Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly R6ViCW

, Spring 1979 # * S

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After Keynesian (P. n \ Cc;.%. ^SERsJt ^ ^

A Cloudy Future for Minnesota's (P. nf

District Conditions (p. 24) Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review vol. 3, no. 2

This publication primarily presents economic research aimed at improving policymaking by the Federal Reserve System and other governmental authorities. Produced in the Research Department. Edited by Arthur J. Rolnick, Kathleen S. Rolfe, and Alan Struthers, Jr. Graphic design by Phil Swenson and charts drawn by Mary K. Steffenhagen, Graphic Services Department.

Address requests for additional copies to the Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55480. The views expressed herein are those of the authors Articles may be reprinted if the source is credited and the Research and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Department is provided with copies of reprints. Bank of Minneapolis or the Federal Reserve System. After Keynesian Macroeconomics*

Robert E. Lucas, Jr. Thomas J. Sargent Professor of Adviser, Research Department University of Chicago Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and Professor of Economics University of Minnesota

For the applied , the confident and appar- ments involved) to other advanced countries and in ently successful application of Keynesian principles many cases have been amplified. These events did to which occurred in the United not arise from a reactionary reversion to outmoded, States in the was an event of incomparable "classical" principles of tight and balanced significance and satisfaction. These principles led to budgets. On the contrary, they were accompanied by a set of simple, quantitative relationships between massive government budget deficits and high rates of and economic activity generally, the ba- monetary expansion, policies which, although bear- sic logic of which could be (and was) explained to the ing an admitted risk of , promised according general public and which could be applied to yield to modern Keynesian doctrine rapid real growth and improvements in economic performance benefitting low rates of . everyone. It seemed an economics as free of ideologi- That these predictions were wildly incorrect and cal difficulties as, say, applied chemistry or physics, that the doctrine on which they were based is fun- promising a straightforward expansion in economic damentally flawed are now simple matters of fact possibilities. One might argue as to how this windfall involving no novelties in economic theory. The task should be distributed, but it seemed a simple lapse of now facing contemporary students of the logic to oppose the windfall itself. Understandably cycle is to sort through the wreckage, determining and correctly, noneconomists met this promise with which features of that remarkable intellectual event skepticism at first; the smoothly growing prosperity called the can be salvaged and of the Kennedy-Johnson years did much to diminish put to good use and which others must be discarded. these doubts. Though it is far from clear what the outcome of this We dwell on these halcyon days of Keynesian process will be, it is already evident that it will neces- economics because without conscious effort they are sarily involve the reopening of basic issues in mone- difficult to recall today. In the present decade, the tary economics which have been viewed since the U.S. has undergone its first major depression thirties as "closed" and the reevaluation of every since the , to the accompaniment of inflation aspect of the institutional framework within which rates in excess of 10 percent per annum. These events monetary and fiscal policy is formulated in the ad- have been transmitted (by consent of the govern- vanced countries. This paper is an early progress report on this process of reevaluation and reconstruction. We begin *A paper presented at a June 1978 conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and published in its After the Phillips by reviewing the econometric framework by means Curve: Persistence of High Inflation and High Unemployment, Con- of which Keynesian theory evolved from disconnect- ference Series No. 19. Edited for publication in this Quarterly Review. ed, qualitative talk about economic activity into a The authors acknowledge helpful criticism from William Poole and Benjamin Friedman. system of equations which can be compared to data J

in a systematic way and which provide an operational A0yt + A,yt-i + ... + Amyt_m = B()xt + B,xt-i (1) guide in the necessarily quantitative task of formulat- ing monetary and fiscal policy. Next, we identify + ... + BnXt-n + et those aspects of this framework which were central to its failure in the seventies. In so doing, our intent is to R e + R,e -, + ... + R e _ = u , R = I. (2) establish that the difficulties are fatal: that modern 0 t t r t r t () macroeconomic models are of no in guiding policy and that this condition will not be remedied by Here yt is an (LX1) vector of endogenous variables, xt modifications along any line which is currently being is a (KX1) vector of exogenous variables, and et and pursued. This diagnosis suggests certain principles ut are each (LX1) vectors of random disturbances. which a useful theory of business cycles must have. The matrices Aj are each (LXL); the Bj's are (LXK), We conclude by reviewing some recent research con- and the Rj's are each (LXL). The (LXL) disturbance sistent with these principles. process ut is assumed to be a serially uncorrelated process with Eut = 0 and with contemporaneous co- Macroeconometric Models variance matrix Eutu! — £ and Eutu's = 0 for all t ^ s. The Keynesian Revolution was, in the form in which The defining characteristics of the exogenous vari- it succeeded in the , a revolution in ables xt is that they are uncorrelated with the e's at all method. This was not Keynes' (1936)1 intent, nor is it lags so that EutXs is an (LXK) matrix of zeroes for all the view of all of his most eminent followers. Yet if t and s. one does not view the revolution in this way, it is Equations (1) are L equations in the L current impossible to account for some of its most important values yt of the endogenous variables. Each of these features: the evolution of macroeconomics into a structural equations is a behavioral relationship, quantitative, scientific discipline, the development of identity, or clearing condition, and each in explicit statistical descriptions of economic behavior, principle can involve a number of endogenous vari- the increasing reliance of government officials on ables. The structural equations are usually not regres- technical economic expertise, and the introduction 3 sion equations because the et's are in general, by the of the use of mathematical control theory to manage logic of the model, supposed to be correlated with an economy. It is the fact that Keynesian theory lent more than one component of the vector yt and very itself so readily to the formulation of explicit econo- possibly one or more components of the vectors yt_ b metric models which accounts for the dominant sci- • • • yt-nv entific position it attained by the 1960s. The structural model (1) and (2) can be solved for Because of this, neither the success of the yt in terms of past y's and x's and past shocks. This Keynesian Revolution nor its eventual failure can be reduced form system is understood at the purely verbal level at which Keynes himself wrote. It is necessary to know something of the way macroeconometric models are constructed yt = -Piyt-1 —... — Pr+myt-r-m + Qoxt +... (3) and the features they must have in order to "work" as + Or+nX -n-r + Ao'^t aids in forecasting and policy evaluation. To discuss t these issues, we introduce some notation. where4 An econometric model is a system of equations involving a number of endogenous variables (vari- ables determined by the model), exogenous variables (variables which affect the system but are not af- 'Author names and years refer to the works listed at the end of this fected by it), and stochastic or random shocks. The paper. 2 idea is to use historical data to estimate the model and Linearity is a matter of convenience, not principle. See Linearity section below. then to utilize the estimated version to obtain esti- 3A regression equation is an equation to which the application of mates of the consequences of alternative policies. ordinary least squares will yield consistent estimates. For practical reasons, it is usual to use a standard 4 2 In these expressions for Ps and Qs, take matrices not previously linear model, taking the structural form defined (for example, any with negative subscripts) to be zero.

