GOEHR 1 CURRICULUM VITAE. Professor LYDIA GOEHR Department of Philosophy, Columbia University, 1150 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10027, USA
[email protected] EMPLOYMENT 1995-present. Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University. 1989-95 Associate Professor of Philosophy, Wesleyan University (tenured 1993). 1987-89 Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Boston University (tenure-track). 1986-87 Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Nevada at Reno. 1985-86 Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland at College Park. EDUCATION AND DEGREES 1982-85 King’s College, Cambridge University, PhD in Philosophy, Advisor: Bernard Williams, Dissertation: The Work of Music (awarded 1987). 1980-82 Manchester University; 1st Class Honors, BA in philosophy. 1979-80 Exeter University; 1st yr. BA in philosophy; minor in Psychology. FELLOWSHIPS, HONORS, VISITING PROFESSORSHIPS, etc. 1981 Michael Polanyi Scholarship in Philosophy (Manchester University). 1982 Manchester University (Graduate) Research Studentship in the Faculty of the Arts (declined). 1982 Michael Polanyi Memorial Prize in Philosophy (Manchester University). 1982-85 Dept. of Education and Science Major State Studentship to read for PhD at King’s College, Cambridge. 1983 Bursary from the Austrian Government to study German language in Graz, Austria. 1988 Summer Salary Grant, Boston University. 1989 Boston University Humanities Fellowship (declined). 1990-91 Mellon Fellowship, Harvard University. 1992 Faculty Fellowship at Center for the Humanities, Wesleyan University. 1992 Special Projects Grant from Wesleyan University in support of Aesthetics: Past and Present [see Publications]. 1995 NEH Summer Institute Grant, University of Rochester: Music and Modernism. 1997-8 Visiting Ernest Bloch Professor of Music, University of California at Berkeley [Ernest Bloch Lectures]. 1999-2000 Getty Senior Research Scholar, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles.