miraculous things another replied. God had done. Paul saved the most “Good, we’ll leave as soon as pos- important information for last— sible,” Paul said. “ We need to get the large number of Gentiles who this straightened out quickly.” were eager to listen to the gospel We traveled through Phoenicia message and accept Jesus as their and Samaria so Paul could encour- personal Savior. age Christians along the way. In “A group that came to Antioch Jerusalem the believers met us at from Jerusalem has begun to cause

28| GUIDE | some problems,” Paul reported. are saved, just as they are” (Acts “They have started to teach and 15:7-11, NIV). demand that our Gentile Christian When Peter finished speaking, brothers must first become Jews. no one had anything more to say. However, such teaching is not in Everyone listened as Paul and Barn- harmony with the gospel of Jesus.” abas told the rest of the miraculous Just as I thought it would, mur- and exciting things God had done muring arose from the group. among the Gentiles during their “How can you take that kind of journeys. position?” demanded one of the Finally James rose to speak. leaders. “These Gentiles must sub- “Brothers, listen to me,” he mit to becoming Jews and promise began. “[Peter] has described to us they’ll obey the laws of Moses how God first intervened to choose before they can follow Jesus.” a people for his name from the “ Yes, he’s right,” a number of Gentiles. The words of the prophets other voices chorused. are in agreement with this, as it is “ We disagree,” another said. written: ‘After this I will return and “God accepts everyone who re- rebuild David’s fallen tent. Its ruins ceives Jesus, His Son. The impor- I will rebuild, and I will restore it, tant thing is that the Gentiles hear that the rest of mankind may seek and accept the good news about the Lord, even all the Gentiles who Jesus.” bear my name, says the Lord, who The discussion went back and does these things’—things known forth for a long time. Finally, mo- from long ago. It is my judgment, tioning for silence, Peter, one of the therefore, that we should not make apostles, stood up. it difficult for the Gentiles who are “Brothers, you know that some turning to God. time ago God made a choice among “Instead we should write to them, you that the Gentiles might hear telling them to abstain from food from my lips the message of the polluted by idols, from sexual im- gospel and believe. God, who knows morality, from the meat of strangled the heart, showed that he accepted animals and from blood. For the law them by giving the Holy Spirit to of Moses has been preached in ev- them, just as he did to us. He did ery city from the earliest times and not discriminate between us and is read in the synagogues on every them, for he purified their hearts Sabbath” (verses 13-21, NIV). by faith. Now then, why do you try The argument was over. The to test God by putting on the necks Holy Spirit had brought everyone of Gentiles a yoke that neither we to agreement. The next step, they nor our ancestors have been able to decided, was to elect people to take bear? No! We believe it is through the good news back to the Gentile the grace of our Lord Jesus that we believers.

PowerPoints® is prepared by the Sabbath School Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®.

April 25, 2020 | GUIDE |29 .

JUNIOR SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON Lesson 5 May 2, 2020 ® Lesson study for power points April 25-May 1

DO Do this week’s activity at READ Read Acts 15:1, 2 and this week’s lesson, “Strangers Among Us.” Review the power text. PRAY Thank God for creating us unique and diverse. Sabbath Sunday

Do you keep a journal? Many READ Study Acts 15:3. believe that Luke kept one. THINK Why is it encouraging to share with people your conversion experience or that of others? How Like any good journalist, he could telling others about how you have accepted Jesus help someone who is thinking about making would have interviewed lots of that decision? people. Monday REVIEW Review the power text. Key References: Acts 15:1-19; PRAY Ask God to help you be gentle when telling others about your beliefs. The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 188-200; The Bible Story (1994), vol. 10, pp. 76-78; READ Study Acts 15:4. Our Beliefs, nos. 5, 12, 14. THINK As in the early Christian church, you are welcome in any Adventist church you may be visiting. How does that make you feel? PLAN Plan how you will welcome visitors coming to your church when you have the opportunity.

Tuesday REVIEW Review the power text. PRAY Ask God to help you extend a warm welcome to all visitors who are coming to your church.

READ Study Acts 15:5-9. THINK Think about someone from a different culture or background. How do you treat them? How do We follow Jesus’ ex- those around you treat them? ample when we love and ASK Ask an adult to tell you about someone from a different background who is in need of help. Think accept others. about ways you could reach out to that person. Do it soon.

Wednesday REVIEW Review the power text. PRAY Ask God for courage to defend those who are wronged by others. “No! We believe it is through the grace of our READ Study Acts 17:26, 27. Lord Jesus that we are THINK What do these verses tell us about God’s acceptance of all people? saved, just as they are” BEFRIEND Try to become friends or pen pals with someone from another culture or nation. (Acts 15:11, NIV). REVIEW Review the power text. Thursday PRAY Thank God that He loves and accepts everyone and that we can serve Him by doing the same.

READ Study Revelation 5:9, 10; 7:9; and 14:6. THINK What do these verses tell you about God’s plans for His people from every nation? SEARCH Look in an encyclopedia or ask an adult to help you find out how many nations, languages, tribes, and people are living on the earth. SAY Repeat the power text from memory. Friday PRAY Thank God that through Jesus every human being is welcome into God’s kingdom in heaven as long as they accept God’s grace and the invitation to be saved.

30 | GUIDE | .

Lesson 5: April 25-May 1, 2020 STS Written by Tompaul Wheeler + Illustrated by Mariano Santillan A Visual Introduction to the Sabbath School Lesson


Non-Jewish believers must first follow all the Jewish customs, or they cannot be saved!


THE CHURCH APPOINTS LEADERS PAUL AND BARNABAS SHARE ABOUT ALL TO A MEETING IN JERUSALEM. THE MIRACLES GOD HAS PERFORMED FOR THE CHURCH OUTSIDE ISRAEL. JAMES, AFTER MUCH DEBATE, PETER, WHO HAD THE BROTHER OF JESUS, RESPONDS . . . BEEN ONE OF JESUS’ DISCIPLES, STANDS UP. Listen. Remember what the prophets said? God gave non-Jews the Holy Spirit, just ‘I will rebuild the ruins, so that all peoples as He did to us. He sees no difference may seek the Lord—even all the Gentiles between us and them. over whom My name has been called.’

We are saved by the grace of Jesus, just as they are.


To read or listen to this week’s Sabbath School lesson, go to, or use your Bible study guide. *GUI201725* More facts at Compiled by GUI201725 Bear Good Fruit Unlike most fruits, avocados never ripen on the tree, but ripen only after they’ve been harvested. KYLA STEINKRAUS

The Price Is Right The Chinese government owns nearly all the giant pandas on earth. They rent them out to zoos for around $1 million a year—per panda. —


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