LIFE of the CHURCH Welcome!

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LIFE of the CHURCH Welcome! LIFE of the CHURCH CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FAMILIES & CHILDREN Classes for JAN 14 thru MAR 18 Look for the Family Ministries tree in the THE GATHERING 9:45–10:45 AM Welcome Center for information on today’s The Gathering is a new offering for class times and locations. While children college students on Sundays from BIBLE STUDY FOR INTERNATIONALS are always welcome in our 9:45–10:45 AM. Students will lead Int’l Bible Study Team Park Street Room Dr. Phil Thorne Sanctuary, the service worship, share testimonies, discuss Study the Bible with other internationals. is also streamed to Interim Senior Minister issues and pray together in conjunc- Be inspired and transformed by the Word of the Welcome Center tion with those from the Park Street God. All internationals welcomed, including downstairs and to a Church College Leadership Communi- families with kids in children’s programs. quiet room available to ty (ages 25–75). nursing mothers. Please ask GENESIS an Usher for directions! We hope that all college students, as Mary Harvey, Norm Graf Common Room well as church members who want to IF: BOSTON Genesis narrates incredible stories involving engage with young adults, will join us FEB 9–10, Park Street Church. Several God at work in the lives of his people. Mo- in building a home for college students hundred women will come together in ses’s first book seeks to educate God’s peo- within the walls of PSC, and create a conjunction with the IF:Gathering in ple concerning foundational ideas and beliefs point of connection to the rest of the Austin, TX to ask the question, what IF we that were vital for God’s people to know and community. Begins JAN 21. Contact followed God with perseverance instead of remember. Through these stories, Moses m [email protected] for more insecurity? Information and registration: presents profound truths of God’s character, information. 8 promises, presence, and his covenant with his people that can vitally affect our faith today. RAISING SPIRITUALLY HEALTHY KIDS REDEEMING CAPITALISM CLASS (JAN 14 thru JAN 28) Dr. Ken Barnes of Gordon-Conwell Discussions on great faith practices to do Theological Seminary will be teaching a with your kids at each phase of life. new, three weekend class on Under- JAN 14 | Preschool/Pre-K standing Capitalism through Biblical SHORT-TERM MISSIONS JAN 21 | Elementary grades Lenses at Park Street Church. JAN Missions is now accepting applications JAN 28 | Adolescence 26/27, MAR 23/24, and MAY 4/5. for the 2018 Short-Term Missions trips. Each topic will have bits of relevant informa- For more information: Apply online at 8 tion for parents in any stage. m [email protected]. shorttermmissions. Deadline is FEB 15. BOSTON HEALTHCARE PERPSECTIVES MISSIONS COURSE CULTURE FAITH PANEL FELLOWSHIP WINTER RETREAT Wednesdays starting JAN 24, & DISCUSSIONS (JAN 14 thru JAN 28) Join students and professionals in 6:00–9:00 PM. Learn about missions 5:30–6:30 PM Fellowship Hall healthcare and research at Toah Nipi firsthand in this extraordinary 15 week FEB 16–18 for a time of renewal, course (ends MAY 23) called Perspec- Join us following the 4:00 PM service for connecting with God and others, and tives on the World Christian Movement. panel discussions as we participate in current learning about developing discipleship. First two classes are free! 8 www. conversations through a Christian worldview. 8 SIMPLY JESUS. Contact m missions@ JAN 14 | Politics winterretreat2018 or for more information. JAN 21 | Race m [email protected]. JAN 28 | Sexual Harassment MEDIA Each week we will have leaders who have thought through each issue interact with SUNDAYS at 11:00 AM those attending in a town-hall meeting on Family AM 590 format where questions can be asked and P SUNDAYS, 8:30 & 11:00 AM, opinions shared together. & 4:00 PM: 8 G “park street church” U “@parkstchurch” Welcome!We’re so glad you came! Please introduce Find more events at ^ password “parkstreet200” yourself to a minister, elder or church member 8 wearing a nametag. Get to know us at our Sign up for ministry e-newsletters at 5:30 PM Newcomer Connection in the 8 library. Visit the i info wall in the Welcome 1 Park Street, Boston, MA 02108 