Ryan addresses Trustees by Tom NcCaia memory, ' he said. The top administrative IUPUI Student Aaeemhly officiai of Indiana li ni varai ty Preaident Stuart Keefer, expreeeed doubt iaat week that addressing thè board, advo» thè state will fund thè univer­ cated that studente take an sity as requeeted active rota in IUPUI * growth. 1U Preaident John W. Ryan He promieed io work with thè delivered hit annual SUte of admimetrstion on campus thè University Addrees at thè matura and bc a vaila bis for Sept 10 meeting of thè IU atudant commenta and Board of Troatees, heèd at critibam*. IUPUI Speaking lo thè board s "Funding for quali ty improve» Student Affaire Commi Usa, meni and new programa ... Keefer aaid thè SA would invee- will come from reallocation of tigate complainta about houra lexiating university) reeources." avaiiable for atudant use of thè he aaid, noting that thè 198546 sporte facili tiee and UwTueer budget dose noi pian on incorna fev charged from tuition increasse. He eleo reported on thè new lU ‘s budget allocation Student Organila tion Room, requeat for thè next biennium thè SA Book l oen Program now awaita approvai by thè and thè First of Fall Festival. Indiana Commission for Higher In other business, thè Board Educa tion. of Trustees reeoived to convey Ryan added that «Ute action uea of seven amali porcela of on thè allocation requeat will land to thè dty of Indianapolis affect decisione on student fesa* -> The tracia will he part of a “I ricreasi ng our budget for thè planned widening of Weat next biennium ia more prok Street on thè eaat «de of lematic Lhan at any lime in our campus.

Assistance avaiiable through tutorial program

by R oU i YatM Tutoring has given ma vide studente who Uck thè abihty toward tha Uvei re­ to tha "Moat of thè sludenU who moti va tion and priòe in academic akilU required for quired for aucceaa in tirltaga come through thè program % myeelf. BUckmon aaid. ‘It a at thè college Uvei with Initially a student antera by don i know how to write a made me realixe how important ic concepì ual and aduce- on# of two Uvels: He U referred aentence, aaid Debra thè tour componente (courees) to copi by tha adnusetons office BUckmon, H E LP, program are to studente. ” with poat-eecondary education. becauee he haa noi had college tutorial instructor H.E.LP. was deveioped and H.E.LP. ia 70 percent sub- preparatioo coursea, hi» grada* BUckmon ia a graduate of implemented in 1978 aa a pro­ sidiied by a federai grani and are noi good or bis SAT «corea bave a 10 OPA thè Higher Education Leerning gram of remediai education for SO percent by thè university aie low (under 660 pointa com tabe Preparai io n program in Univer enterìng and prevìousiy- Many studente who bined), of thè atudant ia in io University sity Division In thè fall of enrolUd studente with H E L P, don i see thè academic difficulty Iprobe Uon) Diviato* H E L P, giva* Urne 1980, as a widow starting back academic akill deficiencies significance of reading and or off in reineUtement. to thè student in to school, she applied to lt providea instructian to comprehending. Study akilU When a student doaa noi to ed) usi and he IUPUI and was referred to thè about 260 studente each year are emphasixed and studente meet university standard* it la Karen Pnnriah, director of H.E.LP. program. and offers fo|low-up supporti ve are aUo taught how to menage su tomaUc that thè admieatona H E L P U ih# maio impeto After completing it, Services such as individuai and their lime, lnchided in thè com office refars him to H .E.LP behind thè proemia. Three BUckmon was recommended smeli group tutoring. academic municetion couree U a wnting He must meet one of thè three by all her H.E.LP. teachars advisìng, personal and career Uboratory. Coursea in math, federai reguUUons. that ha U a because of thè akilU she counaeling and other typee of reading and conununication are first generation college student. can Uave between thè tinte demonstrated in cUss She waa educational suppport. Program structured to proved each cornee from a low-income they 've taken their 12 hours of asked to come back thia fall to partkipants are sligi bis for student with indivkhialixed family or U phyaìcally ben credit and tha two-yenr limit tutor reading and assist in assistance for a maximum of materUU which begin at thè originel)y stipuUted by thè pro­ career pUnning and study two years while enrolUd in student e preaent Uvei of abili- The student ia then inter gram. H.E.LP. monitor* their skilU. She ia thè only freehman credit coursea at IUPUI. ty aa detenni ned by a Program vUwed, teeted and paperwork grada* but ìf they feti Hke tkey tutor thè division has H.E.LP. s purpoee U to prò- Test Battery, and develop that U dona. There ara two iionimutd on p 5J Fair booth represents System Visibility and prestige To tha editor: repreeenutive to thè commit Report. A word tactually a few more) tee. I endeavor to show IU sa a Each year we biro IUPUI depend on IUPUI name of explanation about thè 1U System in iU «hibit. Thua, we studenU to greet thè pubhc booth at thè Su le Fair attempi to favor odo anawer questiona about The tu tax-aupported demic progrnR'bn thè IU To ths edsSor. IUPUII collages and uni varai bea in In­ Thia year, for exampie, thè What e in a name? Merely davalopmant aa a well diana work togathar to develop pictorial diaplays and thè conv Thia noU ia 1 tha visibility and preatige of recogniaed urban university, a theme, a joint audiovisual putar program reflected thè to dissuade you from wanting our university. That tra naia tee but not aa a weakly coor show, and other diaplays in thè IUPUI note pada, IU football to see more IUPUI repreeenU into tha ability of our schools dinated asaambly of ragionai Uni versi ties Building Each offices on our eijrht ctmouiM to attract good professori and campusee (as deecribed reoantly achooi then plana iU own booth IUPUI Conunuuig Studia ' studenU. funding opportuni tee by thè Wall Street Journal) to relate to that theme for our faculty and job As thè Indiana University Preaident Ryan's Annusi proapacU for our gradua tea thè name idantifying it aa a It e entirely appropriato far lagitimato antity. t ertidos in thè Sagumort to The rasi isaue benaath tha diacuas “ idantity.” but Ms. telk of namaa ia that fragmen- Burris asaortiona (Sept. 1) that Hours for athletic facilities inconvenient IUPUI has an idenUty now, visibility and lagitimacy of To tha editor and that namaa don i mattar IUPUI. Locai government a are provindal. Her Connecticut Some of thè dsdaiooa mede deecribed a bove of daytime nooeaaary thao so why are thsy induatry, along with tha at thia university never now? My piggy bank ia waiting friend may bave baan impresaad student body, bave a atake in with tha concapt of a moderating tha poaition takan appliso to a great many to know. « hybrid university but. in fact, by thoae whoaa motto could ba I believe paying a fea to usa studenU at IUPUI. if noi tha IUPUI ia relatively unknown thè athletic facili Usa ia wrong majority. Why doasn't tha on either coast and may indeed Paul L Dubin and unfair bui I want to Ulte School of Phyaical Education be ths beat kepi secret in tant Professor advantage of their administration schedule some Midwestern higfaar education. campus so l'm willing to pay. convenient daytime hours for of Chsmistry Aa 1 waa about to break open what saema to ba tha majority my piggy bank. though. 1 hap- of tha studenU? paned to look over thè hours I would alao he intareated to available to studenU (I think know why there are scheduled TU hold off buating my bank!). Limes for thè outdoor baaket- There are virtually no hours available to tha daytime to wanU to rìse out of bed at 6 a.m. in order to swim or jog at all 1 by seven.

Cattato Student Center

• «( in rii mà firn, a imi Mt Activitfes and Opportunities:

Itamai Ufi 11 4:30 « 00 3 CMOtaf Trtp li fceera Csasty 0«t 1.11 3 OHMf Eì k i M 4 K C U Attortiti

Sacnawat il RscsacAstes at tot Cestai Rev. Jeff Godecker, Chaplain

264-4987 et ujcxj 1 kxuii i 1414 MAIN ST. SPEEDWAY. IN £ .|m H y 2 Sagumort « O ' t

Saptamber 15. IMS Andkwitcherbitchen You ha va made an appointment wtlh your par sonai Another at phystcian to di scusa a probiem Your conversa tton may go aomethmg liks thia: nuclear weapons "Hay. Doc, I got thia paio T » thè editar A patn? Whers?" baa ha deetroyatf Tba Soviat Far loo long. nuclw i i t a in my haad, Doc, and it ready burla, you say been debaled on thè issi how much aach side bai raflacta Uua stratagy Tba con- And he says. "Can you tali ma more about it?" tba number of paaple ih i on high ^aari. land- "Wall, it's righi bare." you say and point could be kilied by • *m| alaa 11CBMa| and "Is thìs a Constant or occasionai pain?" woepon Om vsry imporUnl "Hty, you r» suppooed to be tha export! Why aro paini ha« barn ignorai how «i |SLBMa| and tha diaragard al you aaking me ad these questiona?" nuclear war would bc fought Would both aidoa alari finn* attack is wantad We often hear another vsraton of thia con versa ùon at aach olhar on tba count of Tha American military a "Hey. newspaper. I noed Information. thraa? Would tha number of strategìe nuclear stratagy la "What do you wanl to know about?" we aak. waapona ona aida baa detarmim tha Mulually Asaurad Destri* "Everything," you indignantly answsr if a war would ba fougbt or tion Policy. Tha MAD policy *'We cen i teli you what you want to know unless in esaence lU lw that if you wbo would win? What aro tha you tad us what you wanl to know praoant military raaUtloo of a daatroy ma. I arili daatroy you. strategie nuclsar war? Thia maona that tha US "Wed, you're thè **u $pop*r You re suppoeed to War» ara only fought if a baa coaaod to exist or la about just cover things, you're suppoeed lo know-don't you country faaia il can attack and to ba wipad out wban wa open just Amoic ad thaoa things? What a wrong srith you? Ara. To carry out thia policy. dafaat anothor country Thoaa expectations ars unrsaliatic, too Nuinbers alone contar no ad- tha TRIAD waa bulli Tha vantaga in war. Both of thoaa TRIAD is compoeod of ICBMs, We bave added a doxen people to our writing staff statement» ara provad by SLBMa and bomberà Each so far since thè beginning of this semester; we bave an biatory. member of tha TRIAD haa tha enlhusiastic group, and we bave definite goal» for thè Germany attackad a capability of daatroyingany coming year. numericeli* supanor forca in nation on thia planai Tha pur Bui we are only as good as our sourcas. Write to May 1940 and won. In Juna, posa of having thraa diffaraot 1941. thay attackad and almool lypaa of forese is to prevent an usi Ws bear too many commenta thraugh thè beat a foe many tunaa thair fissi roying "grapevine" to which we could more confidently rea- aita What nuda thia posai bla Beni* abn pond if they sere presented directly to ut. We need to waa how thay fought tha war to daatroy any ona or taro know what you want to haar about or what you don't To understand nuclear war, you of tha TRIAD would want to bear about in thia pepar. raoult in dsetruction of tha So write us a lattar Tei! us about something ■ leader»hip and tha US military pian to tight a nuclear war Now that you bava toma idea unusual going on in your arsa of tha university. or il Tha Soviet govaramant a of how aach aida plana to fighi noi unusual something everyday that tha raaf wf thè strategie nuclear war stratagy a nuclear war. lei us look at school knows nothing about. is to win tha nexl war in tha Sign thè letter or don't sign it. MaU it, daliver it in firat battio. Tha Kremlin stagias oppose aach olhar person or make it into a paper airplane and fly it down believee thia can only ba dona I what would happon if wa occurred. Tha Soviet govorn- thè basement hall of Cavanaugh into our door - LB ara prevented. To do thia tha msnt's policy is to daatroy (contmuod on p >01

4 a.m .

