Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-1-1970 Arbiter, October 1 Students of Boise State College Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. RBITER Boise State College Vol. 3 No.5 Thursday.Dct. I. 1970 Hoi.., SUt~ Col~ ItUdmts and rcWdmh of the: drv of tn.'e:s atlnuk-d the: Hoi.., Cit)· Council mc:~tinll Monda)' niplt I" voice opini"ns onT d,e ronO'O,e:niaJ Curti. Road nlA.-n"jon pr0I'0 ... 1 to Il" throullh til<: OM Soldie ... 1I0n>< (..holo. b~ Mike: (;il,hun.1 .I} r, . r~. '.; \1. /'JI'.:.,~~· .: t ..! ~~.~~ ~i~) Soldiers HIlDe Controversy Erupts City Council Meeting by Shuon IJames and Margaret Paxton . "To everything there is a people hack to lite." Veteran and chairman of the Arnyx S:lid a ~rl'at deal of )'oung people "'I'I'e sincere about season ... and a time for every Sev~ral c it iz c ns , in clu d mg "Citizens to Save the Trees" money and time has been spent the sa\'lIlg the trees, purpose ¥nder heaven .. , a time Jack Munsen, a Veteran, said the movement. SOlid BOIse needs a on the design and planning of lIe said ern/ens would occupy the Old Soldlcr's l lume if to plant and a time to uproot." park holds a great deal of r..pid transit system more than the road. I'reservlll~ the trees Ecclesiastics: I-II wasthc sentimental value. The home was the Curtis Road Extension. lie and grass IS one of the most necessary to keep the bulldozer» invocation at the Boise City huilt .on land contributed by noted there might he imporrant issues the cngtnccrs away. When asked if he was Council meeting Monday night 121 old-timers including 1'.1,'. disturbance to local nursing considered In dc srg n mg t hc planning to get involved, Needles said, "I'll be one of the first ones where citizens gathered t o C h u r c h. the g r andf at hc r of homes, and part property could extension, in," discuss the eontroversilil issue of Senator Frank Church. and the he turn up hy road-building A citizen from the hack of the saving the Old Soldier's 1I0me. law firm (If Stewart and Horah in equipment if the ex tension is crowded meeung roumsaid. "We Ill' added Ma~'or Amvx said Earl Manchester, Chairman of Hl93, built. want III stand with you. We need it's too late III cha ngc the plans. Needles feels it's "never 1lI0 the American Party. 5;lid the According to Mu n s e n .« II OInk Van del' h 0 f f, to partkipate in the deciSion present location of the Curtis heOlrtless l'umputer in I'alo AllO. representing the Department making," To that Amyx rCI.IiI'lI. late." Ik has no definite to I{oad extension through the Old Calif.. decided the route of the CummOlllllcr of the Veter:lns of "The city is wanting help hI get hand the l'ollneil, commenting, Soldier's lIome ~s the "most Curtis Hoad extension. Ill' reOld Foreign Wars. said he eould find that p:lrk. You should put the "I am nut sure we have the astrocious enginee{ing the definition of a cumpu tel' to only five persons who hall pressure where it's really nl'eded answer )'et, but I'm sun: there is monstruslty ever cunccived," Mayor Amyx and his Cuuncil favored theCurtisHoad and help us get this land fur a II better way," . Boise Mayor lay Amyx and and the Mllyur assured him that extension after .he read through park." Ill' saill if petitions were The"SavetheTrees councilmemhers Were he and the council were aWOlreof the minutes of several hearings going to be sent, the)· should he Movement" hilS gone into the questiuned by Veterans and. the eomputer's eapllhilities, conducted on the proposed plan, addressl'd to State I.egislature. community, Nl'Cdles detects II ciritens for three lind one'half. Man c hester. a Buise Ill' SlIid· the Old Soldier's Ilome James N ish I tan I, United positive attitude: in sllving the hours on the Curtis I{ulld issue. eontrllctllr. said the city needs property was to be hehl for state Veterans Council, said a bill is to Old Soldier's lIome. lie said a Amyl! said he appreciated the both the rOl1l1 and II Veterllns' deposition with the fin.al be propused to the State. pet I t Ion drculated in noiSe