
Boise State University ScholarWorks

Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

10-1-1970 Arbiter, October 1 Students of Boise State College

Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. RBITER Boise State College Vol. 3 No.5 Thursday.Dct. I. 1970

Hoi.., SUt~ Col~ ItUdmts and rcWdmh of the: drv of tn.'e:s atlnuk-d the: Hoi.., Cit)· Council mc:~tinll Monda)' niplt I" voice opini"ns onT d,e ronO'O,e:niaJ Curti. Road nlA.-n"jon pr0I'0 ... 1 to Il" throullh til<: OM Soldie ... 1I0n>< (..holo. b~ Mike: (;il,hun.1

.I} r, . r~. '.; \1. /'JI'.:.,~~· .: t ..! ~~.~~ ~i~) Soldiers HIlDe Controversy Erupts City Council Meeting by Shuon IJames and Margaret Paxton .

"To everything there is a people hack to lite." Veteran and chairman of the Arnyx S:lid a ~rl'at deal of )'oung people "'I'I'e sincere about season ... and a time for every Sev~ral c it iz c ns , in clu d mg "Citizens to Save the Trees" money and time has been spent the sa\'lIlg the trees, purpose ¥nder heaven .. , a time Jack Munsen, a Veteran, said the movement. SOlid BOIse needs a on the design and planning of lIe said ern/ens would occupy the Old Soldlcr's l lume if to plant and a time to uproot." park holds a great deal of r..pid transit system more than the road. I'reservlll~ the trees Ecclesiastics: I-II wasthc sentimental value. The home was the Curtis Road Extension. lie and grass IS one of the most necessary to keep the bulldozer» invocation at the Boise City huilt .on land contributed by noted there might he imporrant issues the cngtnccrs away. When asked if he was Council meeting Monday night 121 old-timers including 1'.1,'. disturbance to local nursing considered In dc srg n mg t hc planning to get involved, Needles said, "I'll be one of the first ones where citizens gathered t o C h u r c h. the g r andf at hc r of homes, and part property could extension, in," discuss the eontroversilil issue of Senator Frank Church. and the he turn up hy road-building A citizen from the hack of the saving the Old Soldier's 1I0me. law firm (If Stewart and Horah in equipment if the ex tension is crowded meeung roumsaid. "We Ill' added Ma~'or Amvx said Earl Manchester, Chairman of Hl93, built. want III stand with you. We need it's too late III cha ngc the plans. Needles feels it's "never 1lI0 the American Party. 5;lid the According to Mu n s e n .« II OInk Van del' h 0 f f, to partkipate in the deciSion present location of the Curtis heOlrtless l'umputer in I'alo AllO. representing the Department making," To that Amyx rCI.IiI'lI. late." Ik has no definite to I{oad extension through the Old Calif.. decided the route of the CummOlllllcr of the Veter:lns of "The city is wanting help hI get hand the l'ollneil, commenting, Soldier's lIome ~s the "most Curtis Hoad extension. Ill' reOld Foreign Wars. said he eould find that p:lrk. You should put the "I am nut sure we have the astrocious enginee{ing the definition of a cumpu tel' to only five persons who hall pressure where it's really nl'eded answer )'et, but I'm sun: there is monstruslty ever cunccived," Mayor Amyx and his Cuuncil favored theCurtisHoad and help us get this land fur a II better way," . Boise Mayor lay Amyx and and the Mllyur assured him that extension after .he read through park." Ill' saill if petitions were The"SavetheTrees councilmemhers Were he and the council were aWOlreof the minutes of several hearings going to be sent, the)· should he Movement" hilS gone into the questiuned by Veterans and. the eomputer's eapllhilities, conducted on the proposed plan, addressl'd to State I.egislature. community, Nl'Cdles detects II ciritens for three lind one'half. Man c hester. a Buise Ill' SlIid· the Old Soldier's Ilome James N ish I tan I, United positive attitude: in sllving the hours on the Curtis I{ulld issue. eontrllctllr. said the city needs property was to be hehl for state Veterans Council, said a bill is to Old Soldier's lIome. lie said a Amyl! said he appreciated the both the rOl1l1 and II Veterllns' deposition with the fin.al be propused to the State. pet I t Ion drculated in noiSe interest of the yuung people in Memorial Park, lie said the pllrk deCision tu be made by the State I.egislature to make a park out already, has 2500 signlltun:s. Sllving the trees. euuld be tie-in to the Green lIelt Legislature. of lhe arell. lie said he hall Ecology is the main objective lie asked cititcns til look at !Jnd could be used as tourist Councilman lIarohl Jones said I2,UOO signatures of a citizens of the movc:rnetll,' "We really the overall picture:. "We are IIltrllctlon, lIowever. State Street the council has been trying since who support this move to need the supponofthe l'ililens," We ft'C1 the: majority concerned abou t saving any tree should have r.riority concerning 1961 to Ilequire the home preserve the area for a park, of peoph: in lIolse are: in favor of we can •.• lIu t We also have: tu rebuilding. • It can't hold the property from the state to make Milo Needlescommented the r,ark, and w~ ne~d their look It your snfety. We ciln traffic: on it now," he said. • a pllrk, but the land had not after lhe ml'Cting lhllt the voice," Nt'Cdles concluded, replace trees,' We cannot bring Milo Needles, Il I (I'year been made available.' council really didn't believe: the Arbiter Editorial. • • "Students it's your Vote"

Much is being said these days B 0 i se S tate College was athletic program. Add another about student power or, as you admitted to the state system of Sill each term for the stadium prefer. studen t righ ts, Bu t few higher education Jan. I. 1969. complex and yuu have a grand realize that it all begins or stalls Prior to its admittance. a large total of $ 36 a term or $ 72 a year at the student polls. Today is sum of student fees was directed spent un athlcncs. That docs not election dav and successes or towards physical improvement count the P.I·:, complex failures in 'the area of student of the campus. Such facilities as I[ IS nut the POint vf this rights will make their mark at the new stadium, a physrcal edrtorial to diSCUSS the pros and the polls. education complex and the new cons of spendmg thIS kind of At least once a day vou hear business budding wen: built mont'y for such Items But the the worn out and t;lt~ phrase, totally or In part by student P0lnl IS t h rs. l'hr ough your "Student government IS \llckey funds. You, as students, do have elected rcprcscntu nves. you will .\Iouse." But the facts show d savas to how vour money" cuher have a vouc on the aff arrs student government IS only as. being spent.' . of your school or nut It's up to strong as the student body wants Students arc paYing, roughlv. yuu [0 decide l.ct 's VO[t' $1 H a semester to fund the It to he. Brent Peterson ilaETTERS TO THE IJ!IDITOR