WeU. I li lei II »o thls limo bui naxt lime, ba moro carsful.

September 15. 1982 I p o lit ili by Richard A. Waplea Controversy over Iranian situation continues Many U.S citi iena stili Unfortunately, thia anger haa developed and thè outeome of Israeli invasimi muat be understandable and progressive harbor ili will towarda Iran a a a been misdirected in ita bUnket that power struggi* is by no appUuded by all thoee who in Ughi of thè imperialisti* reault of thè hoetage ernia. application to thè Iranian means certain condemned Israel's in­ rendersele# of both of thoee Khomeini bacarne a houaehold people A aophiatication on thè There are many good reaaona discriminate aUughter of power# nume and bis charac ten ia tion part of Americana about thè for Iraniana to aupport thouaanda of innocent people On thè other. hand. a Urge waa Umpooned daily in thè realitiea in Iran ia called for. Khomeini and a good many of and their torritorial expan number of Iraniana, western editonai cartoon# Even inno- Iran today ia in a a u le of Iraniana stili do. lndeed thè aioniat policies ized in Lheir politicai cent little Mickey Mouse waa (lux. Currently Khomeini and IranUn govemment'a recent SimiUrl^Kbometm ' a phiioeophies (especially allowed to flip thè bird io our hia religioua cohorts are on top aupport for thè t& lfftese and anti-U.S./U S S K line, while democrals and socialista) are execrable villian. but a atrong oppoaition haa Palestinian people during thè rhetorkally abrasive, is both trying to topple thè old man of thè East. Their differencen with. and animoaity towarda. thè current regime bave deep roota. There ia. however, a fun- damental difference between Iranian and American hostillty towarda Khomeini. Americana are mad ai thè laUmic govern meni for all thè wrong rea sona. Don t gel me wrong. I m noi condoning thè vioU ting of an embaasy and thè taking of hoatagea although our intèrven- tion in thè internai politica of Iran muat be admitted to be a more aerìous and pervasi ve in- fraction of intemational Uw. All I*m saying ia that if we're going to be hoatile toward thè govemm ent of another nation. let s make aure that hoetility ia anchored in cUy rather than aand. Aniericans altitudea towarda Khomeini reaemble thè environmentalist who doean'l like James W att because of hia bald head and gUaaea It just miasies thè point. The figures are staggering Since thè February 1979 revolution. 15,000 Iraniana bave been executed and 40,000 impr isoned Torture ia systematic and censorship per­ vasi ve. Unemployment ia up to 40 percent and inflation ia over 100 percent. W'omen are neither allowed to pick lheir profeaaion nor their clothing. The economie Bounderings are to be expected in an underdeveloped nation that just underwenl a revolution This calculator thinks business. and ia in thè midat of a war (with Iraq). Khomeini's attempi al returning Iran to a fun The TI Student Business Analyst damentaliat theocracy aeems If there’s one thing urvdcrgrad It all means you spend less of thè package You aiso get desti ned to fail to ua business studente ha ve always urne caiculatiiìfl, and more a hook that follows most weatemers imbued with nceded, this is it: an aftordable, time learning. One keystroke business courses: thè Business notions of democracy and “ pro­ busmessonented calculator. takes thè piace of many. Analyst Guideòook. Business gress. ” However, being out­ The Student Business Analyst. The calculator is just part professor* helpcd us write it, sider*. we ahould not be too ks butlnn business formula* to hdp you get thè most out quick lo c r itic i» such a move- let you perforai complicateci of calculator and classi^om. ment but rather ahould fi narice, accounttng and A ncmrrful combinat□maiion. kmi . recogniie plurality of social and statistica! functions-the oncs Think business.s politicai organixations. that usually reauire a lot of With thè Student However. it ia not thè case time and a stick of rcference Business Analyst. that we ahould tura a blind eye books, like present and future toward Iran'a abuaea of human vaiar calculations, amoruza* , Te x a s righta. Amneaty International, tions and balioon pavments. In s t r u m e n t s thè human righta organila tion that won thè Nobel Peace Priie in 1977 and ia noted for ita ob- • jectivity and non ideological perspective, saya torturea in­ clude beating, whipping. 4 Sagamort r


