RareRare Tumors Tumors 2013; 2013; volume volume 5:exxxx 5:e13 Indeterminate cell histiocytosis reported. Therefore we prefer using a tenta- tively designated diagnosis; dendritic cell Correspondence: Rehab M. Samaka, Pathology with naïve cells tumor, not otherwise specified or newly pro- Department, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufiya posed diagnosis (Indeterminate cell histocyto- University, Shebin Elkom, Egypt. 1 2 Ola A. Bakry, Rehab M. Samaka, sis with naïve cells) for the present case. Tel. +20.1002806239 - Fax: +20.482235680 Mona A. Kandil,2 Sheren F. Younes2 E-mail:
[email protected] 1Department of Dermatology, Andrology Key words: indeterminate cell histocytosis, epi- 2 and STDs, Department Pathology, dermotropism, follow up. Faculty of Medicine, Menoufiya Introduction University, Shebin Elkom, Egypt Contributions: OAB, clinical diagnosis, collection The histiocytic disorders cover a wide range of data, collection of reference, writing; RMS, of benign and malignant diseases and can be H&E diagnosis, IHC interpretation, EM, collec- differentiated on the basis of clinicopathologic tion of data & references, writing and correspon- Abstract features, ultrastructural picture and prognosis. ding author; MAC, H&E diagnosis, IHC interpre- According to the origin of the proliferating tation, revision of the article; SFY, H&E diagno- sis, IHC interpretation, collection of data and ref- Histiocytoses are a heterogeneous group of cells, these conditions have been classified as erence. disorders characterized by proliferation and Langerhans, non-Langerhans, and indetermi- 1 accumulation of cells of mononuclear- nate cell histiocytoses. Indeterminate cell his- Conflict of interests: the authors declare no macrophage system and dendritic cells. tiocytosis (ICH) is a rare proliferative disorder, potential conflict of interests.