ROD PATRICK RISBROOK Presents THE REEL BLACK SAME GENDER LOVING MOVIE/FILMOGRAPHY RESOURCE VERSION 5.51 No copyright infringement of the words and pictures used in this compilation of work are intended. It is the sole purpose of the authors of this reference and resource compilation to enlighten and educate the public about the body of film and television work out there depicting the lives of same gender loving (SGL) African descended people. SGL is a culturally affirming coined term that emerged in the early 1990s to offer Black women who love women and Black men who love men (and other people of color) a way of identifying that resonated with the uniqueness of Black life and culture. SGL was created to affirm, embrace, reference and lovingly umbrella homosexual, bisexual and transgender people of African descent. Please reference and print out this document if you wish, and go happy DVD and VHS shopping. A few reputable e-commerce web links have been provided (see last page) for your shopping convenience! This compilation is meant to ACKNOWLEDGE, APPRECIATE, AFFIRM, ACCEPT & ACHÉ all same gender loving people of the African Diaspora! WE LOVE YOU! SPREAD THE ENLIGHTENMENT BY FORWARDING/CIRCULATING THIS COMPILATION TO OTHERS! You can contact me (ROD) to suggest a film I missed, ask a question or send me comments to:
[email protected] 95 FILMS L ISTED!!! A SPECIAL THANKS TO DAMON J. MURPHY WHO BECAME THE SPARK, THE LIGHT AND THE INSPIRATION FOR ME TO BEGIN THIS PROJECT FOUNDED BY DAMON J. MURPHY AND ROD PATRICK RISBROOK PRESS THE LEFT OR RIGHT ARROW KEYS TO ADVANCE BACKWARD OR FORWARD AT ANYTIME PRESS THE ESCAPE BUTTON [“ESC”] TO EXIT THE SLIDESHOW AT ANYTIME I ROD PATRICK RISBROOK is a CADD [Computer-Aided Drafting and Design] professional who designs/drafts architectural and engineering drawings by day and spends the rest of his other time as a socio-political activist for the Black [same gender loving] community.