JANUARY 14, 2018 Center for after the service and fill out a m Find a small group at 617.523.3383 | “contact me” card found in the pew and drop it 8 in the offering plate. We will be in touch soon! [email protected] MORNING EVENING PRAYER & PRAISE WORSHIP 8:30 & 11:00 am WORSHIP4:00 pm [omitted in web version] The 11-member PSC Senior Minister Search Committee as they sort through PRELUDE Thine Be the Glory EPISTLE READING Kris Perkins, Associate Minister CALL TO WORSHIP from Psalm 118 resumes and sermons. Anna Ludwikowska, organ Hebrews 4:12–16 Nate Haywood Moody Bible Institute as they work INTROIT God So Loved the World Words: John 3:16–17 * HYMN No. 301 Join All the Glorious Names Darwall The Earth Is Yours through difficult administrative and theo- Sanctuary Choir Music: John Goss (1800–1880) Holy Spirit logical issues. GOSPEL READING All Creatures Of Our God And King God so loved the world that he gave Matthew 5:4 Elam Ministries, an indigenous outreach his only begotten son, ADORATION, CONFESSION in Iran where Christianity seems to be that whosoever believeth in him * GLORIA PATRI (Hymn No. 734) & LORD’S PRAYER “growing faster than any country in the should not perish, Children are dismissed to Children’s Choir (8:50 AM) and Children’s Church. Margaret Sloat, Elder-candidate world”. but have everlasting life. SERMON “Jesus Wept” Phil Thorne, Interim Senior Minister LIFE OF THE CHURCH World Vision’s Men Care Groups in For God sent not his Son into the world Agra, India who are training and equip- to condemn the world; * HYMN No. 486 God, Be Merciful to Me Redhead SCRIPTURE READING ping families and communities to end but that the world through him Matthew 5:1–10 child marriages. might be saved. Amen CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER Kris Perkins, Associate Minister Brian Ellis (Ages 3–12 dismissed for Sunday Night Choir) World Relief as they serve refugees * CALL TO WORSHIP from Psalm 118 Alexis Sauer-Budge, Elder-candidate (8:30 AM) OFFERTORY Fantasy escaping from Myanmar to Bangladesh SERMON John Liu, Elder-candidate (11:00 AM) Daniel Faris, violin who lack clean water and shelter. Leader: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. “Jesus Wept” People: Let Israel say: “His love endures forever.” * DOXOLOGY (Hymn No. 731) Phil Thorne, Interim Senior Minister Leader: Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: “The Lord’s right hand has done mighty things!” * HYMN No. 689 Be Still, My Soul Finlandia Be Thou My Vision People: I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done. Leader: You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you. * BENEDICTION CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER People: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Andrea Zvara, Dir. of Global Outreach POSTLUDE How Brightly Shines the Morning Star D. Buxtehude * HYMN No. 274 Thine Be the Glory Maccabeus Anna Ludwikowska, organ (1637–1707) OFFERTORY Ever Be * INVOCATION, CONFESSION & LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven; Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. BENEDICTION Give us this day our coming day’s bread; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; And lead us not into trial, but deliver us from the Evil One. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. * PEACE LIFE OF THE CHURCH ANTHEM The Glory of the Father Words: adapted from John 1 Sanctuary Choir Music: Egil Hovland (1924–2013) The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. We beheld the glory of the Father, [Some items are omitted in the online full of grace and truth. version of the bulletin. To have a complete In the beginning was the Word. electronic copy of the bulletin sent to you weekly, email m [email protected].] The Word was with God. In him was life; REQUESTS/ UPDATES and the life was the light of men. Contact Chris Sherwood ( 617.523.3383 He came to his own, ext. 402 or m [email protected]. and his own received him not. * Congregation standing as able Send confidential prayer requests to m [email protected]. If you would like to find out more about becoming a Christian, or if you desire prayer for any reason, come to the front right of the sanctuary following the service and we’d be happy to pray for you..
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