interest of the yuung people in Memorial Park, lie said the pllrk deCision tu be made by the State I.egislature to make a park out already, has 2500 signlltun:s. Sllving the trees. euuld be tie-in to the Green lIelt Legislature. of lhe arell. lie said he hall Ecology is the main objective lie asked cititcns til look at !Jnd could be used as tourist Councilman lIarohl Jones said I2,UOO signatures of a citizens of the movc:rnetll,' "We really the overall picture:. "We are IIltrllctlon, lIowever. State Street the council has been trying since who support this move to need the supponofthe l'ililens," We ft'C1 the: majority concerned abou t saving any tree should have r.riority concerning 1961 to Ilequire the home preserve the area for a park, of peoph: in lIolse are: in favor of we can •.• lIu t We also have: tu rebuilding. • It can't hold the property from the state to make Milo Needlescommented the r,ark, and w~ ne~d their look It your snfety. We ciln traffic: on it now," he said. • a pllrk, but the land had not after lhe ml'Cting lhllt the voice," Nt'Cdles concluded, replace trees,' We cannot bring Milo Needles, Il I (I'year been made available.' council really didn't believe: the Arbiter Editorial. • • "Students it's your Vote" Much is being said these days B 0 i se S tate College was athletic program. Add another about student power or, as you admitted to the state system of Sill each term for the stadium prefer. studen t righ ts, Bu t few higher education Jan. I. 1969. complex and yuu have a grand realize that it all begins or stalls Prior to its admittance. a large total of $ 36 a term or $ 72 a year at the student polls. Today is sum of student fees was directed spent un athlcncs. That docs not election dav and successes or towards physical improvement count the P.I·:, complex failures in 'the area of student of the campus. Such facilities as I[ IS nut the POint vf this rights will make their mark at the new stadium, a physrcal edrtorial to diSCUSS the pros and the polls. education complex and the new cons of spendmg thIS kind of At least once a day vou hear business budding wen: built mont'y for such Items But the the worn out and t;lt~ phrase, totally or In part by student P0lnl IS t h rs. l'hr ough your "Student government IS \llckey funds. You, as students, do have elected rcprcscntu nves. you will .\Iouse." But the facts show d savas to how vour money" cuher have a vouc on the aff arrs student government IS only as. being spent.' . of your school or nut It's up to strong as the student body wants Students arc paYing, roughlv. yuu [0 decide l.ct 's VO[t' $1 H a semester to fund the It to he. Brent Peterson ilaETTERS TO THE IJ!IDITOR NO FAD BABY, FACT and given the names of [heir owncrv. .\1v brother-, of culor Lduor , [he ,\RHITI·.I{ I· d It 0 r . t h c .\ J{ B I I J.. I{ have never had their blood On behalf of the BOISt: Staie After reading .\lr Pc tcrvonv poilu ted bv rape So poilu [cd BrlJnros and the c'oarhlng staff I article about the IIlack vtudrc-, that their brothers and slstns would Ilk,' to c x tcnd mv most program at rhi-, c'ollegc bClng a come In avsort ed color-, So humble [hanks .md rnostvmcere "fad of the tunc." I JUS[ couldnt assorted that some nme s It ge[s adrrur atron 10 [he members of Sit back and Ic t t hi-, ar t iclc glJ bv hard to k now what yOU redllv the BOise State student body Without rebu rral .In.' . \\-'hlJ \:ht'cred U'I [0 \.'Il...-[or~· las[ (,ranted. [herc arc other Ihes<: arc just a few uf [he' Sa[urdav 11 ternlJlJn minority groups whlJ arc more reasons [hat [here arc' Black all mv e 'penencl: as a native tlJ rhls area then [he Illac'k studlcs programs. no[ lJnlv here V, (UJ" h I hJ\T nc\ CT \C ..-en where students at[endlllg rhlS at BSC, but In all of rhe'mdjlJr thl" l"l1[hu\,asm lJt the Ins[)[utlon Ilow many of [he\( collegcs and unlverlS[lcs In rhe sludent I",Jv I'rtl\ed (tl he surh a m Inontv groups have been l.'nl[ed States. rnutl\atlng forr,· fur the [cam I enslaved.
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