
“Book of Acts” Class Discussion for July 22, 2020

Opening Prayer Today in our study of the book of Acts we find Paul sailing for with Julius, but the group encounters trouble along the way. At the end of the chapter their boat is shipwrecked, but God preserves the lives of everyone on the ship.

If you have questions about this chapter or any of the discussion items in this handout, please reach out and contact Pastor Wilson or Vicar Shaw by phone or e-mail. Even though we can’t meet together face to face for study at this time, we are always happy and thankful to discuss God’s Word with you as together we grow in our faith. God bless you in your study of God’s Word this week.

Paul Sails for Rome + Read Acts 27:1-12 While the itinerary documentation from Luke here may seem inconsequential on first glance- what can we learn or gain from it? What does listing the places you journeyed through or stopped at on a road trip convey to your hearers?

Why didn’t the centurion listen to Paul’s advice not to sail since it was so late in the season? On one hand he may have been trusting the expertise of the captain rather than Paul. Do you remember what Paul’s profession was before he became a persecutor of the church? See :3 to refresh your memory. On the other hand, Paul may have known a little about what he was talking about. See 2 Corinthians 11:25 to be reminded of that. If you had been in the centurion’s sandals- who would you have trusted?

The Storm at Sea + Read Acts 27:13-38 How does verse 20 here describe the situation the group found themselves in on their ship? How did Paul encourage the people on board the ship? What did he share with them?

What practical reason do you think Paul exhorted the centurion and soldiers to keep the sailors from leaving the ship in verse 31?

What do you think Paul’s witness of eating did for the crew? Why do you think it was so encouraging and helpful for them? How many people does Luke say were on the ship in verse 37?

The Shipwreck + Read Acts 27:39-44 In verse 43 we see God preserving Paul’s life yet again. Who did God carry out this saving work through in this instance? Why was God’s promise to save all the lives centered around Paul’s life?

Finally, after all of their travels and travails- what is the final word on their trip in verse 44? What emotions do you think the people were feeling at this time?

Application Sometimes its easy for us to blame God for the things that happen to us in our lives. When we do this, we are likely going to miss noticing and giving thanks for the things that God has done for us. How might both of those dynamics be present in this account from Acts 27? When in your life are you personally tempted to blame God for the things that happen to you? How does that thinking miss the mark? How do you seek to remind yourself to give God thanks for His presence and protection with you through all you experience?

Closing Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You would use all the problems and challenges in my life for Your glory. Show me how You are at work for my good, even in the midst of things that aren’t good at all. Thank You for Your protection over me and your grace shown to me through my savior. Strengthen me for each new day. Lead me to continually trust in You. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

Sources + The Lutheran Study (ESV), Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, 2009.