

The Benefice of Stour Vale Vicar The Rev’d Richard Priest The Vicarage, , Gillingham, SP8 5EW Email: [email protected] 01747 838494 Day off—Monday

Licensed Lay Minister Anthony Thomas Cobb Cottage, Church St, West Stour, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 5RN Email: [email protected] 01747 838698

Licensed Lay Minister Carol Hibbert Parsons Glebe, Church Street, West Stour, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 5RL Email: [email protected] 01747 838272

Group Treasurer Sue Jones 01747 838784 Email: [email protected]

Safeguarding Officer Maria Windross 01747 838324

For Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please contact the Vicar at the above address.

Website www.stourvalechurches.org.uk The Magazine

Editor Jill Perry, 3 Church Close, , , SP7 0QE. Tel: 01747 838911 [email protected] Treasurer Sue Jones East Stour 01747 838784 Advertising Jill Perry [email protected]

COPY DATES for the November 2020 issue Advertising to Jill Perry 10am Tuesday 20th October Articles to Jill Perry 1pm –Wednesday 21st October

PUBLICATION Monday 26th October

Distribution Online via email from Richard or the Website: https://www.stourvalechurches.org.uk/ If you know someone who needs a paper copy please contact Richard—details above

Published by The Stour Vale Benefice – Printed at Kington Magna Copyright reserved on all material

Cover photo—Autumn Colour


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Stour Vale Benefice

Service have now resumed—see service rota on page 22. However please remember we will be asking you to:  Use sanitizing gel on entry and exit,  give your name and phone number as part of the ‘Track & Trace’ requirements,  wear a face covering  Observe social distancing at all times.

Please also remember we are not allowed to sing at the moment, and receiving communion will be carried out in a different way to keep everyone as safe as possible.

But, most importantly, if you do feel ill or have symptoms of any kind, please do not come to church.

You will be guided through the procedures required so don’t worry about them too much – it will be lovely to see you.

Harvest Communions

Harvest Festivals—due to Covid restrictions we will not be able to hold harvest festivals in their traditional form this year. We will have ‘Harvest Communions’ at which some churches will collect dried and tinned food for the Food Bank.

This will be a ticketed event—please see page 13 for details

VISITORS PLEASE NOTE: Face coverings must be worn (unless you have an exemption). Because of the need for social distancing places will be limited, so, regretfully, we will not be able to admit you without a valid ticket to keep you and others safe.


East Stour Hairport Ltd Stylist for Men and Women Debbie Hatcher 01747 838060 BackStreet, East Stour Gillingham, Dorset. SP8 5JX


What it means to be an LLM

In Praise of Licensed Lay Ministry

As a Diocese we believe strongly in collaborative ministry between our clergy and those who serve without being ordained. We recognise many of the aspects of lay ministry by having it blessed by our Bishops, who authorise members of our churches to serve as Licensed Lay Ministers as well as lay leaders and pioneers in worship, pastoral care, outreach and pioneer ministry. Here, Licensed Lay Minister in Training Barbara Priest talks in praise of the role she is about to undertake: "As I enter my third and final year of training for Licensed Lay Ministry here in Salisbury Diocese, I find myself reflecting on what it might mean to be an LLM. "Due to the pandemic lockdown, our summer term placements kept us in our home parishes to assess ministry and mission under Covid-19 from these familiar surroundings and I am sure I was not alone in emerging from the experience with personal issues to consider as well as those of the wider picture. The summer break which followed provided an effective opportunity to assimilate what I had discovered and reflect on new avenues which may feature in my future as an LLM. But it also reminded me just how versatile LLM ministry can be. "What will the role of LLMs become as we move forward from this unbelievable year? I would suggest the broad answer could be absolutely anything. This was why I felt called to lay ministry from the outset; recognising the flexibility within the official role description to be creative, imaginative, and to respond to the needs that are unveiled before me. "My distinct calling is to contemplative ministry, and the initiatives I have already shared have proved this to be a need that I feel will only become stronger in our demanding modern world. But that is my sense of calling and others will have their own vocational vision, each according to their own gifts. "Although training is carried out in the company of ordinands, Licensed Lay Ministry remains distinctive. Yes, the required knowledge and training are similar, but the outcome and vision with which we enter our personal ministries will be vastly varied. And, as I am currently discovering, these ministries evolve and transform over time, opening new paths and possibilities we may not originally have considered. continued page 9 7

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What it means to be an LLM—continued

"Through prayer and paying attention to God’s call we can take that ministry anywhere we feel drawn, and that might not be in church on Sundays. LLMs are particularly well placed to serve their communities outside of the church building throughout the week, and wherever we are meant to be, we can be sure that God will find a way of nudging us in that direction! "Catherine of Siena reputedly wrote “Be whom God means you to be and you will set the world on fire.” Licensed Lay Ministry is arguably one of the most exciting and fulfilling vocations, offering the potential to take Christ’s message far beyond the church walls and in a variety of ways, and yet few in our Diocese seem to explore it. "So, I urge you, if you feel called to ministry but are not yet clear where you are being guided, talk to your vicar initially, and then to our Vocations Co-ordinator, and begin a conversation. Because if ever you were needed, it is now!" Barbara Written for Salisbury Diocese online magazine ‘The Grapevine’ https://www.salisbury.anglican.org/news/in-praise-of-licensed-lay-ministry

Stour Vale Benefice Facebook Page

We have our own Facebook page! Go to Facebook.com and search: Stour Vale CofE—or click the link. https://www.facebook.com/Stour-Vale-CofE- 107130680934164/?ref=settings

If you ‘do’ Facebook then “like” our page for news, information, resources, and all manner of other things. You can still view our services etc. without ‘signing in’, just click ‘not now’ when the ‘see more’ box comes up Don’t miss out…….



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Thought for October

During the summer I watched an episode of BBC Songs of Praise which focused on an art installation I love by sculptor Antony Gormley. Set on Crosby Beach near Liverpool, it is called Another Place and is made up of 100 life-sized iron figures planted in the sand and sea, all looking out towards the horizon. As the tides ebb and flow, the figures are, in turn, revealed and submerged by the sea.

Speaking in 2005, Antony Gormley said the installation was the poetic response to the individual and universal sentiments associated with emigration – sadness at leaving, but the hope of a new future. However, the Songs of Praise interviews proved that these emotionless iron figures inspire a very personal and often spiritual response in many people who spend time with them. A local photographer finds that, viewing them in all lights, weathers and tides, brings him, through his images, closer to God’s presence. An artist likes the fact that they are numbered – all counted and precious, as we are, in God’s eyes. And, elsewhere, I have read of a widow who wrote of “befriending” one of these figures and going to the beach each day to talk to it. Its company in their united isolation helped her healing process.

For us, here in 2020, and all that it has brought, perhaps they speak of our own condition as Gormley first described: a sadness of leaving behind past-things that we cherished and took for granted but, in looking to the horizon, catching sight of the hope of a new future.

Barbara Priest

Prayer for the month

Father in Heaven, All that I am comes to me from your generous hands. When I come before you weary, worn, and frightened, Forgive me for turning my gaze from you, Forgive me for forgetting that you are with me, Forgive me for not trusting that you make all things new, Forgive me for not crying out to you sooner, Forgive me for trying to conquer my fears on my own. Turn my head from the past and let me gaze on the beautiful horizon you have created from love. Amen.


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I am a fully qualified complementary Maintenance therapist with over 20 years’ experience. I hold a regular clinic at Natural Healing Energy in Shaftesbury. I offer home- Fully Insured visits on request (within a 15 mile radius of Shaftesbury). For a free quote  Reflexology  Seated acupressure (On-Site Massage) Please call

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Harvest Communion Services are Ticket Only

Owing to increased attendance at church and the very limited numbers we can accept with Covid- 19 restrictions we are having to make all harvest services ticket only.

Even if you are a regular attendee you must get a ticket from the venues below. We will not be able to admit you without a valid ticket to keep you and others safe.

Details for booking your tickets for this service:

October 4th 11:00am East Stour Tickets available from Sue Jones 01747 838784

October 11th 9:15am Tickets available from Jenny Sledge 01963 370709 & David Duvall 01965 370238

October 11th 11:00am Tickets available from Dee Thomas 01258 821517

October 18th 9:15am West Stour Tickets available from Pat Fowler 01747 838738

October 25th 9:15am Tickets available from Liz Newton 01747 838481 & Roger Robotham 01747 838726

October 25th 11:00am Kington Magna Tickets available form Alma Floyd 01747 838669 & Steven Buckle 07811 165026

There are no services at as the church is temporarily closed.


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Knit and Natter

Hello everyone. We last met in February and I do miss seeing you all. I do hope all is well with you and your families. Sadly, there is no prospect of Knit and Natter starting again for another six months at least. Over the last months many people have kept knitting for Turi and your continued support for the Turi Children's Project is appreciated. Helen and I now have a good many jumpers, hats and blankets under our beds. I have heard from St Andrew's School that the Project is closed because of the pandemic, but that the school has contact with some of the children and that they also have connections with a boys' orphanage and other charities in Molo, the local town. We are assured that whatever we send will find a good home. I only have £12 in the kitty and postage will be many times that. Richard has generously agreed that the Benefice will meet the cost this time. However, I'm sure you understand that we can't expect the Benefice to continue to pay for parcels when we as a group are no longer meeting. So, Helen and I can no longer accept your gifts but please hang on to them and, all being well, when we start again and the Project is open, we can renew postings. Love Carol

Compline & Company While our meetings are suspended, I am continuing to send a Compline & Company audio file by email to those who regularly attend, providing our service of Compline, including prayers, a reflection and a time to be still.

If you don’t usually attend but would like to receive this, please email me on [email protected] and I will happily add you to my list.

Meanwhile, may the Lord “hide us under the shadow of his wing”


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Bertie’s Sunflower Song

Amazingly it is two years since Bertie went to doggie heaven. Just after he died, the lovely vet Kate, who saw him on his way, sent a card and a little packet of sunflower seeds. I’m afraid I was too upset at the time to do anything with them and just threw them into a kitchen drawer. But this spring I rediscovered and planted them, and this poem and photo tells of the results!

Bertie’s Sunflower Song A packet of kindness thrown in a drawer, hidden in a blur of tears, sent for a little dog, now departed, after fifteen love-filled years. The packet of seeds lies, lurking beneath a mound of bits and bobs. Catalogues, lists and receipts cover over the gift that was hidden with sobs.

But one day in Spring, a tidying task brings the packet once more to light, and a smile, not tears, brings back thoughts of the one no longer in sight. “Scatter these sunflower seeds”, it reads, “ in remembrance of your dear friend”, and so small little pods are pushed into soil, by the window, where sunshine can send the fragile roots down into the pots and set the kind gift going. Later, the seedlings are lifted gently and planted, ready for growing.

Summer comes, and out in the garden the sunflowers reach for the sky, where Bertie looks down and barks in delight as he knows who they’re for, and why. Sunshine flowers for a beloved companion, turning their blooms to the light, to remind us he lives in our hearts and minds, long after we bid him goodnight.




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News from Stower Provost Primary School October 2020

It is lovely to be able to report that the school is now operating almost as normal again after the disrupted Summer Term. While we were fortunate to be able to welcome almost all the children back in June, we have started the term with 100% attendance with everyone, including the parents, glad the children are back in school!

Of course, we have had to make changes to our routines, with children coming into school through different doors, frequent and thorough handwashing, no assemblies, no visitors and no throw-ins for football. Each class has its own zone on the playground, and the adults have had to abandon the staff-room in order to maintain ‘social distancing’. Passing in the corridors has been minimised, but when it does happen, the etiquette of ‘No, No, after you!’ has become the norm.

Despite all of this, the children are settling in very well and are clearly ready for the excitement of the new term’s learning. We have had our largest new intake for a number of years and with families moving into the area or moving schools, a third of our children are new to the school. To match this increase in numbers, we have also increased our staff team, with five new members of full and part-time staff bringing a range of experiences and expertise to the school.