NO FAD BABY, FACT and given the names of [heir owncrv. .\1v brother-, of culor Lduor , [he ,\RHITI·.I{ I· d It 0 r . t h c .\ J{ B I I J.. I{ have never had their blood On behalf of the BOISt: Staie After reading .\lr Pc tcrvonv poilu ted bv rape So poilu [cd BrlJnros and the c'oarhlng staff I article about the IIlack vtudrc-, that their brothers and slstns would Ilk,' to c x tcnd mv most program at rhi-, c'ollegc bClng a come In avsort ed color-, So humble [hanks .md rnostvmcere "fad of the tunc." I JUS[ couldnt assorted that some nme s It ge[s adrrur atron 10 [he members of Sit back and Ic t t hi-, ar t iclc glJ bv hard to k now what yOU redllv the BOise State student body Without rebu rral .In.' . \\-'hlJ \:ht'cred U'I [0 \.'Il...-[or~· las[ (,ranted. [herc arc other Ihes<: arc just a few uf [he' Sa[urdav 11 ternlJlJn minority groups whlJ arc more reasons [hat [here arc' Black all mv e 'penencl: as a native tlJ rhls area then [he Illac'k studlcs programs. no[ lJnlv here V, (UJ" h I hJ\T nc\ CT \C ..-en where students at[endlllg rhlS at BSC, but In all of rhe'mdjlJr thl" l"l1[hu\,asm lJt the Ins[)[utlon Ilow many of [he\( collegcs and unlverlS[lcs In rhe sludent I",Jv I'rtl\ed (tl he surh a m Inontv groups have been l.'nl[ed States. rnutl\atlng forr,· fur the [cam I enslaved. oppressed and made If the [ru [h " "polannng .Im sure [h.1[ In the sec·,md half Virtually InvlSlbk III th" non,whlte American agalns[ Irs of thaI game \'our l'arr"'lpatlon ".-ountn-: Caueasl,ln rlJunterparts" [hen hired us to Vlt'tllrv .\1v Chicano bwther came kt It. In fan the truth IS onlv I"hc: Bron(o\ '..tfl:' \:tJur (cam, here' by chulce tu \Vurk or [lJ polannng White ,\meriU agalns[ made up "f the mernbcr, of \"uur make a beHer \Vav for Ilimself or Itsclf, And the [ruth " [hat s (",I:nthody and \"our support even tu flee oppressl'm. I he Black Amenrans hdve suffned for the team was. Indeed. same fur mv Oriental brother In [hIS cuuntry the I,ase ut sometillng tlJ hehold. Ihev were nu[ uprooted from human degradat;on. their humeland bv furce and All thi' IS Just to sav' [0 vou IonV' Knap brought to [IllS n;untry [u be that a fad docs not 'IIve ~nd lIeld hlOtball Cuach made less [hen a human being a breathe and die. And It thi' IS a BOlsc S[,It" Broncos sLlve and a plen: lJf prlJpertv. fad. then Sl, IS [ruth and justlre ,\merlca h.ls never flJught a \Var and Amerlra. Ihe Blark man IS [u deude whe[her lJr not mv nut a fad. but a liVing fatt OPEN LETTEI< TO TIlE /lse Chlcanu, Onental or Indian BI·.1.1I'.\(1': IT. And as long as STUDENTS AND brothers could wdlk as men. there arc Black Amencans left ADMINISTRATION, Amenca never had to. on thiS earth. the fad wdl la\l .\ly brothers uf color were and outlive both you and me . Speaklllg fur the stafl and nut stripped !;'f their uwn names. students of lIolse Statl" Colleg"'s Wyndl ,\t. Spaulding new Th"atre Arts Department, I WISh to hroadl";lst " resounding expression "I al'l'reClalllm. admiration. and a general lIallciuph to all partlelpanls of CREDITS the /lOIse State College s,ene ThiS year flags lhe heglnnlng .~. r Editor-in-<:hid . Jane Dunn 1,"'" of a new del"ade. "'rom where we Copy Editor . . . Clvi. King sit there IS alrt'ady ,oncrete Lay-out Editor Kichardrackman . Sports Editor. . 80b Radloff evidence lhat It WIll be one of , . ';;'~'lfg~:~:~ 8u.inc .. Manaacr " Gary Kershaw the most exciting. most creative. Circulation Editor . . . Terry Erttrr mOSI produnivt' periods In some Photographcnl>On Jamison. Richard time. Tackman. Mikc Gihbon. 1 ConscientiOUs educators are Contrihuton . .• 8rmt PctrrlOn. aware of the shortcomings In the . . Joy AJll1Kmt. Gingcr Waten. Tony general educational system, The Smith.Jim McCoy. Marilyn Lawrcncc. greater part of their lives IS the Margarct Paxton. Terry Enter. Grcg dream of an instllu lion where fccler. Nancy Tipton true educalion can occur. Adviso1' John MacMillan It is remarkable that during a time when many schools are E.tablhhcd May 1968. thc disintegrating IISC is functionillg ARBITER i. a weekly .tudcnt progressively. We thank you, publlcadon of BalK State College in students and administration, for cooperation with the BSC ~nlft for Printing and (;raphlc: Arts. Ine. the 0 p portunity to pursue excellence in education through threatre arts. We shall strive to Letters to the Editor or the provide the finest quality Boise State College ARBITE~ threatre possible. both in ~annotexceed 250. words. The a<;ademie and prqduetion must be submitted to the programs. " We want good theatre to be ~RBITER editorial starr on or I available to everyone. We will '. beroreMondayor the week the continue to make it so through a papergoes to p'ress. policy of free admission to all productions and an invitation to All Ie tters submitted mu~~ all students to participate in the be signed. Names will lit produeations. . withheld rrom publication upon Our pride in this college and request, its student body is equaled only The ARBITER reserve~the byour gratitude for being in on' right to edit or reject letters the total action at USC. Campalin '70 II aUvlron the DSC campu~ al candld.c.1 lor c.... offlcel submitted Cor publication, ' D.L.Corbett and Slrnallr Kits dl.play orltln" pollftl betwlren tIM Student Union and Acting ehainnan thr LIberal Arb BUlldln•• (Photo by ~on JamllOn) .. Reporter Roving

The: II>AIIO STATESMAN has called .the:Old Soldiers Horne controversy II "bridge" for tbe generation gap in Boise, To find ·'...··l~ .--, out how USC students fed about ; this cornmunity issue, the Koving Reporter asked, "What do you think about the e x te n sion of Curtis Road through the: Old Soldiers lIomc?"

Robert Mel>owc1h "Trn Marie Peterka: "I think if it against it. Since I retired from can be rerouted, it should be. the Air Force, I guess that makes Larry Knighron: "I think that Boise has lou of trees. but old me an old soldier." • they can definitely take it trees arc nice." Ken Coleman, "I know very around." link about it, but I think they I'ranca Drury: "I haw no objection. to it." ought to leave it alone. lI's a nice site. The Ve:terall' should have a place of their own. It would destroy a lillie bit of the park value."