2 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review/Spring 1979 1 Ps = Ao . £ RjAs-j other components, selected by policy, one needs to = 00 j — know the structural parameters. This is so because a change in policy necessarily alters some of the struc- QS = V. £ RjBs-j. tural parameters (for example, those describing the past behavior of the policy variables themselves) and The reduced form equations are regression equa- therefore affects the reduced form parameters in a highly complex way (see the equations defining Ps tions, that is, the disturbance vector A~dut is orthog- onal toy -i, ..., y - _ ,x , ..., Xt-n-r-This follows and Os above). Unless one knows which structural t t r m t parameters remain invariant as policy changes and from the assumptions that the xs are exogenous and which change (and how), an econometric model is of that the u's are serially uncorrelated. Therefore, un- no value in assessing alternative policies. It should be der general conditions the reduced form can be esti- clear that this is true regardless of how well (3) and mated consistently by the method of least squares. (4) fit historical data or how well they perform in The population parameters of the reduced form (3) unconditional forecasting. together with the parameters of a vector autoregres- Our discussion to this point has been highly gen- sion for xt eral, and the formal considerations we have reviewed x = Cix -1 + ... + CpXt-p + a (4) are not in any way specific to Keynesian models. The t t t problem of identifying a structural model from a collection of economic time series is one that must be where Eat —0 and Eat'xt-j — 0 for j^l completely solved by anyone who claims the ability to give quan- describe all of the first and second moments of the titative economic advice. The simplest Keynesian (yt,xt) process. Given long enough time series, good models are attempted solutions to this problem, as estimates of the reduced form parameters—the P/s are the large-scale versions currently in use. So, too, and Qj's— can be obtained by the method of least are the monetarist models which imply the desir- squares. All that examination of the data by them- ability of fixed monetary growth rules. So, for that selves can deliver is reliable estimates of those matter, is the armchair advice given by parameters. who claim to be outside the econometric tradition, It is not generally possible to work backward though in this case the implicit, underlying structure from estimates of the Fs and Q's alone to derive is not exposed to professional criticism. Any proce- unique estimates of the structural parameters, the dure which leads from the study of observed eco- A/s, B/s, and R/s. In general, infinite numbers of As, nomic behavior to the quantitative assessment of B's, and R's are compatible with a single set of Fs and alternative economic policies involves the steps, exe- Q's. This is the identification problem of econo- cuted poorly or well, explicitly or implicitly, which we metrics. In order to derive a set of estimated structural have outlined. parameters, it is necessary to know a great deal about them in advance. If enough prior information is im- Keynesian Macroeconometrics posed, it is possible to extract estimates of the A/s, In Keynesian macroeconometric models structural B/s, R/s implied by the data in combination with the parameters are identified by the imposition of several prior information. types of a priori restrictions on the Aj's, B/s, and R/s. For purposes of ex ante forecasting, or the un- These restrictions usually fall into one of the follow- 3 conditional prediction of the vector yt+1, yt+2> . . . ing three categories: given observation of ys and xs, s ^ t, the estimated (a) A priori setting of many of the elements of the reduced form (3), together with (4), is sufficient. This is simply an exercise in a sophisticated kind of extrap- olation, requiring no understanding of the structural sThese three categories certainly do not exhaust the set of possible identifying restrictions, but they're the ones most identifying restric- parameters, that is, the economics of the model. tions in Keynesian macroeconometric models fall into. Other possible For purposes of conditional forecasting, or the sorts of identifying restrictions include, for example, a priori knowl- edge about components of E and cross-equation restrictions across prediction of the future behavior of some compo- elements of the Aj's, B-s, and Cj's, neither of which is extensively used in nents of yt and xt conditional on particular values of Keynesian macroeconometrics.

3 Aj's and Bj's to zero. of money). This division was intended to reflect the (b) Restrictions on the orders of serial correlation ordinary meanings of the words endogenous— and the extent of cross-serial correlation of the "determined by the [economic] system" —and disturbance vector et, restrictions which amount exogenous— "affecting the [economic] system but to a priori setting of many elements of the Rj's to not affected by it." zero. By the mid-1950s, econometric models had been (c) A priori classifying of variables as exogenous and constructed which fit time series data well, in the endogenous. A relative abundance of exogenous sense that their reduced forms (3) tracked past data variables aids identification. closely and proved useful in short-term forecasting. Moreover, by means of restrictions of the three types Existing large Keynesian macroeconometric models reviewed above, their structural parameters A- Bj, R are open to serious challenge for the way they have v k could be identified. Using this estimated structure, introduced each type of restriction. the models could be simulated to obtain estimates of Keynes' General Theory was rich in suggestions the consequences of different government economic for restrictions of type (a). In it he proposed a theory policies, such as tax rates, expenditures, or monetary of national income determination built up from policy. several simple relationships, each involving a few variables only. One of these, for example, was the This Keynesian solution to the problem of identi- "fundamental law" relating expenditures fying a structural model has become increasingly to income. This suggested one "row" in equations (1) suspect as a result of both theoretical and statistical involving current consumption, current income, and developments. Many of these developments are due no other variables, thereby imposing many zero- to efforts of researchers sympathetic to the Keynes- restrictions on the Aj's and B-s. Similarly, the liquidity ian tradition, and many were advanced well before the spectacular failure of the Keynesian models in the relation expressed the for money 6 as a function of only income and an rate. By . translating the building blocks of the Keynesian Since its inception, macroeconomics has been theoretical system into explicit equations, models of criticized for its lack of foundations in microeco- the form (1) and (2) were constructed with many nomic and general equilibrium theory. As was recog- theoretical restrictions of type (a). nized early on by astute commentators like Leontief (1965, disapprovingly) and Tobin (1965, approvingly), Restrictions on the coefficients Rj governing the the creation of a distinct branch of theory with its behavior of the error terms in (1) are harder to moti- own distinct postulates was Keynes' conscious aim. vate theoretically because the errors are by definition Yet a main theme of theoretical work since the Gen- movements in the variables which the economic the- eral Theory has been the attempt to use microeco- ory cannot account for. The early econometricians nomic theory based on the classical postulate that took standard assumptions from statistical textbooks, agents act in their own to suggest a list of restrictions which had proven useful in the agricul- variables that belong on the right side of a given tural experimenting which provided the main impetus behavioral schedule, say, a demand schedule for a to the development of modern statistics. Again, these factor of production or a consumption schedule.7 But restrictions, well-motivated or not, involve setting many elements in the R-s equal to zero, thus aiding identification of the model's structure. 6Criticisms of the Keynesian solutions of the identification prob- The classification of variables into exogenous lem along much the following lines have been made in Lucas 1976, Sims and endogenous was also done on the basis of prior forthcoming, and Sargent and Sims 1977. considerations. In general, variables were classed as 7Much of this work was done by economists operating well within endogenous which were, as a matter of institutional the Keynesian tradition, often within the context of some Keynesian macroeconometric model. Sometimes a theory with optimizing agents fact, determined largely by the actions of private was resorted to in order to resolve empirical paradoxes by finding agents (like consumption or private ex- variables omitted from some of the earlier Keynesian econometric penditures). Exogenous variables were those under formulations. The works of Modigliani and Friedman on consumption are good examples of this line of work; its econometric implications governmental control (like tax rates or the Continued on next page

