Z7zzzzesses. See4a-4
(No Model.) J. GRAHAM. 3 Sheets-Sheet 1. SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE, No. 521,586, Patented June 19, 1894. Z722/e7zzoz. Z7ZZzzesses. See4a-4- y 723razzorvaeys: THE NATIONA. Littoartariana company. WAHNGTON, o. (No Model.) J. GRAHAM. 3 Sheets-Sheet 2. SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE, No. 521,586. Patented June 19, 1894. Z,7zz/e7zzo 7 . Zezirazzorree2/(i. (No Model.) 3. Sheets-Sheet 3. J. GRAHAM. SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE. No. 521,586, Patented June 19, 1894. - . Y 1 /, A. 4AY71 al Z7-Z2/e7 ZZo 7. A7ZZ72 assa s. e2.-- 2-4. As . 42 Zaz 42207-72e273. NANA Tidaftarts MPANY A3INGSN, d, . UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JESSE G R A H AM, OF MOR LEY, ENGLAN D. SMOKE-CONSUMING FURNACE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 521,586, dated June 19, 1894, Application filed August 1, 1893, Serial No. 482,099. (No model.) Patented in England July 29, 1892, No. 13,793, To all whom, it may concern: to slide in the manner as hereinafter de Beit known that, JESSE GRAHAM, a subject scribed into the position for the slotted open of the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, ings in the plates to correspond with those 55 residing at Morley, in the county of York, through the respective doors for the purpose England, have invented certain Improve of admitting cold air to the front of the fur ments in Apparatus for the Consumption of naces when the doors are closed. Smoke in the Furnaces of Steam-Boilers and Behind the ordinary bridge D of each fur the Like, (for which a patent has been granted nace is a perforated and hollow arch or pro to me and Henry Gowan Hudson and William jection Eextending round the flue, and formed Milne Rennie by the Government of Great of brick or other refractory material, the space Britain and Ireland, No.
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