Having missed out on some of their learning, it has been good to come back this term to the tennis and athletics that would otherwise have been taught last summer. Our youngest children are having weekly Forest School sessions and the older ones have the chance of tennis coaching with Ian Griffin and instrumental lessons from the Dorset Music Service. We are having a real drive on the basics of the curriculum - reading, writing and maths - to make sure any gaps are covered, but we are also making sure the children are having a full and varied curriculum. Topics this term include ‘All the Colours of the Rainbow’, ‘Our Local Area’ and ‘World War II’ which will help develop the children’s understanding of Science, Geography and History in fun and relevant ways.

We are having to keep our numbers of visitors to the school to an absolute minimum so are currently not able to have members of the community in to hear readers. It is a shame for the children to lose out on this invaluable support, so we hope to be able to invite our helpers back into school as soon as possible.

James Stanford

Headteacher—Stower Provost Primary School—01747 838370, [email protected]


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Random Ramblings by Richard King

I really enjoyed Sweep's piece in the last Octavo. I agree with the value of treats and I can imagine that having a bath with somebody called Verity would be a very pleasant experience so why Sweep doesn't like it beats me! Stephanie & I are going to the vet's soon. We are having flu boosters at Henstridge Airfield. Odd place for a vet's surgery. We don't even have to get out of the car. Perhaps the jabs will be administered in formation by a team called The Silver Needles. The Bug seems to be creeping South. Is this to be its usual winter migration? I don't blame it, coming from South London as I do. Too cold up North. I was idly punting through previous scribblings when I came upon one marked 'Serendipity – A Filler for Octavo?' It relates a private hire job for Damory Coaches that I did in July 2010.

Serendipity My double-decker bus fitted neatly into the pull-in outside Lytchett Minster Parish Church. Everyone piled off and stood around in the spacious car park. Many lit the inevitable fag and passed the time by speaking to relatives they hadn’t seen for years. The work ticket had been sketchy on details but recourse to the Internet filled them in. Isn’t Google Earth marvellous? (The Street Level facility has allowed me to stand outside my daughter’s new house in Melbourne, Australia). I found the three hotels where I would be picking up, copied phone numbers and plotted a route. Although I go to Lytchett Minster School quite often to collect students, I couldn’t visualise the church. Would you believe they have a website (NB This was 2010)? I phoned the vicar. Location and time of wedding sorted. I had parked the bus at exactly 1:30pm which was a) the prescribed time of arrival and b) half an hour before the ceremony was due to start. The crowd in the car park slowly seeped into the church. A beautifully-restored VW Beetle delivered bridesmaids and returned with bride and father. They were ten minutes early. The photographer was wearing two cameras. One had a telephoto lens fitted. Presumably he could photograph weddings from a distance? I took my opportunity and sidled into the church. There was no shortage of Orders of Service. I grabbed one. An informally dressed woman labelled ‘Verger’ tried to usher me towards the front. I had spotted a nice vacancy at the back and it was there that I plonked myself. Continued page 25


Services for the Stour Vale Benefice October 2020

18th October 25th October 4th October 11th October Sunday Luke the Last after 17th after Trinity 18th after Trinity Evangelist Trinity

9:15am 10:30am Buckhorn Harvest Morning Worship Weston Communion CW

East 11:00am 6:30pm Harvest Evening Prayer Stour Communion BCP 11:00am 4:30pm Fifehead Harvest Morning Evening Prayer Magdalen Prayer BCP

Kington 11:00am 11:00am Morning Worship Harvest Magna CW Communion

Stour 10:30am 9:15am Morning Prayer Harvest Provost BCP Communion

Todber No Service No Service

West 10:30am 9:15am Morning Worship Harvest Stour CW Communion

VISITORS TO HARVEST COMMUNIONS PLEASE NOTE: Face coverings must be worn (unless you have an exemption). Because of the need for social distancing places will be limited and tickets should be booked—please see page 13 for details— regretfully we will not be able to admit you without a valid ticket to keep you and others safe.

