June 6-27, 2018 Rev. Arnold Lewis encounters crucial events in • Lazarus Becomes Ill and Dies – verses 1-16 • Jesus Comforts Mary and – verses 17 – 37 • Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead – verses 38-44 • Religious Leaders Plot to Kill Jesus – verses 45-57 A village, 15 furlongs from Jerusalem (John 11:18), on the road to Jericho, at the (Mark 11:1 :29), where lived "" (:3) and Mary, Martha and Lazarus (John 11:18 f). This village may justifiably be called the Judean home of Jesus, as He appears to have preferred to lodge there rather than in Jerusalem itself (:17 Mark 11:11). Here occurred the incident of the raising of Lazarus (John 11) and the feast at the house of Simon (Matthew 26:1-13 Mark 14:3-9 Luke 7:36-50 :2:1-8). The Ascension as recorded in :50-51 is thus described: "He led them out until they were over against …into ." When comes, to whom do you turn? Lazarus • The man who lived again. • The brother of Mary and Martha • A friend to Jesus, loved by Jesus. Jesus wept at his grave. • His resurrection threatened the life of Jesus. The were determined to put Him to death. • His attendance at Simon’s banquet excited the enthusiasm of the people (:9, 17, 18). • After his presence at Simon’s house he vanishes from the story as he was forced to flee for his life and the life of Jesus. John 12:10, 11. Lazarus Becomes Ill and Dies • Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha lived in Bethany. • They were friends of Jesus. • Jesus often visited and stay at their house when preach/teaching in the surrounding area. • This Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair. • Lazarus became ill so the sisters sent a message to Jesus saying “the one you love is very sick”. The Response from Jesus

• Lazarus’ sickness will not end in death. • His sickness is for the glory of . • I, the son of God will receive glory from this. • Jesus stayed where he was for two more days before going to see about Lazarus. The ’s Response to Jesus

• When Jesus said Let’s go to again, his disciples objected. • They cautioned Jesus that the Jewish leaders in Judea were trying to kill him and asked “Are you going there again”. • Jesus had been preaching in the villages beyond the Jordan when he got the news of Lazarus.

• Jesus responded, there are twelve hours of daylight every day. As long as it is light people can walk safely. Enough time to get done what must be done but no time for waste. • Only at night is there danger of stumbling because there is no light. Jesus speaks of Lazarus’ trouble

• Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I will go and wake him up. • The disciples say, if he is sleeping, that means he is getting better. They thought Jesus meant Lazarus was resting for the night. • But Jesus meant Lazarus had died. • Then Jesus informs them Lazarus is dead. This will provide another opportunity for you to believe in me – let’s go see him. • Jesus would display his power over death. • An essential display of His power because the resurrection from the dead is a crucial belief of the Christian faith. • Thomas says to his fellow disciples, “Let’s go too- and die with Jesus”. Jesus Comforts Mary and Martha – verses 17 – 37 • At this point Lazarus had been in the grave for four days. Significant in that some believed the soul remained near the body for three days after death in the hope of returning to it. It this thought was in the minds of these people, they obviously thought all hope was gone. • Jewish custom provided for three days of very heavy mourning, then four days of mourning followed by lighter mourning for the remainder of 30 days. • Martha goes out to meet Jesus; told him if He had been there their brother would not have died. • But even now, I know, God will give you whatever you ask. • Jesus responded, your brother will rise again. Vs.4 • Martha says she knows he will rise again in resurrection at the last day.

V25 • Jesus responds: • the resurrection and the life. • Those who believe in me even though they die like everyone else will live again. • They are given eternal life for believing in me and will never perish. • Do you believe this? V27 - 32 Martha responded, yes Lord, I believe: • Thou art the Christ. • The son of God. • Which come into the world. Martha then goes and informs her sister, Mary, “The Master is come” and calls for her and she goes to me him. • Jesus stays outside the village and Martha went to meet him. • When saw him she fell at his feet and said, Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died. • When he saw her weeping and the other people weeping a deep anger welled up within him and he was deeply troubled. (angry in the spirit due to their unbelief). • Where have you put him? They said, come and see. Jesus wept. • The by-standers said, see how much he loved him. • But some said, this man healed a blind man, couldn’t he have kept Lazarus from dying? Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead – verses 38-44

Tombs at this time were usually caves carved in the limestone rock of a hillside. A tomb was often large enough for people to walk inside. Several bodies would be placed in one tomb. After the burial a large rock was rolled across the entrance to the tomb. Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead – verses 38-44 • S • Jesus tells them to roll the storm away. • Martha says – He’s been dead for four days. The body smells. • Jesus says, Didn’t I tell you that you would see the glory of God if you believe? • They rolled the stone away. • Jesus looks up to heaven, Father, thank you for hearing me. • Jesus said, Lazarus come out and the dead man came out feet bound and in grave clothes. • Jesus said, unwrap him and let him go. Religious Leaders Plot to Kill Jesus – verses 45-57 People’s Response: ➢ Some believed. ➢ Some told the .

Religious Leaders’ response: ❖ They called a meeting of the high council – what are we going to do with this man? ❖ They feared the Roman Army would come and destroy the Temple and them. ❖ , High Priest, said it is better for you for one man to die for the people than for the whole nation to be destroyed.

Spirit Speaking: High Priest were led to prophesy that Jesus would die for the entire nation and to unite the children of God scattered around the world.

The Plot to kill Jesus begin. As a result, Jesus stopped his public ministry and left Jerusalem.

The Celebration ❖ The leading Priest and Pharisees ordered anyone seeing Jesus to report it immediately so they could arrest him. ❖ As people gathered, they looked for Jesus. Next week – Chapter 12 Sister Karen Thomas, Teacher