Children’s Health Psi Chi at IUPUI At ita first anmversary meeting, thè Association for thè Care of Ouldren * Pai Chi, thè national honor society io paychology. was inaulied at IUPUI thia Hsalth will have aa ita faatured speaker Jamia J Jacobesn, esecutive director of smashing prisoners’ heads yeer and ia accepltng applicatone for roembership. The chapter will seek to thè Family Support Cantar The meeting will ha Thuraday. Sept 16 at 7 p m in against walls, and performing nouriah and a tumula te profeeaiona] growth through program* designed to aug- thè Children a Pavibon Buffet of Methodiat Hospital meni and enhance thè regolar curriculum and to provide predicai sapertene* and ACCH seek» to fostar and promote health and waO-being of children and mock executiona. fellowahip. famiiies in health cara set tinga by educatoli, interdisciplinary interaction and Teheran’s Evin Priaon Qualificationa for membership include thè compieik>n of 12 houra of peychoiogy planning, and reèsarch. featurea thè “ ironing room’’ in or nine houra and regiatration for at leaat three more; regiatration for major or For further information, contact Judy Jenkrna, ACCH al 924 8316 or Nancy which prisoners are tied to minor standing in paycbology; and an overall GPA of 3.0 and 3.6 in paychology Havena at 634 6060 coursework. Psi Chi is open for undergraduate or graduate studente For informe racks and their backa, but- tion or membership application, contact Dr Roger War* faculty adviaor, at thè Graduating senior* ’ tocks, and soles of their feet peychoiogy department in thè Krannert Building or Judy Kendrick et 266-9046 The Recorder a OfRaa in thè Schooi of Liberal Ada remi od* graduating senior* are burned with an iron. Nursing and thè law that they must apply Toc their degrees Applications must be on fila by Sept 30. Downataira there ia thè “ base- 1962 for January. May and August 1983 candidata* Pick up applicationa ia The IU Schooi of Nursing hai scheduied a two-day workshop antitled The Room 401. Cavanaugh Hall or phone 264 3976 for addittonal Information ment of truth" where other Legfl Liability of Nursing Predice Slaled for Sept 30 and Od. 1. thè couree is unimaginable and unspeakable accreditaci for 1.2 Continuing Educetion Unita (CEUa). Advance regiatration by Public relatlons powwow atrocities occur. Sept 16 costa 130 for university employees and 660 for those noi affiliated with The IUPUI Division of Continuing Studiea and Woroen in Communicationa will Such condjtions are reminis- thè IU hospitals. For further information, cali 264-4660 coeponsor a one-day seminar for public relation» professional» and aspirante * cent of abuses committed Paychology tomorrow Thuraday. Sept 30 Titlad Think CraaUvaly. thè seminar wiU be held al thè Holiday Inn North and will fsa ture topica such as managing pubbeations. fund The IUPUI Paychology Club will have an or gamia Uooal meeting Thuraday. under thè American-supported raiaing, working with madia and other ralatad sub)seta Fesa and snrofiment . (or was that appointed?) Shah. Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in thè faculty lounge in thè Krannert Building. 38th Street campus. All are invited to attend thia meeting to elect officers and pian Information are available by calling 264-4601 r Those of us who stili hold a activities for thia schooi yeàr. This is your chance to gel together with fellow grudge against thè Iraniane paychology students in a social setting. should discard our old pre- Familles and work judices and lend support to The Indiana Diviaioo of thè American Association of University Women is those Iraniana committed to sponsoring a conference. "Familina and Work,” to be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:46 ending such atrocities. In many p.m. Friday. Od. 1 at thè Esaei Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. Dr Regina ways, their’s was a revolution Wolkoff will present thè keynote address Must There be Confbct? an Historkal E lamina tion of Familie* and Work." lnterested persona, workers, managera. that was cut short. members of men'a/women's organiiationa, members of educational groupa. and The current situation in Iran thè generai public. are invited end should register by Monday. Sept 27, 1982. by is complex. The one thing that aending a 812 fee (include* lunch) with your risme and address to: Diane Deee. can be said with a fair degree 12638 Brompton Road, Carmel. IN 46032 of certainty is that things will Free U change, and probably rapidly. Indianapolis Free University will offer ’Beginning Financial Strategie* in two On campus there are two Seturdey workshop*. Sept. 26 from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Greenwood Chne tian Church. 612 S. Madison and Od. 9 from 9 a.m to 6 p.m. at AlliaonviUe student groups which are Christian Church, 7701 AlliaonviUe Road. distributing information about DetaUs on regiatration, now in progress, are available at 263-FREE Iran. The Moslem Student Dr. Warren Andrew Society is against thè present Memorisi aervicea fòtD*>Warren Andrew. IU Schooi of Medicine, were heid state of affairs, Le., anti Saturday at thè Meridian Street United Methodist Church. Khomeini, while thè Moelem Professor and chairman of thè IU anatomy departmenl from 1968 to 1971, Dr Student Association, which Andrew retired laat year. becoming a professor emerilus He was a noted lecturer and author and hia main field of ressa re h waa thè cellular effecta on aging acknowledges thè current Paca H, Rad, you’ra nothlng bui a hood. W ato abuses of human rights, Il Ticketors ^ The 1982-83 opera season at the’fWHPTheatre will begin Od. 8 and 10 with known for t long timo, thoaa cooklaa yoo «voto stresses thè progressive tenden- thè production of "Il Trovatore " The season runa through June 19. Season, dolhrorJng to your grandmothar wora loadod cies of thè Islamic regime. serie* and single ticket* are available now Phone thè Murai Theatre for more with poi Your tmuggling day8 ara ovor. Listen to both sides of this information at 631-ARIA. conflict, read their publications as well as some neutral sources. and then follow your cons- cience. But please, don't resort to knee-jerk American •-Village Square nationalism spurred by indigna- tion over thè hostage crisis. Apartments Such feelings and correspon- ding actions won’t help anyone. Heat and Water Included 6 Month Leases available (contlnued from p 1)

can handle it on their own they are free to go. , 293-5885 Right now, H.E.L.P. is in thè process of hiring. Those in* terested in being tutors must have a 2.5 GPA. a “ Bllqr • Ferfect Westside location better in thè subject they wish near 38th St. and 1-465 to tutor and provide three • 20 minutes from campus references, one in thè area in which they wnat to tutor. • 5 Minutes to Lafayette Square Tutors are needed in English, • 2 Swimming Pools math (generai to algebra), com­ • 2 Tennis Courts puter courses, lfjngflage. • Home Box Office Offered ana tomy, bwfógy, and • Basketbai] Court physiology. Just south of 38th St on High Schooi Rd 'T h e pay is $5.00 per hour lnterested students should con­ tact Generosa Mendoza at 1 Month Free Rent with 12 Month Lease Move in by Sept. 25th 264-2666. H.E.L.P. offices are in Cavanaugh Hall, Room 306.