For guidance on attending services safely please see page 23


Readings for October 2020

27th September 16th Sunday after Trinity (G) Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-end Psalm 25:1-8 Philippians 2:1-13 Matthew 21:23-32

4th October 17th Sunday after Trinity (G) Isaiah 5:1-7 Psalm 80:9-17 Philippians 3:4b-14 Matthew 21:33-end

11th October 18th Sunday after Trinity (G) Isaiah 25:1-9 Psalm 23 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14

18th October Luke the Evangelist (R) Acts 16:6-12a Psalm 147:1-7 2 Timothy 4:5-17 Luke 10:1-9

25th October Last Sunday after Trinity (G) Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18 Psalm 1 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Matthew 22:34-end

1st November All Saints Day Gold or W Revelation 7:9-end Psalm 34:1-10 1 John 3:1-3 Matthew 5:1-12

Harvest in October at services taken by Richard Deuteronomy 29:1-14 Psalm 65 2 Corinthians 9:6-end Luke 12:16-30 When you attend services please remember we will be asking you to:  Use sanitizing gel on entry and exit,  give your name and phone number as part of the ‘Track & Trace’ requirements,  wear a face covering,  Observe social distancing at all times.

Please also remember we are not allowed to sing at the moment, and receiving communion will be carried out in a different way to keep everyone as safe as possible.

But, most importantly, if you do feel ill or have symptoms of any kind, please do not come to church.

You will be guided through the procedures required so don’t worry about them too much – it will be lovely to see you.


Buckhorn Weston, Gillingham, SP8 5HT

All markets we attend are now suspended but we can still supply from the Farm. We have Exmoor Horn Lamb, Large Black Pork, Dexter Beef and Free Range Eggs. The meat is frozen in various cuts, along with Mince, Sausages and Burgers. Middle Bacon - smoked or un-smoked is also available. For more information or to place an order please call Tim Wilton

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Five bells were ringing rounds. The church was bright and airy with a lovely tall stained glass window over the altar. The bride appeared and the organ which was in the gallery above me, struck up the Trumpet Voluntary with the help of a genuine trumpet – or was it a very convincing Trumpet stop? I wondered if there was a choir. Presumably they would be unseen in the gallery above too. Would the congregation be singers? I suspected that they’d have a go. The hymns were: Give Me Joy in My Heart; Lord of all Hopefulness and (how very wonderful) Amazing Grace. We started the first hymn. I couldn’t hear a choir or much else really. Not surprising as I had hit the first note with great enthusiasm! I would say that the organist was not used to accompanying singers. He (or perhaps she) was halfway through the first line of the second verse before I caught up. When I had finished singing Hosanna to The King, the two ladies in front of me turned and said how pleased they were to be sitting with me and that I helped them to sing with confidence. Why do people choose their favourite hymns and then forget to provide singers to deliver them? At least I was getting bus driver’s wages for this. My pleasure had no limits. We had 1 Corinthians 13. Lord of All H. came and went. I rehearsed Amazing Grace silently during the sermon. (Oops, my secret is out!) Would it be the popular tune? The organist was playing the last few bars as an introduction. Alright if you know it. Having been vaguely restrained, I let rip on the last verse putting a gentle (?) crescendo on the word Sun. I hope others enjoyed the service as much as I did. The two ladies in front mumbled more appreciation so that was OK. Thank you very much Andrew and Gayle for giving me the unexpected opportunity of gate-crashing your wedding. After all, I was only supposed to be driving the bus! Richard King

A little light relief... Moses revisited

Nine-year-old Joseph was asked by his mother what he had learned in Sunday school.

"Well, Mum, our teacher told us how God sent Moses behind enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely. Then he radioed headquarters for reinforcements. They sent bombers to blow up the bridge and all the Israelites were saved."

"Now, Joseph, is that really what your teacher taught you?" his mother asked, somewhat alarmed. "Well, no, Mum. But if I told it the way the teacher did, you'd never believe it!"



News from the Benefice Villages Buckhorn Weston

Bells and Clock restoration At long last our bells and clock restoration has been completed. It has been a long haul but a huge relief to have finally got there!! The clock is on probation so will probably need a few more tweaks but it is lovely to hear it striking again. A huge thank you to all the people who have made it possible by donating their time, money and items for raffles, E-Bay etc. Plant Sales Plants sales continue at 2 Rookside and so far have raised around £1500. I am very grateful to all those who have donated plants for sale and am happy to take any donations of unwanted perennials etc so I can get them ready for sale. It will keep going until at least the end of October. E-bay I have started selling items on E-Bay again to boost our funds – I had hoped to sit back from that now the funds for the bells and clocks have been reached but needs must so if you think you have anything I can sell please get in touch. We look forward to happier times when we can have our coffee clubs, soup lunches etc and see all our supporters and friends again. And well done to Jenny and the others for their efforts during Ride & Stride.

