
Ryan addresses Trustees by Tom NcCaia memory, ' he said. The top administrative IUPUI Student Aaeemhly officiai of Indiana li ni varai ty Preaident Stuart Keefer, expreeeed doubt iaat week that addressing thè board, advo» thè state will fund thè univer­ cated that studente take an sity as requeeted active rota in IUPUI * growth. 1U Preaident John W. Ryan He promieed io work with thè delivered hit annual SUte of admimetrstion on campus thè University Addrees at thè matura and bc a vaila bis for Sept 10 meeting of thè IU atudant commenta and Board of Troatees, heèd at critibam*. IUPUI Speaking lo thè board s "Funding for quali ty improve» Student Affaire Commi Usa, meni and new programa ... Keefer aaid thè SA would invee- will come from reallocation of tigate complainta about houra lexiating university) reeources." avaiiable for atudant use of thè he aaid, noting that thè 198546 sporte facili tiee and UwTueer budget dose noi pian on incorna fev charged from tuition increasse. He eleo reported on thè new lU ‘s budget allocation Student Organila tion Room, requeat for thè next biennium thè SA Book l oen Program now awaita approvai by thè and thè First of Fall Festival. Indiana Commission for Higher In other business, thè Board Educa tion. of Trustees reeoived to convey Ryan added that «Ute action uea of seven amali porcela of on thè allocation requeat will land to thè dty of Indianapolis affect decisione on student fesa* -> The tracia will he part of a “I ricreasi ng our budget for thè planned widening of Weat next biennium ia more prok Street on thè eaat «de of lematic Lhan at any lime in our campus. Assistance avaiiable through tutorial program by R oU i YatM Tutoring has given ma vide studente who Uck thè abihty toward tha Uvei re­ to tha "Moat of thè sludenU who moti va tion and priòe in academic akilU required for quired for aucceaa in tirltaga come through thè program % myeelf. BUckmon aaid. ‘It a at thè college Uvei with Initially a student antera by don i know how to write a made me realixe how important ic concepì ual and aduce- on# of two Uvels: He U referred aentence, aaid Debra thè tour componente (courees) to copi by tha adnusetons office BUckmon, H E LP, program are to studente. ” with poat-eecondary education. becauee he haa noi had college tutorial instructor H.E.LP. was deveioped and H.E.LP. ia 70 percent sub- preparatioo coursea, hi» grada* BUckmon ia a graduate of implemented in 1978 aa a pro­ sidiied by a federai grani and are noi good or bis SAT «corea bave a 10 OPA thè Higher Education Leerning gram of remediai education for SO percent by thè university aie low (under 660 pointa com tabe Preparai io n program in Univer enterìng and prevìousiy- Many studente who bined), of thè atudant ia in io University sity Division In thè fall of enrolUd studente with H E L P, don i see thè academic difficulty Iprobe Uon) Diviato* H E L P, giva* Urne 1980, as a widow starting back academic akill deficiencies significance of reading and or off in reineUtement. to thè student in to school, she applied to lt providea instructian to comprehending. Study akilU When a student doaa noi to ed) usi and he IUPUI and was referred to thè about 260 studente each year are emphasixed and studente meet university standard* it la Karen Pnnriah, director of H.E.LP. program. and offers fo|low-up supporti ve are aUo taught how to menage su tomaUc that thè admieatona H E L P U ih# maio impeto After completing it, Services such as individuai and their lime, lnchided in thè com office refars him to H .E.LP behind thè proemia. Three BUckmon was recommended smeli group tutoring. academic municetion couree U a wnting He must meet one of thè three by all her H.E.LP. teachars advisìng, personal and career Uboratory. Coursea in math, federai reguUUons. that ha U a because of thè akilU she counaeling and other typee of reading and conununication are first generation college student. can Uave between thè tinte demonstrated in cUss She waa educational suppport. Program structured to proved each cornee from a low-income they 've taken their 12 hours of asked to come back thia fall to partkipants are sligi bis for student with indivkhialixed family or U phyaìcally ben credit and tha two-yenr limit tutor reading and assist in assistance for a maximum of materUU which begin at thè originel)y stipuUted by thè pro­ career pUnning and study two years while enrolUd in student e preaent Uvei of abili- The student ia then inter gram. H.E.LP. monitor* their skilU. She ia thè only freehman credit coursea at IUPUI. ty aa detenni ned