Septcmber 15. 1982 5 AlU u h«ll 1982i^ufuTWoman's Vo h « y d i h Shorts Sept 11 Mario# 1 e. a». Home 25 ladia sa State at Evase ville 11 P4. Home 28 City Tourney 6 p.m. Away Buttar 90 Franklin. lUPUI-Ft. Wsyne 6:90 p.m. Away Franklin oenes/s entrte» to tnd Oct. 5 Marien. Manchester 6 p.m Away Marian Indiana State 7 p.m. Away 1 SU *SvbouNiou hx tto tali IM I imo* o l ito 1UFU1 I 8-9 b* rocatvad io Cavanaugh Hall. Roon» SM by Sopì *0 AB art and «n u n antri** 12 Indiana Central. Valperaiao 7 p.m Away ICU muot include a IM O word b » and bo MantiAod «ah tto contribuì» . n o i. 15 Indiana State et E vanaville 0 p.m. Away ISUE ■ itfrin and n im b o» nuiobor Mnnuacnpta mu.t ba tubnuttod io duplicato 16 V incerine* Tourney • 11 a.m. Away Vincennes Sprlng/summer W131 studenti 19 Honover 6 p.m Away-Hanover sudami «bo aura anrotod la Embab WIS1 dura* Ito m™« and «umor ai 20 Eorlhom. Okland City 8 pan Home IMS art advtoad tbat ttou totava art avaikbii far pickup m Raro 601M. 29 DePauw, 1SUE. St. Joseph I l a.m. Away-DePanw Cavana»**» Hall Tto offici it opta Monday through Fndiy frani 8 30 am l ! Frantila, Anderoon . «p n . Home •oca and 1* 30 la 4 3 0 p m Aitar Sapt IT. tto fatavi v ii bt diacardtd 29-30 Ball Sute Tourney 1 p.m. Away USU Shake yer pom-poms Nov 1 St. Joseph 6 p.m. Away-St. Joseph i j«« P illi] ctoorltadtr tponoor. i 2 Marien 6p.ni Home Sopì 30 Ibnmffe Sopì U tram 3 to I p m in ito ouutory *ym io 5-6 Distrìct Tourney T.B.A. Away-Taykw natatonum Wooan and mta ara invitod and tbouid con» draatad far predico Dttailt aboul tryouu tto follo*»»* wath arili bt lanouncad 10 Indiane State 8 p.m. Home All bone game* are playad al thè IU PU I Sebo©! ol Pbyaical Kducatioi» Niialoriut Tired of cheap thrilla? 901 West New York Street Alpha Phi Omegi m a naUonal tannet (rattnuty arboat mtmbart tovt a eood unto «b ili providin* mtamngful itrvica to IUPUI and ito Indianapoiu ls and Datoy bui ttoy don i tbinb you U to diaappotntod ottor araleon» and ttort arili bt • tocial get-togattor altorararda Bulletin board space available See you In court by PbU Keith Tto Orto Tana» Club adì bt holding on arganuatianal meeting toon Anyoi Firn atudent: How obout a totoraaud ibauld contact Mary Betb Mtytr at 784 3607 to tbat metUng Uomo gophar on arhaala? " and pradica «nanna con bt tot Sacond studant: ‘WhatT A University theetre mmm i First atudent Yeah, that i A uditami (or Dark of tto Mooa. a muocfiUad folk fantaay. arili be tota at 7:30 pm Sapt *3 and 14 Barbara Alto», a aritchboy and 13 ottor what it aaye." ima and 13 ottor nonna «01 bt catt (rom inyoat m tto community or The raaaon why thoae turo IUPUI «b o «ont to oudition Coll M4 W»4 studente were there la unknown but thè activity tbay undertook

They had worked their way along thè «a ll. located in thè oouth basement hall of Cavanaugh. It sarvaa as an advertising space for thè vorious “ bave," would like to nd of," and "have I got a Park Lafayette Apts a for you" measagus. The wall is a menageria of index IUPUI carda, high-gloos brochure* and 8W X 11 sheeUof paper The "gopher on wheala" ad ia typical A white aheet of paper AHordableJiouimg with block typa, little flap* et for thè bottoni that giva a nome IUPUI Studenti and phone number and a 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Heat Fumished measage to gat aerosa. The (rom $172 00 to $204.00 (total electnc) gopher will perforai such TOWNHOUSES exciting eervicea sa grocery 2-3-4 Bedrooms from $162 00 to $228 00 shopping, wailingwaiuu^ itafar servicteien, welking thèi dog. atandinj^n line and paying| EUGIBIUTY: Information Project (AIP). And how can you moke any Under Gradi 9 aedit hours or more It look* as though thè od got which is an attempt to provide money raiaing only three Grad Studenti 5 credit hours or more resulta beesuse several of thè a way for people to find a place bedrooma anyway? name-and-number flape «ere to Uve. Then there a thè advertiae- gone. Probebiy an underpaid The A IP eection is divtded ment for “ race day government employee wanted into nine zonea. To aid in babyeitting" which urges you 3621 Lewnview Lane - 3600 Wesi and 2300 Norlh on to aee if thè advertiaer could be findmg thè ione in which a par to “ pian now." Lat e aee. this ia Tibbi Avenue 5 mmulei from Downtown Campus auckered into paying thè next ticular addresa is located. a September, thè race ia in May. Serene Environment light bill. map delinea ting thè zonea ia Even if you pian now. U's not The wall ia available for ad poated (although it had noi too likely that you’U be able to poeting by any IU PU I etudent. been zoned aa of this writing.) have a baby to Lake to thè Wit­ While moat advertisementa ter by race day. MANAGED BY IUPUI REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT faculty or staff member. A t in- tervala along thè wall are poated on thè wall are atraight Unlaea, of courae, thè race ia 635 7923 headings which indicate thè to thè point, there are a few rain-delayed, in which case you type of measage to be poated: that may leave you aerate hi ng might be able to squeeze one evento, autoe. music audio, your head. out. typing and reaearch service. Like thè one which advertisea Well, w he levar kind of ad tutoring and thè all- a three-bedroom ranch for sale. you have (within limiu, of Now, watt a minute. There courae.) at least there is a place In addition, a portion of thè are cetile ranchee and horee to post it. And it doean't coat a wall ia used for thè Apartment ranche* but a bedroom ranch? 6 Sagamore Chsmistry ••minar

