The London Mathematical Society, 1867-1900
HISTORIA MATHEMATICA 25 (1998), 185±217 ARTICLE NO. HM982198 From National to International Society: The London Mathematical Society, 1867±1900 Adrian C. Rice and Robin J. Wilson View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE School of Mathematics and Statistics, Middlesex University, Queensway, En®eld EN3 4SF, England, and Faculty of Mathematics and Computing, The Open University, Walton Hall, provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, England The London Mathematical Society had been founded in 1865 as little more than a college club. Thanks to the support of prominent members from the British mathematical community, it had quickly grown in size and stature during its ®rst two years; yet, while ®rmly established at home, it had still to secure an academic reputation overseas. This paper, a sequel to [35], examines the principal developments that occurred in the period from 1867 until the turn of the century, during which time the Society would consolidate its position as a prestigious learned body in both the national and international mathematical arenas. 1998 Academic Press The London Mathematical Society a eÂte fondeÂe en 1865 et a deÂbute en tant que club de colleÁge. GraÃce au soutien de membres eÂminents de la communaute matheÂmatique britannique, le nombre d'adheÂrents et la stature de cette SocieÂte se sont rapidement accrus pendant ses deux premieÁres anneÂes; cependant, bien que reÂsolument eÂtablie en Grande Bretagne elle devait encore eÂtablir sa renommeÂeaÁl'eÂtranger. Cet expose qui fait suite aÁ [35], examine les deÂveloppements importants qui se sont produits entre 1867 et la ®n du dix-neuvieÁme sieÁcle, une peÂriode pendant laquelle la SocieÂte a consolide sa position de SocieÂte prestigieuse dans les areÁnes nationales et internationales.
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