4 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review/Spring 1979 from the point of view of identification of a given any first principles grounded in economic theory is a structural equation by means of restrictions of type symptom of a deeper and more general failure to (a), one needs reliable prior information that certain derive behavioral relationships from any consistently variables should be excluded from the right-hand posed dynamic optimization problems. side. Modern probabilistic microeconomic theory As for the second category, restrictions of type almost never implies either the exclusion restrictions (b), existing Keynesian macro models make severe a suggested by Keynes or those imposed by macro- priori restrictions on the R/s. Typically, the R/s are econometric models. supposed to be diagonal so that cross-equation lagged Let us consider one example with extremely dire serial correlation is ignored, and also the order of the implications for the identification of existing macro et process is assumed to be short so that only low- models. Expectations about the future , tax order serial correlation is allowed. There are at pres- rates, and income levels play a critical role in many ent no theoretical grounds for introducing these re- demand and supply schedules. In the best models, for strictions, and for good reasons there is little prospect example, investment demand typically is supposed to that economic theory will soon provide any such respond to businesses' expectations of future tax grounds. In principle, identification can be achieved credits, tax rates, and factor costs, and the supply of without imposing any such restrictions. Foregoing labor typically is supposed to depend on the rate of the use of category (b) restrictions would increase the inflation that workers expect in the future. Such struc- category (a) and (c) restrictions needed. In any event, tural equations are usually identified by the assump- existing macro models do heavily restrict the R/s. tion that the expectation about, say, factor prices or Turning to the third category, all existing large the rate of inflation attribute to agents is a function models adopt an a priori classification of variables as only of a few lagged values of the variable which the either strictly endogenous variables, the yt's, or strictly agent is supposed to be forecasting. However, the exogenous variables, the xt's. Increasingly it is being macro models themselves contain complicated dy- recognized that the classification of a variable as namic interactions among endogenous variables, exogenous on the basis of the observation that it including factor prices and the rate of inflation, and could be set without reference to the current and past they generally imply that a wise agent would use values of other variables has nothing to do with the current and many lagged values of many and usually econometrically relevant question of how this vari- most endogenous and exogenous variables in the able has in fact been related to others over a given model in order to form expectations about any one historical period. Moreover, in light of recent de- variable. Thus, virtually any version of the hypothesis velopments in time series , we know that agents act in their own interests will contradict that this arbitrary classification procedure is not nec- the identification restrictions imposed on expecta- essary. Christopher Sims (1972) has shown that in a tions formation. Further, the restrictions on expecta- time series context the hypothesis of econometric tions that have been used to achieve identification are entirely arbitrary and have not been derived from any deeper assumption reflecting first principles have been extended in important work by Robert Merton. The works of Tobin and Baumol on portfolio balance and of Jorgenson on invest- about economic behavior. No general first principle ment are also in the tradition of applying optimizing microeconomic has ever been set down which would imply that, say, theories for generating macroeconomic behavior relations. In the last 30 years, Keynesian econometric models have to a large extent devel- the expected rate of inflation should be modeled as a oped along the line of trying to model agents' behavior as stemming linear function of lagged rates of inflation alone with from more and more sophisticated optimum problems. weights that add up to unity, yet this hypothesis is Our point here is certainly not to assert that Keynesian econo- mists have completely foregone any use of optimizing microeconomic used as an identifying restriction in almost all existing theory as a guide. Rather, it is that, especially when explicitly stochastic models. The casual treatment of expectations is not a and dynamic problems have been studied, it has become increasingly peripheral problem in these models, for the role of apparent that microeconomic theory has very damaging implications for the restrictions conventionally used to identify Keynesian macro- expectations is pervasive in them and exerts a econometric models. Furthermore, as emphasized long ago by Tobin massive influence on their dynamic properties (a point (1965), there is a point beyond which Keynesian models must suspend the Keynes himself insisted on). The failure of existing hypothesis either of cleared markets or of optimizing agents if they are to possess the operating characteristics and policy implications that are models to derive restrictions on expectations from the hallmarks of .

5 exogeneity can be tested. That is, Sims showed that of 4 percent as consistent with a 4 percent annual rate the hypothesis that xt is strictly econometrically exog- of inflation. Based on this prediction, many econo- enous in (1) necessarily implies certain restrictions mists at that time urged a deliberate policy of infla- that can be tested given time series on the y's and x's. tion. Certainly the erratic "fits and starts" character Tests along the lines of Sims' ought to be used rou- of actual U.S. policy in the 1970s cannot be attributed tinely to check classifications into exogenous and to recommendations based on Keynesian models, but endogenous sets of variables. To date they have not the inflationary bias on average of monetary and fiscal been. Prominent builders of large econometric mod- policy in this period should, according to all of these els have even denied the usefulness of such tests. models, have produced the lowest average unem- (See, for example, Ando 1977, pp. 209-10, and L. R. ployment rates for any decade since the 1940s. In Klein in Okun and Perry 1973, p. 644.) fact, as we know, they produced the highest unem- ployment rates since the 1930s. This was econometric Failure of Keynesian Macroeconometrics failure on a grand scale. There are, therefore, a number of theoretical reasons for believing that the parameters identified as struc- This failure has not led to widespread conver- tural by current macroeconomic methods are not in sions of Keynesian economists to other faiths, nor fact structural. That is, we see no reason to believe should it have been expected to. In economics as in that these models have isolated structures which will other sciences, a theoretical framework is always remain invariant across the class of interventions that broader and more flexible than any particular set of figure in contemporary discussions of economic pol- equations, and there is always the hope that if a icy. Yet the question of whether a particular model is particular specific model fails one can find a more structural is an empirical, not a theoretical, one. If successful model based on roughly the same ideas. the macroeconometric models had compiled a rec- The failure has, however, already had some impor- ord of parameter stability, particularly in the face of tant consequences, with serious implications for both breaks in the stochastic behavior of the exogenous economic policymaking and the practice of eco- variables and disturbances, one would be skeptical as nomic science. to the importance of prior theoretical objections of For policy, the central fact is that Keynesian the sort we have raised. policy recommendations have no sounder basis, in a In fact, however, the track record of the major scientific sense, than recommendations of non-Keynes- econometric models is, on any dimension other than ian economists or, for that matter, noneconomists. very short-term unconditional forecasting, very poor. To note one consequence of the wide recognition of Formal statistical tests for parameter instability, this, the current wave of protectionist sentiment conducted by subdividing past series into periods directed at " jobs" would have been answered and checking for parameter stability across time, ten years ago with the Keynesian counterargument invariably reveal major shifts. (For one example, see that fiscal policy can achieve the same end, but more Muench et. al. 1974.) Moreover, this difficulty is im- efficiently. Today, of course, no one would take this plicitly acknowledged by model builders themselves, response seriously, so it is not offered. Indeed, econo- who routinely employ an elaborate system of add- mists who ten years ago championed Keynesian fiscal factors in forecasting, in an attempt to offset the policy as an alternative to inefficient direct controls continuing drift of the model away from the actual increasingly favor such controls as supplements to series. Keynesian policy. The idea seems to be that if people Though not, of course, designed as such by any- refuse to obey the equations we have fit to their past one, macroeconometric models were subjected to behavior, we can pass laws to make them do so. a decisive test in the 1970s. A key element in all Scientifically, the Keynesian failure of the 1970s Keynesian models is a -off between inflation and has resulted in a new openness. Fewer and fewer real : the higher is the inflation rate, the higher economists are involved in monitoring and refining is output (or equivalently, the lower is the rate of the major econometric models; more and more are unemployment). For example, the models of the late developing alternative theories of the , 1960s predicted a sustained U.S. unemployment rate based on different theoretical principles. In addition,