Laadwthip throoflh ••rvica lnt#r-V«r»lty Christian Fsllowthip ivcr MlMM TOH u> u. ■Min «a "Daily «*iw TW « ( K»U I m b MI al 7 90 pm Dm Hm ì Im

Students & Staff Li*» in» ttiwi } «unum trino iwapu» io i ai gaod a«al

Rents from $175 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED • Fra* Uundry I «oliti*»

T Entertainment

Postrock music provides alternative listening

rhylhms and timo changee. importantni as what one tays. Today 'i music consumar is thè lead vocalista in each be dent bands there is now mor The thnthree » suggested Robert Fripp's reformed band bom bardi dsily with commer with their squeaUy, insincere, good art-musk around than bere ara accessible and tairlv combinea traeva of old King cials and radio adverri sementa teeny bopper appeal, all representa ti vì^ ofYhs postrock Crimson with a new wave edge extolta ng thè virtuos of such atùtuda end approach If resulling in a high-powered haa-been banda as The Eaglee. only for thè purpoee of taking listening to thè seme old stuff rock adventure. Pripp la one of Grate fui Dead, and The Beoch money from thè consumer. is no longar gratifying. this a handful of conlemporary Boy» Sediy enough moet peo Thia is not to say that good would be a good placed to artista who bave mainlained an pie beiievc whal they heard and music never gela any airplay. roll, becoming more avare and start. awarenees of current sen Occaskmally accidents do hap- responsibie by writjng songs Gaag of Pour sibilities withoul Uving in thè album buyers haa beco care fui pan But thè hype surround)ng about problema other than loa- Songs Of The Free pasl. ly ahaped by thè media U> such "superstar" groupa like ing a girl friend. With thè sddiUon of baaaiat Adrian Belew Loae Rhlno reflect somelhing like this: if thè Rolling Stones has no* In more concrete terms. Sara Lee. thè GOF bave turoed After a long apprenticeehip it a noi on thè radio, it must escalated way out of proportion postrock employs a totally dif- into a powerfulfunk punk band with such bands ss Talking not be worth whik. relative to thè originai intent of ferent structure than that of ila while stili mainuining their Head», Bowie tour. King Crim­ Lat a not be led around like rock and roll, becoming a predecessor, creating sound acute soc io/politicai perspec- son. and Gaga Ibis own band). aheep. enough is enough! vulgar Symbol of our society 'a imagery with inatrumenta and tivea. While it might seem Belew has come up with a free- Commercial rock and roll to- uaing vocal. as veli as in- strange for such a serious wheeling but posile album, one day is trite (Foreigner. Journey. Thia emphasis is a shame stmmental inflection, i.e., how band, this album is full of greet which should appeal to a vide and REO uso thè asme because with thè exploeion of one says something is just as

America/Loggins concerts strong and energetic

concert at thè Indianapolis With a mix of old and new. slrongeat crowd recognition. The problem with Kenny was thè end of summei Sporta Center last Friday night thè band look thè crowd on a Bearded Dewey Bunnetl and Loggins was that although he dose of a aerina in had all thè right ingrediente to tour of thè pesi with tunea spectacled Gerry Beckiey had pula all of his effort, every bit be a spedai formula of live such sa “ Slster Golden Hair. no trouble warming up thè of molecular energy he has. in­ hgve been ai i excep- music. The show started a li Sandmsn” and "Tin Man." crowd. The audio was sharp, to a show - he seemed rushed. tional night b ^ T tfe U s little a f t s ^ p m., with opening ac Newer songs then begged thè even though at timas over Por example, thè magica! song America rendering a strong mind for remembra nce, with poweringly loud. Ending their "House at Pooh Corner" was America/ 60-minute performance. "You Can Do Magie." their set with thè encore " A Horee cut to one lyric plus chorus La test single, having thè With No Nams," America, Even thè short veraion of although old pros. had put on a "Danny's Song" was offered to show few opening seta may a crowd that deserved more for their strong ftpport. a Then, et 9.30 p.m.. house In spile of thè fact that iUPUI ■ lighta out. and a dry ice misi Loggins' performance* must be ! coveri ng thè stage, another exhausting, his set stage show Parachutes & Associates, Ine. J band look over with their was do ne at 10:30 p.m. The I leader not far behind. It should severa! encore* which he was I ha ve been a brillianl perfor coaxed back for look up 30 Beginning Courses $68 | mance by a man so versatile, minutes. Thai s not much Every Saturday & Sunday j It was - for thè time he 1 unger than an opening set. Registration 9:00 a.m. | pl*y*d Also. with an album as strong a Setting thè pace for thè con as thè newly released "High Classes Start at 9:30 a.m. ! cert with thè rocking "Love Adventure." it is surprising J Has Come of Age," Kenny that he did not do more with ■ Loggins was in perfect form. its material. Frankfort Municipal Airport, S.R. 28 West, Frankfort IN 46041 I His voice was vibrant with a But his encorea vere un- | love-of life fiere in ita tona. He forgettable. This ad worth $5.00 off one | had a way of malùng a crowd Prom an exceptional version ■ eccepì him immediately, as if of his current single, “ Don't First Jump Course if redeemed a he vere an old friend Fighi It" to thè total audience B Dressed in a light grayish- participetion number of thè from now thni November 30, 1982. I Lavender jacket. red-and-white swaying “ Celebrate Me Home," J » tri peci shirt and purple slacks, Kenny leggina poured out For groups of 10 or more I 1/Oggms jumped from fast every last bit of energy he ad is worth $10.00 off | pacers to heart-breakers. could muater. | Ìntimately. he set on thè end of The total concert - opening | thè stage, with only guitar and set and headliner — was Experience thè thrill of Skydiving in our twelfth season a voice to do such numbers ss strong. all things considered. ! "Your Marna Don i Dance" or But when many solo per ■ franlically jumped i____ - formerà put on shows which I stage to "Junkanoo Holiday near three hours with no open­ (317) 654-6188 I But he was too good to bie ing act. one may wonder if this J trae. show didn't just miss its mark. Sagamort Moot court team places first In nation A team of tour la » M k llumi Day ia at aoaa io ih» law Arai place aria in a aaUonal school lobby Partecipante wiU tour thè oew sporta faahUoa ea The moot court team thè IU School of Law

