Herzl-Ner Tamid 3700 East Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA HaKol 98040 June/July/August 2018 HaKol is the newsletter of Herzl-Ner Tamid Sivan/Tammuz/Av/Elul 5778 EVEN GREATER NEED THIS YEAR! FILL A BACKPACK! Help us fill backpacks for over 100 homeless elementary schoolers by mid-August. Help us fill back- packs for 100 homeless ele- mentary school- ers PAGE 3 Co-sponsored by HNT and SJCC's SixthirTEENS Learn more on page 3 206-232-8555 •
[email protected] • www.h-nt.org A MESSAGE FROM RABBI ROSENBAUM Let Go Your Conscious Self, Luke There is a famous scene in Star Wars, Shabbat. The idea is to train us to have the courage to enter new Episode IV, in which Luke Skywalker is territory, intellectually and emotionally. trying unsuccessfully to split a floating and dancing orb with his lightsaber. Seeing his Saturday night, as Shabbat ends, we try to bring some of this frustration, Obiwan Kanobi suggests he try courage into the week ahead. We ask God to give us the courage it blindfolded. “Let go your conscious self, to let go of our need for pre-determined outcomes. We remember Luke,” says Obiwan. And, sure enough, this that Jewish history began with the journey of Abraham who was time, Luke succeeds. brave enough to follow God “to a land I will show you”, that is, a direction without a fixed destination point. This is not a call for We start each week blindfolded. We turn off all the lights on blind obedience. On the contrary, it is Obiwan’s challenge to Luke.