ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21 9810049515 Iba Press Pvt
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ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21 9810049515 iba Press Pvt. Ltd., Government of India V Department of Drinking Water & Sanitaon Government of India Ministry of Jal Shak Department of Drinking Water & Sanitaon Design & Printed by Ministry of Jal Shak Annual Report 2020-21 Government of India Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation Ministry of Jal Shakti Contents S. No. Chapter Page No. Acronyms 1. About the Department 1.1 Vision 1 1.2 Objectives 1 1.3 Flagship Schemes 2 1.3.1 Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) [SBM-(G)] 2 1.3.2 Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) 2 2. Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen)[SBM-(G)] 2.1 Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) [SBM-(G)] - Introduction 3 2.2 Activities of the SBM (G) in North Eastern states 15 2.3 Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan (SCSP) and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) 17 2.4 Information, Education and Communication (IEC) 18 2.5 Inter Ministry & Inter-sector collaboration 20 2.6 Convergence of SBM (G) with other Schemes 24 2.7 Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) under SBM(G) 26 2.8 Human Resource Development (HRD) 26 2.9 Knowledge Management 30 2.10 World Bank support to Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) 32 3. Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) 3.1 Background 39 3.2 Salient features of JJM 40 3.3 Major initiatives undertaken 53 3.4 Campaigns 67 3.5 Conferences/ workshops 70 3.6 Publications 75 3.7 Technological interventions for transparency and accountability 77 3.8 Achievement 78 iii Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation 4. Important Projects/Events/IMIS/Activities by NIC 85 5. Administration 5.1 Organization Structures 89 5.2 Reservation of SCs, STs & OBCs 89 5.3 Vigilance and RTI/Grievances Redressal 90 5.4 Progress of Hindi work during 2020-21 92 6. Annex I to X Annex-I Organization Chart of the DDWS 93 Annex-II Position of Officers and staff (regular) in the DDWS during 2020-21 (up to 94 31.12.2020) Annex-III Physical progress under SBM (G) during 2019-20 95 Annex-IV Physical progress under SBM (G) during 2020-21 (up to 31.12. 2020) 96 Annex-V State-wise release position during the year 2019-20 97 Annex- State-wise release during the year 2020-21 (up to 31.12. 2020) 98 VI Annex- State/UT-wise, ODF declared Villages, GPs, Blocks and District (up to 99 VII 31.12.2020) Annex- Total and SCs/STs IHHLs achievement during 2020-21 (up to 31.12.2020) 100 VIII Annex-IX Number of CSCs constructed in SC and ST habitations during 2020-21 101 Annex-X Summary of Important Audit Observations 102 iv ACRONYMS AAP Annual Action Plan ECBI External Capacity Building APL Above Poverty Line Initiatives EPC Engineering, Procurement & ARWSP Accelerated Rural Water Construction Supply Programme FTK Field Test Kits ADB Asian Development Bank GoI Government of India ASHA Accredited Social Health Activist GP Gram Panchayat AES Acute Encephalitis Syndrome GSDA Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency BP Block Panchayat HADP Hill Areas Development BPL Below Poverty Line Programme BRC Block Resource Centre HGM Hydro-geo-morphological CCDU Communication and Capacity Maps Development Unit HRD Human Resource Development CGWB Central Ground Water Board HH Hearing Handicapped CSIR Council for Scientific and IAP Integrated Action Plan Industrial Research IRC International Resource Centre CRSP Central Rural Sanitation ICDWQ International Centre for Programme Drinking Water Quality CBO Community Based IITF India International Trade Fair Organization IEC Information, Education & CPGRAMS Centralized Public Grievances Communication Redressal and Monitoring System IHHL Individual Household Latrine DDWS Department of Drinking Water IMIS Integrated Management and Sanitation Information System DDP Desert Development IWMP Integrated Watershed Programme Management Programme DPAP Drought Prone Areas IT Information Technology Programme JE Japanese Encephalitis DRDA District Rural Development JJM Jal Jeevan Mission Agency KRC Key Resource Centre DWSM District Water and Sanitation IPCD Liters per capita per day Mission LWE Left Wing Extremism v Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation LSK Lump-sum Turn Key NSSO National Sample Survey M & E Monitoring and Evaluation Organization MGNREGS Mahatma Gandhi National NWP National Water Policy Rural Employment Generation O & M Operation & Maintenance Scheme ODF Open Defecation Free MPR Monthly Progress Report OLIC Official Language MNRE Ministry of New & Renewable Implementation Committee Energy O&M Organization& Management MDG Millennium Development Goal OH Orthopedically Handicapped MIS Monitoring Information System PC Production Centre MCD Minority Concentrated PHED Public Health Engineering Districts Department MVS Multi Village Scheme PRI Panchayati Raj Institution MDWS Ministry of Drinking Water R & D Research & Development and Sanitation R & DAC Research & Development MHM Menstrual Hygiene Advisory Committee Management RGNDWM Rajiv Gandhi National NBA Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan Drinking Water Mission NEERI National Environment RSM Rural Sanitary Mart Engineering Research Institute