6 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review/Spring 1979 more attention and respect is accorded to the theo- cipline) imposed by the classical postulates, Keynes retical casualties of the Keynesian Revolution, to the described a model in which rules of thumb, such as ideas of Keynes1 contemporaries and of earlier econ- the and omists whose thinking has been regarded for years as schedule, took the place of decision functions that a outmoded. classical economist would insist be derived from the No one can foresee where these developments theory of choice. And rather than require that will lead. Some, of course, continue to believe that and prices be determined by the postulate that mar- the problems of existing Keynesian models can be kets clear—which for the labor market seemed pat- resolved within the existing framework, that these ently contradicted by the severity of business de- models can be adequately refined by changing a few pressions—Keynes took as an unexamined postulate structural equations, by adding or subtracting a few that money wages are sticky, meaning that they are variables here and there, or perhaps by disaggregat- set at a level or by a process that could be taken as ing various blocks of equations. We have couched uninfluenced by the macroeconomic forces he pro- our criticisms in such general terms precisely to em- posed to analyze. phasize their generic character and hence the futility When Keynes wrote, the terms equilibrium and of pursuing minor variations within this general frame- classical carried certain positive and normative con- work. A second response to the failure of Keynesian notations which seemed to rule out either modifier analytical methods is to renounce analytical methods being applied to business cycle theory. The term entirely, returning to judgmental methods. equilibrium was thought to refer to a system at rest, The first of these responses identifies the quanti- and some used both equilibrium and classical inter- tative, scientific goals of the Keynesian Revolution changeably with ideal. Thus an economy in classical with the details of the particular models developed so equilibrium would be both unchanging and unim- far. The second renounces both these models and the provable by policy interventions. With terms used in objectives they were designed to attain. There is, we this way, it is no wonder that few economists re- believe, an intermediate course, to which we now garded equilibrium theory as a promising starting turn. point to understand business cycles and design poli- cies to mitigate or eliminate them. Equilibrium Business Cycle Theory In recent years, the meaning of the term equilib- Before the 1930s, economists did not recognize a rium has changed so dramatically that a theorist of need for a special branch of economics, with its own the 1930s would not recognize it. An economy follow- special postulates, designed to explain the business ing a multivariate stochastic process is now routinely cycle. Keynes founded that subdiscipline, called described as being in equilibrium, by which is meant macroeconomics, because he thought explaining the nothing more than that at each point in time, postu- characteristics of business cycles was impossible lates (a) and (b) above are satisfied. This develop- within the discipline imposed by classical economic ment, which stemmed mainly from work by K. J. theory, a discipline imposed by its insistence on ad- Arrow (1964) and G. Debreu (1959), implies that sim- herence to the two postulates (a) that markets clear ply to look at any economic time series and conclude and (b) that agents act in their own self-interest. The that it is a disequilibrium phenomenon is a meaning- outstanding facts that seemed impossible to reconcile less observation. Indeed, a more likely conjecture, on with these two postulates were the length and severity the basis of recent work by Hugo Sonnenschein of business depressions and the large-scale unem- (1973), is that the general hypothesis that a collection ployment they entailed. A related observation was of time series describes an economy in competitive that measures of and prices were equilibrium is without content.8 positively correlated with measures of real output The research line being pursued by some of us and , in apparent contradiction to the classical result that changes in a purely nominal mag- nitude like the general level were pure unit Tor an example that illustrates the emptiness at a general level of changes which should not alter real behavior. the statement that employers are always operating along dynamic stochastic for factors, see the remarks on econometric identi- After freeing himself of the straightjacket (or dis- Continued on next page