Ron Stacy: "Well, I don't I« Glen Hashimoto. "I don't Anita Friscopp . "It sounds any lenle in takinlt down those like it. People should stop once like a bum deal. I've heard they Jim Shrosbee. "I think they Inn and all. They could have Lisa Winn: "If it'. a historical in II while for something, SOIllC have alternate routes, and 1 could move the road. Makc a diverted the road a little bit and landmark or something, I say thinlll arc more important then really think they should take park out of the Old Soldiers saved the park." leave u." progress. " another one." Horne. " (Photo, by Richartl Tackman) A S B Officers Call for BSC Constitutional Revision

hy Jane Dunn the adjourned Student Sella II' proper, san cnon. lncludcd III the election th IS week occurred IMI'KOVEMENTS In effect. the consutunon move was the rl\lsml: of salaries because llllal enrollment fIgures A "U"I a t c d St u dc n t lIud)' reads any spending done with for the ASII officers. Mercy said. were held. pendlllg release from The present consutuuun lacks offKer, WIIYIIl' .\IIIIlculcr . Lee ASII funds hefore the budget I" "We spent more time in the ASH the ad min I s I ra t i o n a n d I hc 1\ svsrcm of checks and balanrcs. .\II'rt'V lInd Del' Cuier said approved is' in violation of thl' offl(l's \Iurinl: thl' SUlllml'r lhan Offil'e of lIil:hl'r Education. ImllfU\'I'IlII'nts the ASH ufficers Mumby di'l'repanl'll'\ III the dOI·ulllen!. Millkider rl·plied. an\' of several 'Hlministrationslll Mercy said. "We had 10 get the would like to Sl'e IIIdude all dass ,tudcnt body ronstitutlon haw "There is no I'arr\, over of Ih~' past. trying III put together a figures III SI'C how lhl' schools uffil'ers and Sl'natl' memher' causcd the' nel'd for nl:lJor Sen a tor s who I' I; u Id h;1V I' tlCl'l'nl program for this year. We werl' gOlllg to be reapl'0rtioned dertl't1 in the sprinl: with ASH r e y a III pin I: 0 f t hI' c nl ire approved the hudl:et for thl' han' losl a lut of persun,,1 for 'I·naluri'll di'trlbullOn, We offi ...·rs.l·xceptinll frcshml'n dOI·ulllcnt. next year. Thwul:h the sUllllller If1\.' onH.~, 'I Imally got them this week, and who would campaign in thl' faiL If thrre nl:lJor points of the if you don't havl' any Illoney to There has becn some quesllon we had lll11ostpone thl' elections and thc appointment of stamlinl: l'onstitutlUn were followed, spend, you might as well np off as III how student funds arc until tlllS week." committel's fur Ilomecuminl:, induding niles 'governinll hudget the enllre student al'livilies spent in uther areas. Treasurer lie said, ""cllple can't say AII·ldaho Wl'Ck; I.yceum; Social approval, Senate e1eclions, and program. " Dec COllier construetcd a pic they didn't knuw about the activities; et!=, expenditures authorililtion, the Mittleider said special chart III break down an average election bccausc we have had a Millicidcr Cxprcssed the nl'l'd entire 1970·71 ;letivities expenditurl's indude a IIla55door S1611fee expense which resident, lot of response. Last year only to evaluatc positiuns within program could have heen sct for the ASH office, "bet!ltusc we fu II·t ime Sludentspay each 12 students ran for Senate scats, student government to sec if hack three months. though it WllS important. The semcster, The largest percentages I'd like to say we had 45 people offices and functions arc 0111door made it look like an this year are gcneral building . who signed up to run this year. l'Calistic, CONSTITUTION entrllnee to a janitor's supply fees, 34 per cent, and the 21l0f those mctthe Until thc constitution is room." Student Unum lIuilding fcc, 25 re9uiremen IS, including class I'Cvised, the discrepancies will 'I'll sec why the constitution is Ill' nid if the money had not per cent. The resl is fur ASII, 10 offIcers. II continue to halt pro~ss for It fllull the officers said to take been spent during the summer per cent; llthleties, 11.5 per lie said the neW election budget approval, elecltons and a look It the WilYthe budget hIlS months there would be no cent; health insurance, eight per procedure will be an I nM fund appropriations, Two to he approved. When each ASH newspaper, y,earbllok, cent, health center, three per prognm. An election board committees are working on the fun d cdc Iu b f 0,' mula t e s telephones, social llctivilie$, and cent, sun equipment fees, six headed by Mercy inclUdes Itex revision aspects, one headed by proposed expenditures, requests In effect no organlution. per ,centl gcneral fee, tWO per Reagan, Amy YOJJng and SUI)' . Gary Johnson. A referedum tS should be presented by March, . Mittleider, Mercy and Cuier centl and alumni activities, ,5 Bush. , scheduled to be given to the Last yen rcquem were. not made the decision to spend the per cent. One di~repancy is tlilt not all Senate for approval in February, confirmed until the term' was funds by "executive fiat," SENATH HLECfIONS offices have candidates to run, over. The final sum could not, aut h ° r It Y del e 8a t e d.b y and lome arc beingehallenpd consequently, be appruved by' themselves, sivins the move The deliy .of the' ~enlte by only one person, J Distltibutive Education Club of America starts plann ing for another great year

"It is going to be a great regularly, In return. the club will jerrv Timmons. a JunllJr from year!" says Rick Brisbois, Rick. provide a good deal of helpful Caldwell. sccre rarv-rrc.rsurer I' a freshman from Pocatello, is the knowledge to be used In SanJI' POletti, a f~eshman from new DECA president. He business. strikes a point on lub Bur~h ll rg h Schulll, ,InJ estimates that the enrollment for application forms and combinc-, p a r l r r m cn r a r ia n IS Delbert the club is 55 and will increase business and social activities Sw.irt z from Kdlugg .\11 "X to 175 before long, Throughou t the vc.rr. nation.il Uffilcr, .In.' 1111d·n1.lrugl"1l1l· n { DEC\. short for Disbributive convennons will be held. In f1uJ")r v. Education Club of America. was m id-No vernber. the WeSlt'rn (lther pl.ln, t or Iltl' clu h founded in 19~b bv business Regional Convenuon will' be In ....lu d« 'lh:1.11 (."\\."11[,. llhHlt"\ men of .\lInneapolis. \Iinn, The held in Boisc.T.atcr un there will r.lI'"1~ pnIJt'l·(\. J l.lIl1p.ll~n {II club started out with 100,000 be a State Post Sccond.rrv SUPPllr! Rid, /lr"I"'I' J.' Sl'IUI,· members. a staff of 10 and 52 Workshop and elccnons will be rcp rcscnt.mvc and a lJmpalgn state groups, held for the state. 'H:.\ .rr c held t in e rested In the field of Leadership Convcnuon In San cvcrv Ihurvd.iv nwrrl1ng .II 'I ,;" distribution as a vocation. The Antonio. Texas. IJaho pruvrde-, in B I U I. lhc Jd\ ""r, .rrr \Ir, functions of the club are similar funds to the Winner of the SUIt' Penelope r"her. Leo "'n"wlilln to those of the Chamber of convention, anJ\lrs. ju dv l.e mm.in .\11 Commerce and the Kiwanis, To BSC's DEC\ began the year mrcreste d pt'r,on' arr wrlcumc belong to DEC\. a student must by holding an election lu attend. Newly NClrd Distribuli~c .:ducarion Ctub offkc ... for 1970,71 on rhc be a business major. pay a'fee of Vice-president IS ,\lIke Ramlrel, 80ix Sure College' campul uc front ro,," kfr to 'ilhL Mike K... mirrl, $ 3.50 and attend meetings a freshman from CalJwell. \' B IS \ok·C'-prc\iJ.crll; SuuJy Polcrri. \C\.Tl"raJ'l-uc,uW'cr. Jan Wilton. hnhJ1'l&n. and JnT), limmon" tophumorl" "i,,'C' P'l"C'uJcl1r n.l('k ro,," left to rich!; Hid. fll'id)Oi" pfC',k.Icru. AnJ l)col S"UlI, p .....limcnrari..1n (Phutu h)' nun Jilmi""Jn)