SCSP Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan NES North Eastern States SWSM State Water & Sanitation NFHS National Family Health Survey Mission NGO Non-Governmental SBM(G) Swachh Bharat Mission Organization (Grameen) NGP Nirmal Gram Puraskar SHG Self-Help Group NIC National Informatics Centre SSA Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan NJJM National Jal Jeevan Mission TSC Total Sanitation Campaign NRDWP National Rural Drinking Water UNICEF United Nations Children Fund Programme UT Union Territory NRDWQM National Rural Drinking & SP Water Quality Monitoring and WSP Water and Sanitation Surveillance Programme Programme NRSC National Remote Sensing WSSO Water and Sanitation Support Centre Organization NSS National Sample Survey ZP Zila Panchayat vi 1. About the Department The Department of Drinking Water and i.) Sustaining the Open Defecation Free Sanitation is the nodal Department for overall (ODF) status of the villages, Gram policy, planning, funding and coordination Panchayats, Blocks and Districts by of two flagship programmes of Government ensuring that no one is left behind in of India namely the Swachh Bharat Mission having access to toilets and everyone (Grameen) [SBM(G)] for rural sanitation and uses a toilet. the Jal Jeevan Mission [JJM] (which includes now subsumed the erstwhile National Rural ii.) Ensuring that villages have access to Solid Drinking Water Programme[NRDWP]) for and Liquid Waste management (SLWM) rural drinking water supply. arrangements for overall cleanliness in 1.1 Vision rural areas. Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) : iii.) Generating awareness among rural The Government of India, approved Phase-II population on hygiene behaviour and of the SBM (G) on 19th February, 2020, to be waste management. implemented during 2020-21 to 2024-25, with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM): the focus on the creating ODF Plus villages that includes sustainability of ODF status and Solid The broad objectives of Jal Jeevan Mission are: and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) in the i.) to provide Functional Household Tap rural areas of the country. Connection (FHTC) to every rural Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM): household; Jal Jeevan Mission was announced on 15th ii.) to prioritize provision of FHTCs in quality Aug, 2019 to provide drinking water supply affected areas, villages in drought prone to every rural household in adequate quantity and desert areas, Sansad Adarsh Gram of prescribed quality on regular and long-term Yojana (SAGY) villages, etc.; basis at affordable service delivery charges leading to improvement in living standards of iii.) to provide functional tap connection rural communities. to Schools, Anganwadi centres, GP buildings, Health centres, wellness 1.2 Objectives centres and community buildings; Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen): The broad objectives of Swachh Bharat Mission iv.) to monitor functionality of tap (Grameen) are: connections; 1 Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation v.) to promote and ensure voluntary Open Defecation Free (ODF) by 2ndOctober, ownership among local community 2019. by way of contribution in cash, kind and/ or labour and voluntary labour Having achieved the ODF status, the Government of India approved Phase-II of (shramdaan); the SBM (G) on 19th February, 2020, to be vi.) to assist in ensuring sustainability of implemented during 2020-21 to 2024-25, with water supply system, i.e. water source, the focus on the creating ODF Plus villages water supply infrastructure, and funds which includes ODF sustainability and Solid for regular O&M; and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM). The programme also aims to cover newly emerged vii.) to empower and develop human resource households and that no one is left behind in in the sector such that the demands of having access to toilet facilities. construction, plumbing, electrical, water quality management, water treatment, 1.3.2 Jal Jeevan Mission catchment protection, O&M, etc. are Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) aims at providing taken care of in short and long term; and Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) to every rural household by 2024. viii.) to bring awareness on various aspects The programme focuses on service delivery at and significance of safe drinking water household level, i.e. water supply on regular and involvement of stakeholders in a basis in adequate quantity and of prescribed manner that make water everyone’s quality on regular and long-term basis. business. 1.3 Flagship Schemes This necessitates use of modern technology in planning and implementation of water 1.3.1 Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) supply schemes, development of water To accelerate the efforts to achieve Open sources, treatment and supply of water, Defecation Free (ODF) status in rural areas of empowerment of Gram Panchayat/ local the country by 2nd October, 2019 and to put community, focus on service delivery, partner focus on safe sanitation, Swachh Bharat Mission with other stakeholders, convergence with (Grameen) [SBM (G)] was launched on 2nd other programmes, methodical monitoring of October, 2014. Under the programme, more the programme and to capture service delivery than 10 crore toilets were constructed in rural data automatically for ensuring the quality of areas across the country by 2019-20.