7 involves the attempt to discover a particular, econo- 1975). The key step in obtaining such models has metrically testable equilibrium theory of the business been to relax the ancillary postulate used in much cycle, one that can serve as the foundation for quanti- classical economic analysis that agents have perfect tative analysis of macroeconomic policy. There is no information. The new classical models still assume denying that this approach is counterrevolutionary, that markets clear and that agents optimize; agents for it presupposes that Keynes and his followers were make their decisions based on wrong to give up on the possibility that an equilibrium real variables, including perceived relative prices. theory could account for the business cycle. As of However, each agent is assumed to have limited infor- now, no successful equilibrium macroeconometric mation and to receive information about some prices model at the level of detail of, say, the Federal Re- more often than other prices. On the basis of their serve-MIT-Penn model has been constructed. But limited information—the lists that they have of current small theoretical equilibrium models have been con- and past absolute prices of various —agents structed that show potential for explaining some key are assumed to make the best possible estimate of all features of the business cycle long thought inexplic- of the relative prices that influence their supply and able within the confines of classical postulates. The demand decisions. equilibrium models also provide reasons for under- Because they do not have all of the information standing why estimated Keynesian models fail to hold necessary to compute perfectly the relative prices up outside the sample over which they have been they care about, agents make errors in estimating the estimated. We now turn to describing some of the pertinent relative prices, errors that are unavoidable key facts about business cycles and the way the new given their limited information. In particular, under classical models confront them. certain conditions, agents tend temporarily to mis- For a long time most of the economics profession take a general increase in all absolute prices as an has, with some reason, followed Keynes in rejecting increase in the relative price of the good they are classical macroeconomic models because they seemed selling, leading them to increase their supply of that incapable of explaining some important characteris- good over what they had previously planned. Since tics of time series measuring important economic on average everyone is making the same mistake, aggregates. Perhaps the most important failure of the aggregate output rises above what it would have been. classical model was its apparent inability to explain This increase of output above what it would have the positive correlation in the time series between been occurs whenever this period's average economy- prices and/or wages, on the one hand, and measures wide is above what agents had expected of aggregate output or employment, on the other. A it to be on the basis of previous information. Sym- second and related failure was its inability to explain metrically, aggregate output decreases whenever the the positive correlations between measures of aggre- aggregate price turns out to be lower than agents had gate demand, like the money stock, and aggregate expected. The hypothesis of is output or employment. Static analysis of classical being imposed here: agents are assumed to make the macroeconomic models typically implied that the best possible use of the limited information they have levels of output and employment were determined and to know the pertinent objective probability distri- independently of both the absolute level of prices and of aggregate demand. But the pervasive presence of positive correlations in the time series seems consis- fication in Sargent 1978. In applied problems that involve modeling tent with causal connections flowing from aggregate agents' optimum decision rules, one is impressed at how generalizing demand and inflation to output and employment, the specification of agents' objective functions in plausible ways quickly leads to econometric underidentification. contrary to the classical neutrality propositions. A somewhat different class of examples comes from the diffi- Keynesian macroeconometric models do imply such culties in using time series observations to refute the view that agents causal connections. only respond to unexpected changes in the . In the equilibrium macroeconometric models we will describe, predictable We now have rigorous theoretical models which changes in the money supply do not affect real GNP or total employ- illustrate how these correlations can emerge while ment. In Keynesian models, they do. At a general level, it is impossible to discriminate between these two views by observing time series drawn retaining the classical postulates that markets clear from an economy described by a stationary vector random process and agents optimize (Phelps 1970 and Lucas 1972, (Sargent 1976b).

8 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review/Spring 1979 butions. This hypothesis is imposed by way of adhering that they also rely heavily on an important fourth to the tenets of equilibrium theory. category of identifying restrictions. This category (d) In the new classical theory, disturbances to ag- consists of a set of restrictions that are derived from gregate demand lead to a positive correlation be- probabilistic economic theory but play no role in the tween unexpected changes in the aggregate price Keynesian framework. These restrictions in general level and revisions in aggregate output from its pre- do not take the form of zero restrictions of the type viously planned level. Further, it is easy to show that (a). Instead they typically take the form of cross- the theory implies correlations between revisions in equation restrictions among the Aj, Bj, Cjparameters. aggregate output and unexpected changes in any vari- The source of these restrictions is the implication ables that help determine aggregate demand. In most from economic theory that current decisions depend macroeconomic models, the money supply is one on agents' forecasts of future variables, combined determinant of aggregate demand. The new theory with the implication that these forecasts are formed can easily account for positive correlations between optimally, given the behavior of past variables. The revisions to aggregate output and unexpected in- restrictions do not have as simple a mathematical creases in the money supply. expression as simply setting a number of parameters While such a theory predicts positive correla- equal to zero, but their economic motivation is easy tions between the inflation rate or money supply, on to understand. Ways of utilizing these restrictions in the one hand, and the level of output, on the other, it econometric estimation and testing are rapidly being also asserts that those correlations do not depict trade- developed. offs that can be exploited by a policy authority. That Another key characteristic of recent work on is, the theory predicts that there is no way that the equilibrium macroeconometric models is that the monetary authority can follow a systematic activist reliance on entirely a priori categorizations (c) of policy and achieve a rate of output that is on average variables as strictly exogenous and endogenous has higher over the business cycle than what would occur been markedly reduced, although not entirely elimi- if it simply adopted a no-feedback, X-percent rule of nated. This development stems jointly from the fact the kind Friedman (1948) and Simons (1936) recom- that the models assign important roles to agents' opti- mended. For the theory predicts that aggregate output mal forecasts of future variables and from Christopher is a function of current and past unexpected changes Sims' (1972) demonstration that there is a close con- in the money supply. Output will be high only when nection between the concept of strict econometric the money supply is and has been higher than it had exogeneity and the forms of the optimal predictors been expected to be, that is, higher than average. for a vector of time series. Building a model with There is simply no way that on average over the rational expectations necessarily forces one to con- whole business cycle the money supply can be higher sider which set of other variables helps forecast a given than average. Thus, while the theory can explain variable, say, income or the inflation rate. If variable y some of the correlations long thought to invalidate helps predict variable x, the Sims' theorems imply that classical macroeconomic theory, it is classical both in x cannot be regarded as exogenous with respect to y. its adherence to the classical theoretical postulates and in the nonactivist flavor of its implications for 9 . Dissatisfaction with the Keynesian methods of achieving identifi- cation has also led to other lines of macroeconometric work. One line is Small-scale econometric models in the standard the models described by Sargent and Sims (1977) and Geweke sense have been constructed which capture some of (1977). These models amount to a statistically precise way of imple- the main features of the new classical theory. (See, menting Wesley Mitchell's notion that a small number of common 9 influences explain the covariation of a large number of economic for example, Sargent 1976a.) In particular, these aggregates over the business cycle. This low dimensionality hypothesis models incorporate the hypothesis that expectations is a potential device for restricting the number of parameters to be estimated in vector time series models. This line of work is not entirely are rational or that agents use all available informa- atheoretical (but see the comments of Ando and Klein in Sims 1977), tion. To some degree, these models achieve econo- though it is distinctly un-Keynesian. As it happens, certain equilibrium metric identification by invoking restrictions in each models of the business cycle do seem to lead to low dimensional index models with an interesting pattern of variables' loadings on indexes. In of the three categories (a), (b), and (c). However, a general, modern Keynesian models do not so easily assume a low-index distinguishing feature of these "classical" models is form. See the discussion in Sargent and Sims 1977.