during Law A lumai Day at thè school this EridayI at 5 p m

They preparaci for aight monlhs for Ih» American Bar Herron student places second Asoociationa National ap­ in bicycling competition pallale Advocacy competition bv Mark Simon» The hamster» argued before practicing jurisU agamst 20 During thè Labor Day and 1970 a Olympun Cyclist of othor team» from acro»» thè weekend. Jeff Heed, ■ junior in thè Decade He finiahed thè nation In addiUon. their thè visual Communications B A M 81 tour arith a lime of 40-page brief on a husband s program at thè Herron School 33 hours, sia minute» of Art. and team male Bob In 1979, Jeff Keed finished righi to be informed of tu» wife's abortion won top honora Beeson. an Anderson physician. second in thè State Time Thais finiahed second and first for 25 miles and went on to respectively in thè 1982 Bike compete fai thè National Time Aerosa Missouri cyciing tour Trials. He began training for The B.A.M.82 tour began at thè B A M. 82 ride in thè early Sia Flags Ove# Mid-America in spring. often riding a winding Eureka. ran lo Oak Grave and 170-mite rOute tram back to Eureka, a total of 541 Indianapolis to Bloomington miles. With only brief halts at and back in lees than eight thè 14 checkpoints. Keed and hours. Beeson rode this distante in Bob Beeson. thè first place thè record-breaking times of 30 finisher in B.A.M.82 has been hours, 11 minute* and 30 riding seriously for only three hours. nine minute* years. In June. Bob set a The former record hokler waa ' 24 tour record on thè 1982 John Howard, a four-time Central Doublé Century ride of National Cyciing Champion 481 miles

Light Wad ttvuSat Sopì 15-18 Roadmaster Monday Sepl 20 SHARE Or. Bop THE Thurs thru Sai Sopì 23-25 C O f T

Doors Open 0 30 or Suo» Sun* 9 30 UVMO.

04VII TOTHi am m k a n camco lo am September 15. 1982 New tennis team capable by PhU Keith “ It’a green, but there’s talent of hitting thè ball but also at that will be in thè tournament. there.” coaching thè intangible aspeets Thua far in thè season, thè That is not a comment about of thè game such as concentra IU P U I team has lost a match, a leftover frog from thè tion, strategies which correa- won a match and had one National Sporta Festival. pond to thè strong and weak canceled. Last Thursday, Rather. thoae are thè words aspeets of thè player s game IUPUI was defeated by Marion (contmued from p 3) that Tennis Coach Bill Rennie and thè development of a College. enough American nucle&r member. Now only one is safe used to describe thè IUPU1 positive attitude. During thè weekend, a tri- weapons to prevent massive and that could change quickly tennis team. In addition, thè coaches are match was scheduled for retaliation and thè US policy The Western technology thè The team opènéftthe 1982 trying to help thè players learn Saturday between IUPUI, calla for massive retaliation by Soviet government has ac- fall season at Marion College to recognixe when and why Manchester College and surviving weapons. quired, one way or thè othefrin problema occur during a match. last Thursday. Hanover College at thè As of right now, thè thè past has resulted in thè This particular area of coaching Although thè majority of thè Indianapolis Sporta Center. Kremlin’s ICBMs and SLBMs highly accurate guidance is important because they can team is composed of IU P U I defeated Hanover in thè can deatroy US ICBM s and systems needed to deatroy our coach players only during underclassmen. Coach Rennie first match. The second match, bomberà as they are taking off. ICBMs. W ith thè speed at seems enthusiastic about thè changeovers in a match. If thè with Manchester, was canceled which new computer com­ The Soviet Navy’s anti­ performances that thè young players learn to recogìuze because thè first match lasted ponente are being developed submarine warfare capability is players are capable of. problema while they are longer than expected. and used by Western countries, several generations behind US “ W e are going to be stronger playing, then they may be able Tonight IUPUI plays a a future exchange of submarine technology. US down deep [in thè lineup] than to correct thè problema on their match at Lima. Ohio against technology. legai or illegal, SLBM s at sea are almost com- we ever ha ve been.” own. Bluffton College. Tomorrow, could speli disaster for US pletely immune to Soviet at- And though Rennie said this All of thè coaching that is Taylor University will be thè SLBM s tack as a result. Since thè team is “ one of thè better supplied is designed so that thè opponent and Friday, Thomas The next important issue is SLBMs have thè firepower to technical teams we’ve had,” thè players will learn “ how to beat More College will prò vide thè whether thè Soviet or US destroy thè Sovieta, they could need for coaching does not others, not themselves," com- competition. The home matches Government would start a war not attack and prevent massive disappear. mented Coach Rennie. will be played at thè I will let each reader answer retaliation. . For Coaches Rennie and Perhaps thè effort of thè Indianapolis Sporta Center that. 1 have pointed out thè Dave Kimball, there is an coaches and thè players will be beginning at 3 p.m. The danger right now stems military realities which up to ultimate goal to be achieved. rewarded Sept. 30 when IU P U I Players on thè 1982 fall from thè fact that only one now were not explained or were “ What we want them to do is will participate for thè first season tennis team are Terry member of thè T R I AD could unintentionally left out. A lit­ to perform their best," said time in thè N A IA District Atwood, Paul Gaylord, Kirk survive an attack. When first tle knowledge is said to be Rennie. Tournament. By then, thè team Jones, Kipper Mimms, Greg built, thè T R I AD was sound dangerous and in this case it is The two coaches work not will have played ten matches, Nichols, Joe Ramirez, Mike because thè Soviet military fatai. only at coaching thè technique many of them against teams Weaver, Richard Woodfall and couldmot dent even one Christopher F. Schneider Jeff Yarbrough.


