Grasping Multisensory Integration: Proprioceptive Capture after Virtual Object Interactions Johannes Lohmann (
[email protected]) Department of Computer Science, Cognitive Modeling, Sand 14 Tubingen,¨ 72076 Germany Jakob Gutschow¨ (
[email protected]) Department of Computer Science, Cognitive Modeling, Sand 14 Tubingen,¨ 72076 Germany Martin V. Butz (
[email protected]) Department of Computer Science, Cognitive Modeling, Sand 14 Tubingen,¨ 72076 Germany Abstract vious modal encodings (Thelen, Talsma, & Murray, 2015). According to most recent theories of multisensory integration, Quak, London, and Talsma (2015) suggest that task require- weighting of different modalities depends on the reliability of ments typically determine whether a unimodal or a complex, the involved sensory estimates. Top-down modulations have multisensory representation is formed. been studied to a lesser degree. Furthermore, it is still debated whether working memory maintains multisensory information Our aim in the present study was two-fold. First, we in a distributed modal fashion, or in terms of an integrated rep- wanted to investigate whether multisensory integration is resentation. To investigate whether multisensory integration modulated by task relevance. Second, we wanted to probe is modulated by task relevance and to probe the nature of the working memory encodings, we combined an object interac- the nature of the stored representations. To investigate these tion task with a size estimation task in an immersive virtual questions, we combined an object interaction task involving reality. During the object interaction, we induced multisen- multisensory conflict with a size estimation task. We let par- sory conflict between seen and felt grip aperture. Both, visual and proprioceptive size estimation showed a clear modulation ticipants perform a grasp-and-carry task in an immersive vir- by the experimental manipulation.