9 The result of this connection between predictability Keynesian models, thereby making concrete the and exogeneity has been that in equilibrium macro- point that the good fits of the Keynesian models econometric models the distinction between endog- provide no good reason for trusting policy recom- enous and exogenous variables has not been drawn mendations derived from them. on an entirely a priori basis. Furthermore, special cases of the theoretical models, which often involve Criticism of Equilibrium Theory side restrictions on the R-s not themselves drawn from The central idea of the equilibrium explanations of economic theory, have strong testable predictions as business cycles sketched above is that economic to exogeneity relations among variables. fluctuations arise as agents react to unanticipated A key characteristic of equilibrium macroecono- changes in variables which impinge on their deci- metric models is that as a result of the restrictions sions. Clearly, any explanation of this general type across the A/s, B/s, and C/s, the models predict that must imply severe limitations on the ability of govern- in general the parameters in many of the equations ment policy to offset these initiating changes. First, will change if there is a policy intervention that takes governments must somehow be able to foresee the form of a change in one equation that describes shocks invisible to private agents but at the same time how some policy variable is being set. Since they be unable to reveal this advance information (hence, ignore these cross-equation restrictions, Keynesian defusing the shocks). Though it is not hard to design models in general assume that all other equations theoretical models in which these two conditions are remain unchanged when an equation describing a assumed to hold, it is difficult to imagine actual situa- policy variable is changed. We think this is one tions in which such models would apply. Second, the important reason Keynesian models have broken governmental countercyclical policy must itself be down when the equations governing policy variables unforeseeable by private agents (certainly a fre- or exogenous variables have changed significantly. quently realized condition historically) while at the We hope that the new methods we have described same time be systematically related to the state of the will give us the capability to predict the consequences economy. Effectiveness, then, rests on the inability of for all of the equations of changes in the rules govern- private agents to recognize systematic patterns in ing policy variables. Having that capability is neces- monetary and fiscal policy. sary before we can claim to have a scientific basis To a large extent, criticism of equilibrium models for making quantitative statements about macroeco- is simply a reaction to these implications for policy. nomic policy. So wide is (or was) the consensus that the task of So far, these new theoretical and econometric macroeconomics is the discovery of the particular developments have not been fully integrated, al- monetary and fiscal policies which can eliminate fluc- though clearly they are very close, both conceptually tuations by reacting to private sector instability that and operationally. We consider the best currently the assertion that this task either should not or cannot existing equilibrium models as prototypes of better, be performed is regarded as frivolous, regardless of future models which will, we hope, prove of practical whatever reasoning and evidence may support it. use in the formulation of policy. Certainly one must have some sympathy with this But we should not understate the econometric reaction: an unfounded faith in the curability of a success already attained by equilibrium models. particular ill has served often enough as a to Early versions of these models have been estimated the finding of genuine cures. Yet to confuse a possi- and subjected to some stringent econometric tests by bly functional faith in the existence of efficacious, McCallum (1976), Barro (1977, forthcoming), and reactive monetary and fiscal policies with scientific Sargent (1976a), with the result that they do seem evidence that such policies are known is clearly dan- able to explain some broad features of the business gerous, and to use such faith as a criterion forjudging cycle. New and more sophisticated models involving the extent to which particular theories fit the facts is more complicated cross-equation restrictions are in worse still. the works (Sargent 1978). Work to date has already There are, of course, legitimate questions about shown that equilibrium models can attain within- how well equilibrium theories can fit the facts of the sample fits about as good as those obtained by business cycle. Indeed, this is the reason for our in-

10 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review/Spring 1979 sistence on the preliminary and tentative character of tion that is available under the assumption of period- the particular models we now have. Yet these tenta- by-period , then precisely the same tive models share certain features which can be re- price-quantity process will result with the long-term garded as essential, so it is not unreasonable to specu- contract as would occur under period-by-period mar- late as to the likelihood that any model of this type ket clearing. Thus equilibrium theorizing provides a can be successful or to ask what equilibrium business way, probably the only way we have, to construct a cycle theorists will have in ten years if we get lucky. model of a long-term contract. The fact that long- Four general reasons for pessimism have been term contracts exist, then, has no implications about prominently advanced: the applicability of equilibrium theorizing. Rather, the real issue here is whether actual con- (a) Equilibrium models unrealistically postulate tracts can be adequately accounted for within an cleared markets. equilibrium model, that is, a model in which agents (b) These models cannot account for "persistence" are proceeding in their own best interests. Stanley (serial correlation) of cyclical movements. Fischer (1977), and John Taylor (c) Econometrically implemented models are linear (1977), and Robert Hall (1978) have shown that some (in logarithms). of the nonactivist conclusions of the equilibrium (d) Learning behavior has not been incorporated in models are modified if one substitutes for period-by- these models. period market clearing the imposition of long-term Cleared Markets contracts drawn contingent on restricted information One essential feature of equilibrium models is that all sets that are exogenously imposed and that are as- markets clear, or that all observed prices and quanti- sumed to be independent of monetary and fiscal re- ties are viewed as outcomes of decisions taken by gimes. Economic theory leads us to predict that the individual firms and . In practice, this costs of collecting and processing information will has meant a conventional, competitive supply-equals- make it optimal for contracts to be made contingent demand assumption, though other kinds of equilibria on a small subset of the information that could possi- can easily be imagined (if not so easily analyzed). If, bly be collected at any date. But theory also suggests therefore, one takes as a basic "fact" that labor mar- that the particular set of information upon which kets do not clear, one arrives immediately at a contra- contracts will be made contingent is not immutable diction between theory and fact. The facts we ac- but depends on the structure of costs and benefits of tually have, however, are simply the available time collecting various kinds of information. This struc- series on employment and rates plus the re- ture of costs and benefits will change with every sponses to our unemployment surveys. Cleared mar- change in the exogenous stochastic processes facing kets is simply a principle, not verifiable by direct agents. This theoretical presumption is supported by observation, which may or may not be useful in con- an examination of the way labor contracts differ structing successful hypotheses about the behavior of across high-inflation and low-inflation countries and these series. Alternative principles, such as the pos- the way they have evolved in the U.S. over the last 25 tulate of the existence of a third-party auctioneer years. inducing wage rigidity and uncleared markets, are So the issue here is really the same fundamental similarly "unrealistic," in the not especially important one involved in the dispute between Keynes and the sense of not offering a good description of observed classical economists: Should we regard certain super- labor market institutions. ficial characteristics of existing wage contracts as A refinement of the unexplained postulate of an given when analyzing the consequences of alterna- uncleared labor market has been suggested by the tive monetary and fiscal regimes? Classical economic indisputable fact that long-term labor contracts with theory says no. To understand the implications of horizons of two or three years exist. Yet the length long-term contracts for monetary policy, we need a per se over which contracts run does not bear on the model of the way those contracts are likely to re- issue, for we know from Arrow and Debreu that if spond to alternative monetary policy regimes. An infinitely long-term contracts are determined so that extension of existing equilibrium models in this direc- prices and wages are contingent on the same informa- tion might well lead to interesting variations, but it