by a Program vUwed, teeted and paperwork grada* but ìf they feti Hke tkey tutor thè division has H.E.LP. s purpoee U to prò- Test Battery, and develop that U dona. There ara two iionimutd on p 5J Fair booth represents System Visibility and prestige To tha editor: repreeenutive to thè commit Report. A word tactually a few more) tee. I endeavor to show IU sa a Each year we biro IUPUI depend on IUPUI name of explanation about thè 1U System in iU «hibit. Thua, we studenU to greet thè pubhc booth at thè Su le Fair attempi to favor odo anawer questiona about The tu tax-aupported demic progrnR'bn thè IU To ths edsSor. IUPUII collages and uni varai bea in In­ Thia year, for exampie, thè What e in a name? Merely davalopmant aa a well diana work togathar to develop pictorial diaplays and thè conv Thia noU ia 1 tha visibility and preatige of recogniaed urban university, a theme, a joint audiovisual putar program reflected thè to dissuade you from wanting our university. That tra naia tee but not aa a weakly coor show, and other diaplays in thè IUPUI note pada, IU football to see more IUPUI repreeenU into tha ability of our schools dinated asaambly of ragionai Uni versi ties Building Each offices on our eijrht ctmouiM to attract good professori and campusee (as deecribed reoantly achooi then plana iU own booth IUPUI Conunuuig Studia ' studenU. funding opportuni tee by thè Wall Street Journal) to relate to that theme for our faculty and job As thè Indiana University Preaident Ryan's Annusi proapacU for our gradua tea thè name idantifying it aa a It e entirely appropriato far lagitimato antity. t ertidos in thè Sagumort to The rasi isaue benaath tha diacuas “ idantity.” but Ms. telk of namaa ia that fragmen- Burris asaortiona (Sept. 1) that Hours for athletic facilities inconvenient IUPUI has an idenUty now, visibility and lagitimacy of To tha editor and that namaa don i mattar IUPUI. Locai government a are provindal. Her Connecticut Some of thè dsdaiooa mede deecribed a bove of daytime nooeaaary thao so why are thsy induatry, along with tha at thia university never now? My piggy bank ia waiting friend may bave baan impresaad student body, bave a atake in with tha concapt of a moderating tha poaition takan appliso to a great many to know. « hybrid university but. in fact, by thoae whoaa motto could ba I believe paying a fea to usa studenU at IUPUI. if noi tha IUPUI ia relatively unknown thè athletic facili Usa ia wrong majority. Why doasn't tha on either coast and may indeed Paul L Dubin and unfair bui I want to Ulte School of Phyaical Education be ths beat kepi secret in tant Professor advantage of their administration schedule some Midwestern higfaar education. campus so l'm willing to pay. convenient daytime hours for of Chsmistry Aa 1 waa about to break open what saema to ba tha majority my piggy bank. though. 1 hap- of tha studenU? paned to look over thè hours I would alao he intareated to available to studenU (I think know why there are scheduled TU hold off buating my bank!). Limes for thè outdoor baaket- There are virtually no hours available to tha daytime to wanU to rìse out of bed at 6 a.m. in order to swim or jog at all 1 by seven. Cattato Student Center • «( in rii mà firn, a imi Mt Activitfes and Opportunities: Itamai Ufi 11 4:30 « 00 3 CMOtaf Trtp li fceera Csasty 0«t 1.11 3 OHMf Eì k i M 4 K C U Attortiti Sacnawat il RscsacAstes at tot Cestai Rev. Jeff Godecker, Chaplain 264-4987 et ujcxj 1 kxuii i 1414 MAIN ST. SPEEDWAY. IN £ .|m H y 2 Sagumort « O ' t Saptamber 15. IMS Andkwitcherbitchen You ha va made an appointment wtlh your par sonai Another at phystcian to di scusa a probiem Your conversa tton may go aomethmg liks thia: nuclear weapons "Hay. Doc, I got thia paio T » thè editar A patn? Whers?" baa ha deetroyatf Tba Soviat Far loo long. nuclw i i t a in my haad, Doc, and it ready burla, you say been debaled on thè issi how much aach side bai raflacta Uua stratagy Tba con- And he says. "Can you tali ma more about it?" tba number of paaple ih i on high ^aari. land- "Wall, it's righi bare." you say and point could be kilied by • *m| alaa 11CBMa| and "Is thìs a Constant or occasionai pain?" woepon Om vsry imporUnl "Hty, you r» suppooed to be tha export! Why aro paini ha« barn ignorai how «i |SLBMa| and tha diaragard al you aaking me ad these questiona?" nuclear war would bc fought Would both aidoa alari finn* attack is wantad We often hear another vsraton of thia con versa ùon at aach olhar on tba count of Tha American military a "Hey.
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