Pat Read, Church Treasurer, 01963 548017

Ride & Stride 2020 This year Jeremy Evans and Nick Brooke cycled together visiting 25 churches, getting as far as South Cadbury and Beer Hackett. Lesley and Flora joined them for part of the way. I walked to a more modest 10 churches, getting as far as . Carol Hibbert kindly accompanied me from West Stour to , which made that section much more enjoyable. Once again we were lucky with the weather, though it was sad that nearly all the churches we visited were shut due to Covid. We are still collecting in the money but we have raised in the region of £240 in sponsorship which will be shared between the Dorset Historic Churches Trust and our church. I would like to thank Jeremy, Nick and everyone who sponsored us.

Continued page 29


Friendly lady Gardener, all small gardening jobs undertaken in the local area including:

Grass Cutting Weeding Planting— Hanging Baskets and Pots Pruning Reasonable rates Please call Lorraine on 01747 838120

Phone: 01747 838120 E-mail: [email protected]

Offering a professional service, producing Planning and Building Regulation Drawings from initial ideas to approval for:  New Builds.  Extensions.  Conversions.  Sap Energy Rating on New Builds and Highly Glazed Extensions  Water Efficiency Calculations Contact: 07968 739 168 [email protected] 28

Buckhorn Weston—continued

Harvest We are sorry that it has been impossible to have our usual Harvest Festival service and Harvest Supper this year due to Covid. This year our 9:15am communion service on 11th October will have a harvest theme and, instead of the usual fresh produce for auction, we will be grateful for gifts of tinned or packaged food to be handed onto the Food Bank. Due to Government restrictions on the number of people allowed to attend services, entry on this occasion will be by pre-booked ticket only. These will be available from David Duvall (01963 370238) and myself (01963 370709). May I remind you that you will need to wear a mask inside the church. Jenny Sledge East Stour

Ride and Stride Ride and Stride Saturday was on the 12th September. We are very grateful to Jean Collis and Sue Jones who together were at the church all day to greet any riders or striders. Usually we all pile in and take turns to do this. Our very own rider, David Clack had an amazing day. He cycled 67 miles and visited 35 churches. Altogether he has made eight hundred pounds and rising. He hopes it may top a thousand pounds. Congratulations, David. Half of this money will come back to Christchurch and the rest goes to the Dorset Historic Churches Trust. Our church has been supported by the Trust in the past. Harvest As reported in last month’s Octavo our Harvest Communion will be on the first Sunday in October. It will not be our usual Harvest celebration and the church will not be decorated. Instead, we are asked to bring dried and tinned foods which will be presented during the service and later taken to people in need. Change of Service Time Although we usually change our service time from evening to morning in October, as our service this year is on the third Sunday, and not the fourth, we shall still be having our Evening Prayer this month and not changing to the morning until November. Frances Austin-Jones


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Fifehead Magdalen Ride and Stride Firstly our thanks go to Pat and George Wallace who yet again represented the village in the Ride and Stride and visited between them 24 churches.

Harvest and Alternative “Meals on Wheels” Our alternative “Meals on Wheels” Harvest Supper is scheduled for Saturday 10th October. For just £10 you can have a dish of either a medium chicken or vegetable curry, pilau rice and coriander naan, or a steak, kidney and vegetable pie, together with a dessert of apple cake and clotted cream. The dishes will be delivered to you during the Saturday afternoon all ready for you to reheat or put straight in your freezer. Just add your own vegetables and your supper is sorted. You can also order additional main dishes (at £7.50) or apple cakes at £2.50 for the freezer. Please put your orders through the letterbox at Three Farthings by Monday 5th. Our grateful thanks goes to Mac LaFosse and Dee Trevor for preparing all the food. We will also be holding our usual Auction of Promises that same weekend and if anyone has any ideas or indeed offers of promises please let Rosemary know on 01258 820225, or [email protected]. We will be circulating a list nearer the time.