2. Circle City Circuit, Sept. 27-Oct. 2 10K Run, Sept. 27, 1. All Campus Dance 12:00 p.m 3. Newsletters: Sept. 17 16” Coed Softball, Sept 27, Student Bar Association Sponsored by BSU 6:00 p.m. Student Advisory Council- All Students are invited Ice Cream Social-Flea Education No charge Market, Sept. 28 RN/BSN Hideaway Cafe — University 10:00 am m latrogenesis Library Golf Outing, Oct 1, 10 00 p.m -2:00 a m 12:30 p.m Coed Volleyball, Oct 2. 4. First of Fall Festival 9:00 a m 5. Child Care Center Sept. 28-30 Canoe Races. Oct 2, Applications available, See schedule of bands next '9 :3 0 a m Mary Cable Building, week! All Campus Picnic. Oct 2, Room 128-129 11 30 a m Applications available CA 322, PE 062

Chairperson of thè activity should turn in information to CA 322 two weeks prior to thè event


10 Sagamo re O s t i O s i 11 Racruitm ant announcem antt INDIANA NATIONAL BANK TARGET STORES Tha foAowmg oncampua raorurtmg achadutaa bava StoaMMa Tris •a fBAny Bua| ATLANTIC RCMFfclD A i O O t Producimi Mgta Trwnaa (M U P V ) Caraar Counaatmg and Ptaoamanl Otite* Oats « Brtttng Boom 2010. 264 2564 wbara ita ERNST A WHMNEY O s i l t CRAtNTORO ■ E U ACQUI TER vtawa ara conductad Candidataa amai aalabBan a Audtt Sta» Acoountard (IM A ctg) Fia ftafora (hay m orva» «rth a racnatinQ ATLANTC RO4REL0 (BAcM t tagand 4 asportata. 8 tìacAator M maafanJ Salsa MktQ Tratnaa fM * lp Mg* ) Oct 4 THE LIMITED COOK ELECTliC OIV n o n i HIRN TELECOM NAVAL AVIOBCS ManagarM Traaiss (*Arty l* o r) IT) Else Engr (B.M/EE), Mach Engr (B.M/ME) Indù» Engr O d 7 (B M IE) Phyiiciot» (B/Phyiics) FRTT

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Project Upwerd Bound Work!!! 8015W«tehwood0r, 419 N Bieckfovd Si Need 4 agresava Suda #30. Dapl 5 | IUPUI studente 3 night» and BE SAFE tndpla. M 46200 Indie napoli» Indiane 46202 Seturdey» Car requirtd 204 2147 $125 e week lo start FEEl Arar (<«l«l M-*r For intervie* cal SICURE 257 4685 or 255 8346 ORDIR NO

September 16. 1982 SHINDIG PUB (onte S mimitM from camaoaj 2030 Lafayette Rd. 637-2317

m m m m Amene»’s diplomatic, consular, commerciai, and oveneat cultural and Information Services are sceking qualificd can­ (m )®0Do tHtoro Pirto didatesi especially women and minority group members. The Department of State and thè other Foreign Affairs Agencies Ì M SO $ 0>oOD)o are strongly concerned about diversifying thè Foreign Ser­ 3 steins - $1.00 vice and making it more representative of thè American population. American diplomats are serving their country in Can beer - .65 230 missioni throughout thè world in administrative, con­ Mixed Weil drtnks - .75 sular, politicai, economie, commercial and information / cultural functions. Salaries range from SI7,992 to 136,473. lf you are interested in a challenging carter, appi} to take I 1 W I this ytar's Foreign Service exam which will be heid on SMsoitt Dtctmber 4, 198*. Application formi, which must bt sub' Start* Thursday. 7:00 p.m. mitted by October 22, may be obtained by whting: FSO 3 steins - .80 Recruitment Branch, Room 7104, U.S. Department of State, Can Bear - .SO Box 9317, Rossiyn Station, Arhngton, VA 22209-0317. Mtand Wall drtnks - .65 The Forni* Service u e* Eque! Opportuna* Empio ver FREE PRETZELS 1982 Foreign Service Exam - December 4


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• t e l i WUkWrtetort,

TWatra. IM I. Vi IXM 8N