W. Warl You To Join OUl' Church AI An • 0nIaI1IId lillister And Have Th. Rank Of SIr Dodor of Divinity Jives the ...... _ \1,ue:h ... edf,.Ul ,,~""I~ JaC.. .. Itt no u... ~ cklCtI .... Of ~ Out I.. • owtnI chufetl IS«1-'., """'1 ,.... "'"""." -"0 bel ...... _ bet ..... An rne"\ •• -'''1&«1 10 rtww owr'I corwc1lO"S To ..... Iful" thew o.n ...,. ""-t..- ,I I'MY t. "0 ~hOt'll " .. ,., AI. sporty life """'"'_ of the ~. you "Wit I StW1 your o.n ~rcf'o .., ~ •., '01 •• ...,.plIO" IrQrft pt'opef'" --:I 01'* til ... '1 PwrlOl'm m.'~_ bIIl;Il,,", '''''''''' end .. I 0,,-" n'W'ISUIf'" Ivnet~ J f ....01' ,~, ... tromlOl'P4~of lr~I"IIOft. ~ m-...." star., "0 ..... A ." ~ \ 4 s.a dr", •• em('lloOt'l • one of 0Uf .an. '"" ~_ w. ",.111"1 yOU heM' f.1'C~." ..... cron.r ...... lor frw MIIWSIIII'" uedirt"lt_ and lcenw W. "II) ..... DOC_Of vl Otvtn,ty o..,ren w••• St••• ~ .. ..t end .,04111 fWdN\.thon .. 'ecoptllWd In .' ~ 11.... lINt "'011 tOt" .... cuun"lft fREE LIFE CHUACH· . 80. t019, HOll VWOOO HORIOA lJO'1J /

When you know From Biblical times. Ihe dia- mond has been linked with it's for k,eeps love and fidelity. Throughout the ages, it wa\ con\idered one of the world\ most pre- Happily, all your speCial moments torjfJther will be cious substances, The ring symbolized forever by your engagement and mounting. being circular. dc, wedding rings If the name, Keepsake IS In the notes "love without end;' ring and on the tag, you are assured of line quality . With this tradition, naturally, and lasting saftsfactlon The engagement your engagement diamond should be chosen carefully. diamond IS flawless, of superb color, and precise and be of the finest quality cut. Your Keepsake Jeweler has a selection of within your budget, We will many lovely styles He's In the yellow be happy toexplain thc"Four pages under "Jewelers" C's" of diamond value to you according to thc standards of the American Gem Soclety- a select, professiona~ organi- Keepsake" zation of finc jewelers work· REGISTERED DIAMOND RINGS ing in behalf of finc diamond customers like you, R''''O,f,flM\lfjf)tfJ\Ir),r;fJ T.Mff'Q /l II f'f,n,I(,It"p'l!ly Casual good-looks for the man about town or ",[",B[R ''''[RICAN (;(11 r------,HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING @ -:1lTf strolling In the country, A distinguished rancher coat I I IPleaH. tend nf~N 10 rJ"'l" horJ~lfl. "PI"tlni"r .. You' [ ....rl"rlem"nl "'nd Wfddinrf' I played up blgwlth fur collar and lush wool "•....'.1 fall tolor "Jld"r. bf)'h fm onl'; 1~r.. AI,,!. 't'1! "1" tH')~ 10 ohlain Ihfl b.autlful I I..~~ POQI Brlfh', r.""rH&.~ 80'''. at ~"I' rJ,,(It. '-70 ~'g ~~;f~ blend. Round-up your wardrobe this season with this I I urban·suburban classic shape, $24.98 I~.~. ._-".--._-- I LONGS EXTRA 9 - .JEWELERS I,.,dd"u "_~ I ncnmtown 801. ME"'Si WARDROBE IC,I, c. I 9th & Idaho I,,,,. I,. I lIt~ II. 1III I ' . . I T6rm.1' Of COU,..6! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3~~~~~~~~~

page 4 .....

Freshmen Present Colt Happen ing at B 5 C

by Nancy Tipton

It's a Cult Happening}, is the: with th c talent show, and plan theme fur the freshman activity have been made t o have KJ· XI)' week Oct. 5-10. This idea, a .lt~,:k..,~.)td(''fi~)U~41e-'ih{)w resuh of f,rainsrurming bv the Conlan .\\arlOIl 11.111 10 enter. ,\"islant Dean of Mcn l{ayWulfc and Deiln hi Wilkin",n will be five Jays entertainment provided h)' the freshman da." for the '\edn esday IIS( vrudenr "Ully, Ihi, years frn.'h arc lUully in I· f,:,III".'1I "'l'ti.il" Candul atc . "harl(e uf the prn jeer. Ihey 1(llk IIn,b"I' ;lI1d "lnT (,...... crll I/lInlll lu involve all new IIS( "I I h.lIlll' 11.111hJ'T '''1(.1111/.1<'.1 -rUdClIl' ill Ihis event alld create 1."1I1,,c \\nln,'"IJ~ flight m tcrcvt and c nthusiavm fur all of X .111 III 1.11 .II r h c "I .. wnt ul 11"1 lit .. new \'" I c ch IlutlJlng

, U 111 c r I) U \ c " en t \ a r c I hue" til I.,. .I ('.I, ".i.\h Ikip I' ,,' h C.I ul e .I ,\lullday Ihrnul(h 11\nkd III finding tr.Hl'.pur(al Ion I rllla) All en·III.' will Iry IU I,,: 'llr thl-\(.' tar' trun} thclr

