The Post Office Perth Directory
^1^ n. m) POST OFFICE m 3'" PEETH DIRECTORY. • f30» (C^.^ ^, « ALEX. DRUMMOND, GOZJ} 4* SIZVERSmiTHy JEWELLER y, AND WATCHMAKER, PERTH. SILVER TEA AND COFFEE SERVICES, SPOONS, . FORKS, &c. Best Slieflfield and Birmingham ELECTRO MAGNETO PLATED CRUET & SPIRIT FRAMES, BREAD BASKETS, WAITERS, SPOONS, FORKS, FISH CARVERS, &c. &c. &c. Scotch Pearl, Pebble, and Carengorm Jewellery. HAIR BRACELETS, RINGS, BROOCHES, CHAINS, &c. &c.. Plaited and Mouktbd. V OLD PLATED GOODS RE-FINISHED, EQUAL TO NEW. Silver Plate, Jewellery, and Watches Repaired. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland National Library of Scotland BOOO 168098' : THE POST OFFICE PEETH DIRECTORY, FOE 1854-55: WITH A COPIOUS APPENDIX, CONTAININa A COMPLETE POST-OFFICE DIRECTOilY, WITH A LARGE SHEET, SHOWING ALL THE FOREIGN AND COLONIAL POSTAGES, ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF MAILS FROM ENGLAND. CAKEIEKS, SHIPPING, &c., WITH OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY J. MARSHALL & J. GALLOWAY, Clerks. WITH A VIEW AND PLAN OF THE CITY AND ENVIRONS, Engraved Expressly for the Work. PEETH PRINTED FOR THE PUBLISHERS, BY C. G. SIDEY, POST-OFFICE. Price Two /Shillings. NEW FERFUMEET L HAIKDRESSING ESTABLISHMENT, (Opposite the Salutatioti Hotel), (d ANDREW SCOTT, ^tttumn, l^airtrreg^er, antr WUpmaktVy Tl EGS respectfully to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public generally, of the City and County of Perth, that he has OPENED those PKEMISES, 19 SOUTH STEEET, opposite the Salutation Hotel, where he has got to hand a select Stock of the finest Perfumery, Dressing-Brushes, and Combs, of every description ; and where he will conduct the Hairdressing Business in all its branches.
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