Gillingham Food Bank has informed us that they are not currently taking donations of food so a normal collection will be taken at the service on the 11th. “Alternative” Christmas Fair We are busy racking our brains as to an “Alternative” Christmas Fair. At present the plan is to have another round of home baking/cooking, hopefully with a few new ideas and if anyone would like to volunteer with their own speciality please do get in touch with Dee on 821517 or Rosemary 820225.


Kington Magna

I hope everyone is safe and well.

Ride and Stride – Saturday 12th September Kington Magna had 14 visitors for the Ride and Stride event. Roger Gosney and John Floyd raised just over £500, thank you both. They visited 37 churches between them, well done!

Continued page 33


Sturminster Newton

Heritage Trust North Dorset Disability Information Service Unfortunately due to the  New & used equipment current health crisis our  Hire equipment monthly meetings have been  Disposable items suspended.

 NHS hearing aid batteries Normal service will be  Information & Advice resumed when it is safe to do  Volunteer opportunities so.

Open 10am to 1pm Tue, Thurs, Sat Please note that the museum is also closed at this time. 3 Newbury, Gillingham SP8 4QX (Opposite Lidl) Tel. 01747 821010 www.norddisdorset.org.uk

Reg. Charity No. 1110328


Kington Magna—continued

Harvest Communion Our Harvest Communion will take place on Sunday 25th October at 11 o’clock. Please note that numbers will be limited because of social distancing.

Alma Floyd

All Saints 100 Club Winners of the September Draw as follows -

1st Karen Millar 2nd Sue Devery 3rd Lynda Gardner

John Jamieson

Stour Provost & Stour Row

Services in October In October we will be back to our normal service pattern. There will be a service of Morning Prayer at 10:30am on Sunday 11th October and a Harvest Communion service at 9:15am on Sunday 25th October. We look forward to welcoming you to these services. Please remember to wear a face covering in church as this is now mandatory if you are over 11 years old unless you are unable to wear one for medical reasons. Annual Parochial Church meeting The APCM will take place at 10:30am on Saturday 10th October in the church. This meeting is open to anyone who is on the church electoral roll and it will elect the churchwardens and PCC members. It also gives parishioners the opportunity to raise questions about the running of the church. Please remember to bring a face covering if you are attending this meeting.

Harvest Festival Unfortunately as a result of the requirement for social distancing we have had to cancel the normal harvest service and supper this year—we will have a Harvest Communion on the 25th. However if anyone would like to support the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (“RABI”) that helps farmers and their families in need, please donate directly to the RABI or provide your donation to me and I will pass it on.

Roger Robotham

Continued page 35



Stour Provost & Stour Row—continued Stour Provost Village Village Help Although it still remains a challenging time for everyone, I would like to thank all those who have supported people in the village through shopping, collecting prescriptions, donating to the Foodbank or making regular phone calls to check that others are managing to cope. We are lucky that we have such a caring village spirit.

Roger Robotham

Stour Row—Village News Church Services As Roger has mentioned, our services for this month have gone back to normal with a lay led service on the 2nd Sunday and a communion on the 4th Sunday.

Nothing more to add for this month, but if anybody has anything they want to put in, send it to me by the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Liz Newton Todber Church Closure The ceiling is threatening to pelt us with lumps of plaster so we've closed the church until further notice.

Ride 'n' Stride Jane Stanford kindly took part in this event on Saturday 12th September for the benefit of St Andrew's. She visited nine churches. Thank you very much, Jane.

Richard King West Stour

News is in short supply this month, but it is worth recording that:

 On Saturday, 12th Sept, we were visited by one Rider (John Floyd, on horseback) and “a few” Striders (some of whom visited outside the designated hours), so clearly the event has not lost its appeal.  Our churchyard continues to be kept in immaculate shape, thanks to the excellent fortnightly services of Martin Tucker, who cuts the grass in all weathers. Continued page 37 35

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West Stour—continued

A thank you... On Wednesday mornings when our church is open for private prayer or contemplation, for the last three weeks Ted Young, one of our organists comes and plays the organ. It makes a lovely accompaniment to cleaning or just sitting.