'I' Il' II)' lIoll'prufil .Jhlllll'l(h \\ fn ked JU tu 1,,1 l.un t JCI ){Il'k \t·\I.T •.lI -at,: 11\iric\ .na)' l"()\( a (1.°" .II IX5 1712 In Cs banJ Will be: Ihere to muf' up to $75 a wH'k or mo", pprtorm'ng a mercha,n. fcHUrl" J vdlll'j b ..ufu\\ f.lll Ihursday Formal Rental alonl( wllh IJ uf I s ThiS game IS dl.lnK 5l'rvl.... tor bu.ln....m..n I'\l"r d,,-Jlh J,,:h lll~ 01,,1.1l..1("\ 111 ah'>Oluldy free 10 the publiL In )'our rommunlty (.Jf1lIllJ I'hl \ Jnd I" Ddl' No eXp<'r1 .. 1lL'l' nPPdP 30 p,m. While The SUB 1>r1'/"'t,1I ".n flhJf\o- lutt,nllJlIlHl In\IL,d of IllOIO'""d IrJn\pOrl, Th,' preSidenl of Sigma Chis. .\11 "rI(JIIII.IIIO'" .IT,' ""'11",1 Ihl'sc .IUlos will be pU\hed . H...k T .I"kman will ,'scuT( the I" p.!TII'lpJI,· ,,' .Ill' Illdl",.!u .•1 I here IS no Imlll III Ihl' numb," qU"l'n from Fnday nighl to 1\ l·rH.-uura~l·d '40 ~(.'l u1\'ul\'l"d 01 peopl,' pushlllg. Gel your C.IT CalJwell. Is In A Mess .111.1 h.I\I· 11111 ,II .•11 .... 11\111<'\ rnl ..... d. Call VICki t1.1wktn\ Oil The enlhuSiasm for Ihis class dUIllI1( "!l', .I 1.,,11 lI.1pl',·lIlnt:' ,I 4 2 J I I J. r h " w rtl b,' IS so I(real. Ihal Frosh feels Ihal .\ I (. h .• I Ie" 11.111 I' h.lppnllng In Ih .. p.!Ttnl( 101 I,,· cheerkader~ would be:n.-fll the till' \IJdlUlll .It 4 OOp,lll. Stop At The 'rtln,urln~ J \IJ\(' "-lit- t,1 game. If ~'ou have been a high I , ,. , h III .I II " II m ,. II '\I .Ik ,. Also, Ih,' llroncet In D"II school ..hel'rlead ..r and would IS III .lrr .1"~l"Illl·llt' to \POIl\(lf the ICJIll h.I\'e a Trc.lsure lIunl like III nllllll1Ue. I'onlacl Glenda rl1l' Sll/l .11 7 OOp,1ll DonallllllS c"l'lls III Ihe ,I.I\<' ,-.k. lIillman .II 345-4596, Also, if TACO TIME I· or Inurl" I.tlo-t, UJlh.>l:rnln~ frolll 1101 .... sporlllll! good \IOfl" yuu JUSI a Sp"iled freshman girl ,I.. "I.I\(· "'.dl' ,"nIJ\I I' ,,,,hlll.11I will "."., . .1\ Ir".ISUfl·S ur t:rand COlllad C;lenda aboul ..heering' 11.", 1"1"1.1"11 (:.llIdld.IIl·, I kiln pn/t·. An\'riling can happ"n .Il l·rl'Shman. 111IS will be Ihe 11.111"hlld. III eh.lllcl' Il.tll .11 IhlS ·,·H·tll' hil(ge\1 e\'('nl of Ihl' year for For Lunch IX' I i' 1'\ \,Olt mad,l' cven BSC. All !-Tiday frl'Shman' or sludenL\ willing 10 ,. ".1.1\.\ "'1I\'llleS nlllslSt 01 Iues1(10. ,·"Ih.-.lkd In .1 hurl..p h.lg. The know Ihal vou will serve 10 .11'''\1011 of Ih,' WIllIIl'r will he Don;1l Illns .•If" ,ugg'·Sll"l. and inspire the ·sophomore. junior all profil' will go 10 IISC THE h.I\l·t! ,,,1"1\ 011 Ihl' '1U.tllly of kl! and senior classes wilh your 1l·\....tll'li. rim Will he l'lllnhllled skydi\'cr. Wall~' Iknlon. spirit. " VICTORIAN SHOP [Salts' [Salendar-4 WEDNESDAY Treasure lIunt Rany 7,00 p.m, in the SUB OCT S - Oct 10 8100 p.m. Su.dium· ~ Songfcst FRII>A YDance (sponsored by ImD MONI>AY 8.30-10100 p,m. West' of AS II) TAKE A GAL TO LUNCH Frelhman Olymplcl", Vo-Tech BuUdlng 8,00 p.m. Gym 3 - S P.m. Morrllon and BUY A WESTERN . Car nallt GET A LADY WESTERN FREE 'Y/" Drilcolilian 8130-10.00 p.m. West of SATURDAY Slave Sale or . Vo-Tech Bicycle Marathon TAKE A PAL TO LUNCH 3- 5 P,m. Morrllon and Bonfire Leaving about 3.00 (Watch Drl.colilian 'BUY A' WESTERN 8.30-10.00 , p.m •. Welt. of for'where leaving from) GET A WESTERN FREE Car' Caravan . Vo-Tech Building (lixplra Oe~ 9) , TUESDAY 6.30 Leaving from Stadium Talent Show Parking Lot 8.30-10.00 p.m. ' .\.1 of I ·BSC Game Leg Contelt ncar 8.30 ...10,00 .' ' p.m. The Service BSC Meistersingers Home coming booklets are College Republicans 1 -,. available in the Associated Student Body Offices this week Idaho Lt. Gov. Jack Murphy Officers fur the Buise State Walfl' Benton Week Set Oct. 5-10 for $5. They include tickets for will appear at a question-answer Cullege Chuir, The the BSC~baIbC!cue, the .\Iardi session on the Boise State ,\leislersll1gcrs, are Dave Durfee, ,\"IStIIiI Pubhcu v Dircctur Sen ling "All .\1)' Suns" lur'the Gras Homecoming Dance and campus Oct. 7 .• It 12:30 p,m, in president. Kirk Illggll1sun. VICc' rum J.ll',;h, said Toe~da\' sncral gem'ral public. and a dance will the H.B. King Concert. the SUB. p r c v i d c n t . "Hen Braun, llrgalillalllll1S WI" be Invo] vt'll III he held l'ntJa~' nigh t, Oc r. 'I. All students, alumni members Sen, Len Jordan is on lap as a sccrct arv. and Lv nn Beguhl, lund ral'llig IHllJecls thruughuuI sponsored by the :\SII, "wcn'ds and the general public are speaker. according [0 Cary rrcasurcr. the BIIISe area IlIr "Wall\' Hcn t on from the dance 111 the gym will -w e l c o rn e to purchase the J ohnson. Cullege Repubhc.in 'c', lv dc','lcd rqHncn tal IVc" \\et·"", (kt. 5 IU, he gll'en til the [u nd packets, Chairman. arc Pats' Hcrrv, jUnlllr, "Ot' I l c ,.lId t hr IIIICfl'llllcgl.lle I h c B r II n , II ,'\ I hie I I .- lavlor , ,uphumurt', and 1.1".' \''''''lalllll1 will he 'iUpp"rtlll~ ,'a,hltanl, frnhman "lllgh I' w ill be dre"ed as hllhll' Alpha Kappa Psi SUB COFFEE IIOlJSE .. II c ..L: ~ I 11 g , , III {I ({I r I \ I , t u r t hc \\ .rllv Benlon lund w rt l: .1 lhc ch.ur h.I' been dllided ,11111.11111'\\ \Ipha K.lppa 1'" pr")eCI al "lle uf snd:d IllII!lu11 HHo {\'dJ group' Itl7 rTlcnlher\ Jim Davidsun. manager uf i rJ(Crnlt\ \\0 ill dUflJ[l" Illllrllo, g.lIllCS ""PI> radiO "ill lit, The Student lJnion Coffee perfurrlllng nla)llr '\urk, .Ind ,1,1 radiu Sla[,un KIDO In BUlse. wli' ltr{lJ~kJ~tlng t'ru[n 'he: (.unpu' House pct. 3, 9-12 p.m. will lllembt'ls 10 perfurm ,\ Cappella Ir"m a IHIIJt'l'1 lor the "laic 1..1\\ address [he Alp ha Kappa PSI I d'ur\ Jnd hJ\ll1g \(,'\crJI \.llll(lo,t, feature as entertainment oldtime seleclil"" Ihe gruop wlil bc fra[ernitv Wednesdav. Oct. 7 al I c-!c:vl'llIn \.lJ\l"r.l~l" \\lil rUII film strips. (Joug Swamson, Sally 100nng dorlng the Chnsrma" .Ind I hur"IJl e\t'IlIIl~ (h'l X Ihe thc 'Jew~lan Cenler' I)r,lnla Ikpartfllelll \l ill he pre thwuglll'Ot Iht· "Ct'" Ann Ltlt:1Json, Stoney Manicson, spnng vacatlun, Davidsun IS a reSidenl, uf Lenard Nelson, Kichard Idahu and and IS aCllve III Gardner, Kevin and Stan and Dr. cummuni[v affairs, I k IS Ihc Pupunfuss. The Student lJnion president 'of the BUlse (;rea[er Hoard sponsors the event. Chamber uf Cummerce,