11 seems to us unlikely that major modifications of the are the aggregate demand impulses are serially un- implications of these models for monetary and fiscal correlated, it is certainly logically possible that propa- policy will follow from this. gation mechanisms are at work that convert these Persistence impulses into serially correlated movements in real variables like output and employment. Indeed, de- A second line of criticism stems from the correct ob- tailed theoretical work has already shown that two servation that if agents' expectations are rational and concrete propagation mechanisms do precisely that. if their information sets include lagged values of the variable being forecast, then agents' forecast errors One mechanism stems from the presence of costs must be a serially uncorrelated random process. That to firms of adjusting their stocks of and labor is, on average there must be no detectable relation- rapidly. The presence of these costs is known to make ships between a period's forecast error and any pre- it optimal for firms to spread out over time their vious period's. This feature has led several critics to response to the relative price signals they receive. conclude that equilibrium models cannot account for That is, such a mechanism causes a firm to convert more than an insignificant part of the highly serially the serially uncorrelated forecast errors in predicting relative prices into serially correlated movements in correlated movements we observe in real output, factor demands and output. employment, unemployment, and other series. Tobin (1977, p. 461) has put the argument succinctly: A second propagation mechanism is already present in the most classical of One currently popular explanation of variations in models. Households' optimal accumulation plans for employment is temporary confusion of relative and claims on physical capital and other assets convert absolute prices. Employers and workers are fooled serially uncorrelated impulses into serially correlated into too many jobs by unexpected inflation, but only demands for the accumulation of real assets. This until they learn it affects other prices, not just the happens because agents typically want to divide any prices of what they sell. The reverse happens tempo- rarily when inflation falls short of expectation. This unexpected changes in income partly between con- model can scarcely explain more than transient dis- suming and accumulating assets. Thus, the demand equilibrium in labor markets. for assets next period depends on initial stocks and on So how can the faithful explain the slow cycles of unexpected changes in the prices or income facing unemployment we actually observe? Only by arguing agents. This dependence makes serially uncorrelated that the natural rate itself fluctuates, that variations in surprises lead to serially correlated movements in unemployment rates are substantially changes in vol- demands for physical assets. Lucas (1975) showed untary, frictional, or structural unemployment rather how this propagation mechanism readily accepts er- than in involuntary joblessness due to generally defi- rors in forecasting aggregate demand as an impulse cient demand. source. The critics typically conclude that the theory only A third likely propagation mechanism has been attributes a very minor role to aggregate demand identified by recent work in search theory. (See, for fluctuations and necessarily depends on disturbances example, McCall 1965, Mortensen 1970, and Lucas to to account for most of the fluctua- and Prescott 1974.) Search theory tries to explain why tions in real output over the business cycle. "In other workers who for some reason are without jobs find it words," as Modigliani (1977) has said, "what hap- rational not necessarily to take the first job offer that pened to the United States in the 1930's was a severe comes along but instead to remain unemployed for attack of contagious laziness." awhile until a better offer materializes. Similarly, the This criticism is fallacious because it fails to dis- theory explains why a firm may find it optimal to wait tinguish properly between sources of impulses and until a more suitable job applicant appears so that propagation mechanisms, a distinction stressed by vacancies persist for some time. Mainly for technical in a classic 1933 paper that provided reasons, consistent theoretical models that permit many of the technical foundations for Keynesian this propagation mechanism to accept errors in fore- macroeconometric models. Even though the new casting aggregate demand as an impulse have not yet classical theory implies that the forecast errors which been worked out, but the mechanism seems likely

12 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review/Spring 1979 eventually to play an important role in a successful technology in the foreseeable future seems to require model of the time series behavior of the unemploy- working with such a class of functions, and the class ment rate. of linear decision rules has just semed most conve- In models where agents have imperfect informa- nient for most purposes. No issue of principle is in- tion, either of the first two mechanisms and probably volved in selecting one out of the very restricted class the third can make serially correlated movements in of functions available. Theoretically, we know how real variables stem from the introduction of a serially to calculate, with expensive recursive methods, the uncorrelated sequence of forecasting errors. Thus nonlinear decision rules that would stem from a very theoretical and econometric models have been con- wide class of objective functions; no new econo- structed in which in principle the serially uncorre- metric principles would be involved in estimating lated process of forecasting errors can account for their parameters, only a much higher computer bill. any proportion between zero and one of the steady- Further, as Frisch and Slutsky emphasized, linear state variance of real output or employment. The stochastic difference equations are a very flexible argument that such models must necessarily attribute device for studying business cycles. It is an open most of the variance in real output and employment question whether for explaining the central features to variations in aggregate supply is simply wrong of the business cycle there will be a big reward to logically. fitting nonlinear models. Linearity Stationary Models and the Neglect of Learning Most of the econometric work implementing equilib- Benjamin Friedman and others have criticized ra- rium models has involved fitting statistical models tional expectations models apparently on the that are linear in the variables (but often highly non- grounds that much theoretical and almost all empiri- linear in the parameters). This feature is subject to cal work has assumed that agents have been operating criticism on the basis of the indisputable principle for a long time in a stochastically stationary environ- that there generally exist nonlinear models that pro- ment. Therefore, agents are typically assumed to vide better approximations than linear models. More have discovered the probability laws of the variables specifically, models that are linear in the variables they want to forecast. Modigliani (1977, p. 6) put the provide no way to detect and analyze systematic argument this way: effects of higher than first-order moments of the shocks and the exogenous variables on the first-order At the logical level, Benjamin Friedman has called moments of the endogenous variables. Such system- attention to the omission from [equilibrium macro- atic effects are generally present where the endog- economic models] of an explicit learning model, and enous variables are set by risk-averse agents. has suggested that, as a result, it can only be inter- preted as a description not of short-run but of long-run There are no theoretical reasons that most ap- equilibrium in which no agent would wish to recon- plied work has used linear models, only compelling tract. But then the implications of [equilibrium macro- technical reasons given today's computer technol- economic models] are clearly far from startling, and ogy. The predominant technical requirement of their policy relevance is almost nil. econometric work which imposes rational expecta- tions is the ability to write down analytical expres- But it has been only a matter of analytical conve- sions giving agents' decision rules as functions of the nience and not of necessity that equilibrium models parameters of their objective functions and as func- have used the assumption of stochastically stationary tions of the parameters governing the exogenous ran- shocks and the assumption that agents have already dom processes they face. Dynamic stochastic maxi- learned the probability distributions they face. Both mum problems with quadratic objectives, which pro- of these assumptions can be abandoned, albeit at a duce linear decision rules, do meet this essential re- cost in terms of the simplicity of the model. (For quirement—that is their virtue. Only a few other example, see Crawford 1971 and Grossman 1975.) In functional forms for agents' objective functions in fact, within the framework of quadratic objective dynamic stochastic optimum problems have this functions, in which the "separation principle" ap- same necessary analytical tractability. Computer plies, one can apply the Kalman filtering formula to