Today I was sitting outside on the bench and Ted's music could be heard from the open door opposite the organ, when two visitors came up the path and said 'How marvellous, why doesn't every church do this?’

I would like to thank Ted for playing and the pleasure it gives. Pat Fowler.

A little more light relief...

The language of church-going

BULLETIN: Your receipt for attending the service. HOLY WATER: A liquid whose chemical formula is H2OLY. HYMN: A song of praise usually sung in a key three octaves higher than that of the congregation's range. INCENSE: Holy Smoke! JUSTICE: When your children have children of their own. KYRIE ELEISON: The only Greek words that most Catholics and Anglicans can recognise besides gyros and baklava. (it means Lord have mercy) PEW: A medieval torture device still found in many Anglican and Catholic churches. PROCESSION: The ceremonial formation at the beginning of the service, consisting of altar servers, the celebrant, and late parishioners looking for seats. RECESSIONAL: The ceremonial procession at the conclusion of the service - led by parishioners trying to beat the crowd to the car-park. RELICS: People who have been going to church for so long that they actually know when to sit, kneel, and stand. TEN COMMANDMENTS: The most important – and oldest - Top Ten list. USHERS: The only people in the church who don't know the seating capacity of a pew.


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Weekly Newsletters Richard is sending out a weekly newsletter via e-mail which will give details of the readings used on a Sunday along with some prayers and a few inspirational words on which to ponder. If you would like to receive this, then e-mail him at [email protected] using the word ‘subscribe’ in the subject line.

Octavo If you know of anyone who would appreciate a printed copy of Octavo, please contact Richard and he will organise copies as needed.

Richard may not be seeing you out and about, but he is on the end of the phone if you need to talk! 01747 838494 [email protected]

View from the Vicarage

I don’t know if you’ve been as hooked (forgive the pun) as I have on the TV series Mortimer & Whitehouse – Gone Fishing. It is a calming half hour on Sunday evenings in the company of two close friends who enjoy fishing together. Paul Whitehouse is an experienced fisherman. Bob Mortimer is a novice, originally taken along to the riverbank by Paul to help him out of depression following major heart surgery. In the programme, the fishing is just an avenue for so much more. Amongst the jovial larking around are deep and often immensely moving conversations about the beauty of the landscape, nature and even life itself.

Continued page 42


View from the Vicarage—continued

During these times in which we find ourselves I need programmes like this to lift me from the “slough of despond” I can all too easily slide into. I know full well the many blessings that surround us and I often fill this page talking about them, but it doesn’t mean that I always remember them myself, and you would be quite within your rights to say Physician, heal thyself! I need reminders: not the sharp “pull yourself together” sort, but gentle reminders such as Paul and Bob’s lovely programmes. Here is an example of one of Bob’s observations from the first episode of the current series: “Mother Nature is my favourite artist. I think all artists are in this losing battle to try and be as beautiful as nature and they never get there.”

That made me sigh with pure contentment for I agreed with him totally but had never thought of it in those terms. It was one of Walt Whitman’s ‘letters from God’ I wrote about last month – a gentle, soothing reminder that the greatest artist is the creator of the beauty around us and it is, as Alfred Wainwright stated in his Lakeland memoirs, absolutely free. For all his grumpiness, Wainwright was another person gifted in offering gentle reminders. He wrote: “We live in a magical fairyland of subtle charm and it is given to us to enjoy as an absolute gift. You do not need money in your pocket to walk through a field of wild flowers or on a heather moor. It is a gift we do little to deserve.”

Amidst these challenging times, when our freedom has been curtailed and we feel closed in and alone, nature has been putting on the performance of her life, and just when we needed it most. The long walks I have enjoyed with one of my close friends over the last couple of months have been much needed confirmation, and it is these walks in faithful company, fresh air and stunning surroundings that have been an ongoing source of healing.

National Trust co-founder, Octavia Hill said “We all want beauty for the refreshment of our souls. Sometimes we think of it as a luxury, but when God made the world, he made it very beautiful and meant that we should live amongst its beauties, and that they should speak peace to us in our daily lives.” To which all I can say is… Amen, and thanks be to those who remind us!

Love Barbara