.....c. 343.8801 7 ,A,M .. '3 ".M

eBROADWAY SHELL SERVICE Ai. ~'., c.... ("...... " fj ,I-,fUI-· ....

c') .....~·.l. -E REP", ff SE'

PI'::;"'. uP' til DE.LJvlrRY

"-, --_~MAI~~c•. ~~y-~ CINEMA 1 I IJJLUA mNf ' ~3 HZl ¥ TODAY'-¥ Hiller'" Plua 1 "'- .. _e omeATeR-22 IS THE MOST MOVING, MOST INTELLI- GENT,THE MOST HUMANE - OH,TO HELL WITH ITI-IT'S THE BEST AMERICAN FILM I'VE SEEN THIS YEARI I4pla;~~ It comes a~ close to lJeing an epic human comedy as ~ self~adjU. sting Hollywood has ever made! Alan Arkin as Yossarian provides the film with its continuity and dominant style, ~ta~pons Arkin is a deadly serious actor, he projects intelligence with such mono-maniacal intensity, he is both funny and heroic at the same time. Nichols remains, as he q-~~"" ,... ,*,-' was before, one of our finest directors." "':VINC£~~y.c~:is We'll send you the $1.79 size of Playtex4'> "IT'S ONE HELL OF A FILM! A COLO, SAVAGE AND CHILLING first.dayTM tampons for only soc. COMEDY! Firmly establishes Nichols' place in the front· rank of You get more than two months' supply free. American directors." BRUCE WILLIAMSON, PLAYBOY There's no other tampon like Playtex tampon was always inch of you. "Viewing Arkin is like watching Lew Alcindor sink baskets or Playtex, Outside, soft,and silky, more absorbent. Actually 45% Once you try it, we think not cardboardy, Inside, so extra more absorbent on the average you'll love it. That's why we're Bobby Fischer play chess. A virtuoso player entering his absorbent, it even protects on than the leading regular making you this special "two richest period! A triumphant performance!" -TIME MAGAZINE your first day. That's why we tampon because of the unique months free" offer. call it the first·day tampon. way it's made. Actually adjusts So go ahead. Use the coupon In every lab test against the to you. Flowers out, fluffs out, and get more than two months' ti;""~,~~r; old cardboardy kind, the protects every inside supply free. •.•. 1lI::.;t<~ ...Ii.. J;. -eurd on th. ''t'"'' ",om,n', Ult of 1'" I,mPOn, Pit monih. ',t'$: Ir------,Here's 50e for my more than two months' supply of Playtex tampons. 'I Send in a plain brown wrapper, please. - I 0 Regular o Super I Name' --;- __ -,-- _ , (pl.", prinl) 1 Address, ---' _ 1 1 City State Zip _ I 'Mall COUPQO to: International Playtelc Corporation, Dept. 580, P,O. I' Box 2205, Wilmington, Delaware 19899. Offer expires January 31. ~2~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~ J PI.~I.. I, Ihl ".l".,.d ,,,d.m.r51 of the Inttrn,tloftl' ".y'" COfP" OOYII, 0.1.019'0 Inl"n,tlonal PI" ... Corp.

",.,:,., , . BAA, Picks Broncos Squeeze Baird, Striking ,Win from C W S Senior split end Dennis Baird and junior defensive end Pete Skow were named offensive and defensive players of the week by the Bronco Athletic AssoCiation. 8y TonYSmidl Out Baird made four catches for 65 yards' and one score. a diving BSC's backup quarterback. by Bob RalJl\lf{ catch in the end zone of an Eric Pal Ebright, guided the Broncos Guthrie pass. He is the top 10 a 34-20 win over Central B U I s e SIal e h a" I r u gg led receiver on the team with 14 Washinglon Stare here Saturday. t h rou gh three pre -c o n f erence catches for 215 yards and two After regular signal caller Errc garlics thus far. and II IS about touchdowns. Baird punted three Guthrie was s ide l ine d w i t h tunc the)' started tu settle down times for Illl yards against bruised rib sin the sec 0 n d and pia)' Big Sky caliber ball Central Washingron. quarter, Hmghl carne un 10 lead Wnh \Iunlana Slate being the Skow repealed himself as the Broncos t o (heir rhrrd fl....t game of the conference the def ensive player of the week as straight Win of the season. BSC llrolll'us arc gUlllg 10 have to he was picked last week against IS now I'-d With Montana for the pla~' more heads up ball than Eastern Montana, 10 bring his league lead III rhe llig Sky they have been playlllg three game total to 17 unassisted ,\Iontana garnered us third win Ihe llroncos have had their tackles, via a 20-0 win over Northern 11Igh and low sputs bu ( have Mike Ila l e v and Charles Anz ona Umversuy III l-Iagstaff. heen unable to maintain a steady Holmes were v~lcd runnerups in The Hroncos pulled away lU diet "f guud ball control JUring the balloung done by the 60 st av with IWO touchdowns In the the gal,lle, ,\Iuntana " one uf the members uf the BAA fourth ' quarter, BUI a stubborn lr vvcr wmnmg lull clubs. but yel George Squire narrated the CWS cleven balhed the Broncos • IIlanage til win when needed, game film and gave a short 10 a 20-20 standoff for the first In pre-'Ca"'-ln pKks lIul'C "as scouting report on Montarta three fran'l's Ifalfllme score pl,'ked elgh(h III the Clghl teal11 State, This will be the firsl Big sloud al 17 ,10 wllh BSC un top, league 11m In n'Clf ought tu Sky Conference game for Ihe lllaKe the dub fight even harJer Broncos Game lime is two p,m, cws s,ured first In the In lHder for the du b til Will Senior ",lit md Iknnis Baird and junior ddensive end PCb: Skow :orr Salurday afternoon al BOleman. the lllnferena [Jtk the)' I11USI ,unleSI WIth a J<}')'ard fIeld goal offensive and defensive players of the wrck as named Monday by the ",n al least fuur games In Illldwa)' In the first period, Bronco Athletic A_dation. (Photo by Don Jamison) lllnfererKe pial' _ /I,nse pial'S ,\Iuments laler (;uthne found three ,unferen,elllemhers flanker Denim Baird for the fllSt \luillana State. Idah" Slate, and BSC SIX'p0lnler on a H,-)'ard W.-Ill'r St.lte I."nl: /leal'll Stall' tuul'hdo"'n ama!. has been Jeellled a <'(mferen,e In the sn-und frame Dennis tl'al11 f"r II<",e, ()f the fllur I'uule)' added SIX more pOllllS via lllentlllncd. th" repurter feel, a IO')'ardreceptlonfrom Ihat Lung lIeadl 'Illd Wc!,er will HJflght. (;urthrle added the PAT bl' the twu to beal tu pull BSC 10 a narrow halftime (,,"ng 111111 the flr,t wn'k "f lead, IIlg Sky a,'[J"n, ,\Iunt.ltla " IleoJ Af(er II1ternllSSlOn, a second f"r flr,t wllh BU"l', bllth arc fIeld gual nOlled lhe s"lre al 'porting J -0 w,ns, "iurthern 20-20 for CWS,