13 derive optimum linear decision rules with time de- and not at all on whether the models can successfully pendent coefficients. In this framework, the Kalman be caricatured by terms such as "long-run" or "short- filter permits a neat application of Bayesian learning run." to updating optimal forecasting rules from period to It is worth reemphasizing that we do not wish our period as new information becomes available. The responses to these criticisms to be mistaken for a Kalman filter also permits the derivation of optimum claim that existing equilibrium models can satisfac- decision rules for an interesting class of nonstation- torily account for all the main features of the ob- ary exogenous processes assumed to face agents. served business cycle. Rather, we have simply argued Equilibrium theorizing in this context thus readily that no sound reasons have yet been advanced which leads to a model of how process nonstationarity and even suggest that these models are, as a class, in- Bayesian learning applied by agents to the exogenous capable of providing a satisfactory business cycle variables leads to time-dependent coefficients in theory. agents' decision rules. While models incorporating Bayesian learning Summary and Conclusions and stochastic nonstationarity are both technically Let us attempt to set out in compact form the main feasible and consistent with the equilibrium modeling arguments advanced in this paper. We will then com- strategy, we know of almost no successful applied ment briefly on the main implications of these argu- work along these lines. One probable reason for this ments for the way we can usefully think about eco- is that nonstationary time series models are cumber- nomic policy. some and come in so many varieties. Another is that Our first and most important point is that existing the hypothesis of Bayesian learning is vacuous until Keynesian macroeconometric models cannot pro- one either arbitrarily imputes a prior to vide reliable guidance in the formulation of mone- agents or develops a method of estimating param- tary, fiscal, or other types of policy. This conclusion eters of the prior from time series data. Determining a is based in part on the spectacular recent failures of prior distribution from the data would involve esti- these models and in part on their lack of a sound mating initial conditions and would proliferate nui- theoretical or econometric basis. Second, on the lat- sance parameters in a very unpleasant way. Whether ter ground, there is no hope that minor or even major these techniques will pay off in terms of explaining modification of these models will lead to significant macroeconomic time series is an empirical matter: improvement in their reliability. it is not a matter distinguishing equilibrium from Third, equilibrium models can be formulated Keynesian macroeconometric models. In fact, no which are free of these difficulties and which offer a existing Keynesian macroeconometric model incor- different set of principles to identify structural econo- porates either an of learning or an metric models. The key elements of these models are economic model in any way restricting the pattern of that agents are rational, reacting to policy changes in coefficient nonstationarities across equations. a way which is in their best interests privately, and The macroeconometric models criticized by that the impulses which trigger business fluctuations Friedman and Modigliani, which assume agents have are mainly unanticipated shocks. caught on to the stationary random processes they Fourth, equilibrium models already developed face, give rise to systems of linear stochastic differ- account for the main qualitative features of the busi- ence equations of the form (1), (2), and (4). As has ness cycle. These models are being subjected to con- been known for a long time, such stochastic differ- tinued criticism, especially by those engaged in ence equations generate series that "look like" eco- developing them, but arguments to the effect that nomic time series. Further, if viewed as structural equilibrium theories are in principle unable to ac- (that is, invariant with respect to policy interven- count for a substantial part of observed fluctuations tions), the models have some of the implications for appear due mainly to simple misunderstandings. countercyclical policy that we have described above. The policy implications of equilibrium theories Whether or not these policy implications are correct are sometimes caricatured, by friendly as well as depends on whether or not the models are structural unfriendly commentators, as the assertion that "eco-

14 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review/Spring 1979 nomic policy does not matter" or "has no effect."10 References This implication would certainly startle neoclassical economists who have successfully applied equilib- rium theory to the study of innumerable problems involving important effects of fiscal policies on re- Aigner, D., and Goldberger, A., eds. 1977. Latent Variables in Socio- source allocation and income distribution. Our intent Economic Models. Amsterdam: North Holland. is not to reject these accomplishments but rather to Ando, Albert. 1977. A Comment. In New Methods in Business Cycle try to imitate them or to extend the equilibrium meth- Research: Proceedings from a Conference, ed. C. A. Sims, pp. ods which have been applied to many economic prob- 209-12. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Minnesota. lems to cover a phenomenon which has so far resisted Arrow, Kenneth J. 1964. The Role of Securities in the Optimal Alloca- their application: the business cycle. tion of Risk-bearing. Review of Economic Studies 31 (April): 91-96. Should this intellectual arbitrage prove success- Barro, Robert J. 1977. Unanticipated Money Growth and Unemploy- ful, it will suggest important changes in the way we ment in the United States. American Economic Review 67 think about policy. Most fundamentally, it will focus (March): 101-15. attention on the need to think of policy as the choice . Forthcoming. Unanticipated Money, Output and the Price of stable rules of the game, well understood by eco- Level in the United States. Journal of . nomic agents. Only in such a setting will economic Brunner, K., and Meltzer, A. H., eds. 1976. The and Labor Markets. Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public theory help predict the actions agents will choose to Policy, vol. 1. Amsterdam: North Holland. take. This approach will also suggest that policies Crawford, Robert. 1971. Implications of Learning for Economic Mod- which affect behavior mainly because their conse- els of . Manuscript. Pittsburgh: Carnegie-Mellon quences cannot be correctly diagnosed, such as University. monetary instability and deficit financing, have the Debreu, Gerard. 1959. The Theory of Value. New York: Wiley. capacity only to disrupt. The deliberate provision of Fischer, Stanley. 1977. Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, misinformation cannot be used in a systematic way to and the Optimal Money Supply Rule. Journal of Political Econ- improve the economic environment. omy 85 (February): 191-205. Friedman, Milton. 1948. A Monetary and Fiscal Framework for Eco- The objectives of equilibrium business cycle the- nomic Stability. American Economic Review 38 (June): 245-64. ory are taken, without modification, from the goal Frisch, Ragnar. 1933. Propagation Problems and Impulse Problems in which motivated the construction of the Keynesian Dynamic Economics. Reprinted in 1965. Readings in Business macroeconometric models: to provide a scientifi- Cycles, ed. R. A. Gordon and L. R. Klein. American Economic Association, 10: 155-85. Homewood, 111.: Irwin. cally based means of assessing, quantitatively, the Geweke, John. 1977. The Dynamic Factor Analysis of Economic Time likely effects of alternative economic policies. With- Series. In Latent Variables in Socio-Economic Models, ed. out the econometric successes achieved by the D. Aigner and A. Goldberger, pp. 365-83. Amsterdam: North Keynesian models, this goal would be simply incon- Holland. ceivable. However, unless the now evident limits of Gordon, R. A., and Klein, L. R., eds. 1965. Readings in Business Cycles. American Economic Association, vol. 10. Homewood, these models are also frankly acknowledged and radi- 111.: Irwin. cally different new directions taken, the real accom- Grossman, Sanford. 1975. Rational Expectations and the Econometric plishments of the Keynesian Revolution will be lost as Modeling of Markets Subject to Uncertainty: A Bayesian Ap- surely as those we now know to be illusory. proach. Journal of Econometrics 3 (August): 255-72. Hall, Robert E. 1978. The Macroeconomic Impact of Changes in Income Taxes in the Short and Medium Runs. Journal of Political Economy 86 (April): S71-S85. Harris, S., ed. 1965. The New Economics: Keynes'Influence on Theory and Public Policy. Clifton, N. J.: Kelley.

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16 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review/Spring 1979