Donaldson and Taubes Receive 2009 Shaw Prize
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Donaldson and Taubes Receive 2009 Shaw Prize On June 16, 2009, the Shaw equations were used in the early twentieth century Foundation announced that it by William Hodge as geometric tools. They were would award its annual Shaw particularly useful in the geometry associated Prize in Mathematical Sciences with algebraic equations, extending the work of to Simon K. Donaldson and the nineteenth-century mathematician Bernhard Clifford H. Taubes “for their Riemann. many brilliant contributions “The physical forces involved in the atomic to geometry in three and four nucleus are governed by the Yang- Mills equations, dimensions”. The prize carries which generalize Maxwell’s equations but, being a cash award of US$1 million. nonlinear, are much deeper and more difficult. It The Shaw Prize in Math- was these equations which Donaldson used, bas- ematical Sciences committee ing himself on analytical foundations of Taubes, made the following statement: to derive spectacular new results. These opened “Geometry and physics up an entirely new field in which more and more have been closely related from subtle geometric results have been established by Simon K. Donaldson the earliest times, and the dif- Donaldson, Taubes, and their students. The inspi- ferential calculus of Newton ration has frequently come from physics, but the and Leibniz became the com- methods are those of differential equations. mon mathematical tool that “A key strand of this newly developing theory connected them. The geometry is the close relation that has been found between of two-dimensional surfaces solutions of the Yang-Mills equations and the ge- was fully explored by these ometry of surfaces embedded in four dimensions. techniques in the nineteenth A definitive result in this direction is a beautiful century. It was closely related theorem of Taubes, which essentially identifies to algebraic curves and also to certain ‘quantum invariants’ with others of a more the flow of fluids. Extending classical nature. Many old conjectures have been our understanding to three- settled by these new techniques, but many more dimensional space and four- questions still pose a challenge for the future. dimensional space-time has Donaldson and Taubes between them have totally been fundamental for both changed our geometrical understanding of space geometers and physicists in and time.” Clifford H. Taubes the twentieth and twenty-first Simon K. Donaldson, born in 1957 in Cam- centuries. bridge, United Kingdom, is currently the Royal “Simon K. Donaldson and Clifford H. Taubes Society Research Professor of Pure Mathematics are the two geometers who have transformed and President of the Institute for Mathematical the whole subject by pioneering techniques and Sciences at Imperial College, London. He received ideas originating in theoretical physics, including his B.A. from Pembroke College of Cambridge quantum theory. University in 1979 and his Ph.D. from Oxford Uni- “Electromagnetism is governed by the famous versity in 1983. In 1986 he was elected a Fellow of differential equations of Clerk Maxwell, and these the Royal Society. 952 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 56, NUMBER 8 Clifford H. Taubes, born in 1954 in Rochester, New York, is currently the William Petschek Profes- THE HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF sor of Mathematics at Harvard University. He did SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY his undergraduate studies at Cornell University and received his Ph.D. in Physics from Harvard in Department of Mathematics 1980. He is a member of the National Academy of Faculty Position(s) Sciences. The Department of Mathematics invites applications for tenure- The Shaw Prize is an international award es- track faculty positions at the rank of Assistant Professor in all areas tablished to honor individuals who are currently of mathematics, including one position in Risk Management. Other active in their respective fields and have achieved things being equal, preference will be given to areas consistent with the Department’s strategic planning. distinguished and significant advances, who have A PhD degree with strong experience in research and teaching is made outstanding contributions in culture and required. Applicants with exceptionally strong qualifi cations and the arts, or who have achieved excellence in other experience in research and teaching may be considered for positions domains. The award is dedicated to furthering above the Assistant Professor rank. societal progress, enhancing quality of life, and Starting rank and salary will depend on qualifi cations and experience. Fringe benefi ts include medical/dental benefi ts and annual leave. enriching humanity’s spiritual civilization. Prefer- Housing will also be provided where applicable. Initial appointment will ence is given to individuals whose significant work be on a three-year contract, renewable subject to mutual agreement. was recently achieved. A gratuity will be payable upon successful completion of contract. The Shaw Prize consists of three annual awards: Applications received on or before 31 December 2009 will be given full consideration for appointment in 2010. Applications received the Prize in Astronomy, the Prize in Life Science afterwards will be considered subject to availability of positions. and Medicine, and the Prize in Mathematical Sci- Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and at least three research references and one teaching reference to the Human Resources ences. Each prize carries a monetary award of Offi ce, HKUST, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, (Fax (852) US$1 million. Established under the auspices of 2358 0700). Applicants for positions above the Assistant Professor rank should send a curriculum vitae and the names of at least three Run Run Shaw in November 2002, the prize is research referees to the Human Resources Offi ce. More information managed and administered by the Shaw Prize about the University is available on the University’s homepage at Foundation based in Hong Kong. Previous recipients of the Shaw Prize in Math- (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment related purposes.) ematics are Vladimir Arnold and Ludwig Faddeev (2008), Robert Langlands and Richard Taylor (2007), David Mumford and Wen-Tsun Wu (2006), Andrew Wiles (2005), and Shiing-Shen Chern (2004). —From Shaw Foundation announcements How to Guard an Art Gallery and Other Discrete Mathematical Adventures T. S. Michael Brings discrete mathematics to life using examples from real life and popular culture. $25.00 paperback Linear Algebra Challenging Problems for Students Routes of Learning second edition Highways, Pathways, and Fuzhen Zhang Byways in the History “Students at all levels will of Mathematics benefit from putting pencil to Ivor Grattan-Guinness paper and solving Professor “Grattan-Guinness has been a Zhang’s linear algebra leader in the field for decades.” problems.”—Roger Horn, —Amy Shell-Gellasch, editor University of Utah of From Calculus to Computers $25.00 paperback $35.00 paperback The JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESS 1-800-537-5487 • SEPTEMBER 2009 NOTICES OF THE AMS 953.