An' una " 'Ccond wllh ,I 2-1 The IIron,os scored IWlce in rel'ord, J'ullowed h)' Weber I-I. the filial quarter wllh a pair of ,\Iunlana State and 1St'. \-2, luudldowns. one caughl by AI with Ihe t' uf I 1.111 wllh a 0- 3 \Ia ....hall and the other by rCl-ord. runnlllghack Mike lIaley, .,

Chutists Colts Humble Gain Mountaineers SKlcLUB If skiing attracts your attention, come to the first I Led by split end I>on lIutt. meeting of the SSC Ski I Honors The BSC Frosh defeated an Club, M~nday, OCL S, ,at 4 I Earl Cossey of hsaqua. ouunanned Eastern Oregon crew p.m. In LAI06. All I Washington. won overall Monday afternoon here 48-0. mterested people are urged I individual honors Sunday in a After obtaining a 6-0 edge in to attend. Parties, weekly I l>enefit sports parachu te jumper the first period. the Colts broke ski movies and ski trips are I com pet it i on held for Wally loose in' the second quarter for planned. " I I Benton. two touchdowns. Quarterback I T e a"m h a it a r s wen t t 0 Owen Seuoka ran for one score I Louillard, Bodine and Ilealton. a and passed to Butt for the' to: I trio (yom California. Larry and second. Stan Lane booted PAT's I Eva Boyd and Dave Bingham after each TD and the halftime Dave & Gus from Salt Lake City placed score stood at 20-0 in favor of second. ' liSe. Novice accuracy saw Dec Following' intermission, me Ackerman first, Cecil McBride Coltscohtinuedtheir second and Don Brooks third. domination overthe ·1 Brian Culler ,took intermediate Mountaineers, scoring two more Intnmunlachcdule for Ort. 6 and 7 honors on' accuracy. touchdowns. Senior advanced honors fell to The fo u rth period saw Dorm Lcape Oct ,!Sth.4,00 PM Art Donovan. Juniorstyle andtherpair of scoring counters. AI wAl winnerwu the Air.Force Fullback Loren Schmdit plunged BlwB:l Academy, lIal Haggerty with oVCf the middle from one yard B3 wSbIff A2 (Bye) Cassey second. out to score the final six-pointer. Junior style competition wu IJSC .will host the University Wednclday Lape Oct. 7th. 4,00 PM of Idaho Vandal frosh in its next ~utult touche.· the earth durin, compeddon Sunday at won by Joe Finney of the AFAi TKH w HU~'H_a11 ...4h~~d;;I~". The IpOrtimcet wu conducred In honor 0' Wally Benton, Reed of UniversIty of Idaho encounter Oct. 10 at 8, p.m. ' Ke wNewman Club BSe Slcydlven'pn.ldent Injured Sept. 11, durin, the Bronco StadIum second, and Ralph Everson, That game' wlll be played at Notth Idaho .. 1 w Col. Courtl dec!lcadon ~monlet. (Photo by DOn Jamllon) , AFA, third. Simplot Stadium in Caldwell. Touch 2,40 w Red Gnnp , Judo Club Strikes Crew Backs Seven meets are: scheduled for HAIRCUTS the 1970-71 edition of the Bse Theater Work Judo Club, the: first to be held late in November, When you see a play This . year's group boasts five production you sec basically the FOR actor. It is a well know fact that Friday, Oct. 2 blackbelts, five brown belts and a number of whitebelts. Members the ._unsung heroes of any of the squad holding blackbelts production arc members of the LESS! p._m. 8-10:30 arc John Lyon, Don Davis, crew. They arc responsible .for Film: M (Germany) LA 106 Dwire Johnson. Mike KOIo and executing set building. hangmg lights. recording sound, making Our hair cuts take: a little longer than in most 3:30-6:30 p.m.' Ken Wiscombe, The team travels all over [he or finding costumes, and keeping cut-rate b.ber shops, but the: QUALITY is always SPecial Class for LA 104 United States, The tournament track of the director's notebook BETTEI(' Blind Student schedule includes the Eugene Two Important persons are Saturday, Oct. 3 Northwest Intercollegiate affair the stage manager and rhc RAZOR CUTS. and IIAIHSTYLING available: at affordable prices. l n d r h e "t I chi g a n N a II 0 n a I assistant director, who mu ,t 8-10:30 p.rn. :':olJegia[e Tournament. BSC IS keep track of blockang, act or-, Cinema ciick LA 106 Jetcnding team champion of the and lines, and be aware of [he 8: 30-lfp.m. Eugene tourney. .'lIke Harbig, du lies uf the tcchrucal deSigner Stale Barber College High School Forensics LA Lobby Jreslden[ of [he club, Jim Borrorns. stage manager. Workshop .ncouraged all persons interested and Sam Johnson, techruc.rl 711 IDAHO 9-12 p.m, In Judo to JOin In parucipanng worker and director. [he nt'W wnh [he classes. and actors prornrse to make ",-\11 Bronco Center Bronco Center \I\' Sons" a fane producnon Coffee House West Center worth seeing. Trcke rs wdl be 8-12 Noon Start thinking Vo-Tech Realizes . avarlable Oct , at [he '>[ B \ ., CPA Review B 217 lhc at re bo x office [0 '[Udenh about insurance 8-1 p.m. Plans, Dreams WI[h 10 cards anJ [u all f acult , Idaho Personnel B210,214,216 .-\pproxlma[c1y 2UUHSC members Commission Testing students. administrators, f aculrv I'he show rum from Olt now. 8:30-4 p.m. and CI[V officral s attended [he 8·1 X, curtain nrne "H '5 ded;ca[,unof[he The longer High School 8102, 105 Vocauonal-Techmcal Center Forensics Workshop Don' 'tiller, d rrcctor uf lhe "On A Clear Day You you wait, Sunday, Oct. oJ ccn ter , 'puke a[ [he cercrnunv anJ m trudu ccd Dr juhn Barnn. Can See F orever " 8-10 p:m, the higher B'>C prc"Jcll[ anJ\'>/I by .'Urilyn Lawrence Sunday Night Movie WeSI vlCe-pre'ldcn[ I.eland \\ern "My LittJe Chickadee' Ballroom rhe S' mdllOn ccnler Will "lIdMII,u,. sad. astlln"hmg. the rate! cunuin bc,lIne'> fur welding. .capll\atlng. anJ tcnJcr" \lISS Monday, Oct. 5 Today's smart college student '>lrel\anJ 1\ JU'r' [hat anJ mllH' Julo budl repa,r, au[u begins hiS program of life ,n '>hc [urn, on .1 \ong nll[ IInll Open Illn·hamn and office mach'ne surllnce now .. hen ratel are w'lh hl'! I'llrel bUl w,th hcr repaIr. Craph" ",r.·lce, for [hl' lower for him lhan they'" ever Tuesday. Oct, 6 "hlllc bcmg cullcge " al," huu",d In [hc be. I have speCialized ,n the 6-7 p.m. I); .IUjl) '4uare,fllol build'ng I hc ,tlln I' purrll 1.lnuH problems of students for N_ IntercoUegiate LA 103 bUI \\J[h element\ of n"Jllf\ S5IUI.UOIJ was financed bl York Life Let me d,scun .. ,th Knights P') l • "t tJ" I I ' , "l .. ~ , L) ... '-' .\'>B fund, and '!i51)1I.l)l)1I Ir .. ", Onr Irrlt" 1\ \off ..lnd (ht' nt"'! 1\ yoy lhe opportunitIes .. e after. -. ('0,"" lI''lI1O I' '.. 6-7 p.m. [hl' "Ul<: Pnrnanenl Budding angn JnJ lunrn Keepsake Quarantee! ~rf"c '\) {lther \'.'rlPf .lnti 1..,J ... t lould GoldenZ's 5216 I'und I hc .clrculH budding. 'IOn "ad" In .. a1Y8 and Droff;OC hJ\l' \ulh ,j rTlI\[urr of ("nIO[IOn\ c'lIm I'll' t l' w, I h wllrk,hllp,. flun 3QiI''',1 101' You can pay Wednesday, Oct, 7 ,I' moro b Jf 'tou can, bu)' a '1r'\~H IJbufJ(Orlt"\, J 1C:J.rnlflg \.cntt"r. .lIld p"rt!.ll thnn wl·1I and 11:30-12:30o.m, \1111 hall' l harJlln and a W,lr", diamond "no u f f I l' t', J. n d ,,-I .J' '\ r I) 0 n1' "' J' \On ut ~Ifl\\oln~ l·ndln~ Associated .Vomen LA 103 In'gnl''' 1>1 lfll1lln[, j"I1n'[lIn Students J n J ,\ ...... I' l. I J [ c... P J \ to r r l" 7-10 p,m. (.lln trJl (llr "".1\ \\J[c:tt, Lun,r(ullIDn trlHTl BUI'\.(: \:'Ii:"U;\t CO.\lP~r1II()" H)f( Alpha Kappa Psi S IOu I h" budding rl'prnen[' Ih<' ()V~HSL\S Sll'IJY 7-9 p.m, frullralll"'. "r<,HIl' anJ plan' ,,[ Skydivers Club S lUI a lo[ "I' pellple.· ,a,d j,1t: I) I ht· In,rllU(C 41t Irllt rTl.trllln..l1 '} J 'l "''' 8tn J O()4 VI". \IC<.lIllum '>la[<,III1.1[d,,1 d u I.. ,I ( I I' n J n III HI III l ... [hl' P~;I<;)()NAL (NSUr~ANCE 8 p,m. fj·' ....nl tt.,.," """'" \lflf • ..,. I·Ju"lt,"n \'tl'prnllknt t.lpcnH1~ ut lorllp("(I(ltill tllr PLANNI:--JG Fa(."Ulty Lecture Series gr,1flh fur gr.llJU,Uf ...rud\ liT NEW YORK LIFE rt· ...t·Jrl..h JbrO,ld Jod tor INSURANCE COMPANY p rlllt·"".nal Ir,lInlng III Ihe n,'a!!\<' anJ pt'rl"rnllng .l[h CI.;\SS1I'IFU ,\US -l:!O W BANNOCK III· I' rnpon'lh'" IlIr Iht· 343·4648 rl'lrUllfllt'nt Jnd \lTt"l·llIH~ Id- l'lll{ '>\1, I'ItlS \1(. '>l'lJan. LlfHJ"bll"' tor L" (,o\\"rnl1l("111 I lilt r 'Il<'l'll. J 1I.1S 11ldn 1'("[ ,\ II 01 r d \ II n d l' r [11 l' ~.llIon. \11' hclin [m',. S500 '>n

l'ull>f1ghl 11.1)' .'\1I ,I' '\1'1I .1' I"r jllhn '>frrltt. I{oorn ,\·111 or grolnl' "tt'nl·d h, I,,(,"gn I J'! )uanlla '>[rrr[. 1\01\1." Kit~ ...... , gllll'rnl1lt'II[\, unllcr""t'\ and 1, IHiValt' donor\. j CandIlJoI[t·\ IlIU\! hc [' '> l III /l' n, .1 [ ! h,' I 1111,. "t ./ oIpph, al'on. hal'c a I>adwlor'\ .. ,., . I Jcgrt't' or 11\ l''Iulvakn[ hdml' Ihc hq:lf1nlllg dale of Iht' granl, BRONCO HUT -----....-n~ and he profll'ICn[ In [hi' I.lIll(uage of [he hml ,,,un[ry ---~ "refcrencc 1\ I(I\'cn 10 apl'lI';llll\ hC[Wt'cl1 agn lo .1IId 'HAPPY HOUR' ) J5 and 10 l'amhda[C\ who hnt' not had ex[ended \Iud)' or rt'\Idt'!ll'e ahmad, exu'pl Iho\(' FRIDAY 5·7 p,m. who havc \('rvcd III Ihe ;lrJncireetur of Chitterlings from one young Financial Aid., Kiehitcl Ketti. 10 Ibs,) "T". World'. Flnll' Luve ya, , [)elldllnc for application. I.Nuv. salt Mammy )6, 1970, H.mbul'fJl.fJ"